Part 2 of a discussion of the Sufi mystical poem, The Conference of the Birds, by Farid ud-Din Attar
Part 1 of a discussion of the Sufi mystical poem, The Conference of the Birds, by Farid ud-Din Attar
Episodi mancanti?
People today mistakenly believe that the word Gnostic refers only to a few groups that were active in the Middle East almost two thousand years ago, and left behind the so-called gnostic gospels or gnostic scriptures. In reality, those groups were not isolated or unique. They were part of a worldwide tradition found on every continent, whose roots are not in the physical world at all.
In fact, Jesus, the greatest gnostic of all and the inspiration for the so-called gnostic scriptures and the modern Christian tradition, is a master of Kabbalah and Judaism. He is a master of Egyptian, Indian, and Tibetan teachings. That is why we find so much of them in his teachings. Therefore, the so-called “gnostic” and Christian scriptures are not separate from those other traditions. All of these teachings are rooted in the same source, so it is a mistake to try to isolate one from another. That only leads to confusion and misunderstandings.
Artificial intelligence, or AI, has recently made several notable advancements. But is it actual intelligence?
What is the source of authentic intelligence, consciousness, and understanding?
Reviews the current state of A.I. technology, the impacts on society, and the pathway to authentic intelligence.
PDF and transcription: https://glorian.org/learn/courses-and-lectures/beginning-here-and-now/artificial-intelligence-and-authentic-intelligence
"Wherever there is life, there is consciousness. Consciousness is as inherent to life as humidity is to water." —Samael Aun Weor, Sexology
Christ is a force, not a person.
Christ is selfless love, the power of sacrifice, compassion. This is not just an ideal: it is a living substance, a quality of consciousness, that in Buddhism is called bodhichitta.
Christ can incarnate within the prepared individual.
Jesus incarnated Christ. So did Buddha, Krishna, Joan of Arc, and many others.
The whole purpose of the spiritual path is to earn that right: to become a bodhisattva, an incarnation of Christ.
Christ Mass is a preparation for and a celebration of that possibility.
"Perfect mental equilibrium is of vital importance for those who want spiritual progress. Almost all the aspirants of esotericism easily lose their mental equilibrium and usually fall into the most absurd things. Whosoever yearns for direct knowledge must ensure that their minds are in perfect equilibrium... Mental disequilibrium is avoided by balancing the three brains." —Samael Aun Weor
Explores the current state of our mind, emotions, and instincts, and how it relates to our states of consciousness.
Explains the Four State of Consciousness in relationship to daily life and within meditation:
Eikasia Pistis Dianoia Nous -
When the very future of your consciousness is at stake, it is very dangerous to simply believe.
For the wise, to imagine is to see. - Samael Aun Weor
Explains the real meaning of imagination (clairvoyance), which can be divided into five types:
Supraconscious Conscious Subconscious Unconscious InfraconsciousAlso:
four ethers of the vital body and their importance in meditation. how the ego uses imagination how to use imagination in meditation for comprehension and elimination the stages of imagination, inspiration, and intuition -
All of us experience our moment to moment existence, not according to our physical circumstances, but according to our psychological circumstances.
Our quality of mind is our quality of being. Our psychological condition is our level of being.
Furthermore, our psychological qualities determine our experience of life.
An arrogant person has a quality of life that results from their arrogance.
A lustful person has a quality of life that results from their lust.
A patient person, a loving person, has a corresponding quality of life.
If we are suffering, it is because of our level of being.
When we have a life that is extremely rigid, with no real freedom of movement, but every day we are forced to work to earn a little money, to pay the bills, to fulfill our responsibilities, and to chase after our desires, that is all a result of our level of being.
From day to day, most people are like a hamster in a wheel, repeating the same behaviors every day, over and over and over. Their level of being is very low because their life is ruled by many laws. They have no freedom, no freedom of movement, no freedom of thought, no freedom to change their circumstances. They are restricted, bound.
If they want to change their circumstances, they need to change their level of being.
Changing jobs or moving to a new country will not change their level of being. They will continue to attract the same circumstances, the same sufferings.
We can change our level of being, and rise out of suffering. Here is how to do it.
An explanation of the first four verses of the Yoga Sutra's of Patanjali.
It details the use of a simple, direct method to achieve meditation and samadhi.
Transcript: https://glorian.org/learn/courses-and-lectures/beginning-here-and-now/yoga-is-the-dissolution-of-mental-activity
A quote:
Today we are going to analyze one of the most important works on yoga: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Written around the year 400, it is a set of aphorisms or sutras. It is a practice manual of meditation. It is not concerned with intellectual study, but instead the actual practice of yoga.
We all know in the popular sense yoga usually refers to a set of postures or asanas. Many of the popular western or modern yoga traditions reference the Yoga Sutras, yet Patanjali talks about asana (posture) as only one of the Eight Limbs or Ashtanga of yoga.
The third limb is asana, which is your posture, but it is a foundational aspect. It is only a means to reach the real power of yoga, which is meditation (represented by dhyana and samadhi).
