Takk og lov er en podkast om dagsaktuelle og mer varig aktuelle problemstillinger fra jussens verden ledet av Anine Kierulf. Takk og lov presenteres av Juristenes Utdanningssenter og Juridika.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Life is freaking hard. We are all doing hard things every single day – things like loving and losing; caring for children and parents; forging and ending friendships; battling addiction, illness, and loneliness; struggling in our jobs, our marriages, and our divorces; setting boundaries; and fighting for equality, purpose, freedom, joy, and peace.
On We Can Do Hard Things, Glennon Doyle, author of UNTAMED; her wife Abby Wambach; and her sister Amanda Doyle do the only thing they’ve found that has ever made life easier: Drop the fake and talk honestly about the hard things including sex, gender, parenting, blended families, bodies, anxiety, addiction, justice, boundaries, fun, quitting, overwhelm . . . all of it.
We laugh and cry and help each other carry the hard so we can all live a little bit lighter and braver, free-er, less alone. -
Kunnskap og åpenhet om barnløshet til de som kjenner seg igjen og til alle andre. Alle vet vi om noen som ikke har barn men sjelden historiene bak. Dette temaet må vi kunne snakk åpen om! Selv er jeg strevd med å få barn i ti år. Her intervjues forskere, folk som reflekterer og andre som deler sine egne erfaringer. Vi lever i et samfunn som er veldig familiesentrert, det å ikke ha barn kan føre til et utenforskap. Jeg vil bidra til å fjerne fordommer, forventninger og tabu. En hjelp til deg som strever med å få barn og økt innsikt om et sårbart, viktig og samfunnsaktuelt tema til alle dere andre.
Hva hvis det er mulig å få den tannkremen tilbake i tuben? Noen gang prøvd? ;) Du klemmer, skraper, presser – men uansett hva du gjør, den går ikke inn igjen. ( Tro meg)Akkurat som en mental verden som har blitt strukket av nye erfaringer aldri kan presses tilbake til sin gamle størrelse.Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. sa det best:“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”Når du først har opplevd noe nytt, sett noe større, eller forstått noe dypere, kan du ikke late som om du ikke vet det. Du vil leve videre med din nye erfaring. Du kan prøve. Du kan late som. Prøve å passe inn i gamle mønstre, gamle rammer, gamle begrensninger. Men akkurat som tannkremen, har du forlatt tuben.Så spørsmålet er ikke om du kan gå tilbake – det er om du tør å utforske hvor mye større tankesettet ditt kan bli.På samme måte forlot jeg tuben som en som forsøkte å passe inn i rammen som en coach, meditasjonslærer, og formidler. Men alt dette føltes som for trange sko. Så - Hva er en Mindset-Kunstner? 🎨🔥For meg var det frihet. Jeg har alltid vært fascinert av hva som former oss – ikke bare hva vi lærer, men hvordan vi tenker. Jeg har studert coaching, NLP, meditasjon, visdom (ivrig student av Bhagavad Gita) og selvsagt mental trening. For meg har det aldri handlet om å følge et rammeverk – det har handlet om friheten, kreativiteten og gleden i å skape noe nytt.Så - i en dyp meditasjon fant jeg ordene mine: Mindset-kunstner.Jeg er ikke en som passer inn i rammen som coach. Jeg er en skaper. Og har alltid vært en skaper. Det var gjennom skaperkraft og kreativitet at jeg kom meg gjennom nåløyet i toppidretten. Og nå har jeg tatt det videre i mindset verden. En som maler med ord, historier og spørsmål – ikke for å gi enkle svar, men for å få deg til å se nye veier.Dette er det jeg strekker meg etter i podcasten: Der andre gir råd, skaper jeg opplevelser. Gjennom konsepter som "walk the talk", "løpende mindset", "time-out" om mer. Det meste er ikke skapt enda. Der andre snakker om endring, får jeg deg til å føle den. Gjennom musikk. Historier. Pauser. Der andre ser begrensninger, designer jeg muligheter. Gjennom nye perspektiver, og spørsmål. Og jeg designer, tester og skaper hele tiden. Med feedback fra deg og de andre som lytter blir det bedre. For det jeg strekker meg etter er ikke å gi folk enda en strategi – det er å endre hvordan du ser deg selv og verden, så du aldri kan gå tilbake til det gamle.Så la meg spørre deg:Hva hvis det du trodde var umulig, bare var en gammel tanke som ikke har blitt utfordret nok?Og viktigere… hvis du kunne malt ditt eget tankesett – hvor stort hadde det maleriet blitt? Og hvor mange farger hadde du valgt? Hadde det vært koblet til musikk? Andre mennesker? Spesielle hendelser? Takk for at du er med på reisen. -
Good Is In The Details is hosted by Gwendolyn Dolske, Ph.D and Rudy Salo. We believe that being curious and satisfying your curiosity is the key to happiness. Every episode is a discussion with an expert where we are learning what we didn't know we didn't know. Join us in gaining a bit of wisdom, health tips, lessons on self-improvement, and some laughter in between.
