In this episode Alan shares some his experiences of seeing the Aura, as well as giving hints on how to begin to see the colours of the Auric field. He also discusses the feelings that can come with attuning to the aura, we do not just see it we feel it. Please like and share.
If you wish to get ahold of Alan for a private reading, or healing please e mail him at alanjohnholmes@yahoo.com. The readings are $75.00 Canadian dollars. You can also get ahold of Alan at 604-818-9028.
As well you can e mail Alan to request an invite to the Facebook Community Page (Spirit Lights healing Centre/Spirit Lights Spiritualist Church, at https://www.facebook.com/groups/718158955449879 .Alan is working with a new web designer on updating his webpage and this should be launched in a few weeks.
In this Episode Alan Shares some of his experiences in the "Halls of Learning" while in dream state as well as his thoughts on the "Hall of Records", Soul groups and the necessary relationships, both positive and negative between people. The role of souls and the choices we make to be in certain roles before we come into physical form. The karmic links and the "Plan" for each souls journey but also the imperfection of the physical plan resulting, at times, in the execution not quite going to plan. But even so the overall experience of the soul is what is at the centre and the general plan is usually correct. How we do not remember the full plan, the necessary memory loss from the spiritual plain into the physical realm as vital and only in small amounts is it revealed during our physical existence through our subconscious.
P.S. Apparently you can leave a tip through "Stripe" honestly i do not know how that works as of yet.
Please like and or share, if you wish to contact Alan for a reading or healing please do so through his webpage at www.alanjohnholmes.com or e mail him directly at: alanjohnholmes@yahoo.com
If you have requested distant healing please let us know how the healing is coming along.
Alan with the aid of the spirit healers sends healing out everyday to those who have requested healing.
Episodi mancanti?
Alan shares some of his healing experiences as well as thoughts about the healing intelligence, Our body possess a healing intelligence, and the spirit world can enhance the working of that intelligence, as well as, at times perform what we interrupt as a Miracle healing. There are many should in spirit working to bring betterment and we can be used as the instruments for that healing force to reach others.
Please like and share, and you can contact Alan at alanjohnholmes@yahoo.com, or at his webpage www.alanjohnholmes.com.
We have received some requests for absent healing and I would like to let those people know that we have you on the healing list. We would appreciate it if those who have requested healing could send us an update, as well, to make sure, resend their names, and country in which they live.
Alan Holmes
This episode concerns several premonitions given to me in dream state concerning The Western World and the Middle East. These were given to me from 1982-2000 up to the 911 incident. We need to keep in mind that all is not as it seems and world governments and Organisations (WEF) (UN), possibly have had a part to play in some of the events I discuss. As we are exploring the gifts of Spirit in this podcast premonitions are potentially part of the gift(s) not all mediums and even psychics receive certain types of premonitions. We cannot expect to only receive the premonitions and messages that are comforting. Life is full of trials and difficulties so we must expect the possibilities that spirit will know of much of these and will, if we are spiritually mature enough, pass them on to us enabling us to, hopefully, find the avenues of dialogue and communication between groups. In this podcast I share many experiences but I insist on the message of dialogue and communication between peoples, necessary for us to create a better world. I do insist that we do not be naive however and that we must know ourselves and in so doing we know others, thereby there are no surprises regarding human behaviour. The world history makes that very clear for everyone.
Hello all, Merry Christmas. In this podcast I share two very profound Visions, one of St. Nicholas, when I was four (4) years old, the other of Jesus when I was 25. These Visions focus on the pathway of service and forgiveness. The origin of the phrase (FORGIVENESS IS THE GREATEST KARMIC RELEASE THAT ONE CAN GIVE TO ONESELF OR TO ANOTHER) will be made clear, and its importance to most of our spiritual paths. We can only climber higher on our spiritual ladders if we ask to be forgiven and to forgive. This is, in my opinion, one of the most important lessons for any soul, and it is part of the Christmas Theme.
Please note, my Podcast editor is no longer able to work with me so I have been working to figure out how to do this my self. Please excuse the lack of editing in this episode and for now, The lack of music as was formerly being used at the beginning and end of the episodes. Apologies!! I am on a learning curve at the moment trying to get this done on my own.
Thank you for being a part of my journey and listening. I will never tell a lie concerning this work, I will share my Spiritual experiences in full truth and all I can ask for is that over a period of time you will be able to see the connections of these experiences with the many situations we are finding in life.
In this episode I will be sharing three very strong premonitions that happen over a series of decades. Unfortunately the person who was my main witness to these is no longer on the earth plane, however there are a few people still around who knew of these premonitions. I tell you the premonitions the way they happened in exact detail with no "Fluff" I think my listeners by now are beginning to understand I am a no "fluff" guy. These premonitions, speak to many of the situations that are occurring today, not so much in direct happenings as the premonitions themselves did clearly show me at the time, but if we listen and think clearly, one can see the subtle links to the world issues today. I have numbered this episode as Part 1, as there are others that happened in the 80's and 90's that clearly link to many issues today and unfortunately when I share them will ruffle some feathers of the more progressive Leftist thinkers.
If you wish to have a reading either in person or over zoom please contact me at alanjohnholmes@yahoo.com, or please visit my website at www.alanjohnholmes.com
Please note my webpage is in need of updating and my podcast editor was working on it but is no longer involved so again I am on a learning curve regarding my webpage.
