
  • Sara Avant Stover is a business strategist, Internal Family Systems practitioner and author based in Boulder, Colorado. She works with female spiritual entrepreneurs to help them with both the spiritual and practical aspects of building a business and pursuing inner transformation. She draws on 25 years as a yoga and meditation practitioner and a teacher, author, and entrepreneur.

    Sara is an "overachiever." She started dancing ballet at the age of three and continued until she went to college. She was also an entrepreneur, making and selling candy, T-shirts, and jewelry boxes from a young age. As a young adult, Sara realized the level of competition in ballet was leading to unhealthy behaviors and so she stopped. She graduated from Barnard College Phi Beta Kappa and applied to work in the Peace Corps. That's when things started to change.

    While undergoing health exams for the Peace Corps, Sara was told she had early signs of cervical cancer. Because she would need medical exams every three months, she was not able to go to Africa. A meeting with an old high school teacher opened up an alternative: going to teach in Thailand, where she could get the health care she needed. She thought she'd be there a year; she ended up staying for nine years, traveling around the world at intervals while keeping Thailand as her home base. She also became a yoga teacher and started offering teacher trainings as well as writing for magazines in the U.S. on yoga and spirituality.

    Sara returned to the U.S. in her 30s and, with the help of her business partner, embarked on building her business online. She wrote and published her first book, The Way of the Happy Woman. She now offers private mentoring to female spiritual entrepreneurs, conducts programs and retreats, and has written two more books. The Handbook for the Heartbroken comes out this month.

    Sara is informed by her deep practices in meditation and yoga, but also by Internal Family Systems, a psychological, evidence-based approach that teaches people how to look at different parts of themselves while holding fast to what she calls the "essential self." In doing this people can learn to listen to their fears without allowing them to hold them back.

    Sara believes in entrepreneurship as spiritual practice, and is deeply interested in the intersection of money, business, and spirituality. She has learned to peel back the outside messages and tune into her "still small voice." Learning to listen to that voice is a central teaching she uses with the women she mentors to help them break free of barriers and build their spiritual businesses.

    Sara will be leading retreats this year at the Drala Mountain Center in Colorado and the Kripalu Center in Massachusetts. For more information go to saraavantstover.com.

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  • "All the past and all the future are present in this moment." — Blake D. Bauer

    Blake D. Bauer is the author of the international best-seller You Were Not Born To Suffer. A speaker and teacher, he has studied a wide range of modalities, including psychology, nutrition, traditional Chinese medicine, and past life regression therapy-hypnosis. All that Blake has learned started as a quest when he was 18 to simply find a way to stop the pain he was experiencing. He found his calling in helping others find optimal mental, physical and emotional health.

    When Blake was a senior in high school, he was co-captain of his football team. One night he'd partied a bit too hard and found himself with a DUI, ending his aspirations to play football in college. Blake withdrew from the world and woke up every morning wondering how to stop the suffering and pain. Eventually he found yoga and meditation, which he credits with saving his life.

    Learning to meditate was only the beginning. Looking back, Blake realized he had to create a space of unconditional acceptance, of self-love and how this applies to all aspects of life. You can't really truly love another until you learn to love yourself, Blake says. Meditation, where you quiet the mind and simply observe your thoughts, is a space where you can learn this.

    Blake also observes the lack of initiation rituals in our culture, pointing to his own experimentation with alcohol and drugs and getting arrested as a kind of unhealthy self-initiation. Blake grew up seeing people in his family, including his biological father, achieve success but lose it all because of substance abuse. When he realized he was following the same path, he became determined to make a different life for himself. While he's studied various fields relating to the health of the body and mind, he has found qi gong, a Chinese practice of movement, especially meaningful. Meditation continues to be the core practice he uses as well as teaches.

    When Blake was 24, he started pitching his book idea to publishers. He was rejected 100 times. He eventually self-published his book, which was later bought by a publisher and has become an international best seller. While he's pleased with its success, the lesson he learned by all those rejections was showing him that he was still looking for validation from outside himself. It was deciding for himself his ideas had value that made the difference.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    Blake's approach to meditation The key to a healthy relationship The two questions Blake asked himself every day when trying to relieve his suffering The superpower Blake didn't know he had How loving yourself is the basis of all healing

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    Unconditional Self-Love

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    Blake D. Bauer


    You Were Not Born To Suffer

    The 2024 Do Nothing Retreat is open for registration

    Join us from September 22-26 for The Do Nothing Leadership Retreat. The retreat offers business leaders, entrepreneurs, and those seeking a more mindful life the most rewarding challenge they may ever take — a leadership-focused mindfulness and meditation retreat.

    Discover why meditation and mindfulness practices can positively impact your life. After slowing down, unplugging, and looking within, you’ll understand why presence and awareness are the greatest gifts we can offer ourselves and others.

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  • "Relationships are where we receive the greatest fulfillment and the greatest challenge." — Elysabeth Williamson

    Today's guest is Elysabeth Williamson, a self-taught yoga teacher of 35 years who developed Principle-Based Partner Yoga,™ a system of yoga that focuses on relationship and connection with others. She also uses this work to encourage people to think and talk about death and dying as a way to live life more fully. She is the author of the award-winning book The Pleasures and Principles of Partner Yoga and is working on a second book, Becoming Fully Human: How Learning To Feel Saved My Life.

    Williamson had a challenging start in life, marked by a mother with mental illness and addictions. This, she says, brought her to seek out healing and understanding, noting "human suffering is the great equalizer." She believes that "we're born into a circumstance that our soul is choosing" and that her life's work has been to integrate her human self with the wisdom nature we are all born with.

    Williamson started doing yoga when she was 16. At that time, the 1970s, there were not many places to learn yoga. After playing and touring with a rock band fo several years, at the age of 28 she returned to yoga and started learning more. She says that for her, yoga was about reconnecting with her intuition, and that many of the movements were ones she'd been doing since childhood. As yoga became more popular, Williamson resisted the trend of "competitive" yoga and instead developed a teaching based around the principles of relationship, which became her partner yoga system.

    Rather than focusing on just the physical, Williamson's teaching is based on universal qualities of humanity and the idea that yoga can be used to help people get in touch with and cultivate more of these principles.

    Williamson also completed training as a hospice worker, which she found helped her to prepare for her mother's death. Though she ultimately concluded, based on witnessing her mother's death, that how we live is how we die, she was able to come to peace and forgiveness for her childhood. She brings what she's learned to her teachings, offering workshops where she challenges people to look at and talk about death and dying. Williamson notes that many traditions use meditations on death to come to a deeper awakening to life.

