A fortnightly podcast chronicling the amazing story of the now ex-country of Yugoslavia -its formation, heights, and collapse.
Welcome! Maybe you're already learning Greek with us on YouTube? On our podcast, we talk about Greek culture, living in Greece today, we answer your questions, highlight expressions and keep you company in casual Greek. Members get full transcripts for each episode. ||| Καλωσήρθατε! Ίσως μαθαίνετε ελληνικά μαζί μας στο Youtube. Στο podcast μας μιλάμε για την ελληνική κουλτούρα, τη ζωή στην Ελλάδα σήμερα, απαντάμε στις ερωτήσεις σας, επισημαίνουμε εκφράσεις και σας κρατάμε παρέα σε χαλαρά ελληνικά. Τα μέλη μας αποκτούν πλήρεις απομαγνητοφωνήσεις για κάθε επεισόδιο.
Pisanje kao kreativan čin stvaralaštva ili kao samoterapija je efikasan metod ličnog rasta i razvoja. Ljudi koji provode vreme pažljivo pišući o sebi, ili pišu kreativne priče i pesme, postaju srećniji, manje anksiozni i depresivni i fizički zdraviji. Postaju produktivniji, uporniji i angažovaniji u životu. To je zato što nam razmišljanje o tome odakle smo došli, ko smo i kuda idemo, pomaže da osmislimo jednostavniji i korisniji put kroz život.
Impara e approfondisci una nuova parola ogni settimana per ampliare il tuo vocabolario e migliorare il tuo modo di esprimerti in italiano!
How do I actually push during labor? Should I get an epidural? Why is breastfeeding so hard? What exactly is Pitocin, and how much will induce labor? Is there a secret to having a successful VBAC? What happens if I poop during labor *shudder*? And oh yeah, how do I take care of a newborn?
I know you’ve got a ton of questions and fears when it comes to giving birth. How? Because I’ve delivered thousands of babies as a labor nurse! I’ve seen it all...and as @labor.nurse.mama on IG, I’ve helped mamas all over the world stand up to their fears and walk into the labor room with confidence.
The Birth Experience with Labor Nurse Mama is here to guide you through every step of your pregnancy, labor, and delivery. I’ll show you how to embrace your inner feminine wisdom and teach you to feel totally comfortable owning the labor room.
Your body was made to deliver this baby, mama...let’s face all those fears and doubts and answer those nagging questions — so you can be ready for the most important day of your life! -
SHS West Library
Everything and anything
Hablando un poco de Neuromarketing
Bankruptcy questions and answers
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Crypto with Accountants is a podcast dedicated to helping accountants learn more about the world of digital assets, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, DeFi, and other blockchain-based technologies. In each episode, our hosts and their guests dive deep into the debits and credits of crypto accounting. If you are an accountant, bookkeeper, controller, CFO, CPA, or tax preparer, this podcast is for you.
How do the themes of classical mythology come to be refashioned through the ages? Holkham Hall in Norfolk, England, is the estate of an 18th century gentleman, Thomas Coke - a scholar of epic classical authors and avid collector of the cultural beauties of the past. This album offers an opportunity to explore his house and prolific art collection, including his lavishly illustrated manuscript of Ovid's "Metamorphoses". Ovid inspired artists ranging from 2nd century sculptors to medieval illustrators and 18th century painters to capture and interpret these age-old myths from within their own cultural context. This material forms part of The Open University course A330 Myth in the Greek and Roman worlds.
It's about Basic Accounting concepts
Helps junior doctors to understand clinical surgery and provides concise and eloquent information on pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of various conditions
Motivirajući i edukativni sadržaj za Vaš rast, razvoj i sreću!
The legacy of apartheid in South Africa left people in urban townships and rural areas without access to basic communication technology that defines the digital age. Today, the latest mobile phone technology has changed everything. To reach the poorest communities, the government has had to adapt the technology and build new commercial partnerships. The six video tracks in this album introduce the size of the challenge, government policy and initiatives and the businesses that benefit. This material forms part of the course T324, Keeping Ahead in ICT.
What do you imagine when you think about special education? You might picture children with disabilities spending the day tucked away in a different kind of classroom, separated from most of the kids their age. This may have been the norm in the past. But as the field of special education has moved forward, much has changed.