Pod. 44 The next episode from KOMATALKS is "HMTI Through The Ages", in this session talks about "HMTI Through The Ages" featuring Muhammad Fadhil Ramadan and Rafael Adryan Bagas Pratama.
What are you waiting for?, Come and join us celebrating HMTI's 32 Year Anniversary
Hosted by Dobleh & & Najmi
Pod.43 The next episode from KOMATALKS is "Behind the Scenes: Champions of the Court", talks about behind the scene from the road of HMTI Basketball team becoming the champions.
So open your spotify and check it out!
Hosted by Dobleh & Lombok
Designed by M. Fauziel Adhim
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Pod.42 The next episode from KOMATALKS segment “KPI: Klinik Patah Hati” Join us as we dissect warning signs, share stories, and explore the art of recognizing and addressing relationship RED-FLAGS 🚩. Featuring Special Guests Irfan & Sofi
So check out to our spotify now and listen to our new podcast.
Hosted by Bilal & Kalis
Pod. 41 Back to back with our host Dobleh and Redja, we're going to talk about this exclusive final competition.
Hosted by Dobleh & Redja
Pod.40 The next episode from "CEMAS : Secangkir Cerita Mahasiswa" that talks about a sudden unplanned roadtrip with Ramos & Irfan as our guest.
Pod.39 The next episode from KOMATALKS "Caps Off, Maroon On: Saluting Future Engineer" that talks about Maroon Parade with Muhammad Fikri and TB Muhammad Rayhan. What are you waiting for engineers?, So open your spotify and check it out!
Hosted by Dobleh & Redja
Pod.38 The next episode from KOMATALKS is our new segment "CEMAS : Secangkir Cerita Mahasiswa" that talks about the lives of college students. What are you waiting for? come and check it out now!!
pod. 37 talks about “Get Your Precious Experience With Staff Muda” with Aldi Aditya and M. Fadil Ramadan
Hosted by Nadia Sadira and RedjaRizky.
Pod. 36 the next episode from KOMATALKS talks about "Journey to Eternity: Between Us and HMTI" Featuring Rafa Ammar'izza Radhiyya and Andi Muhammad Harun
Come join us in celebrating HMTI's 31-Year Anniversary! Plug in your earphones and immerse yourself in the inspiring conversations!
Hosted by Barron & Athira
Pod.35 The next episode from KOMATALKS is our back to back segment "KPI: Klinik Patah Hati" that talks about your heartbreak story.
Don't wait too long and check it out now!
Hosted by Redja & Luthfi
Pod. 34 the next episode from KOMATALKS talks about "Love Story In College" in sharing session with Milzam Akbar as a Love Storyteller
Do you want to know how interested our love story? please plug your earphone and enjoy!
Hosted by Nadiasdr & Thoriq
Pod. 33 talks about " A little Bit About MPM HMTI” while having another sharing session with Aisyah Gusti Yunila and Anugrah Ibadurahman
Hosted by Barron&Joshua
Pod. 32 talks about "Hidup Sebagai Visual Storyteller" in sharing session with S. Umar as a Visual Storyteller or Photo & Videographic enthusiasm! Hosted by Nadiasdr.
Pod. 31 talks about "A Little Story About Staffmud" and having another sharing session time with Alvin Ramadhan and Rizky Bintang Wibi.
Hosted by Kayla and Nadia
Pod. 30 the next episode from KOMATALKS talks about "The Life of a Content Creator" in sharing session with Anugrah Bintang Perkasa a.k.a Tangkill as a content creator of Instagram & Tiktok and Hosted by Nadiasdr
POD.29 the nest episode from KPI: Klinik Patah Hati Answer your questions from instagram with Kadek Wisnu, and hosted by Zaidan, Tangkil, Barron, and Golden.
Pod. 28 the next episode from KOMATALKS talks about “30 Years to Infinity and Beyond” with Dafa Satria & Dhyllo Ambara
Are you curious about HMTI’s 30 Year Anniversary this time? So plug your earphone and check it out!
Listen only on Spotify and Apple Podcast.
Hosted by Zaidan & Prisha
Pod. 27 the next episode from KOMATALKS talks about “NFT” in sharing session with Yosepin Yandika Albar & Wildan Firmansyah from The conqueror
Do you ever hear about NFT but you dont know what is that?
So plug your earphone and check it out, because we are talking and sharing about NFT
Listen only on Spotify and Apple Podcast.
Hosted by Kayla & Thoriq
Pod. 26 talks about "Komatalks Horor Edition" in sharing session with M. Hazzaf, Haura Haya and Kayla.
Pod. 25 talks about "Not Everything Goes The Way You Think" is a riddle edition episode in challenge session with Kayla Kamaliya, Thoriq Al-Fajri, and Echisyailsa as "Miko".
Hosted by Danes & Hazzaf.
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