Parce que le monde a besoin de leaders positifs, le podcast Femmes de fer donne le pouvoir à tous d’en connaître davantage sur différents sujets. L’animatrice Sophie Montminy s’est donnée la mission de vous faire découvrir des femmes qui décident de faire entendre leur voix et de bouger les choses dans leur communauté, leur travail et leur famille. Chaque semaine, elle s’entretient avec l’une d’entre elle et espère vous partager sans retenu cette passion. C’est le temps de se laisser inspirer, d’ouvrir vos horizons et de changer le monde avec des actions positives, un pas à la fois. Bienvenue à Femmes de fer.
Pars avec nous à la rencontre de créateurs qui exercent leur métier en voyage, que ce soit en tour du monde, en tant qu’expatriés ou dans leurs vans... Ils sont photographes, vidéastes, illustrateurs, rédacteurs, blogueurs... Ils partagent avec nous leur parcours, leurs difficultés, leurs réussites et transmettent leurs passions.
►Télécharge gratuitement ton guide de 50 pages "Démarrer et booster ton activité de créateur freelance" (
Nous, c’est Clem et Mumu. Nous sommes Franco-Canadiennes. Montréal est notre port d’attache lorsque nous ne sommes pas sur les routes. Après un tour du monde, nous avons entamé la conversion d’un vieil autobus scolaire. Nous allons l’aménager en studio de création vidéo et en ciné-bus. Il deviendra notre bureau mobile pour parcourir le monde.
Nous partageons cette aventure et t’aidons à devenir un créateur nomade sur notre blog et notre chaîne YouTube.
Tu aimes l'émission ? Partage-la sur Facebook, Twitter, Instagram... en nous taguant @clemetmumu et nous partagerons ton message :)
Une appréciation sur apple podcast ou sur les autres plateformes nous aide beaucoup à faire découvrir l'émission à d'autres.
Bref, si ce n'est pas déjà fait, abonne-toi, partage et voyage !
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
Around the world people are looking to their devices and social media for entertainment. With this, social media influencers have become beyond prevalent. Lyndsay, the host, sits down and talks to main influencers from all platforms and genres to discuss their experiences in the industry and where they hope to see it grow.
Welcome to Coffee Conversations with Adele Tevlin. The purpose of this podcast is for you to deeply connect with me and the people in my life that I care deeply about. For you to get to know something about me that you don't already know, and for you to gain a new perspective. Every podcast guest will push the boundaries and bring in a new perspective, which allows you to tap into a new point of view. Follow me over on Instagram @adele_tevlin. Visit my website and learn more about ways to work with me,
Mon voyage dans la création d'une ferme sauvage entre conservation et productions paysannes et des pistes pour enrichir notre relation à la nature et au sauvage -
real conversations. real women. real stories.
here you can listen to a collection of stories from women just like you. sharing moments that changed their life.
we believe that all stories should be celebrated whether they are the happiest moments of your life, moments that left you feeling lost or moments where you healed yourself again and again.
we are here for all of it.
heal, grow and connect with us.
Revel Realty Inc -- The Kate Broddick Team has their very own podcast! Each episode will feature huge guests from the real estate world to discuss buying and selling tips, investment news, and entrepreneurship for other real estate agents looking to get their start in this industry. Host Kate Broddick invites you to join her in our 1800’s vault to share ideas, tricks and know-how from one of the highest performing real estate teams in Southern Ontario.
Rural Women Inspired is a weekly podcast created for YOU, the Farmer/Rancher, Gardener, Organic Grower, Livestock Hobby-ist, Farm Wife, Mother, Businesswoman, and Rural Community Leader. If you're looking for INSPIRATIONAL advice during your time in the grain truck or tractor, lunch break, morning workout, or "me" time, host Mindy Young brings the motivation to push through any obstacle and succeed in creating your most ideal, happy, and healthy life. Each podcast episode details the journey of a successful rural woman who shares her WORST "failures" and lessons learned, happy light bulb moments, the ideas transformed from those moments and so much more. Each episode will be jam packed with value, resources and action steps for you to take with you and enjoy. Visit for all the show notes and resources from each episode.
« Kanam » means face in Senegalese Local language « Wolof » but it also means « Future » « what is to come » « progress » and that is the definition that we are focusing on here.
Kanam is a podcast that aims to upgrade the discussions around topics like Self improvement, Self Love, Self care, Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Relationships, Faith, Beauty and Fashion.
Kanam has solo episodes where i discuss about certain topics alone mainly self improvement topics but Kanam also has Guest that catches attention and make great moves in our country.
Our long term goal is to connect Senegal to the world and have different cultures and creativity on our show for a greater impact.
**Boostez Votre Entreprise avec le Pouvoir du Voyage : Découvrez Comment sur Notre Podcast 🚀✈️💼**Bienvenue dans l'univers de "Fais voyager ton entreprise", le podcast incontournable pour les entrepreneurs audacieux qui cherchent à transformer leur business grâce au voyage. Chaque épisode est une mine d'or d'inspirations, de stratégies et d'histoires vécues qui démontrent comment le voyage peut devenir un levier puissant de développement personnel et professionnel.**Pourquoi écouter "Fais voyager ton entreprise"?**- **Inspiration Illimitée :** Découvrez des témoignages de chefs d'entreprise qui ont intégré le voyage dans leur stratégie de succès. Laissez-vous inspirer par leurs parcours, leurs défis surmontés et les horizons nouveaux qu'ils ont explorés.- **Stratégies Concrètes :** Apprenez des tactiques éprouvées pour enrichir votre leadership, stimuler votre créativité et ouvrir votre business à de nouveaux marchés grâce au voyage.- **Réseautage Global :** Découvrez comment étendre votre réseau à l'international, en rencontrant des partenaires et clients potentiels lors de vos aventures.- **Équilibre Vie-Pro :** Trouvez l'équilibre parfait entre travail et détente, en apprenant à tirer le maximum de chaque déplacement professionnel.**Ce Que Vous Allez Gagner**En intégrant le voyage dans la stratégie de votre entreprise, vous n'allez pas seulement découvrir de nouvelles cultures et idées, mais également :- **Booster Votre Créativité :** Le changement d'environnement stimule la pensée innovante, essentielle pour se démarquer dans le monde des affaires.- **Élargir Votre Réseau :** Les rencontres faites en voyage peuvent se transformer en collaborations fructueuses et en opportunités d'affaires inattendues.- **Renforcer Votre Marque :** Le voyage montre que votre entreprise est dynamique, ouverte sur le monde et engagée dans une croissance continue.**Rejoignez Notre Communauté**"Fais voyager ton entreprise" n'est pas juste un podcast, c'est une communauté d'entrepreneurs visionnaires prêts à repousser les limites du possible. Chaque épisode vous rapproche d'une vision plus globale de ce que peut être votre business et de la manière dont vous pouvez impacter positivement le monde.**Ne Manquez Pas Notre Prochain Épisode!**Abonnez-vous dès maintenant pour ne rater aucun de nos épisodes. Que vous soyez en route vers le bureau ou en plein vol vers votre prochaine destination, "Fais voyager ton entreprise" est le compagnon idéal pour vous inspirer, vous éduquer et vous propulser vers de nouveaux sommets de succès."Fais voyager ton entreprise" est un podcast qui vous emmène à la découverte du monde passionnant des formations immersives en voyage et de l'impact qu'elles peuvent avoir sur votre entreprise. Découvrez des témoignages inspirants, des conseils pratiques et des idées pour tirer le meilleur parti de ces expériences uniques. Rejoignez-nous pour explorer comment voyager peut devenir un investissement dans le développement de votre entreprise. Abonnez-vous et faites voyager votre entreprise vers de nouveaux horizons ! 🌍✈️💼Retrouvez dès maintenant sur notre chaîne YouTube "Fais Voyager TonEntreprise" et sur notre site web. N'oubliez pas de vous abonner pour nerien manquer de nos prochaines entrevues ! ✈️ Merci de faire partie de mon univers et de me suivre sur mes réseaux ( @voyagedeductible et @academieeclosion. EMBARQUEZ-VOUS DANS L'AVENTURE AVEC NOUS ! 🌱#faisvoyagertonentreprise #voyagedeductible #voyage #experience #vacances#podcast #pod #entrevue #academieeclosion J'ai eu le plaisir de recevoir: Robert Savoie ( Chloé Boom ( Juliette & C ( hocolat ( Daniele Henkel ( Maryline Pellerin ABC du maquillage ( L'académie du podcast avec Marco Bernard ( David Grégoire 2000 employés en moins de 1an1/2 ( Pierre Lavoie le grand défi 100e ( Jessica Harnois LA sommelière (
The best books are made up of stories.
And the best stories are about bouncing back from failure.
New York Times bestselling author and Legacy Launch Pad Publishing founder Anna David is an expert at both stories and failing your way to success.
Through interviews and solo episodes, she delves into the stories behind the failures and successes of top business leaders, leaving you with the tools you need to turn every failure into a success.
For more about turning your own failure-to-success story into a book, go to -
Lauren’s Best invites you to curiously consider art and life as host, Lauren Best, reveals what has unlocked success in her own creative journey. Through healing and growth, she illuminates the creative process as an entrepreneur, mother and interdisciplinary artist. Join one-on-one reflections with Lauren, and delve into intriguing conversations with compelling creators, as together we discover unexpected connections over surprising common ground.
Produced by Sam Blake and Lauren Best. -
Welcome to Respect the Grind, the podcast dedicated to helping entrepreneur-parents build thriving lives for their families. Our mission is to provide you with the tools and guidance to create a balanced, fulfilling life centered around entrepreneurship.