Welcome to “Let Spirit Speak,” the podcast that takes you on a journey through the realms of spirituality and metaphysics. In this episode, we discuss “Clairaudience” a profound and acutely accurate experience.
Join us as we share insights, and experiences regarding the gift of Clairaudience and some of my experiences.
Connect with me: alanjohnholmes.com
Follow my Facebook Page: Alan John Holmes, Spirit Lights Healing Centre
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Alan Holmes
Please subscribe to receive the latest episodes
Welcome to "Let Spirit Speak," the podcast that takes you on a journey through the realms of spirituality and metaphysics. In this episode, we explore the profound role of nature spirits as the gardeners of heaven and earth, and they strive to keep it beautiful.
Join us on this transformative exploration as we share insights, practical techniques, and heartfelt stories that illustrate the profound impact nature spirits can have on our lives. Discover how we can honor and collaborate with these remarkable guardians, embracing our roles as stewards of the Earth and keep its beauty.
Let the gardeners of heaven and earth guide you as you rediscover the magic that surrounds us and awaken your innate ability to make our world truly beautiful. Seek them in nature and when attuned.
Connect with me: alanjohnholmes.com
Follow my Facebook Page: Alan John Holmes, Spirit Lights Healing Centre
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Alan Holmes
Please subscribe to receive the latest episodes
& Leave us a review to boost the show to help others find me.
In this episode we discuss reincarnation and how experiencing multiple lives gives us an opportunity to polish our spirit and allow the your "Genie" out for spiritual guidance. We'll explore how reincarnation can help us in the physical world, as well as our spiritual journey.
We hope you join us on this journey to discover the spiritual depths that reincarnation has to offer, and to truly understand how it can help shape our lives and provide direction for our spiritual growth. Thank you for tuning into Let Spirit Speak. Until next time, Love & Light.
Connect with me: alanjohnholmes.com
Follow my Facebook Page: Alan John Holmes, Spirit Lights Healing Centre
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Alan Holmes
Please subscribe to receive the latest episodes
& Leave us a review to boost the show to help others find me.
Explore the ages of the soul and delve into their characteristics with Let Spirit Speak. Host Alan John Holmes will guide us through this spiritual journey, offering understanding of how each age of the soul can affect our lives in different ways. We gain insight into how we can use wisdom from the spirit world to live our lives more fully. Join us on this incredible exploration of soul age, and gain insight and understanding into your own spiritual journey.
Have you ever had the true feeling of being in the "Flow"? In this episode we discuss actionless action.
Alan explains how this speaks to our spiritual journey and why it is so important for us to be able to achieve, and then what it feels like when we are truly in the Flow – the feeling of being fully alive, connected to our highest selves and the devine in the moment.
We will also discuss how we can use this concept to help us better understand and connect with spirit on a deeper level. We hope that through this episode, you will be inspired to find your flow and take that into your spiritual journey. Join us for an exciting and enlightening journey in this episode of Let Spirit Speak!
Karma, what is it? How do we get more? What does karma do for our soul? All these questions and more can be answered through understanding the concept of karma.
Karma is a spiritual practice that has been around for centuries, and although it is often spoken of in a way that is confusing and mysterious, it can be explained simply. To understand karma, we must first understand its meaning. In a spiritual sense, karma is simply the energy we experience as a result of our actions or thoughts. It is believed that when we do something good, such as random acts of kindness, our karma will be positive and help our soul along its journey.
In this episode we discuss spirit guides, learn how our physical, spiritual and emotional well being affect our ability to get and take direction. I give some personal experiences of connection with my own guide. If you are interested in connecting with your spirit guide, or just want to learn more about the spirit world, then this is the podcast for you!
From the archives, this was one of the first recorded episodes.
In this very first episode, we discuss mediumship and healing, as well as engaging in discussions concerning the soul, spirit, God, and existence. This is the first recording I have made and I must admit it is a bit awkward but we shall improve. The main aim of the Let Spirit Speak Podcast is to accept the spiritual world around us and to provide listeners with the ability and insight to look into the spirit world. We hope that you enjoy this very first episode. Thank you for listening!
In this episode, Alan discusses the topic of healing. He dives into how important forgiveness is and how it can help us to release good karma. This episode is sure to be captivating and relatable for anyone who is interested in spirituality and meditation. Let Alan John Holmes guide you on your journey of self-discovery today.
Let Spirit Speak is a spiritual and meditation podcast with Alan John Holmes.
In this episode, Alan discusses the power of thought and how forgiveness benefits the soul. He also talks about the importance of forgiveness and how it can help us release karmic energy. This episode is sure to leave you feeling empowered and motivated to create positive change and love into your life.
Welcome to Let Spirit Speak, a podcast dedicated to the world of spirit, mediumship, and healing. I am your host, Alan John Holmes, medium and healer and founder of Spirit Light's Healing Centre. In each episode, we will explore different topics related to the spiritual world and how we can connect with it. We may also hear from people who have had Spiritual experiences such as premonitions, connection with the spirit world through dream state, near-death experiences, universal and mystical experiences. My hope is that by sharing these stories and teachings, we can open our hearts and minds to the possibilities that exist beyond our everyday reality. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Peace.