
  • We’re hitting the middle of the year and it’s the perfect time to check in on your business. Today I’m going to share 7 essential checks that will help you elevate your game and achieve success over the next six months.

    Your Operating Rhythm:
    How are you operating day to day? Do you have a clear, structured way of working that aligns with your priorities and goals? Or have you fallen into the "busy trap," getting distracted and running around in circles? Your Wellness Strategy:
    Following on from question one, consider how well you’re looking after yourself. Are you managing the metaphorical juggle of professional and personal responsibilities, or is it managing you? Consider factors like your morning routine, sleep quality, nutrition, exercise, and hydration. Your Goals
    Are you focusing on the activities that will get you the results you need, or are you stuck in the details? Are your efforts translating into tangible results? Review your KPIs, P&L statements, and goals to see if you're hitting your targets. If you aren’t you may need to adjust your approach or try something entirely new. Self-Limiting Behaviors
    Where are you holding yourself back? Are you stuck focusing on the negatives? Are you experiencing imposter syndrome? Are you inventing excuses to avoid necessary actions like networking or updating your CV? Reflect on your self-limiting behaviors and how you can overcome them. Your Positioning
    How are you showing up as a leader? Remember, leadership isn’t defined by a title—it’s about how you present yourself and interact with others. Are you empowering others? Are you leading by example? Are you building connections in your organisation? What about outside of it? It’s important to build a network of people you trust and can collaborate with that extends outside your workplace. Focusing on What You Can Control
    Are you focusing on the factors you can control? It’s easy to get caught up in worry, focused on things that are outside of our control. This consumes time and energy that would be better used directly addressing challenges. A Relationship Check
    Are your relationships where they need to be? It’s so important to spend quality time with your loved ones, and if you aren’t, why not? Are you being consumed by work? Also, consider the health of your professional relationships. Make sure you’re investing time in your top performers and building trust within your team.

    The Stop, Start, Change, Continue Exercise

    Now that you've rated yourself in these seven areas, it's time to take action. I recommend an exercise called Stop, Start, Change, Continue.

    Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper vertically, and another line horizontally.

    Label the four quadrants (Stop, Start, Change, Continue) and fill them out. I recommend only picking three items for each category to avoid overwhelm.

    Stop: List habits or actions that are not serving you.

    Start: Identify new habits or actions that will help you achieve better results.

    Change: Note things you’re doing well but could be tweaked for better outcomes.

    Continue: Recognise practices that are working well and should be maintained.

    Taking the time to reflect and recalibrate can lead to immense growth and success. So, I hope this episode has provided you with actionable steps to drive your success in the next six months If you enjoyed it, please share it with others and let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like me to cover in the future.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Infertility is something that affects many women around the world, yet it remains a subject shrouded in silence, especially in the workplace. We’re joined today by award winning executive fertility coach Louise to discuss the importance of addressing fertility issues at work and how organisations can create supportive environments for their employees.

    Louise's journey to fertility advocacy began with her own six-year struggle to conceive, which included emotional and physical lows, and numerous failed pregnancy attempts. Her moment of transformation came when she decided to focus on her mental and physical health at her specialist's advice. This experience gave her profound insights into the emotional and mental toll that infertility can take, and she is dedicated to changing how fertility is perceived and managed in the workplace.

    The Role of Workplace Support
    Workplace culture plays a significant role in an individual's fertility journey. Based on her experience in the legal transcription industry, Louise highlights the lack of understanding and support she encountered. She strongly believes that retaining good employees and supporting them through their fertility journey benefits both the individuals and the organisation.

    Raising Awareness and Normalising Conversations
    Louise emphasises the importance of normalising conversations about infertility to create a safe space for those affected. By bringing awareness to the workplace, organisations can foster a culture of support and understanding. This begins with acknowledging infertility as a legitimate health issue, much like any other medical condition. When people feel safe to share their struggles, they are less likely to suffer in silence.

    Supportive Policies and Practices
    Another key step towards building a supportive workplace is to implement policies that consider the needs of employees undergoing infertility treatments. Flexible work hours, time off for medical appointments, and mental health support are essential components. Employers should also ensure that their health insurance plans cover fertility treatments, reducing financial burdens on affected employees.

    Empowering Women in the Workplace
    Both Louise and Julie, stress the importance of women supporting each other and prioritising their mental and physical wellbeing. By giving themselves permission to rest, address stress, and seek joy, women can improve their overall happiness, which can positively impact other areas of their lives, like their fertility.

    Addressing infertility in the workplace is not just a compassionate move—it’s a necessary one. By breaking the silence and building supportive workplaces, employers can foster a culture of empathy, inclusivity, and mutual respect.