In each episode, we explore the core pillars of success: entrepreneurship, serious relationships, personal finance, and personal growth. Whether you're launching a startup, managing a growing business, or balancing your professional journey with family life, we've got you covered.
Discover expert insights on entrepreneurship strategies, delve into the dynamics of nurturing meaningful relationships, gain valuable tips on managing personal finances, and embark on a journey of personal growth. We believe that a harmonious life where you can respect the grind of both business and family is not only possible but essential.
Join us as we navigate the entrepreneurial landscape while creating a life that empowers your family and fuels your personal and professional growth. Your journey to entrepreneurial success, meaningful relationships, financial well-being, and personal growth starts here.
Tune in to Respect the Grind and embark on the path to building a life where both your entrepreneurial dreams and family thrive. -
Dans cette série de huit épisodes animés par la coach d’exécutifs, autrice et fondatrice d’o2Coaching, Cloé Caron, vous retrouverez des échanges dynamiques et inspirants sur l’entrepreneuriat, l’investissement et la planification financière.
La série permettra d’outiller toutes les personnes qui souhaitent faire preuve d’audace dans la vie comme en affaires. -
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Welcome to RESPARK YOUR LIFE, the world’s foremost podcast to respark the fire within you to live life on your terms. Dust off the cobwebs of life on automatic, and grab the excitement and changes you desire but have been hesitant to reach for. No, you likely won’t fly faster than a speeding bullet nor leap tall buildings in a single bound, but you will indeed be moved powerfully, day by day, with increasing ease, to take those little steps that will lead to huge changes.
If you are driving a motorboat fast due south and you want to go in a different direction, don’t yank the steering wheel. Make a tiny change and, within moments, you are traveling safely in a totally resparked direction to live life on your terms.
Your host for this Podcast is Raymond Aaron, author of a New York Times Bestseller plus 143 other published books. You will hear stories and learn lessons from his extraordinary life to respark the fire within you to live YOUR life on your terms. -
We're Eamon & Bec! We’ve cultivated a community of 1M+ on YouTube, created Habit, and most importantly became new parents to Frankie Lee. Our lives have changed immensely in these past few years but through it all, our roots have deepened.
While we've always shown up authentically online, there’s so much more of us that we want to share with our community. Reroot is a safe space where we explore the essence of who we are as individuals. As seekers of community, we hope this podcast continues to be an extension of our mission to foster open, healthy conversations.
Connect with us on Instagram: @rerootpod and @eamonandbec. -
For all of human history, we've been trying to figure out what humanity's superpower is. It's clear that we've outpaced every other animal on the planet but how? We're not the biggest, the fastest or the strongest. It turns out our superpower is our social intelligence. We have an amazing capacity to learn from each other.
As kids, we're like little sponges blindly copying culture from the people around us. The cultures into which we were all born evolved to fit very old agricultural environments. Each contains timeless wisdom about human affairs but none of them is ideally suited to navigating the ever-changing environment in which we find ourselves.
So, what do we do? We accept that we are all in unfamiliar territory and that nobody knows what they're doing. In fact, we're all just making it up as we go along. To a certain extent, that's all humanity has ever been doing.
The goal of Mixed Mental Arts is to steal the best cultural software from everywhere and apply the core principle of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do "Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own." Welcome to the dojo! We're excited to learn from you. -
Sam Parr and Shaan Puri brainstorm new business ideas based on trends & opportunities they see in the market. Sometimes they bring on famous guests to brainstorm with them.
Are you an online fitness trainer wanting to make $10k/month? That’s where we’ve taken over 300 coaches, and we don’t stop there. Are you next?
This is the podcast for online trainers ready to change more people’s lives, conquer their entrepreneurial journey and achieve absolute domination. If you're an online fitness trainer hungry for more SUCCESS, a greater IMPACT, and the FREEDOM to live life on your terms, then listen up.
I'm Brian Mark, your host and a seasoned online fitness coach with almost a decade of battle-tested experience. I've been in the trenches, pushing boundaries, and now I'm here to share my hard-earned fitness business experience and knowledge with you. Get ready for a no-nonsense, no BS approach as I reveal the secrets of what WORKS and what's just wasting your energy.
This movement is all about HUSTLE. The relentless pursuit of greatness. It's a mindset for those willing to put in the sweat, tear down walls, and bring the solid action required to forge a life you don’t have to escape from. You'll discover the proven strategies to bankroll your dreams and transform lives with every step you take.
I’m bringing you the knowledge of what TO do, and what NOT to do in the online fitness training world. From unleashing killer marketing tactics to forging unbreakable connections with your audience, I'm here to equip you with the tools you need to rise above the competition. No fluff, no BS, just pure actionable insights delivered in a language even a newbie can comprehend.
Follow the podcast now to level up, CRUSH your goals, and build a thriving business that empowers you to live life on your own terms. Peace, Love & Protein. Let's go!