Kathryn Wilder, Desert Chrome: Water, A Woman, And Wild Horses In The West
High Plains Book Award WINNER, Craig Lancaster on BEING a WRITER // LITerally Podcast
Craig Lancaster, winner of the 2022 High Plains Book Award in Fiction, joined us on the podcast from Montana. Craig has so many insights when it comes to BEING a writer, to believing in it as a career. It was really refreshing to chat with him about how 'writer' can be our profession, and how life weaves and changes and that it's all a good thing. I met Craig in Billings this fall, and we became instant friends. - Kase
Craig Lancaster: https://www.craig-lancaster.com/
Host Kase Johnstun: http://kasejohnstun.com/
LITerally Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/literally_podcast/
LITerally Podcast Archive: https://www.thebanyancollective.com/literally
For this month's Bourbon, Beer & Books reading, we break down Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five.
We're joined by Sean Davis dialing in from Oregon. Kase Johnstun, Dorie Guerra, Marc Garcia, and myself, R. Brandon Long are all in the Banyan1 Studio.
Watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/eJpNzyz9iSY
The Chemical Marriage series is a seven novel septet, beginning with The Crow’s Head from author Adrian Stumpp // LITerally Podcast Ep. 59
We talked with Adrian Stumpp about his book The Chemical Marriage. He told us his inspiration for this book was dull; it was anything but dull. It was awesome. You'll have to listen to understand. - Kase
AUTHOR // Adrian Stumpp: https://adrianstumpp.com/
Like what you hear, buy Kase a beer: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/banyanmedia
Follow LITerally:
Instagram // https://www.instagram.com/literally_podcast/
Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/LITerallyPodcast
Kase: http://kasejohnstun.com/Bookings: [email protected]
LITerally Podcast Ep. 58 - Taylor Garcia, "Functional Families"
We talked about a lot more than writing in this episode with author Taylor Garcia. We jumped into everything writers think about when writing that readers probably never know! