Ahoj! In this episode, we explore Dušičky—the Czech observance of All Souls' Day. Discover the origins of this holiday and how it evolved from ancient pagan traditions to a cherished moment for honoring our departed loved ones. I’ll explain the significance of the customs associated with Dušičky, including the lighting of candles and visiting cemeteries, and how these practices connect to similar celebrations around the world.
►Transcript available at: https://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve#CzechWithSteve #Dusičky #AllSoulsDay #CzechTraditions #LearnCzech #CzechCulture #LanguageLearning #CzechHolidays #CzechPodcast
Ahojte! In this episode, I dive into the story behind the Czech lion—why is a lion the symbol of the Czech Republic? I’ll share the legend of Bruncvík and how he earned the lion symbol through his adventures. :) Plus, a bit of real history about how the Czech lion got its two tails!
►Transcript available at: https://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve#CzechWithSteve #CzechLion #CzechHistory #LearnCzech #BruncvikLegend #CzechSymbols #CzechPodcast #LanguageLearning #CzechCulture #CzechLegends
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Ahoj, in this episode, I’m sharing stories from my recent trip to Prague! We’ll talk about catching up with old friends, enjoying Prague’s parks, and a fun three-language conversation! I’ll also share some of my favorite spots in the city. 😊
►Transcript available at: https://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve#CzechWithSteve #LearnCzech #Podcast #Prague #Travel #CzechLanguage #LanguageLearning
Ahoj, ahoj! In this episode we’re diving into popular Czech proverbs and their meanings. I’ll explain how to use them in everyday conversations and share examples you can try out. 😊
We will discuss:
Kdo pozdě chodí, sám sobě škodí. Kdo dřív přijde, ten dřív mele / bere. Bez práce nejsou koláče. Co můžeš udělat dnes, neodkládej na zítřek. Na hrubý pytel hrubá záplata. Není všechno zlato, co se třpytí. Co oči nevidí, to srdce nebolí. Hloupý, kdo dává, hloupější, kdo nebere.Which Czech proverb do you like the most? Let me know in the comments!
►Transcript available at: https://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve#CzechWithSteve #LearnCzech #Podcast #CzechLanguage #Proverbs #LanguageLearning
Ahoj, ahoj! Today, we’re exploring some common Czech similes that will take your language skills to the next level. I’ll explain what these expressions mean, how to use them, and why they’ll help you sound more like a native speaker.
Do you know any Czech similes? Share them with us in the comments!
►Transcript available at: https://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve#CzechWithSteve #LearnCzech #Podcast #CzechLanguage #LanguageLearning
Ahoj, ahoj! Today, we’re diving into my short adventure in Thailand. I’ll share a shocking experience I had there – I had to run away from a woman! I’ll also talk about what caught my attention while traveling, the Thai delicacies I tried, and how I met a Japanese traveler, who I later reconnected with in the Czech Republic.
Have you ever been to Thailand? What experiences did you bring back?
►Transcript available at: https://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve
#CzechWithSteve #LearnCzech #Podcast #Thailand #TravelStories #CzechLanguage -
Ahoj! In this episode we'll explore Czech proverbs and their meanings, including:
"Ranní ptáče dál doskáče"
"Kdo jinému jámu kopá, sám do ní padá"
"Jablko nepadá daleko od stromu"
"Všeho moc škodí"
"Trpělivost růže přináší"
"Řemeslo má zlaté dno"
"Učený z nebe nespadl"
"Chybami se člověk učí"
"Všude dobře, doma nejlíp"
What are your favorite proverbs? Do similar proverbs exist in your language?
Let me know! :)
If you're enjoying the podcast, support me with a like, a review, or on Patreon. Your support really helps and motivates me to create more episodes.
►Transcript available at: https://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►FREE MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve
#LearnCzech #CzechProverbs #LanguageLearning #CzechIdioms #Podcast -
Hi everyone! :) In today's episode we'll dive into the world of movies. We'll talk about different film genres that we enjoy, and I'll share some of my favorite films with you. We'll also discuss how movies can shape our perspectives on life.
What's your favorite movie? Do you have one that left a strong impression on you? I'd love to hear your stories and opinions, so feel free to share them in the comments or send me an email.
If you're enjoying the podcast, support me with a like, a review, or on Patreon. Your support really helps and motivates me to create more episodes.
Looking forward to seeing you next time! Bye for now!
►Transcript available at: https://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►FREE MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve
_______________________________________________________________________#LearnCzechWithSteve #podcastepisode #filmgenres #czechpodcast #learnczech #speakczech #czechlanguage
Ahoj! :) In today's episode, we'll discuss procrastination – what it is, why we do it, and how to overcome it. I'll share my personal experiences and some useful tips to help you stay motivated and focused.
Do you also procrastinate before important tasks? Share your strategies with me in the comments or by email. If you enjoy the podcast, support me with a like, a review, or on Patreon.
Stay productive and see you next time!