    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Louise:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/louisesiwicki/

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • Have you ever wondered what separates an average leader from an exceptional one?

    I’m back from a magical holiday in central australia, and I want to get started again with five transformative strategies that will level up your leadership skills. Whether you are an experienced leader or an up-and-coming one, these actionable tips will empower you to unlock your full potential.

    Step One: Invest in your Wellbeing and Growth
    Your health is your responsibility. It’s crucial that you prioritise rest, maintain good sleep strategies, eat well, and allow your brain to reflect after the chaos of the day. By role-modeling this well-being—both physical and mental—you show your team what is possible for them.

    Step Two: Enhance your Emotional Intelligence
    Emotionally intelligent leaders are more effective than those who rely solely on IQ. Emotional intelligence involves self-regulation, self-awareness, social awareness, and managing relationships. This is beneficial not only for your role as a leader but also in your personal life, whether you are a parent, friend, or peer.

    Step Three: Effective Communication
    Communication is fundamental to the success of any organisation. The way you communicate can make or break your culture, performance, and relationships. It is important to articulate your vision clearly and to actively listen to those around you. Remember, it's not just about what is being said, but also about what isn't being said.

    Step Four: Empowering and Delegating
    Micromanaging stifles creativity and trust. It’s important to trust your team with responsibilities and provide the necessary support. This not only boosts their motivation but also encourages them to grow and take on new challenges. Delegation is not abdication—implement a process to ensure accountability and completion of tasks.

    Step Five: Continuous Learning and Adaptation
    The best leaders continuously seek to learn and adapt to new ways of working, thinking, and leading. Invest in learning, attend workshops, seek peer advice, and listen to inspiring podcasts. This curiosity and willingness to adapt will fuel your leadership potential and keep you ahead of the game.

    By implementing these five strategies, you can level up your leadership game. If you found today’s episode helpful, please leave a review or rating and share it with others. Winter in Australia can be a reflective time—use it to assess your leadership skills and determine which of these strategies you can adopt to elevate your capabilities.

    Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to sharing more insights with you in the next podcast episode.

    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Are you striving to become a leader but keep getting shut down for no reason? Are you feeling stuck or undervalued? If so, then today’s episode is for you!

    I want to share something that has genuinely changed my life. It's an exercise born out of a challenging time that turned into one of my most powerful personal growth tools, branding exercises, and leadership strategies.

    The "Three Words" Exercise
    First, you need to write down three words that you believe best describe yourself. We don’t want “I’m nice” or “I’m a good worker”, go deeper and come up with answers like “I’m great at communicating or solving problems”. These words serve as a mirror reflecting how you perceive yourself in various aspects of your life, whether it be in your career, leadership style, or personal brand.

    Then, I challenge you to seek out three people who can give you the three words they think best describe you. Make sure you’re asking people you trust and who’ll be honest. Avoid people who sugarcoat things or who you’d feel uncomfortable with. I know reaching out for help with this is scary, I’ve been there. But trust me, the insights you'll gain are priceless. When I did it, I was surprised—and a little shaken—by what I heard. But that discomfort? It was the push I needed to bridge the gap between how I saw myself and how others saw me.

    My Experience
    The first time I did this exercise, it wasn’t intentional. I thought I was ready for a leadership role, but my boss didn't see it that way. I confided in a friend looking for comfort but instead, he told me the truth. At work, I was seen as laid back and fun- a good employee but not necessarily leadership material. It was hard to accept but eventually, I realised he was right and got to work changing things. It wasn’t easy, change never is, but at least now I knew the way forward. And it paid off! A year later, I landed the leadership role I’d been after.

    So, here's my challenge to you: try the "Three Words" exercise. Use the feedback to fuel your growth and become the best version of yourself. And remember to embrace the discomfort because that's where the magic happens.


    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Did you know that your mindset can be your superpower? Never have I experienced the truth of this more than when I was diagnosed with cancer. Facing an enemy within, I’ve had to fuel and protect my mindset with intention. I believe in the power of mindset so much that I dedicated an entire chapter to this in my book, You Always Have a Choice.

    Today, we’re exploring how you too can harness the power of your mindset to achieve the success that you’re after.

    Firstly, l take you through a short quiz to help you determine which of these two mindsets you have:

    Fixed mindset Growth mindset

    While a fixed mindset may keep you stuck in your ways and adamant that your way is right, a growth mindset is one that is open to change, learning and embracing others’ perspectives. I talk about the importance of developing that growth mindset, so you can stand in resilience and succeed no matter what challenges may come your way.