    Williamson strives to create a safe and supportive space for people to voice their fears about death. She uses the sivasana pose as a tool to help people relax and be guided into the "ultimate surrender." Participants report coming away from these experiences with less fear and more joy. One woman told her 10 years after attending a workshop that it had helped her when she was witnessing her mother's death.

    Williamson will be offering a workshop as part of the Stanford University Contemplative Arts Summit in October. More information and other events can be found at partneryoga.net/events.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    Why Williamson focuses on relationship in her yoga teachings

    What she believes we can learn through relationships and connection

    What the hallmarks of a good teacher are

    Why she believes talking about and working with death is so important

    What people experience in a weekend retreat on death and dying

    What she believes forgiveness is

    How Williamson has come to terms with her family and her past, including her brother's suicide

    Connect With Elysabeth Williamson











    The Pleasures and Principles of Partner-Based Yoga

    Available at https://partneryoga.net/shop-2/

    The 2024 Do Nothing Retreat is open for registration

    Join us from September 22-26 for The Do Nothing Retreat, a mindfulness meditation retreat suitable for meditators at all levels. The retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspectives – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.

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    Rob and Gino Wickman’s book, Shine, How Looking Inward is the Key to Unlocking True Entrepreneurial Freedom, is available now for pre-order here.

    Buy Rob’s book, donothing: The Most Rewarding Leadership Challenge You'll Ever Take


  • "Really, death is a journey into and through the mind." — Andrew Holocek

    In this episode, I speak with Andrew Holecek, the author of several books on meditation and lucid dreaming. While he's had a career as a dental surgeon, he has had a lifelong interest in meditation and the wisdom traditions. In 1998, he went on a three-year retreat at Sopa Choling in Nova Scotia, Canada. He calls this experience "transformative," and it was in his last year he had the idea for his first book, The Power and the Pain: Transforming Spiritual Hardship into Joy. He has gone on to publish several other books on dying, meditation, and dream yoga and speaks and teaches on these topics. His teachings draw on Buddhism, but he stresses that all wisdom traditions have something to offer and often teach the same things in different ways.

    Andrew's book Preparing to Die: Practical Advice and Spiritual Wisdom From the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition explains that how we prepare to die is just as important as how we live. Many of the spiritual masters understand that death is just another phase of life, and they make no distinction between life and death. The best way to prepare for death is to become familiar with your own mind, and the best way to do this is through the practice of meditation. Further, living your life to the fullest and living a life of goodness are also spiritual practices that prepare you for death. These masters seek to be at the moment of looking forward to death when they die. Having no fear and no regrets are also states to aim for. Indeed, the "awakened ones" see death as liberation.

    Andrew's work on lucid dreaming further extends these ideas, as this practice is really about becoming more conscious and intentional. In his books about dream yoga and lucid dreaming, he explains that dream yoga incorporates but also transcends lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is the act of becoming conscious when in a dream state, so that the "conscious mind can face the unconscious mind directly." It's a powerful practice that has helped people become more mindful and conscious in their awake states, as well as having mental and physical benefits. Most of our lives are spent in the phase of "non lucidity" or distraction; practicing meditation and lucid dreaming can help us become more conscious. It can "accelerate your psycho-spiritual development."

    Intention-setting is another important practice. At a dream yoga training, the teacher taught only that practice. This practice might involve the repetition of your intention throughout the course of the day, especially right before sleep.

    As a dental surgeon and founder of Global Dental Relief, which provides dental care to people in developing countries, Andrew believes in the efficacy of Western medicine. However, as he notes, we are one of the only cultures that do not regard the dream state as important. He seeks to draw on the best of Eastern thought and Western medicine in his approach to sleep and dreaming. He gives examples of accounts of people who dreamed events that later became true and his own experiences with precognitive dreaming.

    Another topic Andrew has written about is "reverse meditation." This is a practice that teaches you to be with an unwanted experience instead of running away from it as an opportunity for transformation. Pain and suffering can be a pathway for change; tranquility "sedates, it doesn't liberate." The goal is to live in a state of expansion rather than contraction. Acceptance and open awareness are key in this practice.

    Andrew offers retreats for people interested in learning more about his work and is hosting one in March in Costa Rica. He also hosts an online community, Night Club.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    More about the best way to prepare to die How death can be seen as a form of liberation The power of lucid dreaming and practices that help you get there How the dream state is a "truer dimension" What Andrew thinks about dream interpretation Why someone might want to practice reverse meditation How to become less distracted and more aware What the three phases of beginning meditation are Why language can be a trigger and how to transform its power What Andrew experienced when he met the Dalai Lama

    Connect With Andrew Holecek



    Night Club: nightclub.andrewholecek.com

    Global Dental Relief: www.globaldentalrelief.org







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    The 2024 Do Nothing Retreat is open for registration (5 spots remaining)

    Join us from September 22-26 for The Do Nothing Retreat, a mindfulness meditation retreat suitable for meditators at all levels. The retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspectives – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.

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    Pre-order Rob’s newest book, co-authored with bestselling author and founder of EOS Worldwide, Gino Wickman, Shine, How Looking Inward Is The Key To Unlocking True Entrepreneurial Freedom. The book will be available on March 26, 2024.

  • "The fundamental idea of gross national happiness is to say that the center of our attention should be the happiness of all people as well as all life forms." — Tho Va Hinh

    This week I speak to a returning guest, Tho Va Hinh, author of The Culture of Happiness and founder of the Eurasia Foundation and the Eurasia Learning Institute for Happiness and Wellbeing. He's designed the Happy Schools curriculum, which started its first program in Vietnam and is now being tried in Switzerland and Germany. He is also a Buddhist teacher ordained by Thich Nhat Hanh.

    Tho's early life was shaped by being the child of a Vietnamese diplomat father and a French mother. Though he did not directly witness the Vietnam War growing up, he was impacted by it through extended family. He saw both sides, he explains. While he at first thought he'd study to be a doctor, he chose a less conventional path: he became a performer and dance teacher. The type of dance he did was Eurythmy, a dance form developed by Rudolf Steiner, whose philosophies shape Waldorf schools.

    Tho explains his early interest in Eurythmy and his journey as a teacher and a Buddhist have all been driven by a desire to connect inner transformational work with the outer work of social change.He pursued a PhD in psychology and education when he was over 40. He has held leadership roles in schools, including director of Camphill Seminar of Curative Education in Switzerland and director of learning and development for the International Committee of the Red Cross. While serving in the latter role, he saw firsthand the devastating impact of wars in such places as Palestine and Darfur. He began to seek out ways to change the root of the problems, rather than addressing the consequences of violence.

    Tho's interests led him to Bhutan, where the government has implemented an alternative framework to replace the Gross National Product: Gross National Happiness. He explains how and why this framework is based on the premise that the guiding principle for a society should be on wellbeing for individuals, connection with others, and caring for the planet. The economic system is only one part of this larger framework. However, most societies use the Gross National Product - an economic index - as one of the most important markers of how a society is doing. Tho describes the process of implementing an index to measure Gross National Happiness instead and how this has led to his development of the Happy Schools curriculum.

    Tho has also helped implement the principles of Gross National Happiness into business, working with companies in Vietnam, Switzerland and Germany. One first step is to gather information through employee surveys to find out what needs and concerns workers have in order to find ways that the company can help improve their employees' wellbeing. So far, the results have been encouraging, with leaders reporting higher employee engagement and a more positive work culture. \

    Tho says that schools and businesses that have adopted these principles have proven more resilient through the pandemic and ultimately have come out stronger, and he's eager to see this grow in the future. His latest project hopes to do just that, through the creation of a "Happy Village" in Vietnam.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    How Tho's father responded when he told him he was going to study Eurythmy instead of medicine What Tho thinks of the current culture of information and how people need time to integrate all the information they are taking in His experience of meeting Thich Nhat Hanh for the first time The definition of dharma and why true Buddhist teachings are about freedom Why he he started working on Gross National Happiness in Bhutan What Tho thinks about artificial intelligence How we need to shift education to respond to our current culture and create a better future What Happy Schools teach and the results so far The importance of gratitude in a happiness practice How Rob took the principles and Gross National Happiness and applied them to his own business To view the Happy Schools documentary mentioned in the podcast, go to:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib0PC9-y-KI

    Connect With Tho Va Hinh


    Eurasian Learning Institute for Happiness and Wellbeing

    Happy Schools







    Book: Culture of Happiness


    The 2023 Do Nothing Retreat is open for registration (5 spots remaining)

    Join us from October 8-12 for The Do Nothing Retreat, a mindfulness meditation retreat suitable for meditators at all levels The retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.

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    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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  • “When we're no longer grasping for the money, it often flows more easily to us." — Spencer Sherman

    This week's guest is Spencer Sherman, CEO of Abacus Wealth Partners, a certified mindfulness teacher and author of The Cure for Money Madness. He also teaches people how to have a healthier relationship with money through his online courses and is on the faculty at NYU's Inner MBA program.

    In this episode Spencer and I dig into how our relationship with money is shaped by our parents, cultural messages, and the historical events we live through. Spencer grew up in Queens, where, he says, a lot of people focus on working hard, but he also grew up with the sense that there was never enough. After earning an MBA at Wharton Business School, he went to work for an investment firm. There, he focused on making moneynd and working long hours.

    Only when a fire broke out in his building did Sherman start to question whether money was needed for happiness at the expense of his health. He went on a ten-day silent retreat because, he says, "I'm a sucker for a challenge." That experience taught him that he could feel joy and a sense of having enough with few possessions, by just going inward. It was the beginning of redefining net worth to include more than just numbers on the balance sheet.

    Once he incorporated more mindfulness in his life, Spencer took a step back and started working on his relationship with money. He opened his own business and learned to set boundaries around his time for self-care activities like sleep and exercise. His business was one of the first to offer fee-only services, so he could help people objectively with their financial planning. In 2002, he joined with a friend to create Abacus Wealth Partners, a values-driven financial firm.

    One practice Spencer teaches in his workshops is helping people become more conscious and aware of their thoughts and feelings around money. For example, he sometimes experiences anxiety about making a big purchase, even though he has the money. In those moments, Spencer explains, he reverts to being a child and feeling afraid he's going to run out of money. He has to take a moment, take a breath (he calls it the "money breath") and remind himself he's okay, that his adult self is in control. Similarly, he advises people take a few days to consider any big purchases, to make sure they are not acting out of impulse.

    Money can be our greatest teacher, Spencer says. Once we stop and become aware of our relationship with money, we can learn so much more about ourselves.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    How lessons about money are learned, from previous generations and from the events we live through as a child and adolescent. How improving our relationship with money can help us cultivate patience and resilience. Why finding your own balance - with work and play, with risk and safety - is important. How gratitude can help us focus more on what we have and less on what we don't. Why feeling the sense of "enoughness" may be the key in shifting to a healthier relationship with money, and open up more abundance into your life. What practice Spencer has used when he's felt envious. How a taxi driver in India taught him about having enough. What leaders can learn from the Dalai Lama. Why beginners are often better at investing over the long term.

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    Mindful Spencer



    The 2023 Do Nothing Retreat is open for registration (5 spots remaining)

    Join us from October 8-12 for The Do Nothing Retreat, a mindfulness meditation retreat suitable for meditators at all levels The retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.

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    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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  • “If we want to be free, at some point we have to plant our staff in the ground and say, 'I am here.'" — Koshin Paley Ellison

    This week's guest is Sensei Koshin Paley Ellison, founder and guiding teacher of the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care. Ellison is an author, Jungian psychotherapist and ACPE Certified Chaplain Educator. Koshin has served as the co-director for Contemplative Care Services in the Department of Integrative Medicine at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center and is currently on the faculty of the University of Arizona Medical School's Center for Integrative Medicine. His most recent book is Untangled: Walking the Eightfold Path to Clarity, Courage and Compassion.

    While Koshin has extensive education, he explains that it's ultimately all been in search of deeper meaning. As a young man he discovered the poetry of Marie Howe and was moved to seek her out as a teacher. He subsequently studied under her, earning an MFA. Then, after serving as a hospital chaplain, he went on to get a degree in social work in order to learn how to help others better. This led him to studying psychoanalysis. But clearly what has most deeply informed Koshin's life is his practice of Zen meditation, which he's formally studied since 1987.

    "Zen," Koshin explains, simply means sitting meditation. It's one of the various practices of meditation, and all are valid routes to self-reflection and exploration. It was this practice that enabled him to sit with and be present with the dying as a hospital chaplain. He started in this work when his grandmother was dying, who observed that he and his "Zen people" were the only people who could be fully present with her, without distraction, fear, or busy-ness. He credits her as the real founder of the Zen Center for Contemplative Care. In an effort to bring these principles to the medical community, Koshin helps doctors and other clinicians bring a contemplative practice to their work and their lives, enabling them to be more present for their patients, as well as themselves.

    Ultimately, what's important, Koshin says, is that we not get too attached to our identity. We take on different identities throughout our days and lives depending on the situation we're in. Letting go of attachment to one's identity is key. He also believes that suffering is rooted in the gap between what we believe to be right and good and how we act daily, and he strives to help people to close that gap in order to live more authentic, meaningful lives.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    How a traumatic memory from Koshin's childhood came back to him and how he responded His first lesson as an 11-year-old karate student His own moments of insight with being attached to his identity Why Buddhism is still relevant today How anxiety is an addiction How he finds gratitude and appreciation in everyday life

    Connect With Koshin Paley Ellison





    The 2023 Do Nothing Retreat is open for registration (5 spots remaining)

    Join us from October 8-12 for The Do Nothing Retreat, a mindfulness meditation retreat suitable for meditators at all levels The retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.

    Get Rob’s Weekly Newsletter

    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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  • "I just believe we were put here for a purpose." – Don Lupo

    This week's guest is Don Lupo, an advocate for the homeless and others in need. Twenty-three years ago, Lupo left a career as a successful businessman to start a new career in service to his community, the city of Birmingham, AL. In 2016, he was awarded the FBI Director's Community Leadership Award and was named one of the "Top 50 Over 50" in the state of Alabama; in 2018 he was awarded the Civilian Service Award by the Birmingham Police Department.

    One of the defining moments of Lupo's life was the passing of his mother when he was 16 years old. He explains how her unconditional love for him as well as her commitment to being of service to others have inspired him throughout his life. Another defining moment was reading some words on the back of an envelope that exhorted him to "love your neighbor, feed the hungry, clothe any that are naked." This message was a "slap in the face," he says, prompting him to find a way to help others. He now includes these words in his social media posts. Lupo, who directs the Mayor's Office of Citizens' Assistance, says that he doesn't see his job as work, but as a way he can be of service to others.

    Lupo has certainly found ways to serve and has done a lot of work serving the homeless in the city of Birmingham. He is proud to say that almost every homeless person in the city is known by name, and if he doesn't know theirs, they know his. As a board member for Firehouse Ministries, a homeless shelter and outreach agency, he worked on raising funds for a new facility. Despite the odds, they raised $7 million in six months. Lupo believes in the vital importance of the work of Firehouse, saying that we are all "just one step" away from being homeless and that if he ever needed somewhere to go, he knows he could go there.

    In a profile in Good Grit Magazine, Lupo was called "the man to call when you need to get something done—especially connecting those in need with available resources."

    Lupo stresses that he could never have accomplished all he has without the help of others. In one example he shares that after his daughter convinced him to go on Facebook and ask for the 1500 toothbrushes the shelter needed, he was offered way more than he needed. All he had to do was ask.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    What happened when Don Lupo met the Dalai Lama What he thinks would help address the problem of homelessness What he thought as he stood next to the mayor when they went to talk to protestors over a statue How his faith and belief in service has motivated him throughout his life

    Connect With Don Lupo


    The 2023 Do Nothing Retreat is open for registration (7 spots remaining)

    Join us from October 8-12 for The Do Nothing Retreat, a mindfulness meditation retreat suitable for meditators at all levels The retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.

    Get Rob’s Weekly Newsletter

    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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    Buy Rob’s book, donothing: The Most Rewarding Leadership Challenge You'll Ever Take


  • Jay Steinfeld | Experimenting and Enjoying the Ride

    "You really never know when you set out to do anything, if it's going to work. If you do know, then you're not experimenting enough." — Jay Steinfeld

    This week's guest is Jay Steinfeld, author of Lead from the Core and founder of Blinds.com, which he sold to Home Depot in 2014. Steinfeld remained the company's CEO until he left in 2020 to not retire but, as he calls it, "rewire." He teaches business and entrepreneurship at Rice University, serves on multiple boards, and is active in charitable organizations.

    Jay's predominant approach to life and to business is to learn as much as possible, with the understanding that you're never going to know it all. He believes in experimentation, and in taking small steps to try something new to figure out if it's something he wants to build on. The loss of two important people in his life—his mother when he was a teenager and his wife after 25 years of marriage, both to cancer in their late 40s—also motivated him to learn and come to a better understanding of how he wanted to live his life. Two texts he cites as influential are Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankel and The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt.

    Jay explains how being value-led drove him in building his company. One of these values is experimenting without fear of failure. By articulating and modeling the core values of the company, he was able to hire people who would not be afraid to speak up and experiment. He was also able to guide his business as it was sold to Home Depot, making sure that the people who had helped him build his business were recognized, appreciated, and well compensated for all they did. Honesty is another value Jay discusses in this episode, where he advises CEOs to "not be chickenshit" but to be the one who tells people what they need to know.

    Another value Jay discusses is to "enjoy the ride." Having challenges and facing the unknown have been motivating for him, and he loves working with others to come up with new ideas and solutions. He believes his greatest achievement is assembling teams of people who succeeded at doing things he could never have done alone.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    How the loss of Jay Steinfeld's mother and wife affected how sees the world How he approaches social media How he went about planning for his "rewirement" and the one person he wanted to meet When it might make sense to give up How to model and send the message to employees that experimentation is valued What you need to do if an employee is not performing up to expectations What to do before selling a business

    Connect With Jay Steinfeld



    Link to download first chapter of book:


    Book page on Amazon:

    Lead from the Core: The Four Principles for Profit and Prosperity





    The 2022 Leading with Genuine Care Retreat is at full capacity.*

    *If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please click here and fill out the form. If a current attendee is not able to attend, we will contact you right away.

    The Leading with Genuine Care Leadership Retreat is a mindfulness meditation retreat specifically designed for business leaders and entrepreneurs. Suitable for meditators at all levels, the retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper, leadership-based mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.

    Get Rob’s Weekly Newsletter

    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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    Rob Dube’s Website


    Buy Rob’s book, donothing: The Most Rewarding Leadership Challenge You'll Ever Take


  • "I'm on a mission to share with the world that you can have a good quality of life and a successful business." — Dr. Sabrina Starling

    This week's guest is Dr. Sabrina Starling, The Business Psychologist, bestselling author of the How To Hire the Best series and The 4 Week Vacation and host of the Profit by Design podcast. Sabrina's company, Tap the Potential, helps entrepreneurs learn how to build successful businesses without sacrificing their quality of life, health, and relationships.

    Many entrepreneurs put off taking time to be with their families, to travel, or to take care of themselves until it's too late. Dr. Starling believes entrepreneurs need to take time away from their businesses and encourages them to eventually get to a place where they can take four-week vacations, as she discusses in her book. When entrepreneurs hear of the four-week vacation, most think it's impossible. It's also frightening.

    Starling acknowledges that four weeks fully away from work is not going to be something entrepreneurs do when they are in the startup phase. It's something that takes time to build up to, and should be done gradually and with forethought and planning. It means putting systems and people into place that will run your business without you. As scary as that might be, it's the key to achieving a full, happy life that isn't solely about your business. Starling points out that in her research on successful entrepreneurs, those who build their business to eventually operate without them are the ones who thrive and avoid burnout.

