We made it to Episode 100! Thanks for following along the journey of Lead with Coffee as we share our story of owning a small business through a pandemic, leading out of crisis, building relationships in business, and maintaining strong family values. Listen in as we reflect back on the last few years and the exciting things that are ahead.
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Can we have an honest conversation together today as being owners and leaders of an organization in the season post pandemic? In today's episode we are going to share what we are learning from our journey and the reality that so many of our colleagues are feeling as well. Let's pull down the curtain and have an honest conversation about the challenges of business in 2023.
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We did it! We set out years ago to dream big about our future and that included one day owning a coffee farm in Hawaii. Today we can official say that we are shareholders in Heavenly Hawaiian Coffee. Follow along on the journey as we talk through how looking at our big dream differently helped us take one step forward to making it happen.
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Feedspot recently voted the Lead with Coffee Podcast as one of the top podcasts for the catagory of family and business. We are excited for the recognition. Check it out - https://blog.feedspot.com/family_business_podcasts/
On today's episode catch back up with David & Sara as they talk about how they are chasing their big dreams while running a multi-million dollar construction company and raising their 3 boys. Follow along the journey from leadership, relationship building, and the trials of holding it all together in a season that is challenging.
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Feedspot recently voted the Lead with Coffee Podcast as one of the top podcasts for the catagory of family and business. We are excited for the recognition. Check it out - https://blog.feedspot.com/family_business_podcasts/
On this week's episode we are guests to our friend Ed Franklin on his No Limits Podcasts. We talk about marriage, business, culture, family and how it all mixes together in our lives.
No Limits Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/edfranklin-nolimits/id1553490805
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Do you ever have those moments where you know God is in the story that is unfolding for you? In this weeks podcast we sit down to talk about the presence of God in our everyday moments and the people he is using to influence you through the power of their story. We are influenced daily through social media, podcast, audio books, and the endless marketing for our time and attention. It's time to filter through and see God's vision for our life versus what the world is trying to dictate.
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It's a new year and if you haven't already, it's time to start setting the goals you want to accomplish in 2023. We have been talking about dreaming big since we first attended Bob Goff's Dream Big Conference in February of 2020. What we learned at the conference was to think outside of our comfort zones and go after things that are seem impossible.
The only way to go from impossible to reachable is to take the first step. That first step could be writing down the dream. Or if you have it written down already then decide what is the first thing you can do to move toward that goal? It could be as easy as watching a YouTube video on how to do something. It could be making a phone call to someone that can help you. Or it could be updating your resume and submitting it to that company you want to work for.
Accomplishing our goals doesn't happen in a day. It takes time to get to where we want to be. If you take a small step toward them each day, you will be able to look back to see how far you have some.
So get out there and starting dreaming, and then step into it!
2022 was hard for a lot of us for so many different reasons. If we are not careful, we can get stuck on all of the bad things happening around us. Things that we can't even control like politics, cost of living, and sometimes its unexpected health issues or problems at work. It takes a conscious determination to focus on all of the good that we experienced throughout the year. It takes a shift in our mentality to decide how we are going to react.
So instead of focusing on the bad, what if we close out last year by reflecting on all the growth that happened.
If you journal, take notes, or have a To Do List, spend some time going through them to help remember all of the experiences you had. I use the Full Focus Journal for this. Write a list of your wins from 2022. You can even use social media and review your posts from last year. We usually only post the good stuff anyway! Spend some time reflecting on those wins. Keep the list and look at it daily as you begin to plan your goals for 2023.
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Full Focus Journal - https://fullfocusstore.com/
Today we are pulling an episode from the vault. This discussion is related to something we listened to in the middle of 2020. Donald Miller was discussing the difference between being a hero and being a guide. One goes for all of the glory and the other helps someone else get the glory. As a leader, which role do you play?
CBSI is launching one of our most exciting projects to date with the release of our online learning academy. As an educational based leadership team we have been working with clients for years to help them navigate the changes in their organization. The Corporate Relocation Masterclass is the most comprehensive program available for organizational leaders, HR and Facility Management teams to successfully relocate or restack an organization.
Learn More -
Free Relocation Planning Resources - www.cbsisandiego.com
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Everyone has natural, God-given talents when it comes to work. As it turns out, there are six different types of
talents, or geniuses, and each of them is required for accomplishing any kind of endeavor. - Patrick LencioniIn today's episode we are discussing the 6 Types of Working Genius and sharing the results from our team. We will spend some time talking about how having an understanding of each employees working genius and working frustration can impact our team roles and recruiting.
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Last week we took our team to a locally hosted leadership conference and today we are breaking down some of the most important things we learned.
Live2Lead is a John Maxwell conference that is held live each year in Altanta and rebroadcast all around the world. Here is San Diego the conference was hosted by leadership expert Tom Kereszti.
The line up of incredible speakers were as follows: John Maxwell, Eric Thomas, Patrick Lencioni, Dr. Tim Elmore, and Doris Kearns Goodwin.
