
  • Alan Pearce discusses the book Coma and Near-Death Experience: The Beautiful, Disturbing, and Dangerous World of the Unconscious

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    Every day around the world, thousands of people are placed in medically-induced comas. For some coma survivors, the experience is an utter blank. Others lay paralyzed, aware of everything around them but unable to move, speak, or even blink. Many experience alternate lives spanning decades, lives they grieve once awakened. Some encounter ultra-vivid nightmares, while others undergo a deep, spiritual oneness with the universe or say they have glimpsed the afterlife.

    Examining the experiences of those who have survived comas, the authors explore the mysterious levels of consciousness near-death experience unlocks. They demonstrate how a key element of the brain is switched off by coma-inducing sedatives, allowing the mind to break free from the body and experience a greater expansion of consciousness. Revealing the dangers of deep sedation and other intensive care procedures, the authors show how comas are unnecessary more often than not and that many coma survivors go on to suffer lasting cognitive and physical harm. Exploring proven alternatives to medically-induced coma, they share tried and tested protocols that are much safer.

    Showing how we can avoid the suffering caused by comas, this book reveals the wide variety of conscious states that can arise during comas, both positive and negative, and how accepting the reality of these experiences is crucial not only to the recovery of coma survivors but also to the field of consciousness studies.

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Luke Howard ‘Shift’

  • Carl Abrahamsson and Greg Moffitt in conversation.

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    In the early 21st Century something fascinating is occurring. Despite the dominance of post-modern materialism, esoteric and occult ideas are re-emerging in society. From philosophy to popular culture, metaphysics and magic are slowly reasserting themselves. Reality is once again up for grabs. Dreams of high-tech transhumanist utopias may turn out to be just that – dreams – and certainly not deliver the transcendence humans have traditionally sought through spiritual practice. Instead, we are witnessing the re-discovery and rekindling of wisdom whose time has come. This wisdom must be preserved and propagated if humanity is to survive in a world spinning out of control.

    Carl’s latest book is Inbetween the Lines: Essays on Occulture, Magic, and Seductive Zombie Strippers

    Previous interviews with Carl Abrahamsson

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

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  • Colin E. Davis discusses his book Transforming Darkness – A Shadow Work Toolkit for the Red Pilled Initiate

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    The red-pilled individual is well aware of the parasitic side of civilization known as the Matrix or the Deep State. But what few yet understand is that the darkness we see growing ‘out there’ is the direct result of the unattended darkness that dwells within each and all of us ‘in here’. This is the domain Carl Jung called the Shadow, and it is a major key to healing ourselves and our world if we are brave enough to confront and work with it. The author believes that if even a minority of humans awaken to this reality, great evolutionary progress will result. The book maps out the human shadow with multiple models and describes a plethora of shadow work practices and techniques for navigating the turbulent times ahead.

    Other interviews with Colin E. Davis

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Christina Vantzou ‘No 3’

  • Richard Kretz and Greg Moffitt discuss the 2024 solar eclipse.

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    Although easily explained in astronomical terms, solar eclipses have inspired fear and awe in humanity since the dawn of time. Hardly surprising, then, that the recent eclipse of April 8, 2024 triggered a widespread surge in speculation and doom-mongering. For thousands of years, however, correlations have been observed between celestial events and those on Earth, particularly in the realm of human affairs. Today, this is the sphere of astrology, although there was a time when astronomy and astrology were one and the same. Taking the 2024 eclipse as a starting point, we explore evolution, the origin of life, the existence of extraterrestrials, auguries in the turbulent events of today, and the potential dawning of a new age.

    Richard’s video The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

    Other interviews with Richard Kretz

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Iasos ‘Cloud Prayer’

  • Thomas Sheridan and Neil McDonald discuss their latest book Bérenger Saunière: Priest Wizard of Rennes-le-Château

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    Rennes-le-Château in southern France has been a hotbed of conspiracy connections for centuries. Interest in its mysteries surged again in recent decades with the release of the popular and controversial books The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail and The Da Vinci Code. But what if theories about its connections to Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, The Knights Templar, and the Cathars are little more than a distraction, or even willful misdirection? In their book, Thomas and Neil document their travels in the region and the discovery of a deeper, darker dimension to this fascinating place of power.