    We’ll explore Ernest Hemingway’s iceberg model, which states that while people usually only see our 10% - being our results and outcomes - our real power lies in the 90% below the surface. This refers to our behaviours, decisions, attitudes and beliefs that shape who we are.

    So what is happening for you in the 90% below? Is there something you need to change in order to adopt a healthy mindset that will help you grow? I take you through some practical strategies to help you influence your mindset and in turn, your actions.

    The good news is, your mindset is malleable. And it needs to be if you are going to adapt to change or grow in life. So, join me today and get inspired to truly look within and create that solid foundation for the success and happiness you so desire.


    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • There’s a tendency for so many leaders to constantly want more, do more and strive to be more. But what happens when we continue to forge ahead without ever slowing down?

    I know firsthand how operating like this can lead to burnout. So today, I’m talking about an incredibly important yet undervalued strategy that will get you the results you want: taking pause.

    While it may seem counterintuitive to stop and breathe in the midst of all the busyness, it’s often the very thing we need to be able to keep going - and improving. I talk about the benefits of pressing the pause button, such as giving your brain a break from overthinking, enabling yourself to process the chaos and reducing overwhelm.

    By stepping back from the constant busyness in our work and personal lives, we create space for self-awareness and enhance our capacity for growth. I encourage you to develop a daily practice in setting aside time to breathe, reflect and reconnect with your centre.

    A simple breathwork practice can work wonders to calm your nervous system, and I take you through a breathing technique you can implement in your routine to ground yourself when you’re in overwhelm.

    I also share with you 5 practical tips to effectively press the pause button:

    Pick your quiet time Set the length of time for your pause Find your solitude Remove distractions Sit with the silence

    Taking pause is not just a valuable strategy to enhance your performance and that of your team; it’s a mindset shift that will empower you to choose how you show up in the world, both as a leader and an individual.

    So join me today and learn the tools and techniques to help you become the most resilient and effective leader you can be.


    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • How do we work in a way that is sustainable and avoids burnout, while still being successful? This is a difficult question for women to answer, with a 2023 survey of Australian working women finding that 54% reported increased levels in stress. Another 30% experienced ongoing burnout and 16% left their jobs in 2022 citing lack of flexibility.

    Today, I’m joined by the wonderful Jo Wagstaff, internationally renowned leadership coach and speaker. She has worked with many premier Australian and global firms to support thousands of professionals to embrace the power of conscious, authentic leadership. Jo has recently written her book, Lead Like You, a roadmap for women to lead more authentic and fulfilling lives. In this episode, we’re talking about just that.

    Jo takes us through her earlier years of working in the corporate world, where she seemingly had it all. However, a pivotal moment in her life (at a party hosted by James Packer, no less!), along with a season of loss and grief, caused her to step away. We hear about the following messy years, where she became a person and mother she wasn’t proud of, and how she made the conscious decision to change her life.

    We talk about the limiting beliefs formed in childhood that often drive us to overwork as adults. Jo talks about how writing her book helped her unpack how her experiences shaped her, and how she found self-acceptance on the journey.

    So many of us struggle to find true meaning in our lives. We’re overloaded by society’s expectations on how to be, work and raise children. Jo talks about the importance of self-reflection, boundary-setting and values alignment to combat this. She also believes it’s not just about leaning in; it's about knowing when to step back and breathe.

    There's no question that this world needs successful women. Those breaking glass ceilings, sitting at the top of the decision making tree and helping to develop the world that we want to live in. For Jo, it's about how to make them successful in a way that still feels meaningful.

    Her motto? Know yourself, care for yourself and be yourself. What is really driving you? As Jo says: our greatest strengths, when overplayed, become our greatest weaknesses. So join us today as we uncover the secrets to combating burnout and finding our true, authentic purpose in life.


    Connect with Jo:

    Book: Lead Like You

    Website: https://jowagstaff.com/

    Instagram: @jowagstaffofficial

    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Do you find it hard to speak up in the workplace, as well as in your personal life? If so, it’s clear that you are not alone.

    Studies show that the rate of women experiencing burnout at work has grown to 42%, with men at 30%. Why is this happening? I believe that a huge part of the problem is that people are too tired or lack the confidence to speak up for themselves when too much is being expected of them.

    Today, I’m talking about the incredibly important idea of digging deep and using your voice. I share with you how I did that in one of my darkest moments, and encourage you to use your own voice to lead you through life’s challenges and towards opportunity.

    In my previous roles as a leader, I noticed that if I didn’t raise some of the issues I was observing, I'm not sure that the people impacted by them would have spoken up. It made me wonder: Did I not have the level of trust with them? Or is speaking up just something that they're just not used to?