    In order to get to that place, Starling says entrepreneurs need to "slim down" the business, and find that "sweet spot" where you are serving and adding value to the 20% of your customers who account for 80% of your business. By focusing in this way, you can set up systems, hire the right people, and ultimately be able to pay attention to other aspects of life.

    Further, once these systems are put into place, you can take time off that you need to nourish and replenish yourself. Starling calls these times "soul-batticals." After you come back from these periods away, and you see that the systems and people are running your business, you can focus on growth or the next step in your journey, rather than responding to crisis after crisis. Under this framework, it's entirely possible to work reasonable work hours—40 hours, or even fewer, rather than the 70 or 80 hours a week many entrepreneurs do.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    Where you need to be in order to take a four-week vacation—and how to get there Why it's important to find work-life balance now, so you can be present in the lives of the people you love What thriving entrepreneurs do to build successful businesses while maintaining time and space for other pursuits What types of questions to ask when faced with problems What $10,000 per hour activities are—and why you need to focus on them

    Connect With Dr. Sabrina Starling



    For the Better Business, Better Life Assessment:


    To download "How To Make Your Time Worth $10,000 an Hour," with chart:


    Book: The 4 Week Vacation








    The 2022 Leading with Genuine Care Retreat is at full capacity.*

    *If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please click here and fill out the form. If a current attendee is not able to attend, we will contact you right away.

    The Leading with Genuine Care Leadership Retreat is a mindfulness meditation retreat specifically designed for business leaders and entrepreneurs. Suitable for meditators at all levels, the retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper, leadership-based mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.

    Get Rob’s Weekly Newsletter

    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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    Rob Dube’s Website


    Buy Rob’s book, donothing: The Most Rewarding Leadership Challenge You'll Ever Take


  • Nicole Glaros | It's About the How, Not the What

    “It's so much more powerful to be a 'we' than an 'I.' You get so much further when it's ours, not mine." — Nicole Glaros

    This week's guest is Nicole Glaros, partner and chief investment strategy officer at Techstars, a venture capital firm in Boulder, Colorado. Nicole joined Techstars in 2008, bringing her experience as a three-time startup founder and her work with an early business incubator. Since joining Techstars, she's helped build it exponentially from a small firm to a global powerhouse and serves on the board of a variety of companies.

    Nicole is in transition, having decided to step away from her role at Techstars. She describes her current position as being at the top of the mountain and looking around. You spend so much time just climbing up there, you don't have little time to rest or look around, she explains. Nicole is now figuring out her next steps on her journey, stopping to ask what she wants rather than reacting to whatever comes her way.

    Nicole values people helping and supporting others. When she first came to Colorado, there was little going on for entrepreneurs and startups. It was through the active engagement and openness to giving advice and collaborating that it has become a flourishing, vital scene for startups. Unfortunately, COVID did some damage to this culture, and Nicole acknowledges that the next generation needs to step up and start doing the work previous generations did of helping others. Nicole explains that this kind of thinking stems back to the question of, "If not us, then who?"

    Similarly, Nicole believes that peer groups can play an important role for entrepreneurs in supporting and encouraging growth. She doesn't believe people learn by reading or passively taking in information. Instead, we learn by doing, and CEOs need to model the types of behaviors and habits they want the people who work for them to follow.

    As a board member and startup advisor, Nicole also understands the challenge of making hard decisions and concludes that it's more about the how than the what. She explains in an example how one company was told they had to cut expenses by laying off half the workforce. Instead, the CEO explored other solutions, and with the support of employees, found alternative ways to cut expenses.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    Nicole's thoughts about "conscious" entrepreneurship, and what term she likes better The one thing she did that made a huge impact on her productivity while at Techstars How and why peer groups can help entrepreneurs How your thoughts and beliefs can impact your life How to shift your mindset through awareness The question CEOs could ask that might mean a huge shift in work culture What she gets out of participating in challenging sports like mountain climbing and boxing

    Connect With Nicole Glaros


    Nearly Nicole






    The 2022 Leading with Genuine Care Retreat is at full capacity.*

    *If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please click here and fill out the form. If a current attendee is not able to attend, we will contact you right away.

    The Leading with Genuine Care Leadership Retreat is a mindfulness meditation retreat specifically designed for business leaders and entrepreneurs. Suitable for meditators at all levels, the retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper, leadership-based mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.

    Get Rob’s Weekly Newsletter

    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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    Buy Rob’s book, donothing: The Most Rewarding Leadership Challenge You'll Ever Take


  • “If you don't know where you're going, how are you making the decisions to get there?" — Ryan Tansom

    Ryan Tansom is founder of Arkona, a company that helps businesses grow with intention through trainings and fractional CFO services. I am thrilled to have Ryan join me on the podcast, since he and his cofounder, Pat Hobby, have been a big help to me in my own business, imageOne, and have helped me learn how to make decisions with more intention. The Intentional Growth™ Framework, along with other tools like EOS, Small Giants, The Great Game of Business and 2 Second Lean, have made a huge impact on me and my business.

    Ryan was previously the executive vice president of his family's business, and by applying intentional growth strategies, helped grow it to a place where it was bought up by a competitor in an 8-figure sale. Ryan also hosts the Intentional Growth™ podcast.

    Ryan sees putting intention at the forefront of everything we do as critical to growth both personally and professionally, and especially in business. Without a clear goal of where you want to end up, you're unable to confidently and clearly make decisions. Having a clear intention helps give you purpose in your daily life and to make decisions in alignment with those goals. Intention helps to answer your "why."

    Ryan sees major turning points - what he calls inflection points - such as selling a business or going through a divorce, as opportunities for growth and learning. His experience working in his family's business came with a lot of anxiety and uncertainty, in large part because of their financial situation. Looking back, he realizes that they lacked intention and an understanding of what a Chief Financial Officer could offer in this process. With Arkona, Ryan strives to help business leaders become more intentional and to come to a better understanding of their financial situation and goals. He explains what a CFO should do, and how smaller companies can benefit from working with a fractional CFO to help leaders get clear on and become aligned with their intentions.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    The five principles Arkona teaches in helping businesses become more intentional What a CFO should do in a company and which companies should consider using a fractional CFO How understanding just the three financial statements in a business is key to better managing finances and making them less complicated How Arkona helped Rob and his partner become more intentional in their business Why mastering an understanding of money is so critical What the two "true things" are Why a routine is so important and how it gives Ryan freedom How Ryan explains the Biblical quote "the meek shall inherit the Earth"

    Connect with Ryan Tansom







    Learn More from Ryan Tansom and Arkona

    Intentional Growth™ Framework

    Intentional Growth™ Podcast

    Sign up for the 2022 Leading with Genuine Care Retreat!