    Mysterious Earth Conference 2024

    Other interviews with Thomas Sheridan and Neil McDonald

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Vangelis ‘1492 – Conquest of Paradise’

  • Graham Phillips and Greg Moffitt in conversation.

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    Taking Graham’s latest book The Mystery of Doggerland: Atlantis in the North Sea as a starting point, this is a wide-ranging chat covering a lot of ground. Topics discussed include:

    Myths and legends of global floods and lost civilizationsAtlantis as a time rather than a placeUnderwater ruins and what might lie deeper below the surfaceMegalithic culture and memories of AtlantisThe illusion of progress and what ‘civilization’ really meansWhat the deep past can teach us about our future

    Other interviews with Graham Phillips

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Black Sabbath ‘Stonehenge’

  • Kingsley Dennis and Greg Moffitt discuss the The People of The Secret, a 1983 book by Ernest Scott.

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    A comet crosses the sky and it furrows the Earth – and human consciousness – with the energy of its passing. Asteroids collide and scatter their substance across the heavens. On Earth, a continent sinks, an island re-emerges from the ocean. A desert becomes a new sea, a fertile land becomes a desert. Nations, whole races, rise, decline and disappear, leaving only legend to mark their place and their passing. All accident, all arbitrary thrust and colision of blind forces signifying nothing? Or all purposeful, intentional having reason and significance within some present moment vastly greater than we can imagine?

    Other interviews with Kingsley Dennis

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Dionysiac ‘New Star Broadcasting’Michael Stearns ‘Chronos’

  • James Tunney and Greg Moffitt in conversation. This is a two part interview. Part one is here

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    In the latest in a series of dialogues, we ask what steps might be taken to resist the rise of AI and the technocratic takeover of our lives. Spiraling complexity, exponential energy use, and complete dependence on the Grid are the system’s Achilles heel, and the source of its power and control can potentially be turned against it. Human creativity and spontaneity are powerful weapons in resisting the machine mind, which is why they are being targeted for elimination. The numbers of those being sucked into the system and those seeking to escape it are both increasing, but the advantage still lies with the techno-totalitarians. The comfort of the velvet-lined cage may yet numb humans into accepting their annihilation, should they awaken too late to their true potential.

    Other interviews with James Tunney

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Tangerine Dream ‘The Soldier OST’

  • James Tunney and Greg Moffitt in conversation.

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    In the latest in a series of dialogues, we ask what steps might be taken to resist the rise of AI and the technocratic takeover of our lives. Spiraling complexity, exponential energy use, and complete dependence on the Grid are the system’s Achilles heel, and the source of its power and control can potentially be turned against it. Human creativity and spontaneity are powerful weapons in resisting the machine mind, which is why they are being targeted for elimination. The numbers of those being sucked into the system and those seeking to escape it are both increasing, but the advantage still lies with the techno-totalitarians. The comfort of the velvet-lined cage may yet numb humans into accepting their annihilation, should they awaken too late to their true potential.

    Other interviews with James Tunney

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Tangerine Dream ‘The Soldier OST’

  • Phil Escott and Ben Hunt discuss freedom of choice in food and health, and the tide of misinformation and propaganda which drives so many of us to unnecessary illness and premature death.

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    Today the world’s population is in the grip of a pandemic of chronic disease. The primary reason is that our dietary and health advice, and most of our medical systems, are directed by corporations purely in the interests of profit, not of human health. Industrial manufacturers churn out toxic concoctions of chemicals masquerading as food, to be fed to the increasingly obese and debilitated masses who believe that their own health is somehow not their responsibility. This surrender to state and corporate control was massively accelerated during the recent pandemic phase. However, there is a darker control agenda underlying these trends to which money, energy and – in this case, health – are absolutely central. Of this nefarious plan, 2024 may reveal more.

    The War on Health Conference 2024Check out The Big Fat ChallengeOther interviews featuring Phil Escott

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

  • Michael Cremo discusses The Silurian Hypothesis and the hidden history of life on Earth.