    If you’re struggling to use your voice to address an issue in your life, I encourage you to look inside and ask yourself why. Whether it’s societal, cultural or a confidence issue, there will be something deep down for you that is preventing you from taking a stand. I also talk about the practical side of sharing your message, such as giving it at an unemotional time and with a healthy amount of detachment.

    I take you through three tips to help you effectively position yourself in using your voice authentically and building trust:

    Know what you do and don’t stand for Connect to your values Take action using practical strategies

    Speaking up for yourself isn’t easy at first, but remember: practice is progress. If you just start doing it, whether it’s at home, work or out in society, you’ll soon feel empowered to use your voice where and when it really matters.


    Resources mentioned: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Today, I’m bringing you what is potentially one of my favourite podcast episodes, which is all about being the CEO of you. I’m deeply passionate about this topic and even wrote a whole chapter around it in my book, You Always Have a Choice. In this episode, we explore the decisions we can make and questions to ask ourselves in order to become the best leaders - of ourselves and others - we can be.

    Embracing the CEO Mindset

    Being the CEO of you is a mindset, and one of courage that requires you to step up and make strategic decisions to lead a life that you love. And to lead a life that is in complete alignment to your vision, values and the experience you want to have, you need to get really clear on your vision. Ask yourself: Where am I going in my career, my business and my relationships? How do I want to feel? How can I energise myself to live the best life I possibly can? Remember, knowledge is power. And when you choose to do something with that knowledge, that’s when your power comes into play.

    Making Courageous Choices

    While many people believe they can't be leaders, it really comes down to making a choice. Will you make the choices necessary to effectively lead your own life? Leadership is all about taking courageous action, and as Maya Angelou beautifully put it, “stand up straight and realise who you are, that you tower over your circumstances”. I discuss the power of making strategic and brave decisions in all areas of your life, from relationships to work dynamics.

    Self-Awareness is Key

    Effectively, you need self-awareness around how you lead your life, how you experience it and how you impact others before you can be a great leader of anyone else. I take you through the technique I use with my own clients, which involves asking yourself three questions at the end of each day to really evaluate how you performed as a leader. This isn’t an opportunity to beat yourself up; it’s a powerful exercise in giving you critical insights into yourself and improving - as the leader, the partner, the parent or friend.

    So join me today and learn some powerful tactics that will fuel and enable you to be the most effective CEO of you.


    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • A lot of people have been asking me recently about my motivation for writing my latest book, You Always Have a Choice. Anyone who has written a book will know that every piece of work is incredibly personal so today I’m sharing my reasons behind writing this book and the impact I hope it will have on those who read it.

    My Epiphany in the Mirror

    During my battle with cancer, I experienced a transformative moment that changed everything. I had been misdiagnosed twice, which led to my final diagnosis being stage three cancer, meaning that the cancer had spread. I was so angry and I wanted revenge for this incredible pain and trauma I was going through.

    One day I looked in the mirror and I didn't necessarily like the person staring back at me. I questioned who I was and who I wanted to be and I said to myself, “you always have a choice”. I could go down the victim path and sink into a deep hole of anger and blame. Or, I could choose to lead myself through the darkness in the best way I possibly could. Thankfully, I chose the latter and that’s when my mindset completely changed.

    Choosing to Lead

    I decided to take control of my life story. Instead of giving in to despair, I chose to guide myself through the challenges ahead. I had so many tools and techniques available to me, things that I had used in my coaching and workshops, and when I started applying them to myself, I really started noticing the difference. My mindset completely changed and I was determined to beat cancer and live a life of empowerment.

    Advocating for Myself

    One of the biggest lessons I learned throughout my cancer journey, and am still learning now, is to advocate for myself. When you feel out of control, it’s vital that you speak up and begin to use your voice. This is something I write about in my book, to help you position yourself in an authentic way so that you can be seen and heard. We’re not necessarily born with resilience and confidence. These are things that need to be cultivated.

    Tools and Techniques to Empower Others

    I speak with so many people who are overwhelmed, angry and heading towards burnout but I want to empower them with practical tools to help them navigate whatever it is they are facing in the best possible way. Everyone is faced with challenges in life, in our careers and in business, but what matters is how we respond. We always have a choice to lead our lives on purpose. Life is too short to do it any other way.


    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Today I’m joined by the incredible Kate Save, the founder & CEO of BeFit Food. Among it’s many accolades BeFit Foods was named Telstra Victorian Business of the Year in 2018, number 29 in the AFR Fast Starters in 2019, and the Telstra Victorian Business of the Year again in 2022 for championing health.

