In this fith and final episode with the change making wonder woman Angelica Lips da Cruz you will:
· understand Angelica’s believes about the universe and what laws govern us in nature· Our failed attempts to tame nature
· The value of ecosystem services to humanity
· How to define success for a new renaissance
· The evolutionary role of humanity
· the unified consequences of our individual choices
· The link between decentralised networks and mycelium networks
· How Innorbis is based on sacred geometry like the golden ration
· The meaning of life
· Becoming an interstellar species
· Higher dimensions and aliens
· Matter and energy
· My view that death is also the beginning of something else
· Angelica’s intend for the very next version of her software from right here on
Her company:
Angelica on Linkedin: -
Part 4/5 of my epic conversation with Angelica Lips da Cruz. Angelica comes from Brasil and lives in Stockholm. She is an ex-banker turned entrepreneur with a focus on changing the financial services system towards regeneration.
Angelica is the Founder and CEO of Innorbis and ALDC Partnership, which accelerates the world's transition to sustainable finance, advanced technology and long lasting multi-stakeholder business strategy in a rapidly changing market with the ambition to distribute wealth.
Angelica has been named twice in the 2021 Business Worldwide Magazine CEO Awards: 'Best CEO in the Sustainability / ESG Systems Industry' & 'Tech Entrepreneur of the Year in Sweden. She is a visionary thinker, mathematician by training, and speaks seven languages. Above all, Angelica has a big heart and her integrity radiates to wherever you'll listen from.
You will learn about in this episode:
· Angelica’s view of the whole economic system, and how she wants to change the status quo with blockchain and other decentralised tools and technologies· the ole of central banks
· Our shared view that the system is rigged in favour of big banks
· The role of politicians and entrepreneurs in financial systems
· the imperative of trust in the current system to keep it alive
· why trustless systems like blockchain might solve some of our biggest problems
· wage slaves versus passive income owners
· my quest to save enough to retire before I die
· my experience with two cryptocurrencies on either end of the spectrum libertarianism versus regeneration
· Angelica’s experience with SEEDS, a token for a regenerative financial system
· Owning your financial assets versus not owning them, even if you think you do
· Creating a new, transparent, financial system, decentralisation, blockchain
· What a DAO is and why we consider this new organisational form revolutionary
· Why shareholder value was the end of corporate purpose – other than making money
Fehlende Folgen?
Part 3/5 of my epic conversation with Angelica Lips da Cruz. Angelica comes from Brasil and lives in Stockholm. She is an ex-banker turned entrepreneur with a focus on changing the financial services system towards regeneration.
Angelica is the Founder and CEO of Innorbis and ALDC Partnership, which accelerates the world's transition to sustainable finance, advanced technology and long lasting multi-stakeholder business strategy in a rapidly changing market with the ambition to distribute wealth.
Angelica has been named twice in the 2021 Business Worldwide Magazine CEO Awards: 'Best CEO in the Sustainability / ESG Systems Industry' & 'Tech Entrepreneur of the Year in Sweden. She is a visionary thinker, mathematician by training, and speaks seven languages. Above all, Angelica has a big heart and her integrity radiates to wherever you'll listen from.
You will learn about in this episode:
· Innorbis as a business business model, how to change the way we evaluate capital to include much more than mere monetary data· What the name Innorbis stands for
· Sacred geometry and quantum fields
· Assess corporates, cities and countries
· 12 categories, snapshots for efforts and what is lacking
· we get nerdy on defining and measuring positive impact
· purpose and vision of innorbis
· her advice to other CEOs
· whether she would take innorbis public via an IPO
· who she is looking for to put all this data on-chain and distributed ledgers
My Reflections at the end are about:
· the importance to define intentions and objectives
· how to vote with your wallet -> defund companies you think are ruining the world
· Don’t green-wash: stand for what you do or change what you do
· Shareholder Model versus Stewart Ownership, idealism versus pragmatism
· Future of open-source data on distributed ledgers e.g. blockchain
· Importance of looking for allies and co-creators
Her company:
Angelica on Linkedin: -
Part 2/5 of my epic conversation with Angelica Lips da Cruz. Angelica comes from Brasil and lives in Stockholm. She is an ex-banker turned entrepreneur with a focus on changing the financial services system towards regeneration.