Den rappende rektoren Øyvind Børven samler forskere, lærere, lærerstudenter, elever og politikere i Skole-podcasten «Et Bedre Skole-Norge».
Become a member at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Your daily Italian language podcast where you will learn to speak Italian in just minutes a day. We start from the very beginning and learn popular phrases, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, all in easy to digest lessons never more than 5 minutes in length, 5 days a week. Subscribe, download, listen, and LET'S SPEAK ITALIAN!
On Ten Thousand Africans podcast, Jaydee Tarpeh interviews African entrepreneurs, leaders, and changemakers who are making a difference in Africa and the diaspora.
The mission of the podcast is to amplify the voices of African achievers (entrepreneurs, leaders, and changemakers) who are making a difference on the continent and globally. -
Hosted by Laura Cathcart Robbins, a writer and a recovery thriver and survivor, Laura found herself in an all too familiar position. In September 2018, she was the only black woman in the room at Brave Magic, a famed writer’s retreat. After it was over, she wrote about her “only one” experience in The Huffington Post and comments started flooding into her DM. These comments were from people from all races, ethnicities, creeds, and nationalities who had felt “othered”. Laura beautifully interviews a person about their Only One story each episode and addresses as many of those DM’s as possible in the process. In this podcast, you’ll hear raw, vulnerable accounts from people who are, like most of us, just eager to connect. Our hope is that The Only One In The Room will inspire a change of perspective in how we all see and hear each other’s stories. We want you to think twice before judging the person standing next to you at a party, in the pick-up line at school, or in a crowded subway car. This is a podcast for anyone who has ever felt alone in a room full of people – which is to say, that this podcast is for everyone.
Mosaic presents Living Myth, a podcast with Michael Meade, renowned mythologist and storyteller. Meade presents mythic stories that offer uniquely insightful and wise ways of understanding the current dilemmas of the world we live in. Living Myth proposes that genuine solutions to the complex and intractable problems of our world require both transcendent imagination and cohering, transformative narratives.
You can do it, I can do it, they can do it. Yes, it’s time for you to see the potential within you and the people you surround yourself with. Let yourself and others step into full power and expression. To take accountability and choosing your life. Every day, every hour, minute and second making prioritized and focused decisions.
Hosted by the insightful and empathetic Therese Fallentin, this podcast dives deep into the art of trusting your intuition, making decisions aligned with your authentic self, and navigating the complexities of life with clarity and confidence. Therese has 10 year background from leadership, sustainability, business development, coaching, talks and facilitation. She shares her deep, and nerdy, knowledge about the impact of addictive behaviours (dopamine addiction), ADHD, trauma responses (fight, flight, freeze, fawn), IFS, attachment theory, mindfulness, somatic work, mental health issues and communication tools in private and professional settings.
Through candid conversations, personal stories, and practical insights, Therese explores topics like overcoming self-doubt, balancing emotions with logic, and building a life that’s truly yours. Whether you’re at a crossroads in your career, relationships, or personal growth, Magefølelsen offers tools to help you tune into your inner compass and make empowered choices.
Authenticity: Therese’s relatable and honest approach creates a safe space for reflection and self-discovery.
Practical Takeaways: Each episode is packed with actionable insights to strengthen your connection to your gut feeling.
Growth-Oriented: It’s not just about intuition; it’s about building a life of purpose, confidence, and joy.
You’ll gain a deeper understanding of your own decision-making process, learn to trust your inner voice, and discover how to navigate life’s challenges with grace and self-assurance. If you’re seeking clarity in chaos and a more intuitive approach to living, Magefølelsen aka The Gut Feeling will feel like coming home to yourself. -