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Showcasing major breakthroughs in cancer care from worldwide clinical trials, Project Oncology® educates and assists the healthcare professionals who dedicate their lives to helping patients fight cancer.
Here you’ll find leading oncologists discuss and share essential cancer care strategies for all different types of cancer. And as worldwide clinical trials continue to explore new screening tests and discover novel treatment options, you can rest assured that you’ll always catch the latest in cancer research with Project Oncology®. -
Join our pet and cannabis expert as they discuss with guests the best ways to care for your pet holistically. Learn about the safe use of essential oils, including CBD, for pets of all kinds and get insights from top professionals in the pet industry.
We explore pharmacy topics and careers so that you feel connected to the profession and inspired to contribute to it.
The Pharmacist’s Voice® Podcast is hosted by Kim Newlove, RPh. New episodes are published every Friday. -
You can't have integrity without grit, right?
Our podcast examines hot topics related to health and healthcare. We shy away from nothing, discussing topics such as mental health, social justice, women's health and women's rights.
We are story-tellers and love hearing how healthcare has impacted individuals' lives. We want to discuss the good, bad and ugly .
We also provide a platform for empowerment and shared experiences, where we represent voices that have been silenced, underrepresented and marginalized --so they can share their stories of hope, change and inspiration.
Episodes are informative, gritty, humorous and educational. -
Welcome to Life In Scrubs Podcast – a podcast hosted by nurses, for nurses! Our podcast is mainly geared toward nursing students and new graduate nurses, however, we hope all healthcare professionals can find our information helpful. Our goal is to inspire, educate, and empower future and current nurses as they navigate the world of nursing. Join us weekly as we share our insights and experiences, answer common nursing questions, and dive into all things related to life in scrubs!
A podcast by two dental students, offering insight into the world of dentistry and what life is like as a dental student and beyond!
Dental Appointment will cover a range of topics, which will prepare you for your application for dental school, what to expect whilst at dental school and offer insight into opportunities throughout and after qualifying. Expect to hear about current advances and hot topics in the profession too!
Let us know what you think on Instagram @dental_appointment ! -
Nurses are the backbone of the health system, always there to care for a stranger as if they were one of their own. Forsaking special moments with their own families to ensure that other families loved ones are being cared for.
Compassion fatigue, stress, and burnout are on the rise in healthcare workers. Self care has never been so important.
Elaina Mullery RN has over 20 years of clinical nursing experience as well as being trained in Mindfulness, Meditation, Hypnotherapy, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Having burnout a couple of times herself, she is passionate about promoting effective self care strategies to her Nursing colleagues. -
Frequency Specific Microcurrent was developed by Dr. Carolyn McMakin in 1995 using frequencies passed on from an osteopath in Canada who had a practice that came with a machine made in the 1920s.
Dr. McMakin has written two books, "Frequency Specific Microcurrent in Pain Management" and "The Resonance Effect".
Dr. McMakin has taught over 4000 medical practitioners FSM in her courses and has a new FSM clinic in Troutdale Oregon.
Kim Pittis teaches the FSM Sports Course and has a private clinical practice where she works with some of the top athletes in the world. fsmsports365.com
DISCLAIMER: The Frequency Specific Microcurrent Podcast (the “FSM Podcast”) has been produced by Frequency Specific Seminars (FSS) for entertainment, educational, and informational purposes only. The information and opinions provided in the Podcast (i) are not medical advice; (ii) do not create any type of doctor-patient relationship; and (iii) unless expressly stated, do not reflect the opinions of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or sponsors or the host’s or any podcast guests or affiliated professional organizations. No person should act or refrain from acting on the basis of the content provided in any Podcast without first seeking appropriate medical advice and counseling. No information provided in any Podcast should be used as a substitute for personalized medical advice and counseling. FSS expressly disclaims any and all liability relating to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all contents of this Podcast. -
Just Listen: Voices of PK Deficiency is a podcast about pyruvate kinase deficiency (PK Deficiency) and is intended for patients, caregivers, providers, and the greater community of people who are impacted by PKD. Each episode, Just Listen: Voices of PK Deficiency strives to provide listeners with critical education, the latest scientific updates, and voices from the PKD community. Learn more about PKD by visiting KnowPKDeficiency.com or connect with KnowPKDeficiency’s on Facebook: bit.ly/KnowPKD.
Just Listen: Voices of PK Deficiency and KnowPKDeficiency.com are made possible by Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc. Visit Agios.com to learn more. The following Agios-supported programs are intended for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended as medical advice. Please speak with your healthcare professional before making any treatment decisions. Host and guests featured in this episode have been compensated for their time. -
Living with a Stoma can be a big emotional adjustment, and can feel strange or scary. These feelings and concerns are completely common and normal.
Join the Stoma Nursing team in their Stoma Service Podcast Series, as they talk about adjusting to living with a Stoma, tips on how to take care of yourself and your Stoma, and how you can continue to live life to the fullest.