Angelica is the Founder and CEO of Innorbis and ALDC Partnership, which accelerates the world's transition to sustainable finance, advanced technology and long lasting multi-stakeholder business strategy in a rapidly changing market with the ambition to distribute wealth.
Angelica has been named twice in the 2021 Business Worldwide Magazine CEO Awards: 'Best CEO in the Sustainability / ESG Systems Industry' & 'Tech Entrepreneur of the Year in Sweden. She is a visionary thinker, mathematician by training, and speaks seven languages. Above all, Angelica has a big heart and her integrity radiates to wherever you'll listen from.
You will learn about in this episode:
· her social circles Stockholm· what it took to expnad her network and co-evolve with others
· the tribes and tribulations as a pioneer in the field of ESG
· first followers early days
· how Angelica engages and inspired people
· how does she find mission-aligned people
· why she is not keen for Innorbis to become a unicorn
· how she responds to when people stand up to her
· how her team switches from fun to focus
Her company:
Angelica on Linkedin: -
Part 1/5 of my epic conversation with Angelica Lips da Cruz. Angelica comes from Brasil and lives in Stockholm. She is an ex-banker turned entrepreneur with a focus on changing the financial services system towards regeneration.
Angelica is the Founder and CEO of Innorbis and ALDC Partnership, which accelerates the world's transition to sustainable finance, advanced technology and long lasting multi-stakeholder business strategy in a rapidly changing market with the ambition to distribute wealth.
Angelica has been named twice in the 2021 Business Worldwide Magazine CEO Awards: 'Best CEO in the Sustainability / ESG Systems Industry' & 'Tech Entrepreneur of the Year in Sweden. She is a visionary thinker, mathematician by training, and speaks seven languages. Above all, Angelica has a big heart and her integrity radiates to wherever you'll listen from.You will learn about:
· her personal purpose and mission· her journey from Brasil to Sweden
· what she believed in 20 years ago when she started in banking
· moments of truth that challenged her integrity
· why the shift from banking to entrepreneur was inevitable
· Angelica's POV on why current credit assessments are grossly incomplete
Her company:
Angelica on Linkedin: -
Today I quickly explain why I am choosing a new experiment. My next two conversations will be much longer and divided into shorter episodes. They will follow the successful structure of systemic level (self, teams, orgs etc.). I will also move to a weekly release cycle.
Linked I mention: -
Today I am speaking with Rob Hopkins. 15 years ago, I visited Totnes in Devon, UK, and was amazed. They just had started to become the first transition town in the world.
Fast forward to 2021 and we live in a post-pandemic one society that faces the much bigger climate crisis and lack of imagination of what to do next.
Good we have Rob and his many allies, because they want to build imaginative infrastructures. Tune in and listen how you, I, we all, can actually do it. Because others have already done it, so it's now down to us to follow; move through our resistance and change the way we live, work, travel and perhaps most importantly - collaborate.
Rob Hopkins is a cofounder of Transition Town Totnes and Transition Network, and the author of The Transition Handbook, The Transition Companion, The Power of Just Doing Stuff, 21 Stories of Transition and most recently, From What Is to What If: unleashing the power of imagination to create the future we want. He presents the podcast series ‘From What If to What Next‘ which invites listeners to send in their “what if” questions and then explores how to make them a reality.
In 2012, he was voted one of the Independent’s top 100 environmentalists and was on Nesta and the Observer’s list of Britain’s 50 New Radicals. Hopkins has also appeared on BBC Radio 4’s Four Thought and A Good Read, in the French film phenomenon Demain and its sequel Apres Demain, and has spoken at TEDGlobal and three TEDx events.An Ashoka Fellow, Hopkins also holds a doctorate degree from the University of Plymouth and has received two honorary doctorates from the University of the West of England and the University of Namur. In 2020 he was a member of the Cambridge Sustainability Commission on Scaling Sustainable Behaviour Change. He is a keen gardener, a founder of New Lion Brewery in Totnes, and a director of Totnes Community Development Society, the group behind Atmos Totnes, an ambitious, community-led development project. He blogs at and and tweets at @robintransition.
In this episode I am speaking with Margaret Heffernan. Margaret is an entrepreneur, CEO, writer and keynote speaker. She is currently a Professor of Practice at the University of Bath School of Management in the UK. Heffernan is the former chief executive officer of five businesses and is the writer of five books including Wilful Blindness, which is a classic by now. Her TED Talks have been seen by millions and Margaret advocates not to play by the rules, but to change them.