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    The Silurian Hypothesis assesses modern science’s ability to detect evidence of a prior advanced civilization, perhaps several million years ago. The name ‘Silurian’ derives from the BBC science fiction series Doctor Who which, in 1970’s ‘Doctor Who and the Silurians’, posited an advanced civilization prior to humanity. Astrophysicists Adam Frank and Gavin Schmidt proposed the Silurian Hypothesis in a 2018 paper, exploring the possibility of detecting an advanced civilization before humans in the geological record. They argued that there has been sufficient fossil carbon to fuel an industrial civilization since the Carboniferous Period, 350 million years ago. However, finding direct evidence, such as technological artifacts, is unlikely due to the rarity of fossilization and Earth’s exposed surface. Instead, researchers might find indirect evidence, such as climate changes, anomalies in sediment, or traces of nuclear waste. The hypothesis also speculates that artifacts from past civilizations could be found on the Moon and Mars, where erosion and tectonic activity are less likely to erase evidence. Also, as detailed in Michael Cremo’s research, there is archaeological evidence showing that humans existed in these distant times. The origin and evolution of our species may be very different from that which we are led to believe.

    Other interviews with Michael Cremo

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Celer ‘Zigzag’

  • The latest in an ongoing series of dialogues with James Tunney exposing the assault on humanity by the emerging global technocratic dictatorship. James’ latest book is The Mythic Aim of AI – Maiming the Mind

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    In the first half of the 21st century, humanity is in a trance, mesmerized in a maxtrix of propaganda, trash culture, and mainstream media manipulation. What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming science fact. You will own nothing and be happy, immersed in a virtual reality of games, pornography, and mindless distractions. You will be discouraged from reproducing therefore you will not be replaced. The goal of a post-human planet envisages a much smaller population and in time, no real population at all. We are at a crossroads in the evolution of the human race. The future is taking shape in the present.

    My Vlog series Hauntology & Dystopia examines present and future trends predicted in the past.

    Other interviews with James Tunney

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Harold Faltermeyer ‘The Running Man OST’

  • Luke Dodson and Greg Moffitt in conversation.

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    In a follow-up to COVID-19: The Death of Tourism? published in March 2022, this talk explores how the situation regarding travel, tourism, and general mobility has evolved since that time. We examine the various agendas seeking to restrict human activity, and some of the philosophical dimensions of our need to travel and explore.

    Original video description: “Arguably the single most significant infringement on freedom imposed by the 2020 pandemic lockdowns was on freedom of movement. Only travel deemed ‘essential’ by authorities was permitted and then only under strict control. National and international travel ground to a halt while in some areas citizens were forbidden even from leaving their own homes. Second only to personal liberty, the biggest casualty resulting from these draconian restrictions has been the travel industry. In early 2022, global freedom of movement seems to be slowly returning but will travel, for business or leisure, ever be quite the way it was during the years BC (Before Covid)? Or will globalist technocrats finally fulfil their openly-stated goal of ending freedom of movement for all but their elite echelons, leaving the remainder of the world’s population languishing in a virtual reality prison?”

    Other interviews with Luke Dodson

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

  • Jasun Horsley discusses some of the themes in his book Big Mother: The Technological Body of Evil

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    Is the ship of humanity sinking? In the first part of this talk, we ask not if, but when, humanity took the wrong turn which has led it into a perilous state. At some point, human consciousness appears to have been infiltrated by invisible forces or non-human entities, vast numbers of which occupy the unseen realms of our so-called reality. As a result, our species is suffering from a potentially-fatal detachment from experiential reality. Our never-ending cravings and dissatisfaction, compounded by the distractions of the modern world, have left us mentally and emotionally impoverished, far from our natural state of being. Can we find a way out before it’s too late?

    Other interviews with Jasun Horsley

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

  • James Tunney James Tunney discusses his book The Mythic Aim of AI – Maiming the Mind

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    Although at the cutting edge of advances in science and technology, artificial intelligence has been centuries in the making. Its conceptual origins can be traced back long before the modern era. But it is only now, in the first half of the 21st century, that the visions of generations of computer scientists, futurists, and science fiction writers alike, may finally be realised. However, while the widespread development and deployment of AI will almost certainly transform human life, it also has the potential to wipe it out. The dangers of AI, we are being told, are only just now beginning to emerge, but in reality the dangers have been known for decades. Taken in tandem with the transhumanist agenda which seeks to incrementally upgrade the human body out of existence, uncontrolled and uncontrollable AI is a fundamental threat to the future of our entire species.

    My Vlog series Hauntology & Dystopia examines present and future trends predicted in the past.

    Other interviews with James Tunney

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’John Foxx And The Maths ‘The Machine’

  • Luke Dodson and Greg Moffitt in conversation.

