In this epic-sode of the Kool Kids Podcast, Brendan and Graeson talk with Brandon! Brandon is from Free Play for Kids Edmonton (Formerly Free Footie). Free Play for Kids is a totally free after school club for 4,000 kids in need.
The focus of their program isn’t on sports or athletics. It’s about creating a safe, inclusive space where kids of all backgrounds and abilities can make friends, build community, and feel good about themselves. It’s also about helping to improve their social, emotional, mental, and physical health.@freeplayforkids
#yeg #legacyyeg #legacy #yeglocal#edmonton #yeglove #yegpodcast#loveyegshow #yegkids #yegfun#juniorlegacyyeg #koolkidspodcast#yegkidspodcast
In this epic-sode of the Kool Kids Podcast, Brendan and Graeson talk with Jenna! Jenna is from the Boys and Girls Club/Big Brothers Big Sisters. They are an awesome place that mentors young youth and helps guide them through growing up and put youth on a path to success.
Regardless of their name, in honour of pride month, they are accepting of all genders and those who identify as non-binary. Come listen to another epic-sode and learn more about the awesome work they do!
Episodi mancanti?
Brendan and Graeson are back with a new episode of the Kool Kids Podcast! Today we featured Courtney Van Roijen from the Edmonton Valley Zoo!
Courtney shares with us all the cool things she gets to see on a daily basis and the amazing experiences she's had. She shares her love for animals with us and the importance of protecting, learning about, and caring for animals. Come listen to epic-sode seven of the Kool Kids Podcast and hear some incredible facts about life at the zoo!
Brendan and Graeson are back with a new epic-sode of the Kool Kids Podcast! We had the pleasure of interviewing Terra MacLean from Second Chance Animal Rescue (SCARS). We had the opportunity to discuss what kind of amazing things this organization does for animals in need of homes and care! We are so thankful for all the hard work they put in to making sure animals are taken care of.
If you want to find out more about SCARS and what kind of help they need from volunteers or donations, please visit: https://www.scarscare.ca/
Brendan and Graeson are back with another epic-sode of the Kool Kids Podcast. In this epic-sode we will be interviewing Lori from the Zebra Child Protection Centre and learning about what they do for children everyday and what kind of safe space they can provide.
If you want to learn more about what they do or need support, please visit: www.ZebraCentre.ca
Brendan and Graeson are back with another epic-sode of the Kool Kids Podcast. In this epic-sode we will be interviewing Tamisan from Edmonton's Food Bank about what they do to feed our community.
If you want to learn more about what they do or need support, please visit: www.EdmontonsFoodBank.com
To get updates for future epic-sode, be sure to "subscribe".
Welcome back to another epic-sode of The Kool Kids Podcast with your hosts, Brendan and Graeson. In this epic-sode you will learn about Santas Anonymous and how they help kids at Christmas from their Youth Ambassador, Jocelyne.
She talks about how they support kids in Edmonton and area, changes since COVID, how you can help and what it was like to be a recipient herself.
Give it a listen and share with others!
For more information on how to apply for support or how you can help, please visit https://www.santasanonymous.ca/
Brendan & Graseon talk about why they decided to start a podcast for kids, what they want to accomplish with it, how they know each other and more in their very first epic-sode of the Kool Kids Podcast - that's cool with a "K" because it's cool to be kind.
They want to inspire other kids to spread kindness, give back to the community they live in and think outside of the box.
Check out their first epic-sode here: