There are certain times when you need to say “no” to help you stay focussed on what it is you truly want to achieve. Coxey unpacks this in this podcast.
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Coxey talks about his #1 strategy for achieving what you want to achieve - personally and professionally - and then some.
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au for more effective Leadership Strategies and free resources to help you supercharge your leadership game.
Episodes manquant?
If your thinking isn’t where it should be, you’re going to struggle during a crisis. Coxey talks about what he did to stay mentally strong during a health crisis.
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au for more effective Leadership Strategies and free resources to help you supercharge your leadership game.
What are you doing to stay strong mentally, physically, and emotionally? Coxey talks about what he does in this podcast.
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au for more effective Leadership Strategies and free resources to help you supercharge your Leadership Game.
Reading books and listening to podcasts make a big difference in my life. The books you read, the people you meet, and what you listen to are going to determine how successful you become in life. Check out my top 4.
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au for more effective Leadership Strategies and free resources to help you supercharge your leadership game.
There are times in leadership can be really lonely. That loneliness comes from the people you can’t trust. John Maxwell says, “Those closest to the leader will determine that leader’s success”.
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au for Effective Leadership Strategies.
How sold out to your Vision are you? How do you get your team to sell out to your Vision? How do you bring about a positive change in your people?
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au for more effective Leadership Strategies and free resources.
As a Leader, it’s extremely important you’re aware of the Emotional Tone of your key people as it gives a greater depth and efficacy to your Leadership.
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au for more effective Leadership Strategies and free resources.
Anything great always takes longer than you think. It is facing the truth head-on when you lead by example about what you going to do differently; so that you can improve your future results.
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au for more effective Leadership Strategies.
Leadership is not about being served but about serving those you lead. This builds your influence as a leader.
For more information on growing your influence by serving, check out our article The Servant Leadership Example- Is Your Team Being Served? Part 1
What gets rewarded gets done. How can you better reward your key people? When you reward your people, you can move them up the Emotional Guidance Scale and they lift their performance.
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au for more effective Leadership Strategies.
3 out of 100 people have written goals. Do you have written goals? All successful people do.
Read our article about how to Smash Your Goals Part 1 and Part 2
The power of positive thinking - your thoughts will determine your destiny. Your past is not your future.
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au for more effective Leadership Strategies and free resources to help you supercharge your leadership game.
Conviction is deep and is required to do anything great - because nothing great is ever easy! What are you convicted about?
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au for more effective Leadership Strategies and free resources to help you supercharge your leadership game.
Gratefulness builds your heart and spirit. What can you be more grateful about?
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au for more effective Leadership Strategies and free resources to help you supercharge your leadership game.
Without a goal, nothing is going to happen. Action comes from setting goals.
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au/ for more effective Leadership Strategies and free resources to help you supercharge your leadership game.
The U stands for Unity in the FLITU Principle. You can’t build anything great on your own. Unity is a key value to creating success in the team you lead.
Visit leadershipdynamics.com.au for more effective Leadership Strategies and free resources to help you supercharge your leadership game.