Frank Macri, founder & president of "NAMASGAY" - a heart-centered social movement for spiritually-minded LGBTQ+ folks joins us to talk about starting a movement, bringing a vision to life, and why he feels spiritual community is more important than ever for LGBTQs+.
Learn more: www.inspirespiritualcommunity.org/podcast
Rakale Hannah & Patsy Moore discuss the challenges facing LGBTQ+ persons of color and explore powerful ways to heal, unite, and inspire each other today. A beautiful conversation by two brilliant beings.
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Chris Tompkins, teacher and activist shares about his experience working with LGBTQ youth and offers insight on how we can support our future generation. He also teaches us about his exciting platform, "Messages From The Playground" which educates and empowers parents, educators, and adults on how to create environments that encourage self-expression and self-love so we can build a container for compassion and self-aware kids.
Psychologist, astrologer, and dream expert Dr. Michael Lennox sits down explains the nuts and bolts of astrology and shares why it's TOTALLY spiritual. He goes over full moons, mercury in retrograde, and even gives us a glance at the upcoming year. It's almost as if he translates a foreign language in a way that makes total sense!
Learn more by visiting InspireSpiritualCommunity.org
Regina F. Lark, professional organizer and author of "Psychic Debris, Crowded Closets: The Relationship Between The Stuff In Your Head And What's Under Your Bed" shares how our living space directly affect and reflects our inner landscape.
Learn how to clear clutter and create space.
Learn more: www.inspirespiritualcommunity.org/podcast/
Learn more about Regina: www.aclearpath.net
Cantor Juval Porat joins us to share his perspective as a spiritual single guy in today's LGBTQ dating scene. How does your spiritual practice factor into your love life? Can you find love in the age of apps - and what is a healthy relationship today anyway? What if you're not interested in a heteronormative relationship structure - it that okay? How do we get clear on our dating objectives ... and what happens when we don't want a relationship at all? Let's discuss.
Rev. Candice Gee joins me to discuss how we can build (or repair) a bridge between gay men & women who love women in the LGBTQ communities. Is there a need for this relationship outside of social justice issues? Is this really just an issue of "not being attracted to one another?"
Lets discuss.
Author, activist and faith leader Brandan Robertson is this episodes special guest. We discuss his coming out story while being a theology major, convergence therapy and how he's redefining what it means to be Christian and queer. This is an AWESOME episode - I'm so glad that we get to have these conversations.
This grounding meditation is a great addition to your morning practice - though you can do it at any time during the day.
It's only 10 minutes in length and yields limitless benefits.
Music by Jason Shaw
Adina Laver, CEO & Chief Curiosity Officer of Courage to be Curious, LLC (and host of the "Wonder your way to Brilliant podcast) shares how she helps people explore that feeling that "there's gotta be something more" in a powerful and life-changing way. She also opens up about her Rabbi girlfriend and what it's like being a mom to teenagers and the partner of a spiritual leader.
I am in LOVE with this episode and I trust you will be too!
Learn more about Adina at www.couragetobecurious.com
Learn how to powerfully (and playfully) create a life that turns you from a place of peace and joy with celebrated Spiritual teacher and author Jacob Glass. Get all the tools you'll need to have fun and fulfilling New Year!
Spiritual teacher, activist and television personality Brandon Kneefel joins me to discuss how we can powerfully stand as activists today while staying aligned with Spiritual principles. Is it possible to practice activism without energizing "us" vs "them"? How can we do cultivate loving compassion for those that seem to aggressively oppose who we are? Let's discuss!
Learn more about Brandon here: www.brandonkneefel.com
Many LGBTQs were shocked and disappointed with the results from the 2016 election. In this episode we'll explore a few ways to work with the feelings that come up and how to move towards a NEW vision of America that feels inspiring - even when it appears that everything is completely CRAZY!
In this episode we're learning how to release fear and shame around sex and sexuality. Our special guest is Roxie Benson, a celebrated Spiritual teacher, counselor and professional DOMINATRIX. She supports couples and individuals in releasing all blocks that prevent them from feeling liberated - in and OUT of the bedroom. It's our hottest episode yet!
Learn more about Rev. Roxie at www.reverendroxie.com
Learn more about Gay and Spiritual here: www.gayandspiritual.com
My husband Christopher joins me as we share our experiences in a monogamous marriage. We talk about the benefits, blessings and challenges we've faced together and individually. Is monogamy really possible? Are we trying to fit into a hetero-normative structure that doesn't work in LGBTQ relationships? Lets discuss!
Are you ready to LOVE your body? For years I struggled with body dysmorphia and learned how to work through insecurities and feelings of shame because I couldn't maintain the "perfect body".
In this episode you can learn how to transcend social pressures so you can LOVE your body ... whether it's thin, curvy, ripped or chubby. When you're not obsessing over your waist size you're free to actually IN-JOY your life.
Ever wonder why you can't seem to keep the weight off or why you keep dating the same "type" of person over and over again? These are all byproducts of your belief-systems run wild. When you learn to use the law of "Cause and Effect" you can begin to create a life that turns you on. Let's discuss...
Executive coach Mark Darren Gregor joins me and shares how to merge your Spiritual life and work life. Learn tips and tools he gives clients to find more harmony and happiness in their careers.
We also explore how to create goals from a place of inspiration by releasing the need to "prove" something, which frees you up to be present and grateful for all the successes you experience every day.
Learn more about Mark here: www.gowithinnow.com
When we become fully responsible for our own peace of mind, we give the people in our lives the freedom to just be themselves. It's our judgments that keep us feeling upset and resentful - not the people and circumstances that are in our path. What if we let everyone else off the hook and take the challenge of being 100% responsible for our own peace of mind? How differently would your life feel? Let's discuss.
Are you ready to come out of the Spiritual closet? How is coming out of the Spiritual closet different/similar to previous coming out experiences? This episode explores that question and also speaks on our identities as "Spiritual" people. What does a Spiritual person look like? Is it really about the vegetarian diet, yoga classes and prayer beads?
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