    As if that wasn’t enough, she’s also a clinical dietitian, exercise physiologist, and diabetes educator. From a young age, Kate faced severe health issues that went undiagnosed for years. Many doctors suggested something Kate was eating was to blame. While this was later proven not to be the case it fuelled an interest in food that she’s carried through her life.

    Kate’s journey to become an award-winning entrepreneur is a story of resilience and passion. So, listen in, enjoy, and get inspired!

    The Birth of BeFit Food
    Kate’s first foray into business was running Peninsula Physical Health and Nutrition. This started as personal training and dietitian services that grew into a large gym with 16 health professionals on staff. It was during this work that Kate discovered a common problem for her clients. She could give them all the information about the food that would improve their health, but it was difficult for them to access the food consistently. When they were busy they’d reach for meal replacement shakes, which Kate believes set them up for long-term failure.

    Recognising a gap in the market for convenient, healthy meal options, Kate launched BeFit Food. It became her mission to provide customers with healthy whole-food meals right to their doors. She spent years creating recipes that reached the medical gold standard and would be effective in improving health outcomes.

    Swimming in the Shark Tank
    Once the product was perfected, Kate knew she needed backing and guidance. So, she appeared on Shark Tank to pitch BeFit Food to a panel of investors in front of millions of viewers. Far above skydiving or bungee jumping, she recalls this experience as the most terrifying thing she’s ever done. However, thanks to diligent preparation and a genuine confidence in her company Kate impressed the audience and the investors.

    Running a Business in a Pandemic.
    One of the biggest challenges Kate has faced with BeFit Food was the impact of Covid-19. Most people were struggling financially and those who had money were spending it on at-home indulgences. With no weddings, holidays, or other celebrations weight loss took a back seat and BeFit Food suffered greatly. There were discussions on pivoting BeFit and targeting different markets but Kate wouldn’t do it. She started BeFit to help people improve their health and didn’t want to lose that. It was a difficult choice but one that paid off in the long run as people are now investing in their health again.

    Kate is such a positive force in this world, and I hope you love listening to this conversation as much as I enjoyed recording it. Her story has a lot of wisdom that can be useful to entrepreneurs, but her biggest message is useful for all of us.

    Remember our bodies are our homes for life, so let's treat 'em right. After all, investing in our health is the ultimate key to living our best lives.


    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Kate:

    Be Fit Food: https://befitfood.com.au/

    Peninsula Physical Health and Nutrition

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katesavebefitfood/
    Instagram: @Befitfoodaustralia, @katesave

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • I’ve had so many conversations lately about people who are fed up with their job or their teams. They’re trapped on the treadmill of life and don’t pause to reflect on who they are becoming. It’s increasingly common in our fast-paced lives, and the question arises - When was the last time you looked in the mirror and genuinely liked the person staring back at you?

    I’m not talking about what you’re wearing or how your hair looks, I want you to look deeper than that. Are you truly happy with the life you are living? It’s a simple exercise but incredibly powerful. It prompts us to evaluate our behaviors, decisions, and impacts on others, so we can make choices that better resonate with our true selves.

    I’ve used this exercise many times in my life, during periods of struggle. Most recently, during my cancer diagnosis, I wasn’t happy with how I was living. I was so angry at the people who misdiagnosed me and at the situation as a whole. I was going down a dark hole but through introspection, I was able to confront this anger and find a path to positive healing energy.

    It’s also an incredibly helpful exercise for leaders. It’s easy to make small compromises to suit our teams or organisations, but this adds up over time and we can lose track of ourselves. Thankfully, with consistent self-awareness, we can keep our values, priorities, and choices aligned with the person we aspire to be.

    So, the next time you gaze into the mirror, pause and ask yourself - Are you happy with who is staring back at you? Embrace the discomfort that comes with self-reflection, for it is in those moments of vulnerability that true growth occurs.

    Remember, change is a gradual process, but every step towards aligning with your authentic self brings you closer to a life of fulfillment.


    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • I have spoken to many successful people who, despite having achieved amazing things in their careers, find themselves feeling miserable, making bad choices and living with a sense of disconnection.

    From what I’ve observed, so much of this misalignment comes down to people not living in line with their values. So today I’m sharing three key indicators that reveal if you're not living true to your values, how this affects you, and how reconnecting with your values can transform your life for the better.

    One common reason for not living true to your values is simply not knowing what they are. This is not an uncommon scenario, but when you’re unclear about what your values are, you can’t align your actions with them. And this is when you might find yourself falling into the comparison trap or people-pleasing.