►Transcript available at: https://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►FREE MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve
#LearnCzechWithSteve #podcastepisode #procrastination #czechpodcast #learnczech #speakczech #czechlanguage -
Hi! Today, we'll talk about holidays, travel, and summer plans. This year, I'm staying home, but I still plan to take a few trips around the Czech Republic.
What about you, are you going on vacation? Do you like planning ahead, or do you decide spontaneously? Let me know in the comments or by email. If you like the podcast, support me with a like, a review, or on Patreon.
Enjoy the summer and see you next time!
►Transcript available at: https://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►FREE MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve
#LearnCzechWithSteve #podcastepisode #summervacation #czechpodcast #learnczech #speakczech #czechlanguage -
Hi, in this episode I will share a story about rescuing a sick cat on a rainy Sunday. Despite the unfortunate ending, the story highlights the importance of compassion and the impact of small acts of kindness.
►Transcript available at: https://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►FREE MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve
#LearnCzechWithSteve #PodcastEpisode #CatRescue #Compassion #ActsOfKindness #CzechStories #HeartwarmingTales #AnimalRescue #EmotionalJourney #LearnCzech -
Hi everyone! Today, we'll be discussing a topic that affects us all: social media. Are social networks truly a modern convenience, or are they just stealing our precious time?
If you enjoy my podcast and would like to support me, you can do so on Patreon or via PayPal. Links are on my website.
►Transcript available at: http://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►FREE MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve
#LearnCzechWithSteve #SocialMedia #ModernConvenience #TimeManagement #DigitalDetox #TechLifeBalance #MentalHealth #PodcastEpisode #OnlineWorld #TechAddiction #StayConnected #EducationalPodcast #CzechLearning #StevePodcast #SocialMediaDiscussion -
Hi everyone! Today I will share my experiences of living in Taiwan. I'll talk about my beginnings, cultural shocks, local food, transportation, and other things that surprised me about Taiwan.
►Transcript available at: http://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►FREE MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email me at [email protected]. Happy learning!
______________________________________________________________________________________________#LifeAbroad #TaiwanAdventure #ExpatLife #LearnCzech #CulturalExchange #TaiwanExperience #LivingAbroad #TravelStories #PodcastEpisode #CzechLanguage #TravelTips #CzechPodcast #StudyAbroad
Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of Learn Czech with Steve. I'm Steve, and today we're exploring some fascinating Czech idioms that you might encounter in everyday life. We'll be discussing:
"házet někomu klacky pod nohy""mít dlouhé vedení""mít ostré lokty""mít něčeho plné zuby" or "mít něčeho plné kecky""kupovat zajíce v pytli""lézt někomu na nervy""dát někomu košem""mít holou prdel"►Transcript available at: http://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►FREE MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email me at [email protected]. Happy learning!
#LearnCzech #CzechIdioms #LanguagePodcast -
Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of the Learn Czech with Steve podcast. Today, we focus on animals and pets – do you have any pets or favorite animals? I'll share my childhood experiences of growing up in a countryside in southern Bohemia, surrounded by cats, dogs, and various farm animals. Listen to my story, like the one about my pet rooster, and find out why I love both cats and dogs.
►Transcript available at: http://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►FREE MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve
#CzechPodcast #LearnCzech #SpeakCzech #IntermediateCzech #Pets #Animals -
Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of the Learn Czech with Steve podcast. Today, we focus on free time – how do you spend yours?
I'll share my favorite activities, like walking in nature, cycling, or relaxing on an acupressure mat. We also discuss playing video games and listening to audiobooks. Join us and let me know your favorite ways to relax! Looking forward to your feedback. Bye and see you next time!
"dát si dvacet / šlofíka" = to take a nap
►Transcript available at: http://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►FREE MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve
#CzechPodcast #LearnCzech #SpeakCzech #IntermediateCzech -
Hi! Let's take a look at some commonly used idioms that will help you improve your vocabulary and better understand Czech native speakers.
We will discuss the following expressions and provide examples to illustrate their usage:
"blesk z čistého nebe"
"objevit Ameriku"
"ježkovi oči!"
"být páté kolo u vozu" or "cítit se jako páté kolo u vozu"
"hřebík do rakve"
"spadnout z Marsu"
"ztratit hlavu"
"šplouchá mu na maják"
"házet ručník do ringu"
►Transcript available at: http://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►FREE MP3, Transcript available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve
#CzechPodcast #LearnCzech #SpeakCzech #IntermediateCzech -
Hi! Let's take a look at some commonly used idioms that will help you improve your vocabulary and better understand Czech native speakers.
We will discuss the following expressions and provide examples to illustrate their usage:
"dát někomu za uši"
"běhá mi mráz po zádech"
"být za vodou"
"být v sedmém nebi"
"dát si do nosu"
"tahá tě za nos."
"dej mi pokoj" a "vlez mi na záda"
►Transcript available at: http://www.learnczechwithsteve.com/
►FREE MP3, Transcript & Study Sheet available at: https://www.patreon.com/LearnCzechWithSteve
#CzechPodcast #LearnCzech #SpeakCzech #IntermediateCzech