    The Leading with Genuine Care Leadership Retreat is a mindfulness meditation retreat specifically designed for business leaders and entrepreneurs. Suitable for meditators at all levels, the retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper, leadership-based mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.


    At the retreat you’ll:

    Unplug from your busy lives Immerse yourself in nature Learn from renowned guides and teachers Connect with other mindful leaders And so much more!

    Get Rob’s Weekly Newsletter

    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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    Rob Dube’s Website


    Buy Rob’s book, donothing: The Most Rewarding Leadership Challenge You'll Ever Take


  • “We've got to get to a place where the conversations are deeper at a heart level.” — Melvin Gravely

    This week's guest is Melvin Gravely, entrepreneur and author of Dear White Friend. Melvin is CEO of TriVersity, a black-owned construction company in Cincinnati that was founded and continues to run under the principle that diversity brings power. He has also written several other books, on entrepreneurship and race.

    Melvin credits his successes with "disruptions" that steered him on a different path than many of his peers growing up. He was intentionally placed in a different middle school. He was given opportunities through programs for minorities that helped him go to college and get a job at IBM. He excelled in sales at IBM, the first company he worked at, and moved on to work in various other entrepreneurial projects as well as earning a PhD in business administration. While Melvin believes in hard work and doing due diligence, these types of programs often help offset the severe inequities that so black people in America continue to face.

    Melvin wrote Dear White Friend in response to the current discussions people in this country, including his white friends, are having about race in America. A prolific writer, Melvin says that he turns to writing for relaxation and to help him understand and make sense of the world. Melvin's main premise is that the root cause of racial inequities in the U.S. is slavery. He explains why and how African Americans are at the bottom and white people are at the top, with everyone else is in between. He points out that almost half of the black population lives in poverty, a consequence of their ancestors being slaves.

    Melvin says the first step for everyone is to acknowledge the reality of the racial construct in our nation. The next step after acknowledgement is deciding to act with intention. If we all work in our own spheres of influence, then reach out to other spheres, Melvin explains, we can start to build a better, more equitable world.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    Steps white people can take to start to build momentum to make change How asking the question "why is it this way" can be a powerful tool for insight and empathy How a professor used the game of Monopoly to illustrate racial inequities How intentional acts can help disrupt the path many people are given What Melvin thinks about the statue debate What he thinks about reparations and why he changed his mind about them How and why his company makes diversity one of their core values

    Connect With Melvin Gravely



    Note: You can also download a free discussion guide at www.dearwhitefriend.com/discussiongroups.



    Sign up for the 2022 Leading with Genuine Care Retreat!

    *Only 3 spots left!*

    The Leading with Genuine Care Leadership Retreat is a mindfulness meditation retreat specifically designed for business leaders and entrepreneurs. Suitable for meditators at all levels, the retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper, leadership-based mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.


    At the retreat you’ll:

    Unplug from your busy lives Immerse yourself in nature Learn from renowned guides and teachers Connect with other mindful leaders And so much more!

    Get Rob’s Weekly Newsletter

    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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    Rob Dube’s Website


    Buy Rob’s book, donothing: The Most Rewarding Leadership Challenge You'll Ever Take


  • George Mumford | In the Eye of the Hurricane

    “When you get rid of noise and clutter, nothing's there. But because nothing's there, there could be anything there.” — George Mumford

    This week I chatted with George Mumford, renowned teacher and coach on mindfulness and performance. George has worked with such athletes as Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, Shaquille O'Neal and many other elite athletes and executives. Mumford is the author of The Mindful Athlete: Secrets to Pure Performance.

    In our talk George explains why his company is called "Eye of the Hurricane." He strives to teach people about that still center in themselves, just as in the middle of a hurricane there is a quiet, still point. Mindfulness, George explains, can be the tool that gets us there. However, mindfulness must be guided by wisdom, love, faith and trust. Mindfulness can help guide us to create that pause we need between stimulus and response. Just being able to stop and become aware is immensely valuable. If you struggle with anger, a good first step is becoming aware of what triggers you. Then, he says, try to get intimate with it. Observe what happens to you, and try to learn from it. Whatever you do, George teaches, be fully engaged with the present moment.

    George reads a book a week, and often re-reads books in order to learn from them at a deeper level. For the same reason George offers programs where students are encouraged to become lifelong learners, returning again and again to the material from different perspectives and in different contexts. In our talk, he referenced Kierkegaard, Socrates, and Erich Fromm, among others. George integrates all he learns to teach others how to not just survive, but thrive, and encourages us all to be authentically who we are.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    How going slower will get you where you want to go quicker How knowing your core values will help you with your practice What the "superpowers" are and why you need them How to deal with anxiety in today's world What Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan learned from George Mumford Why his teachings are not just for athletes Why trying too hard can be counter-productive What flow is and how to harness it What it means to have an empty mind

    Connect with George Mumford














    Learn More from George Mumford


    Sign up for the 2022 Leading with Genuine Care Retreat!

    The Leading with Genuine Care Leadership Retreat is a mindfulness meditation retreat specifically designed for business leaders and entrepreneurs. Suitable for meditators at all levels, the retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper, leadership-based mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.


    At the retreat you’ll:

    Unplug from your busy lives Immerse yourself in nature Learn from renowned guides and teachers Connect with other mindful leaders And so much more!

    Get Rob’s Weekly Newsletter

    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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    Rob Dube’s Website


    Buy Rob’s book, donothing: The Most Rewarding Leadership Challenge You'll Ever Take


  • “Conflict is the hallmark of progress, success and happiness when you deal with it well.” — Gabe Karp

    My guest this week is Gabe Karp, former trial attorney, venture capitalist, speaker, and author of Don't Get Mad at Penguins and Other Ways to Detox the Conflict in Your Life and Business. After ten years as a trial attorney, Gabe joined the startup ePrize, now Merkle, which became one of the leading companies in the digital promotions industry. He is an operating partner at Detroit Venture Partners, is a venture partner at Lightbank, a Chicago-based venture capital firm, and serves on the boards of multiple companies. Gabe draws on his 30 years of experience as a litigator and corporate executive to help companies and leaders better manage - and even embrace - conflict.

    In our conversation, Gabe and I talk about making anger and conflict work for you. Gabe believes conflict is an opportunity to grow and drive transformation, both internally and within an organization. Rather than running away from it, Gabe has found that it's often better to instead stop and look at conflict as an opportunity. Having often found himself having to navigate conflicts that arose in the companies where he worked, he began to develop ways to address it. Addressing conflict in a healthy way takes some conscious effort because it means overcoming our natural survival instincts of fight or flight. Instead, Gabe teaches us to find a middle ground and to embrace conflict, explaining that navigating healthy conflict is when growth occurs. Managers and leaders can embrace conflict by learning tools to manage their anger - and others' anger - and by practicing ways to give feedback and encourage growth rather than add to toxic forms of conflict.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    The difference between healthy and toxic conflict What the "shopping list voice" is and how to use it to help give feedback to reduce tension What happened on the movie set of Kill Bill 2 that illustrates the impact of bully-like behavior How even a small lie can affect a relationship down the road What toxic judgment is and how it can affect interpersonal relationships as well as inhibit progress What humility looks like in a leader and why it's important How avoidance just makes things worse Why how we respond is a choice we can make How his attorney father, who worked in the civil rights movement in the South in the 1960s, demonstrated how to embrace conflict and difficult moments

    Connect with Gabe Karp









    Sign up for the 2022 Leading with Genuine Care Retreat!

    The Leading with Genuine Care Leadership Retreat is a mindfulness meditation retreat specifically designed for business leaders and entrepreneurs. Suitable for meditators at all levels, the retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper, leadership-based mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.


    At the retreat you’ll:

    Unplug from your busy lives Immerse yourself in nature Learn from renowned guides and teachers Connect with other mindful leaders And so much more!

    Get Rob’s Weekly Newsletter

    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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    Rob Dube’s Website


    Buy Rob’s book, donothing: The Most Rewarding Leadership Challenge You'll Ever Take


  • “It’s very simple. Decide when you get up in the morning that you’re going to have a terrific day, no matter what happens.” — Dr. Sri Rao

    My guest this week is Dr. Srikumar Rao, an elite coach who works with business executives, professionals, and entrepreneurs. He is widely known for his popular course, Creativity and Personal Mastery, first developed for Columbia Business School. His talk, “How Can You Plug-in to Happiness Now?” has had more than a million downloads and he is the author of two bestselling books, Are You Ready to Succeed? and Happiness at Work.

    In our conversation Dr. Rao explains how we are all essentially prisoners of our own mind; that we create our own reality, and we all have the ability to break out of it. The key to having a great day starts with simply deciding it will be great, no matter what life throws at you, and at the same time surrendering any idea that we are in control of what happens. He also stresses that everything we do is an expression of who we are and that we all have the ability to elevate consciousness in ourselves as well as in others. By becoming more aware of ourselves, we can learn to understand how we can make a better and bigger impact on the world.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    How a practice of gratitude can help you shift your awareness Why thinking we’re in control is at the root of most of our problems Why it’s good to work toward a goal, regardless of whether you achieve it How we can free ourselves simply by shifting the thought that the world does not and is not the way we think it should be Why our awareness is like a flashlight, and where we shine it makes all the difference How your work can be part of your spiritual path, and not separate from it How surrendering control can be good for business How you can make an impact through your daily actions Why he believes we as a species are better off than we ever have been before The practice he does daily to keep himself aware and present His top recommendations for books and how to use them

    Learn more from Dr. Sri Rao at the Conscious Entrepreneur Summit, May 17 and 18, 2022 in Denver. Register at: https://consciousentrepreneur.us

    Connect with Dr. Rao










    Learn More From Dr. Rao

    To sign up for his weekly newsletter:


    For information and application for Creative & Personal Mastery:


    For recommended reading:


    For information on coaching with Dr. Rao:


    For information on having Dr. Rao as a speaker and to view the video of his talk, featured in TED:


    Sign up for the 2022 Leading with Genuine Care Retreat!

    The Leading with Genuine Care Leadership Retreat is a mindfulness meditation retreat specifically designed for business leaders and entrepreneurs. Suitable for meditators at all levels, the retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper, leadership-based mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.


    At the retreat you’ll:

    Unplug from your busy lives Immerse yourself in nature Learn from renowned guides and teachers Connect with other mindful leaders And so much more!

    Get Rob’s Weekly Newsletter

    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


    Follow Rob Dube on Social Media







    Rob Dube’s Website


    Buy Rob’s book, donothing: The Most Rewarding Leadership Challenge You'll Ever Take


  • “What does it mean to lead from a context of curiosity, to being more committed to learning than being right?” — Kaley Klemp

    This week, I chat with Kaley Klemp, a transformational executive and leadership coach and coauthor of The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership. She helps leaders align themselves with their priorities and values; she also helps high performing teams overcome challenges using Conscious Leadership practices. Kaley is a master enneagram specialist, a personality system which guides people to uncover their own strengths and understand their motivations. She is the author of The Drama-Free Office and The 13 Guidelines for Effective Teams.

    Kaley is also coauthor with her husband, Nate Klemp, of The 80/80 Marriage: How To Build a Stronger, Happier Marriage, a model they developed together in order to strengthen their own marriage.

    In our conversation, we talk about some of the key ideas behind Kaley’s work with business leaders; how for her, there is no real divide between the professional and the personal, and that “wherever you go, there you are.” At the core of her work is always an appeal to getting curious and to being led by curiosity without judgment.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

    Some of the ways that not taking 100% responsibility for our lives can show up and hinder our success How to become aware of imbalances in the four elements - reflection, knowledge, community, service - and how this can show us what we need to pay attention to in our lives How simply being curious can make a difference, whether you’re curious about your own experience or that of others What it means to “drift” below the line and how to get back on course How the “ripple effect” characterizes conscious entrepreneurs What the four zones are and which zone to aspire to How you can turn the people who annoy you the most into your teachers and allies Why, ultimately, you shouldn’t aim for “50/50” in your marriage What “slow fades” are and how they lead to distance in your marriage How to keep your marriage interesting and alive by staying curious Why some structure and planning might be the key for your sex life Some ways executives can foster connection in the workplace, even in virtual spaces What the enneagram system can tell you about yourself Why leaders find an “intentional pause” so helpful And so much more!

    Connect with Kaley Klemp










    Learn More From Kaley Klemp

    The 8080 Marriage, with a free Epic Date Night Guide and articles on relationships.


    Coaching Certification for business leaders:


    Online Enneagram courses:


    Sign up for the 2022 Leading with Genuine Care Retreat!

    The Leading with Genuine Care Leadership Retreat is a mindfulness meditation retreat specifically designed for business leaders and entrepreneurs. Suitable for meditators at all levels, the retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper, leadership-based mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned.


    At the retreat you’ll:

    Unplug from your busy lives Immerse yourself in nature Learn from renowned guides and teachers Connect with other mindful leaders And so much more!