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    The decline of industrial civilization in a welter of political, economic, social, and cultural ills is plain to see, even if most still deny it. But what’s behind the ‘wokification’ of history? The rise of populism in recent times has caused a crisis among so-called liberals and progressives, who feel that the comfortable world they took credit for building is being eroded by ‘racists’, ‘bigots’, and ‘fascists’. But if the underlying mythic structure of your worldview and ideology is based around the idea that Future = Good, and Past = Bad, cognitive dissonance will result. Simply put, in a world that is not conforming to the narrative of continuous Progress, the response from self-declared progressives has been to try to rewrite our past into the multicultural utopia that they wish to see realised. This will not end well. The war on reality cannot be won.

    Other interviews with Luke Dodson

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

  • Paul Sutton and Greg Moffitt in conversation.

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    Many current social, cultural, political, and economic trends are deeply disturbing. All the more so because so many people are unaware of, or simply ignore them. Gathering pace in the 21st century, both 9/11 and the Pandemic were key temporal markers in the acceleration of these trends. A further sinister undercurrent lies in where they overlap and the fact that they are serving an overarching agenda that is profoundly anti-freedom, anti-human, and even anti-life. One of the most obvious manifestations is the unelected so-called elites and tech gurus loudly preaching ‘Do as we say, not as we do’ while pushing transhumanism and fanatical technocratic dictatorship on fearful populations. We analyse our present predicament with particular reference to parallels in dystopian science fiction.

    Previous interviews with Paul Sutton

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Jessamine and Spectrum ‘Radiophonic (Musique Concrete)’ with movie samples added later.Hawkwind ‘Utopia’

  • Courtney Brown of the Farsight Institute discusses new video techniques for capturing images of UFOs.

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    Debate about the existence of extraterrestrial life has continued for decades. What is certain, however, is that sightings of unidentified objects, lights, and other phenomena in the sky, on the ground, and elsewhere, also continue to occur, apparently with increasing frequency. Whether physical or non-material or some combination of the two, these phenomena present a challenge to the orthodox view of reality. Despite much talk of ‘disclosure’, government and other agencies remain evasive on the subject and, as with most other matters, officialdom simply cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Moving on, then, if extraterrestrials do exist and are visiting Earth, the next logical questions are: what are they doing, and what do they want?

    Note: Remote Viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen subject, purportedly sensing with the mind. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object, event, person or location that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance.

    Previous interviews with Courtney Brown

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

  • Kingsley Dennis discusses his latest book The Inversion – How We Have Been Tricked Into Perceiving a False Reality.

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    What we perceive in the world around us is not the hard and fast material reality which modern science insists is all there is. Not only do non-material realms vastly outnumber the narrow vision of three dimensions and our five senses, they shape the world of our everyday experience in ways that few are aware of or even consider possible. The first quarter of the 21st century has increasingly come to be dominated by dark forces which appear to be anti-human, and even anti-life. The Inversion delves deep into the possible origin and nature of these forces which, through social, cultural, political and economic means, are fostering mass psychosis and self-destruction in our species and, through the advent of transhumanism and artificial intelligence, seeking to eliminate the human race completely.

    Other interviews with Kingsley Dennis

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Dionysiac ‘New Star Broadcasting’Michael Stearns ‘Chronos’

  • Stephen Murphy discusses the film ’32 Counties – A Quest for Hope in a Time of Darkness’

    Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.

    In the winter of 2021, three artists – Aidan Killian, comedian; Tiernan O’Rourke, musician; and Stephen Murphy, poet – came together as brothers and set out on a quest to call in the intentions of love, healing, and freedom to the land of Éire. Over the course of 32 days they planted 32 flags on 32 mountains in the 32 counties of the sacred island of Ireland. The movie begins with a quote from the great Irish philosopher and mystic, John Moriarty: ‘Unless there’s wildness round you, something terrible happens to the wildness inside of you.’

    The flag they chose was not the tricolour of contemporary usage, but the ancient flag of the Irish Citizens’ Army, immortalised as the flag referred to in the opening words of the 1916 Proclamation: In the name of God and of the dead generations from which she receives her old tradition of nationhood, Ireland, through us, summons her children to her flag and strikes for her freedom. Aidan, Tiernan, Stephen: This is their story. Love not fear, healing not sickness, truth not lies, freedom not enslavement.

    Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Enya ‘The Celts’ and ‘Watermark’