HT2016 - Gimmickry
Yesterday I mentioned that I have just completed reviewing a couple of hundred projects. A very significant number of these this year included some sort of processing gimmick that was supposed to add depth and meaning to the photographs but actually became a distraction and/or a trite attempt to make weak photography significant.
HT2015 - Mismatch
I've just finished reviewing a couple of hundred photography projects each of which included an artist statement by way of introduction to the photographs. I was absolutely flabbergasted how many times the text did not fit with the photographs or vice versa
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HT2014 - Simplicity and Clarity
It is not a guarantee that simplicity in a composition makes a better photograph, but for the kind of work I like to do, I find it is true more often than not. In fact, it is my strategy for almost every composition I make. The world is a chaotic and complicated thing. Making art is an interpretive activity whose goal is to express the complexity of life with clarity and understanding.
All previous episodes of Here's a Thought . . . are available to members of LensWork Online. 30-day Trial Memberships are only $10. Instant access, terabytes of content, inspiration and ideas that expand daily with new content.
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You might also be interested in. . .Every Picture Is a Compromise, a series at www.brooksjensenarts.com that looks at failures as a way to learn.
"How to" tutorials and camera reviews are everywhere on YouTube, but if you're interested in photography and the creative life, you need to know about the incredible resources you can access as a member of LensWork Online.
HT2013 - Lost Opportunities
Sometimes I don't have my camera with me. I always have my smartphone with me. So, I always have a camera with me, everywhere, right? Not really. Yesterday was a typical and frustrating example.
HT2012 - People or Things
A great deal of photography is about one of two subjects: people or things. I've always thought that the best photographs are about a moment.
HT2011 - Opposite Problems
Black shades and white shades present us with opposite problems. Pure whites have no detail and need to be toned down. Dead blacks have no details and need to be lifted. Of the two, blasted whites are far more visually troubling than crunched blacks.
LW1418 - What the Eye Can't See
The old saying goes: What the I can't see, the heart doesn't miss. I think this should be the first lesson taught in all photography courses. What can't a viewer see? Your camera for one. What you left out of the framing of the shot, and all the non-visual sensations you experienced at the moment of exposure.
All previous episodes of our weekly podcast are available to members of LensWork Online. 30-day Trial Memberships are only $10. Instant access, terabytes of content, inspiration and ideas that expand daily with new content.
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You might also be interested in. . .Every Picture Is a Compromise, a series at www.brooksjensenarts.com.
"How to" tutorials and camera reviews are everywhere on YouTube, but if you're interested in photography and the creative life, you need to know about the incredible resources you can access as a member of LensWork Online.
HT2010 - My Precious, Precious Photograph
Are photographs precious? A photographic print from a long-lost master may very well be precious. A contemporary print by any of us is anything but precious. After all, we can knock out copies by the hundreds if we have a need to. I can't think of any other art medium that flips in value so dramatically. In fact, our contemporary clutching over our "precious" artwork reminds me of a certain fictional character.