The first chapter of the yoga sutras is about samadhi: an overview of what samadhi is and how to achieve it. Only later does Patanjali go through the 8 limbs of yoga. Today, we are going to begin where Patanjali does, directly with samadhi.
If we were to walk through any office building or place of work, we would find that many of the workers look at computer screens with a background image of some peaceful beach or nature scene. The workers gaze at those images, wishing to not be where they are, and dream about being on that beach or in those mountains, at peace, with no stress or worries of any kind.
No one wants to be where they are, so everyone dreams about being somewhere else.
Many people work very hard to save money so they can go to those places for a vacation for a few days. Perhaps for those few days they have some excitement or some distraction, and maybe a bit of peace.
Then they go back to their routine lives, back to the same problems and sufferings, and they dream about one day escaping it again.
The truth is that peace does not come from our external circumstances. No matter how much effort we make to change our external circumstances, peace does not come from there. Peace comes from inside.
Even if you are very wealthy and famous, and have everything that humanity dreams of having, if someone says just the right words to you, you will explode with anger, even violence, and can even kill someone... so, the fame and money brings no peace of mind.
People who live on those famous beaches and resorts still commit suicide and other crimes. They have no peace.
As much as we may admire those beautiful, serene-looking places, those supposedly perfectly relaxing circumstances, even if we retire there or live there, we would not have peace because the causes of discontentment are not outside of us, in our circumstances.
Our suffering and our pain exist not because of where we live, but because of the quality of our mind.
The causes of suffering and pain are within us.
The cause of peace is also within us.
To find peace, you do not need to seek outside of yourself, but inside.
So, instead of looking for that relaxing beach outside of us somewhere in the world, we need to find it inside.
But, when we look inside, what do we see? Not that beach, but this one: a beach packed with people. A crowded place, with no room to walk or sit or swim, and filled with clamoring voices, each one demanding its desires, demanding attention, insisting on being the only one who should be on that beach.
This accurately reflects our inner state. Each one of those people is a longing, fear, resentment, some desire, some frustration, envy, pride, and all of them are constantly talking competing with each other, trying to stand out, and to be the one who's special.
Our mind never shuts up. It is never at peace. It is constantly chattering about what it wants, what it lacks, what it fears.
Truthfully, our longing for peace is the longing to escape the noise in our head, heart, and body.
When you observe some people, you see that they constantly have music or a tv playing, or are always scrolling on their devices; they need constant noise, constant impressions. This is because they want to avoid the noise in their mind: the music, the tv, or the scrolling is like a hypnotic bandage that numbs them. If you turn it off, they feel the pain of their inner condition.
The feelings of discontentment, stress, anxiety, and fear are all rooted in the constant chatter of our mind.
Unfortunately, in modern times, we have not been educated about our mind and how to deal with it.
We learn by example and by inheritance; when we're growing up and we adopt the habits that we observe. We're never given guidance or training in how to deal with thoughts, emotions and impulses and so they control us. They control our consciousness. That's why we are in a constant state of contradiction and inner conflict.
We have contradictory thoughts, feelings, and impulses. As a young person, for example, when it's time for us to become defined in our life, we feel that urgency to develop a career and become self reliant, successful and that is normal and natural. But unfortunately, our pride interferes. We want to stand out, to rise above the rest, and be seen as better than our peers. Then our laziness says, That's too much work, its too hard. Maybe I could just hang out at my parents house, watch TV and maybe get money from the government, or find a husband or wife to pay for everything. Then our envy says, But I want with these people on and Instagram have, I want to be like these other people: famous and rich. Then fear says what if I fail, what if I end up alone, what if I become sick...
We are always creating mental stories, dramas, tragedies, imagining events that never happen... we live most of our lives in a self-created fantasy that has no basis in reality. The result is that we are afflicted with constant worry, stress, and anxiety, all based on illusions.
These surging contradictory, unpredictable thoughts, feelings and impulses are symbolized in this crowded beach.
The Purpose of MeditationMaybe we've had enough of it, and we want to learn meditation.
Whatever the reason, people are attracted to meditation because they want an escape from pain, they want relief from suffering. So most people would say that the purpose of meditation is to escape from pain, to get away from suffering. They might mention some terms like self-realization, liberation or enlightenment, but not really be able to define what those words mean.
Meditation is related to those experiences; you can experience paradises, and reach self-realzation, etc, but it is not in the way that people think: that yoiu meditate in a cave for six years and you go to paradise. That is absurd!
What is paradise? It is a place without conflict, without suffering. Therefore, in such a place, there can be no pride, anger, lust, or envy. So, the solution is simple: if you want to live in paradise, whether on Earth or beyond it, then you must not have any of those qualities in yourself.
This is the actual purpose of meditation: to end suffering.
The only way to end suffering is to understand what causes it.
Since the causes of suffering are not visible with our senses physically, and those causes are not perceptible by our mind, we need to learn meditation so that we can harness the power of the consciousness, in order to perceive the causes of suffering and fix them.
The purpose of meditation is to acquire information about suffering and its causes, so we can become free of them.
From this you understand that pretty much everything popular culture is saying about meditation is kindergarten, very basic, and very shallow.