You can reach Margaret here: -
In this episode I am speaking with Otti Vogt. According to his LinkedIN handle he is passionate about Igniting the Human Spark to Build Better Businesses & Sustainable Futures.
Until March 2021, Otti was the COO and Chief Transformation Officer for ING’s Challenger & Growth business line. ING is a Top 6 Eurozone Bank by market cap and the C&G line serves 27m retail and wholesale customers in 12 countries. ING is a fairly well-known case study of agile transformation, some of my clients even did a real-life excursion to the Netherlands learn from their both successful and failed experiments.
Prior to that he was the MD for Global Vertical Industries at British Telecom, BT, where he spent over a decade of his international career. Otti speaks five languages!What really makes Otti special is the combination of his deep intellectual understanding and hands-on experience with what many people call New Work: agile working methods, Teal Organisations, Holacracy, Sociocacy and other forms of self-organisation.
The content is very dense and we cover a lot of ground with many references and name dropping, which underpins Otti’s architecture of thinking and practicing. You’ll find these in the show notes.
We talk about:
- the innovator’s dilemma
- the corporate immune system
- the role of leadership in change
- why and how resistance often starts at the top
- why in this decade a sense and response approach is much needed
Otti gives some practical advice to our podcast personas, Michael and Michaela, on how to move through resistance within the organisations they are leading.You will hopefully also feel inspired to follow my Call to Action (CTA) – or homework if you like – which comes right after the conversation with Charlotte at the end of this episode (you can check the chapter notes in your app for precise time - if you need a re-listen to take notes).
Simon Weston on eco-leadership Campbell: The hero’s journey Holiday: The obstacle is the way Snowden: Cynefin Framework and Culture = derivative of a business that you can’t change directly King: Tribal Leadership
Amy Edmondson on psychological safety in self-organisation
John Kotter: Don’t declare victory too early
Alex Osterwalder on Ambidextrous Organisations
In this episode I am speaking with Charlotte Fox-Weber. Charlotte is a Psychotherapist who practices with individuals and couples as well as with teams. She is the co-founder of Examined Life, a collective of therapists committed to innovation in the theory and practice of psychotherapy. Prior to that she was the founding head of psychotherapy at the school of Life, the iconic brand and platform founded by Alan de Botton, one of my favourite contemporary philosopher and writer.
Charlotte did her psychotherapy training at the Tavistock & Portman Trust, the Institute of Psychoanalysis, WPF, and Regent’s University.
We explore typical patterns of resistance in teams, how to deal with diverse levels of awareness of people’s own resistance to change, the fear of failure and self doubt in teams and much more. Charlotte gives some practical advice to our podcast personas, Michael and Michaela, on how to move through resistance within the teams they are part of or are leading.
You will hopefully also feel inspired to follow my Call to Action (CTA) – or homework if you like – which comes right after the conversation with Charlotte at the end of this episode (you can check the chapter notes in your app for precise time - if you need a re-listen to take notes).
Connect with Charlotte on LinkedIN
Her innovative Psychotherapy Practice
The School of Life
Alain de Botton (founder of The School of Life and one of my favourite living philosophers) -
My guest today is Nikki Trott. Nikki is on a mission to help conscious entrepreneurs thrive with purpose & create more positive impact for themselves & the world.
Nikki is the founder and CEO of Conscious Accelerator, which helps conscious entrepreneurs transform both mindset and strategy to unlock full potential, fulfilment and success. Her podcast, Going Conscious, explores new ways to live a more conscious life of fulfilment and freedom with entrepreneurs and academics. In her previous career she had a successful (yet eventually not very fulfilling career as an brand and marketing agency executive working with the who is who in the fashion industry – most likely you are wearing a piece of cloth from one of her previous clients right now.
We explore resistance in all its depth and diversity: why we resist, what we resist, how it shows up in our minds and bodies. We discuss the impostor syndrome, our inner critics and the very different approaches of our egos and high-selfs in experiencing our existence. Nikki gives some practical advice to our established podcast personas, Michael and Michaela, on how to move through their inner resistance.
Nikki's hub
https://www.nikkitrott.comNikki's conscious accelerator
https://www.consciousaccelerator.comNikki's podcast
Nikki's meditation on intuition and purpose
Book: Sapiens, a brief history of human kind by Yuval Harari
Tara Brach and radical acceptance
Eckart Tolle and The Power of Now
Wim Hof for breathing methods
Michael Singer and The Surrender Experiment
Dr. Gabor Maté -
In this episode I reflect on the two distinct structural experiments in this season: having a season topic and a distinct episode container, one systemic level, starting with the Self and ending with the Planet.