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Today we are reaching back into the vault from an episode just over a year ago that is just as on point now as it was then. Going through hard times are the best opportunities to learn, grow, and reset your mindset. With the twists and turns we face every day, we have to hold on and enjoy the ride.
In this week's podcast we are pulling a very popular episode from the vault as we believe that 18 months and 50 episodes later this topic is more relevant than ever. With real world stories of both personal and professional experience, we hope this motivates you to keep leading your teams or your families through these unpredictable times.
Go back to Episode 35 (Navigating Discomfort) for our original episode notes.
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In today's episode we want to continue the conversation from last episode around the contradictory qualities of exceptional leaders. In last week's episode we discussed three areas of contradiction that successful leaders carry. What is a leadership paradox? Contradictory leadership qualities that together create a synergy of undeniable leadership impact. Join in the conversation to see which qualities you can relate to and which ones you need to work on.
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We are often encouraged by learning and growing from other leaders. One of those influential leaders that has had tremendous impact on us is Craig Groeschel with his Leadership Podcast. In today's episode we want to dive into a topic that Craig brought up recently around how great leaders can seem enigmatic and unpredictable, but it's often because they're operating in key talents and skills that don't naturally coexist.
Check out Craig Groeschel's Podcast where we got our inspiration for this episode. https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/lead-like-it-matters-part-1/
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On our last episode we shared the story of how we launched our new small business and turned it into a revenue generating operation in 6 months. On the podcast we shared key tips for launching which include the following:
Understanding the Market Setting up your business model the right way in the beginning Developing your marketing strategy Implementing a successful launchThe feedback was so strong that we decided to expand out in this episode on resources we use for setting up your business model. These will include how we secured the name of the company, purchased the domain name, setup the website and commerce channel, identified our licensing requirements, and setup the financial systems. We are including links to some resources below to help you to have a successful launch.
Fictitious Business Name (Sample for San Diego) - https://arcc.sdcounty.ca.gov/pages/fbn-info.aspx
Required if you are not using your legal name as the business name Found through your Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk Office website Required to be filed in San Diego within 40 days of first transacting businessBusiness License Requirements (Sample for San Diego) - https://www.calgold.ca.gov/
Governors Office of Business & Economic Development to search for permit information for your specific region and business type. Sales & Use Permit (businesses selling or leasing tangible property) Employment Development Department (Required once you pay wages over $100) Employer Identification Number (EIN or SSN) - US Department of Treasury Required if you have employees, business partnerships or are a corporationDomain Name - https://www.namecheap.com/
Website Hosting - https://www.squarespace.com/
Financial Systems - https://www.freshbooks.com/ or https://quickbooks.intuit.com/
It's official! The Barn San Diego has officially launched into a revenue generating business in less than 6 months. God plants a seed in all of us to sow to impact the lives of others. The BIG dream for The Barn is to create a place for people to gather with food and fellowship while surrounded by the beauty of nature. We believe a dream is just a dream until it is spoken out loud. We remember the day so clearly sitting at a Dream Big Conference in San Diego when God spoke so clearly that The Barn was a space we were meant to create and share with others. We didn’t have the full vision, but a calling on our life that was so strong it could not be avoided.
On today's episode we will talk about the steps we took to take The Barn from a dream to a revenue generating business in less than 6 months.
Key Tips for Launching a New Venture:
Understanding the Market The flower and garden industry exploded during COVID as we all learned to find peace in the chaos of the world. Setup your business model the right way in the beginning Business License/Reseller Certificate Independent Banking Financial system Develop your marketing strategy Utilizing social media to help build your brand while you build your business What is your specific niche Don't get caught in the comparison trap Launching Don't wait until it is perfect to launch. Start small and gain momentum Trusting nature to do its part, rather than over engineering what we think the plants need to be successful. FIRST EVENT - Mimosa's & Mixed Bouquetswww.thebarnsandiego.com
Years ago as we started our adventures to Hawaii our friend Kevin recommended his favorite travel guide which shows you all the best locations and hidden places to visit on the island. Since our first trip together back in 2011 to Kauai, we have since bought a book for Maui & Big Island to capture our adventures. The books are called The Ultimate Guide to Kauai, Maui Revealed & The Big Island Revealed. The books travel with us all of the island taking us to the most beautiful of places. As part of the fun, we share the book with friends as family as they set out to adventure and tell them to mark it up. It's fun to see what each of us loves and if there is something new to discover on the next adventure.
Sharing our adventures is fun and it's a great way to discover the road less traveled. Share some of your own!
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Do you have those days, weeks or even years in your business when it feels like everything that could go wrong is? What do you do to stay resilient and to try to break the cycle? In today's episode we want to talk about how we take on big challenges and then learn from the lessons that each one brings us. Some challenges help us refine our systems, tweak our teams, or look outside of our box to serve the client better the next time.
Going through hard things takes resilience and part of that is knowing that you are growing through the process - good or bad Take time to reflect and discuss Don't repeat failures Do the hard work to become betterwww.leadwithcoffee.com
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