    Another common reason for not living true to your values is when you make decisions to please others or to align with their expectations of you. Concerns about what others might say or think can lead you to make decisions that aren't authentic to your true self. This outward focus on pleasing others disconnects you from your values, leading to frustration and confusion. It’s critical to reconnect with your values and make choices that align with your true desires and beliefs. In this episode, I talk about being aware of your top three values and how this will provide you with guidance to make empowered decisions aligned with who you are.

    Connecting to your values is crucial for living an authentic and fulfilling life. Your values act as a compass, guiding your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. They define who you are and what you stand for. This is why you might feel out of alignment and struggle to make empowered decisions when you are unclear about what your values are. This lack of clarity impacts your personal life and your career, so it’s essential to invest time in understanding your values to ensure you are true to yourself and lead a purposeful life.

    After listening to this episode, I encourage you to carve out some dedicated time to reflect on what is truly important to you. Ask yourself empowering questions and dig deep to uncover your core values. What frustrates you the most, and why? What does your gut tell you when faced with important decisions? Rediscovering your values is a journey, and they may evolve over time. This is why we need to regularly reassess and realign our actions with our current values.

    Living true to your values is key to making better choices and leading an authentic and fulfilled life. By understanding your values, you can align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with what truly matters to you. Remember, you always have a choice to live in alignment with your values and create a life that is true to who you are.


    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • We all have setbacks in life - but it’s what you do with them that really matters. Today, I sit down with Anita Jacoby, one of Australia's most distinguished television producers, as she shares her insights on resilience, her mindset on setbacks and how she forged a successful career in a male-dominated industry. We hear about how she first started channelling courage from a young age and her advice on taking action to create the life you want.

    During her career, Anita has worked on some of the nation's most credible and cutting edge programs, spanning all commercial networks, as well as the ABC, SBS and Foxtel. She has received four AFI Actor Awards, a Logie Award, a Human Rights Award and the Asia Broadcasting Union Award. She is also an author, having recently published her book Secrets Beyond the Screen, and is a notable advocate for women in leadership.

    Growing up professionally in the 80s and 90s, Anita faced many challenges in the early days of commercial television, including bullying and harassment. And while misogynistic treatment was normalised, Anita was determined to demonstrate that gender shouldn't define one's capabilities. She talks about the importance of mentors like her father and Kevin Weldon, who empowered her and instilled the belief that anything is possible. It goes to show how crucial role models are in guiding us towards the ambitious goals we set out to achieve.

    Anita speaks fondly of her father, a World War II refugee and founder of Sony in Australia, who was her greatest influence in achieving greatness. She talks about the emotional process of researching and writing about her father's life for her memoir, and the challenges of reconciling conflicting aspects of his legacy. Anita reminds us to connect with loved ones and learn about their experiences while we’re still able.

    Having experienced significant setbacks in life, Anita explains how she chooses to see the good takeaways that come from them, rather than dwell on the bad. It’s this mindset that has empowered her to muster the courage and resilience to keep going. I know you’ll be as inspired as I was to channel your own courage, develop resilience and pave a path towards the fulfilling career and life you want.


    Anita’s book: Secrets Beyond the Screen: The award-winning TV producer's compelling search for truth

    Connect with Anita:

    Instagram: @anitajacobyofficial

    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Download the ‘Control Your Juggle’ Worksheet here

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • In life we all have to juggle multiple responsibilities, constantly trying to keep all the balls in the air without dropping any. The daily demands of work, family, health, friends, and spirit can become overwhelming. But it is possible to manage this juggle more effectively, and it starts with understanding the nature of the balls we have in the air and why we juggle them. Today I want to share with you an exercise that can help you mindfully manage this juggle and find a better balance in your life.

    The Metaphorical Juggle:

    I share this exercise in my book, "You Always Have a Choice." The idea comes from Brian Dyson, former CEO of Coca Cola, who described life as a game of five balls: work, family, health, friends, and spirit. Each of these balls represents a different aspect of our lives that we constantly juggle. He emphasised the fragility of certain aspects of our life, comparing work to a rubber ball that bounces back when dropped, and our relationships, health, and spirit to glass balls that could shatter when dropped. To expand on Dyson's concept, I added two more types of balls – crystal balls (instead of glass) and concrete balls.

    The Different Balls We Juggle:

    Crystal balls represent your non-negotiables, the aspects of your life that are precious and fragile, such as health and key relationships. These balls cannot be compromised, and dropping them can have significant consequences.

    Then, of course, there are the rubber balls—important tasks and responsibilities that are resilient and can be dropped without severe consequences. Work often falls into this category for me. While it is important, it is not as fragile as my health or relationships.