Provided by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland, generously supported by funding from NHS Charities Together (https://nhscharitiestogether.co.uk/). A brief online survey to give feedback and future suggestions is here: https://bit.ly/3iRTeuU -
Medical Protection have brought our experienced medical educators, medicolegal consultants and world leading experts together to help inform, protect and connect doctors from across the globe. This channel offers three distinct series; Real World focuses on the challenges and solutions to modern day practice, Headliners ensures you are kept up-to-date, and Case files lets us learn through real life cases.
It’s never been a more exciting time to be a radiologist as technology is advancing rapidly, access to imaging is expanding, and patients rely on a high-quality interpretation to guide their care journey. At the same time, the field faces challenges: Recruiting and retaining radiology talent, keeping pace with rising imaging volumes, delivering consistent high quality care, and staying current with changes in technology.
Join host Daniel Arnold as he talks with experts in radiology, technology, business, and education who are addressing the opportunities and challenges facing the imaging profession head on to ultimately improve practice and patient outcomes everywhere. -
In an effort to tackle the complexities of cardiometabolic health, CMHC presents Cardiometabolic Beat, a podcast where we bring you expert perspectives and views on the latest and clinically- relevant topics in cardiometabolic care.
COVID-19 has changed the way we work and live. In response to the public health emergency, Milken Institute Chairman Michael Milken is engaging a range of industry leaders and medical experts to help us better understand and confront a crisis that has not only altered our current day-to-day but will change the course of how we work, socialize, and fight disease for years to come.
Is it your digestive system, is it your respiratory system - or is it your lymph? Welcome to It’s Your Lymph! podcast, an infectiously charming and enthusiastic exploration of self-love and well-being through a lymph lens.
Lymph expert Lisa Levitt Gainsley shines a light on the incredible power of this remarkable, yet wildly unknown system responsible for keeping you gorgeous and healthy. Engage your lymph and get glowing skin, better sleep, optimal brain function, faster recovery from illness, and enhanced athletic performance while reducing inflammation, stress, and anxiety. Each episode is packed with life-changing knowledge, lots of humor, and an empowering call to action.
An innovator in the field for 30 years, Lisa is a Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Manual Lymphatic Drainage practitioner, Educator, and Author of The Book of Lymph and the online course, The Lymphatic Masterclass. She has worked at UCLA Medical Center and has pioneered the lymphatic self-massage movement, teaching lymphatic workshops all over the world. Her work has appeared in Vanity Fair, ELLE, GOOP, Health Magazine, the Hollywood Reporter, Mind Body Green, and more.
The next wave of wellness is here: It’s Your Lymph! -
A podcast dedicated to helping physicians in residency find more rest, fulfillment, and clarity amidst such a chaotic season. Helping you reflect on the inner life during residency, and equipping you with practical tools to move away from “just surviving” residency and toward flourishing despite it.
I am Omprakash Solanke, a final year student from BJ MEDICAL COLLEGE, PUNE.
I've decided to start this podcast (Medcast) where I'll be uploading the high yield topics which are important for the thoery as well as clinical purpose every day.
I will try to keep the podcast very easy , so that anyone who doesn't know anything about the topic could listen to it in their free time and learn from it.
The main aim of starting this whole thing is - This podcast becomes the reason that makes me study everyday, whatever I'll read on that day, I'll be explaining the same topic on the same day itself. -
魔鏡啊!魔鏡!我想要永遠青春美麗❤ 美女院長劉淳熙在線上跟您暢聊''最實用、最IN的醫美、眼整形、整形''相關資訊喔!有任何問題歡迎隨時Line我們(Line ID:@iwill3002),將有專人線上為您服務🔗 https://page.line.me/iwill3002 愛惟美診所 豐富詳盡醫美/眼整/整形 新訊https://www.beautyeye.com.tw劉淳熙醫師專業網站 為眼整形獨家打造的網站,沒有不知道、只有你想不到!https://www.eyelidsurgery.com.tw愛惟美與您一起Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/I.will.Clinic/愛惟美與您一起Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/iwillcosmetic/愛惟美與您一起YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu-L_U7Ai5I2xiAu3HkrLJw/videos愛惟美與您一起Podcast''淳聊醫美 頻道''【soundon】https://bit.ly/3v05sqU【apple】https://apple.co/3DdxkL0【spotify】https://spoti.fi/3FstjUU【google播客 】https://bit.ly/2ZVZMCD預約專線 ❙ 02-2656-1988線上客服 ❙ https://page.line.me/iwill3002商家Map ❙ https://bit.ly/3ibBb38地址 ❙ 台北市內湖區內湖路一段300號2F-2 (近捷運文湖線西湖站二號出口)--Hosting provided by SoundOn
A series of podcasts exploring discussion, collaboration and team building between podiatrists and other healthcare professionals including orthotists, physiotherapists, orthopaedic surgeons and others, in the interests of our patients. This is a joint project produced by Orthopaedic Research UK, a charity aiming to advance understanding of musculoskeletal science & build a strong community of experts, in association with the Royal College of Podiatrists, the premier learned society for podiatrists in the UK.