I then recount the headlines from each episode, what still resonates most with me today.
I also disclose how I have experienced Wholeness in the first three months of 2021...
Many thanks for listening. Please give me feedback on or -
In this episode I am speaking with Stephen Reid.
Stephen is currently a co-director of Dandelion Collective (the not-for-profit worker co-operative behind the Psychedelic Society, and a teacher of two open courses Tools for the Regenerative Renaissance and Introduction to Crypto & DeFi. Previously, he was the youngest ever board member of Greenpeace UK, he co-founded NEON New Economy Organisers Network and worked as a technology consultant for the Labour Party, the Living Wage Foundation and has an MPhys in Physics from the University of Oxford, where he specialised in quantum field theory, and an MRes in Complexity Sciences from the University of Bristol.
I felt like I was listening to a young sage from a better future. I am sure you will enjoy Stephen’s fascinating and multi-layered insights about Wholeness and in fact life itself at the Level of the entire planet – the fifth and last systemic level in this season.
You will hopefully also feel inspired to follow my Call to Action (CTA) which comes right after the conversation with Stephen at the end of this episode (you can check the chapter notes in your app for precise time - if you need a re-listen to take notes).
Change starts with you, in the here-and now. So start by starting…
I'd really love to hear from you: or email
More links:
Regenerative Money
Decentralized autonomous organisations (DAOs)
Online decision making
Extinction Rebellion -
My guest today is Simon Berkler. Simon is a founding part of The Dive – a Benefit Corporation or B-Corp. The Dive are curators of deep systemic change for organisations who consider economic success and social responsibility as inextricably linked. Most recently, Simon became founding member of Shift Collective, which is a collaboration between innovative consultancies for a triple bottom-line economy: people, planet profit.
So, here is my eye-opening conversation with Simon about Wholeness at the Level of the economic System – our fourth level in this season.
You will hopefully also feel inspired to follow my Call to Action (CTA) which comes right after the conversation with Simon at the end of this episode (you can check the chapter notes in your app for precise time - if you need a re-listen to take notes).
Change starts with you, in the here-and now. So start by starting…
Show notes:
Connect with Simon on Linked
Check-out content-rich The Dive website
Check-out the future of connected and collaborating consultancies
I'd really love to hear from you: or email -
In this episode I am speaking with Gerald Mitterer. Gerald is a founding member of dwarfs and Giants, an innovative organization design and strategy partner for the 21st century. He is also member of the extended board at Welser Profile, a pioneer in steel profiles and tubes with 2,500 employees.
If I ever had a platonic crush on a fellow practitioner, it would be Gerald – I am sure you’ll appreciate his clarity and precision when talking about Wholeness at the Level of Organisations (our third systemic level in this season).
You will hopefully also feel inspired to follow my Call to Action (CTA) which comes right after the conversation with Gerald at the end of this episode (you can check the chapter notes in your app for precise time stamps - if you want a re-listen to take notes).
Change starts with you, in the here-and now. So start by starting…
Show notes:
Connect with Gerald on Linked
Check-out content-rich dwarfs and Giants website
I'd really love to hear from you: or email -
In this episode I am speaking with Kamil Barbarski. As an entrepreneur he co-created many products and companies including MAK3it, Innovation Kickbox, Start One Thing, Walkaboutyou, Purpose Exploration, and a flower shop. Kamil is also a Certified Teacher for Search Inside Yourself – SIY, a Google-born leadership program for emotional intelligence, resilience and mindfulness.
Kamil truly embodies what he talks about and it felt like listening to a more zen-like brother from another mother. Please enjoy my relaxing and deep conversation with Kamil about Wholeness at the level of Teams, (our second systemic level in this season).
You will hopefully also feel inspired to follow my Call to Action (CTA) which comes right after the conversation with Kamil at the end of this episode (you can check the chapter notes in your app for precise time - if you need a re-listen to take notes).