    Lastly, there are the concrete balls—tasks, obligations, or relationships that feel heavy and drain our energy. You might juggle these balls out of a misguided sense of obligation, guilt, or the desire to please others. The key is to recognise these concrete balls and understand that they can be dropped without harming your well-being.

    Self-Awareness and Empowerment:

    The exercise I recommend involves sitting down and naming the balls you're currently juggling in your life. By visualising all the balls in the air, you gain clarity on which ones are your crystal balls, rubber balls, and concrete balls. Once you have identified and labeled your balls, you can decide which ones truly deserve your attention, energy, and time.

    It's okay to start small if you find it overwhelming to drop multiple balls at once. You can gradually reprioritise or reassess your balls over time. This exercise is about dynamic prioritisation, navigating your life with intention, and focusing on what truly matters to you.

    Life is too short to tolerate an unbalanced juggle. By understanding the nature of the balls you're juggling and making mindful choices, you can take control of your juggle and lead a life that aligns with your values.


    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here
    Download the ‘Control Your Juggle’ Worksheet here

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • I have a question for you today: What are you tolerating in life that you shouldn’t be? Whether it's relationships, your career, or your business, many people simply put up with subpar situations rather than taking action to change them. It’s easy to become comfortable tolerating things as they are, but I believe that life is too short to settle for mediocrity. We only get one chance at life. We should make the most of it rather than just endure situations that make us unhappy.

    By tolerating things, we unwittingly establish boundaries for what is acceptable. We allow others to treat us poorly, take advantage of us, and ignore our needs. Then, because we feel disrespected and mistreated, we feel frustrated and angry and it paves the way for stress and anxiety to set in. Tolerating negative circumstances and behaviour has a profound impact on your well-being, which is why you need to use your voice and address these issues early on.

    In this episode, I share an example of a CEO I was working with who was incredibly frustrated and upset with the behaviour of her team. It was clear that this situation was taking a toll on her mental well-being, even to the point of contemplating closing down her business.

    Together, we peeled back the layers to address why she tolerated this behaviour. Once she understood the importance of setting boundaries and communicating her expectations, everything changed.

    One of the reasons why many of us tolerate negative situations or behaviours is that we don’t want to have hard conversations. We want people to like us, we don’t want to be confrontational for fear of what might happen. But difficult conversations don’t have to be confrontations. Today I talk about your intent and how this can make all the difference in creating opportunities for growth and positive change.

    I have made a promise to myself that I will not tolerate poor treatment, poor performance, or a career that doesn't fulfil me. I wholeheartedly believe that life is too precious to settle for anything less than what truly excites me. Because the truth is, that tolerating things that make us unhappy is a conscious choice. We have the power to create more empowered, fulfilled, and joyous lives by engaging in courageous conversations, setting boundaries, and pursuing opportunities aligned with our true desires. Life is too short to tolerate. Choose to lead a life you love.


    Pre-order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Have you ever wondered what it would be like to not have access to basic sanitary items during your period? Unfortunately for many women in Australia facing homelessness, this is an awful reality, and one that is often overlooked by the wider society.

    In this episode, I sit down with Rochelle Courtenay, AKA ‘Pad Lady’, who is on a mission to give all Australian women dignity. Throughout our conversation, Rochelle shares what inspired the noble cause of providing homeless women with sanitary items. She talks about the force of the campaign she led to remove GST from all period products in Australia, and encourages us to use our own voices to make a positive change in our world.

    Rochelle is the founder and managing director of Share the Dignity, a national charity founded in 2015 with the mission to ensure that everyone is afforded the dignity in life that so many of us take for granted. She has received numerous accolades for her work, including Finalist of Australian of the Year, Cosmopolitan Humanitarian of the Year and Pride of Australia. With her charity drive It’s In The Bag, Rochelle and her network of volunteers have now collected 4.4 million packets of period products for disadvantaged women.

    We hear about Rochelle’s own childhood being plagued with domestic violence, and how this has given her the empathy and insight into the struggles of the women she aims to support. We discuss the importance of breaking down the stigma surrounding menstruation and creating a supportive environment for all women.

    While Rochelle’s drive and ability to make a difference in women’s lives is awe-inspiring, she attributes the success of her efforts to the power of teamwork. This made itself abundantly clear when on 1 January 2019, with over 100,000 signatures on a federal petition led by Rochelle, the government removed GST from all period products in Australia.

    Rochelle’s story is incredibly moving, and I know you’ll find her an inspiration as you endeavour to make your world a better place. So join me today and hear how you can take action, raise your voice and be a part of ending period poverty.