    Get Rob’s Weekly Newsletter

    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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    Rob Dube’s Website


    Buy Rob’s book, donothing: The Most Rewarding Leadership Challenge You'll Ever Take


  • “A lot of being human is… pinballing around in this world, versus realizing that there's a deeper intention behind why we're here.” — Stephen Dinan

    A little more wisdom is never a bad thing. And it might be easier to access than you think, if you’re open-minded.

    My guest on the podcast this week is Stephen Dinan, a lifelong learner who now helps others on their quest for spiritual growth and awareness.

    Dinan founded The Shift Network, an online educational platform offering courses and events on topics including enlightened business practices, previous lives, and energy medicine. He’s also a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, made up of like-minded leaders trying to improve the world.

    Dinan used to be a self-described “atheist scientist type,” until the sudden death of a close friend shook up his worldview. Grappling with questions that science had no answer for, he turned to spiritualism.

    He explored ways to reach higher levels of consciousness, psychic abilities, and reincarnation. Having initially planned to be a doctor, he realized he was supposed to make a difference through business. Dinan believes that conscious capitalism — using business as a force for good — is the key to making positive change in the world.

    In this episode of Leading With Genuine Care, you’ll hear Dinan’s advice on how to lead a business that shuns short-term wins for long-term victories, encouraging employees to meet their spiritual needs, why we should think planet-first, and more.

    You’ll also learn:

    The journey of our souls and how we choose our bodies What Dinan’s eighth grade self would think of him today How a trip to India helped him access a higher level of consciousness — and what that’s really like Why an Apollo astronaut created an institute to study spiritualist theories How the overview effect — seeing the whole Earth as one entity— changes your perspective How the COVID-19 pandemic proved that the world can work together Why more individuals are achieving their full potential today than ever before

    Connect with Stephen Dinan






    Learn More From Stephen Dinan

    Take a course or attend an event with The Shift Network

    Learn more here: theshiftnetwork.com/

    Buy Stephen Dinan’s books Sacred America, Sacred World and Radical Spirit


    Get Rob’s Weekly Newsletter

    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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    Rob Dube’s Website


    Buy Rob’s book, donothing: The Most Rewarding Leadership Challenge You'll Ever Take


  • “My mind has caused me tremendous pain in my life that has felt outside of my control. But I can build a relationship with it, and ultimately, my mind can be a good place to be.” — Matthew Hepburn

    Your mind tries so hard to take care of you: Give it a little credit and a little help.

    This week’s guest is Matthew Hepburn, a meditation teacher who knows first hand how complicated managing your own mental health can be.

    While studying to be a jazz pianist in college, Hepburn started experiencing severe doubt and self-loathing, which led to depression. Looking for a way to soothe his dark thoughts, he turned to mindfulness meditation.

    Hepburn’s practice showed him that although he couldn’t always change his external circumstances, he could find ways to play to his mind’s strengths, while also curbing it’s more anxiety-provoking tendencies. He wanted to share this insight with others.

    You may know Hepburn from his work with Ten Percent Happier, a mindfulness meditation app and podcast for the meditation curious, as well as regular practitioners. He’s also set to host the podcast Twenty Percent Happier, in which he asks fellow meditation teachers the kinds of questions that students really want answered.

    In this episode, Hepburn gives us a new perspective on busyness, and advice for addressing anxiety in the moment. He explains how to connect with nature no matter where you are (it’s closer than you think, promise) and how sincerity helped him find his true calling.

    You’ll also learn:

    The connection between playing piano and mindfulness How practicing meditation and mindfulness helps us learn from life How to create a workable schedule (guilt- and FOMO-free) What snowboarding taught Hepburn about being present in the moment, even outside meditation Why feeling depressed and anxious is not a personal failing How to hear a symphony in the city When and how to get out of your brain’s way

    Connect with Matthew Hepburn






    Learn More From Matthew Hepburn

    Listen and subscribe to the Twenty Percent Happier podcast

    Find more information here: https://www.tenpercent.com/twenty-percent-happier-podcast

    Listen to Hepburn talk about applying meditation in your work life on Ten Percent Happier

    Listen to it here: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/matthew-hepburn-396

    Take the Taming Anxiety Challenge

    Join Ten Percent Happier’s 10-day anxiety challenge. Every day, you’ll receive a short video with insights into how anxiety works in your brain, what that looks like in your life, and tools you can use to address it.

    Find out more here: https://www.tenpercent.com/challenge

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  • “We need to find the interruptions that bring us out of the state of anxiety and into the present moment long enough that we can make better choices.” — Lodro Rinzler

    You can’t completely avoid stress — so prepare yourself with the best tools available to manage it.

    Lodro Rinzler has been practicing meditation since he was a child, and teaching it since he was in college. He’s the author of multiple books that help people apply Buddhist teachings to modern life, and runs courses on Buddhism and mindfulnesses.

    But Rinzler says that it was only while writing his newest book, Take Back Your Mind: Buddhist Advice for Anxious Times, that he really learned how to use meditation and mindfulness to tackle stress and anxiety.

    When painful and difficult things happen, our brains struggle to keep them in perspective. We tell ourselves increasingly terrifying stories about our troubles that don’t actually help us find a solution: They only amp up our stress, anxiety and anger.

    Mindfulness can help us cut off those stories and find a fresh approach. It’s not about denying the way you feel, Rinzler says. It’s accepting those emotions, and then actively choosing to take a more hopeful view.

    In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll learn practical tips Rinzler uses to manage his own anxiety, both in the moment and before; plus his theory on why anger is like fire, and how to accept that even our strongest emotions will pass if we manage them wisely.

    You’ll also learn:

    Why learning to meditate is like learning a new language: It takes time and practice How stress and anxiety work in the brain How mindfulness can teach you to self-soothe in stressful situations About the practice of loving kindness (and how you can try it for yourself) Why nothing is as real as we think Why complaining is like scratching a bug bite And so much more!

    Connect with Lodro Rinzler






    Learn More From Lodro Rinzler

    Take Lodro Rinzler’s five-month course on Buddhist meditation

    Learn more here: https://www.lodrorinzler.com/the-buddhist-immersion

    Buy Lodro Rinzler’s New Book on Mindfulness in Everyday Life

    Take Back Your Mind: Buddhist Advice for Anxious Times


    Get Rob’s Weekly Newsletter

    Never miss an inspiring conversation about compassionate, positive leadership on the Leading with Genuine Care podcast plus other great articles and insights. Click below, and you’ll also get a download of his favorite mindful resources.


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    Buy Rob’s book, donothing: The Most Rewarding Leadership Challenge You'll Ever Take