Change starts with you, in the here-and now. So start by starting…
I'd really love to hear from you: or email
Show notes:
Kamil's Socials
Kamil's digital home
Walk about you (German)
Empowering Innovators
SYI - Search Inside Yourself (Google-born)
Check-in Question (Toolkit & Random Generator)
(Para) Sympathetic Nervous System Sympathetic Crash Course Para-Sympathetic Crash Course -
My guest today is Dr. Martina Weifenbach. Martina is CEO and co-founder of myndways, a training and on-line academy for the super-powers of the digital age including resilience, empathy, and creativity.
She holds a PhD in Business Innovation from University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. Martina has published a practical guidebook about Mindfulness and Innovation and her own podcast is called Lebensliebe – Love Mindfulness. And she is a Yoga Teacher as well.
What makes Martina special is that she combines her love-filled energy with hard academic rigor. Let’s take a deep breath and listen to Wholeness at the Level of the Self (our first systemic level in this season).
You will hopefully also feel inspired to follow my Call to Action (CTA) which comes right after the conversation with Martina at the end of this episode (you can check the chapter notes in your app for precise time - if you need a re-listen to take notes).
Change starts with you, in the here-and now. So start by starting…
I'd really love to hear from you: or email
Show notes
Links to Martina's exciting ventures and key topics, tools and approaches we discussed
Martina's socials
Martina's personal website with link to her podcast Lebensliebe
Martina's training & online academy
Martina's book on mindfulness and innovation published by Springer Gabler
Yin & Yang (neat article by Rachel Deason and Tedx Talk by John Bellaimey)
Hatha Yoga (overview of different styles)
Meditation (open meditation sessions online)
Frederik Laloux - Re-inventing Organisations (book)
Check-in (questions at beginning of meetings or encounters) (incl. set-up advice) (more ice-breakers for workshops etc.)
Energy Management and the seminal HBR article -
A brief solo episode to explain rational of changing the title from 'Not Back To Normal' to 'Leading Audacious Change'. You'll hear about the concept of why I chose 'Wholeness' as this season's topic, who my five amazing interview guests are, and how each conversation explores one of five systemic levels: Self, Team, Organisation, Economy, Planet.
If you have enjoyed my previous conversations under the #notbacktonormal umbrella, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts or iTunes, which at the moment is the only platform where I can receive this. It just takes 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference for growing my audience. -
In this very brief episode I reflect on why I had started this podcast, what has stuck in my mind the most form each episode and where we are at in January 2021 in terms of 'going back to normal'.
The next episode will be under the new and re-branded title "Leading Audacious Change".
Thanks for listening to this podcast so far and thanks for your valuable feedback. It will only get better from here and I have lined up inspiring guests for you, so please subscribe if you haven't already, and come back soon. -
Micro bio of today's guest:
Gib is the founder of the Craigberoch business decelerator - yes, a decelerator, not another accelerator which is what the world needs after the big corona induced reset of 2020.
What you will learn in this episode:
As Gib will tell you this decelerator, which takes place virtually at the moment and on the Island of Bute when social distancing restrictions are lifted, is what wants to emerge, even if he goes bankrupt in the process of it.
Yes, we talk about money, personal purpose of occasion, the rise of a new generation of intrapreneurs and employee activists, the corporate rat race and how to get out of it.
Whilst we didn't intentionally discuss his 2018 book The Intrapreneur: Confessions of a Corporate Insurgent, certain tenets like the emergence of a 4th sector do provide a helpful container for our conversation.
Looking back on this recording, which took place in August 2020, I now realize how dualistic my thinking often is.
So, thanks Gib for the challenge.
We talk about former corporate lifestyles, how much money one needs, and how we were lucky enough to use the lockdown to slow further down and to do more Yoga, more meditation and I'd like just to say that I'm aware that not everyone is in such a safe and choice creating situation.
I come back to this point at the end of this episode.
Linklist for this episode:
Gib’s website: https://gibbulloch.comGib’s monthly blog, subscription highly recommended:
Gib’s 2018 Book, The Intrapreneur – Confessions of a Corporate Insurgent:
Gib’s timely and much needed latest venture, The Decelerator:
Accenture Development Partnership:
Information about Microsoft’s JEDI Contract with the US Defense ministry: which contains other useful links to open letters and petitions of other tech titans including Google and Salesforce, some of which – contrary to the ending of this employee activism story – resulted in the cancellation of a contract.
Ma – Japanese concept of negative space/time, brilliant Medium article:
Information about the “4th Sector” Gib is passionate about: and
Peter Koenig, the money expert Gib mentioned:
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