    Pre-order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Rochelle:

    Instagram: @sharethedignityaustralia

    Facebook: @sharethedignity

    Website: https://www.sharethedignity.org.au/

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Thank you for joining me today as we delve into a topic that I am so passionate about – busyness. It's amazing how much time we can waste being busy and how it often consumes our lives. As a leadership coach and author, I have encountered countless clients who struggle with this issue. In fact, it is one of the most common resolutions people make at the start of each year – to stop being so busy.

    In this episode, I share with you the 8 different types of busy that I have identified and which I discuss in my book, You Always Have a Choice. By understanding how you do busy, you’ll be able to gain the self-awareness needed to break free from the vortex of busyness.

    The 8 Types of Busy:

    The Comfort Zoner The Dramatic The Badge of Honour The Disorganised The Snapper FOMO The Control Freak The People Pleaser

    Any of these look familiar to you? Well, if you’re like me, you might resonate with more than one at any given time. I’ll take you through each type of busy and discuss the patterns and behaviours that often come with it. I encourage you to embrace strategies such as delegation, saying no when necessary and prioritising self-care to combat the effects of your type of busy.

    So, take a moment to reflect on your own busy habits and start making small changes today. Remember, nothing changes unless you change it!


    Pre-order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Me:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • In our fast-paced and demanding world, finding ways to prioritise our well-being can often feel like a challenge.

    In this episode, we dive into this problem with the incredible Fleur Heazelwood, a leadership expert, founder of the Blueberry Institute, and author of Resilience Recipes. She shares her journey in the corporate world, the lessons she learned from it, and the wisdom she has gained further studying resilience.

    Fleur doesn’t like the traditional notion of work-life balance and proposes a more holistic approach to well-being. She emphasizes that our lives should not be divided into separate compartments, but rather, we should view it as one interconnected whole. By considering work as just one piece of the larger puzzle of life, we can find a better balance that aligns with our priorities and values.

    Fleur believes that resilience is a skill set that can be developed. She discussed the importance of emotional agility, mental adaptability, and optimizing energy as key components of building resilience. By understanding our strengths and weaknesses in these areas, we can create a personalised resilience recipe that suits our unique needs.

    Fleur emphasised the role of leaders in fostering workplace well-being. She highlighted the importance of leaders prioritising their well-being first to be able to support their teams effectively. Fleur's second book focuses on how leaders can create a high-performing team by introducing conversations around mental health and cultivating a supportive team environment.

    I know you’ll love this conversation with Fleur and her insights into prioritizing well-being and incorporating resilience into our daily lives. Enjoy!

    Pre-order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Fleur Heazelwood

    Website: https://blueberryinstitute.com

    Book: https://blueberryinstitute.com/books

    Instagram: @fleur_heazlewood

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • In times of uncertainty, effective leadership becomes essential. The ability to navigate storms, whether personal or professional, requires resilience, empathy, and a real focus on communication. My guest today is Leah Mether, a renowned speaker, trainer, and author, who joins me to share her insights on leading through challenging times. We dive deep into her experiences and expertise to explore the strategies and mindset required to successfully guide teams and oneself through storms.

    In this episode, we dive into some of the wisdom Leah writes about in her book, Steer Through The Storm. And let me tell you, the strategies Leah shares have been tried and tested in her own life. During our conversation, Leah candidly shares how she approached her marriage separation and divorce with love, kindness and compassion as her anchor.

    We talk about the importance of leaders recognising their responsibility to steer their teams through change, not just initiating the change. Even if the change is not within their control, leaders must guide their teams, providing support, empathy, and clear communication. This is what true leadership is.

    Furthering this topic, we also spoke about the significance of balancing empathy and accountability. Understanding how humans instinctively respond to change is crucial. By expecting resistance and acknowledging the varied emotional reactions, leaders can create a safe space for open dialogue. Curiosity, rather than anger, can help leaders understand the fears and concerns of their team members.

    Toward the end of the episode, Leah shares a powerful insight which drives home the importance of long-term thinking. She shares how asking yourself what you want to be known for helps to create a touchstone that you can come back to during challenging times. As leaders, doing this helps us to rise above the momentary difficulties and envision the future we want to build.

    Change is inevitable but how we as leaders choose to navigate it is what sets us apart. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

    Pre-order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

    Connect with Leah Mether:

    Website: https://www.leahmether.com.au/

    Book: Steering Through The Storm

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leahmetherspeaker/

    Connect with Julie:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-hyde/

    Instagram: @juliehydeleads

    Website: https://juliehyde.com.au

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.