Section 6 of the Evidence Act in Kenya deals with facts that are part of the same transaction, also known as res gestae. These facts are automatically or naturally part of the transaction and are relevant because of their connection to the main transaction,
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Kadhi's Courts are responsible for hearing cases related to Muslim law, including marriage, divorce, inheritance, and personal status. The jurisdiction of these courts is limited to cases where all parties involved are Muslim and agree to be subject to the court's jurisdiction.
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Copyright is a form of intellectual property that gives authors (creators of the works) exclusive rights to deal with the works in whatever manner permissible under the law.
The copyright act, 2001 established the Kenya Copyright Board. The act also highlights the protection of copyright and related rights, infringement and enforcement, exceptions and works in public domain, collective management of copyright and administrative issues.
Garnishee Proceedings is the process by which a decree holder is enabled to attach the money of a judgment debtor which is in the hands of a third person (who is called a garnishee). It is anchored by Section 44 of the Civil Procedure Act which allows property of the judgement debtor held in the name of another but on his behalf to be liable for attachment. Listen in as we discuss the prerequisites, procedure, and Other rules under Order 23
The Civil Procedure Act in Kenya covers the procedures for death and bankruptcy of parties in a civil suit.If a party dies, the suit does not abate if the right to sue survives. Order 24 of the Civil Procedure Rules, 2010, outlines the procedure to follow if a party dies.
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Transparency, participation and accountability (TPA) are core elements in a democracy. The three are foundational principles that uphold a democratic system’s efficacy and growth. If you were to consider democracy as a cappuccino, then TPA would be the espresso, milk and water that make the brew.
Chapter Six of the Constitution on Integrity and Leadership is regarded as a consolidation of the efforts that went into that struggle. The Constituition creates the category of states officers and makes special requirements of them to embody the spirit and values of the new Constitution and conduct themselves with integrity.
Join Wanjiku Mwangi and Mwadziwe ad they discuss about Devolution In Kenya and what the 2010 Constitution of Kenya says about balance of power by devolving power and responsibilities from the national government to 47 elected county governments.
Join in as we discuss Order, Execution, Enforcement and Appeals in Small Claims Court.
Join Wanjiku Mwangi and Bernard Oombo as they discuss on Small Claims Proceeding.
Join Wanjiku Mwangi and Bernard Oombo as they discuss the underpinning logic behind the establishment and operationalization of the Small Claims Courts in enhancing the access to and expeditious delivery of justice and to further provide a platform within the justice system where civil and commercial disputes whose value does not exceed Kshs 1 million are dealt with in a simple, efficient and cost-efficient manner.
Access to justice has been one of our country’s challenges. In combating this, Small Claims Court was established with the main objective of guaranteeing the right to access justice as envisioned under Article 48 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. Join Wanjiku Mwangi and Bernard Oombo as they discuss more.
In Kenya, the Sports Disputes Tribunal resolves sport-related disputes. It is established under the Sports Act. The Tribunal’s jurisdiction includes: – listening to disputes or appeals from the registrar’s decisions, listening to disputes regarding national team selection and listening to any other matter that parties agree to take before it and agree to let it dispense with. In addition to this, the Tribunal listens to and dispenses with anti-doping cases.
Join Wanjiku Mwangi and Christopher Omondi Onyango as they discuss more.
The Sports Registrar is an office within the Public Service. The Sports Registrar is responsible for the registration and regulation of sports organizations and multi-sports bodies representing sports organizations at the national level, the Sports Registrar is also responsible for matters relating to the licensing of professional sports and professional sports persons among other things.
Join Chris Omondi Onyango and Wanjiku Mwangi as we discuss how one can register a sports club in Kenya.
Sports has evolved over the years from just being conducted for entertainment and recreation purposes to being more commercial in nature and with this evolution there has arisen a need for putting in place dispute resolution mechanisms that will resolve sports disputes.
We understand the importance of resolving sports disputes and Join us as we discuss Sports Law based on various legislations, policies relating to sports, international conventions and treaties.
Tips on what to do with your LLB Degree if you are not planning to go to KSL!
Insights on whether to choose online or physical classes in Kenya School of Law.
Tips on how to ensure you pass your orals/projects in Kenya School of Law.
Tips on how to survive Kenya School of Law.
An Introduction to the Kenya School of Law.
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