What can be done to prioritize diversion options for youth instead of filing criminal charges? Steven P. Dinkin (National Conflict Resolution Center) s joined by, Lisa Weinreb Delgadillo (San Diego District Attorney’s Office), Breea Buskey (National Conflict Resolution Center), Monica Felix (Rady Children's Hospital San Diego), and Sunny Chang (Outdoor Outreach) for an in-depth conversation on effective strategies that engage the justice system as well as community organizations. [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 38891]
How can we better serve native youth that find themselves in trouble? The Intertribal Court of Southern California founded the Tribal Youth Court (TYC) to answer that question. TYC empowers youth to engage in tribal restorative justice practices. Tribal leadership, judges, and students share why this model, rooted in culture and community, has been effective. Series: "Education Channel" [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 38263]
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Focused on training native youth in tribal law and restorative justice practices, the Intertribal Court of Southern California Tribal Youth Court (TYC) aims to create positive change in communities. Learn how the court came to be, how it functions, and how is is transforming the lives of all involved. Series: "Education Channel" [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 38892]
When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June, the controversial decision ended the right to abortion that was upheld for nearly 50 years. So what does a post-Roe world look like? In this program, UC Irvine law professor Michele Bratcher Goodwin and UC Santa Barbara feminist studies professor Laury Oaks discuss the wide-ranging impact of the decision on legal, medical, and political mobilizations.
(Note: this program was recorded on May 9, 2022, prior to the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.) Series: "Ethics, Religion and Public Life: Walter H. Capps Center Series" [Public Affairs] [Health and Medicine] [Humanities] [Show ID: 38308]