Meditation is a vast, extensive science. Through meditation, you can perceive the causes of existence. This is not imaginary or a process of thinking: it is a lived experience, more real than what you are perceiving through your physical senses.
The Buddha talked about atomic structures. He described atoms. He saw them in meditation. There is nothing special about that. It is an innate capability that all of us have. We just need to learn to use it.
Meditation is a function of the consciousness.
Meditation is not intellectual, emotional, or physical.
Meditation is a state of perception that does not use the physical senses.
To learn how to meditate, we first learn how to use the consciousness throughout the day.
The process of learning meditation does not begin when you sit on your chair or on your cushion.
To learn how to meditate, you have to practice constantly at all times and in all places. In everything that you do, be profoundly aware and present...
Read the lecture transcription: https://glorian.org/learn/courses-and-lectures/beginning-here-and-now/peace-and-where-to-find-it
The story of The Healing of the Paralytic at Bethesda is imbued with esoteric teachings on psychology and our greater spiritual work.
Slides & Transcription: https://glorian.org/learn/courses-and-lectures/esoteric-christianity/esoteric-christianity-09-the-healing-of-the-paralytic-at-bethesda
This lecture explains:
What is the esoteric meaning of Bethesda? What does it mean in Kabbalah? What do the pools of water mean? Who is the “another” who comes in takes the place of the paralytic, preventing him healing? How does this relate to the letters מ Mem, ו Vav, ז Zayin, ח Chet, ט Teth, ש Shin, and ס Samech?… and more.
Complete course: https://glorian.org/learn/courses-and-lectures/esoteric-christianity
As we are now, we are overwhelmed by negative emotional forces and negative mental forces, which create tremendous suffering in our lives. Every human being struggles daily with unhappiness, doubt, anger, fear, and more. These states cause us to act in harmful ways toward ourselves and toward others, which in turn creates more suffering for everyone. Gnosis is a direct and very potent way of transforming these problems, because it works upon the very foundations of suffering.
Gnosis is a method to develop discipline and psychological stability. It is a means to arrive at genuine inner tranquility. And the great beauty of Gnosis is that it presents a method which uses tools that we already have within: we do not need to rely on anything or anyone other than ourselves. Truthfully, our happiness and well-being is up to us, and when we discover how to cultivate such qualities through the transformation of our own mind, we arrive at the understanding of the message that has been given by every great Saint and Prophet.
Read along: https://glorian.org/learn/knowledge-is-power/the-purpose-of-gnosis
An esoteric explanation of John 4:46-54, Healing the Royal Official's Son. This story is about the healing of our own soul.
Then enquired he of them the hour when he began to amend. And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour [ז zayin] the fever [πυρετός , puretos: “scorching heat”] left him. John 4:52
The hour of healing was the seventh, related to the seventh letter, ז zayin. We discuss how we must work with “left” side of the Tree of Life to achieve spiritual life [חי chaim].
"It is certainly women who are able to transform the world, if that is what they want. The woman holds in her hands the key of power. Even the masculine biology is controllable by the woman; in fact, the woman controls the biological activities of the man (she has this power, and it is extraordinary, wonderful). The only thing that she must do is retain this prodigious force, this creative energy of the Third Logos. She must not allow it to escape, she must not permit it to merge into the universal currents. It is for this reason that the married woman, in the chemical or metaphysical copula, must assume an edified and essentially dignified attitude.
"Obviously, the Sacred Order of Love stems from the Earth’s most ancient times. We can recall (in Greece) the priestesses of love, the Hetairas (ἑταίρα). They were sacred in the most complete sense of the word, and knew how to administer that which is called “love,” and men had to be obedient to them. Let us recall there in the lands of Japan, the supreme priestesses. They ministered that which is called “love.”
"Unfortunately, the people of this modern century have lost the true feeling of love. The modern woman must turn to the ancient wisdom, she must begin to educate the man. Sex is one hundred percent sacred, and she must teach the man veneration for love and respect for sex. If the woman acts in this manner, she will be able to transform the world in a definitive manner..."
Before all, the woman must free herself from many constraining attitudes, she must approach the study of sex from a new angle, not considering sexology as “taboo” or “sin,” as a cause for shame, something covert etc. If the woman is to regenerate the man, she must confront directly the mysteries of sex; she must teach such mysteries to the man. Unfortunately the “intellectual animal” mistakenly called “man” not only does not know how to respect women, he commits adultery like an animal, fornicates incessantly, squanders money, that which is for his home, in the bar, in the casinos, etc.
Unquestionably, the crude reality of the actions is that the woman is called to assume a new role. She needs to transform herself (by means of the creative energy) and teach the man the path of regeneration. But this will not be possible if she does not have a superior electro-sexual potential, which will permit her to realize such a magnificent labor...
It is necessary for the woman to reserve her own creative energy. Only in this way will she be able to increase her electric potential, so as to have sufficient force or authority to enable her to transform the man, to take him from the bars and teach him the path of responsibility, to indicate to him the path of regeneration.
A Reading from "Treatise of Sexual Alchemy: Love, the Key of Spirituality and the Chemistry of the Soul " by Samael Aun Weor (https://shop.glorian.org/products/treatise-of-sexual-alchemy)
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