A tale of rebellion, adventure and comedy.
Beginners and veterans of Dungeons and Dragons, join us for a real play 5e podcast. -
Official podcast of gaming website
A podcast all about the board game Spirit Island! Designed by Eric Reuss and published by Greater Than Games, Spirit Island has become a favorite of ours and we love to talk all about it! Join us as we embarrass ourselves each episode as we dive head first into strategies, combos, analysis and more!
Get in touch with us down below in the comments section! Or check out our Facebook page here at…-102981524884534
Or visit us on our Instagram at…qjutWNLDBb24iWC4 -
Hosted by Sam, a minivan-driving suburban dad who needed a hobby, The Pub Trivia Group podcast is your opportunity to geek out about pop culture and everything you may-or-may-not remember learning in high school! Each episode typically contains three themed rounds designed to bring you all the fun of pub trivia, just without the pub!Skip the Ads and Become a Paid Subscriber for $1.99 / Month:
Each week, Sam and Paul play the classic game of degrees of separation, connecting actors to other actors through other actors.
Exploring the books, films and other things that inspire the role-playing game Revolution Comes to the Kingdom.
This podcast focuses on the many mysteries found in fallout. Mostly concerning the many vaults and the history of vault-Tec. We will dive into the mysterious world of fallout to discover the unknown together!
大家好,我是查理 這個節目主要是製作關於
童話Online -
Hosting provided by SoundOn -
Join Jessica-Star and guests for a bi-weekly dose of all the information we can get our hands on about Starfield. We'll talk through lore, quests, news, and gameplay tips to maximize your time among the stars.
Riznica je ttrpg (frp/igre uloga) / društvene igre podcast koji se bavi vestima, dizajnom i diskusijom u svetu rpga/društvenih igra kao i igranjem što više drugih sistema i prikazivanjem njihovog potencijala. Pridružite se Kitiću, Lazi, Dimitriju i Grašiću, četvorici iskusnih DM-a u navigiranju ovih avanturističkih voda!
A show about creating the perfect Cryptid, from part of well know myths and tales.
Mario, is a good guy so stay tuned for the latest super Mario tips, tricks and other things like toad!
One guy talking about table top pro wrestling and fighting games including Filsinger Games, Legends of Wrestling, Champions of the Galaxy, Go. Fight. POW!, The Squared Circle and more. Formerly the Filsinger Games Fan Podcast.
This show is not affiliated with any gaming company. -
The 3Ps and Games is a podcast where I share my insights on the video game industry. I’m an aspiring product and gamer, and I explore topics such as products, processes, and people in gaming. I talk about what I consider the latest trends, best practices, challenges, strategies, skills, roles, culture, and community of the video game industry.
You can listen to my podcast on various platforms and follow me on social media. You can also contact me via email or LinkedIn. Thank you for your interest and support. Happy gaming -
Lighthearted discussions at ungodly hours.
Najstarija priča na svetu je mit o potrazi. Čovek otkako postoji, on traga. Traganje može da bude prostorno, ali traganje može da bude i unutrašnje. Tragamo za srećom, za identitetom, tragamo pokušavajući da odgovorimo na mnoga pitanja. Kroz razgovore i putovanja, ovo je moja potraga, moj pokušaj da pobegnem od besmisla.Agelast podcast je projekat Galeba Nikačevića.
Some Podcast Inventing and providing informative reviews About Kinetically Enhanced Narratives. A nerdy manga podcast that also talks about different geeky topics, since 2008
Ana Radišić podcast - razgovori s ljudima koji inspiriraju. Pitanja koja se nerijetko pitamo, kako, zašto i na koji način je netko uspio. Priče gostiju su pokazatelj da su svi uspješni, inspirativni ljudi zapravo jednostavno - ljudi. Njihove postavke, njihova preispitivanja, njihovi životni putokazi - bez maski, ne klasični intervjui, opušteni, topli i iz srca – bit će okosnica svakog podcasta. Ana, pravnica po struci, voditeljica emisije 'Exkluziv', urednica i voditelljica glazbene emisije ''. Osim što je lice RTL-a, radijska je voditeljica glazbene emisije 'Inkubator', strastvena trkačica i ljubiteljica sporta, glazbe, knjiga i putovanja, a ono najvažnije putovanje na koje i vas vodi je putovanje prema samom sebi.
Ciril, Jure, Saša in Seba. Verjamemo v svobodo odprte ceste in v večni navdih sveta zobnikov, ognja v valjih, električnega udara, moči jekla in karbona. To je misija v jedro vrtinca mobilnosti.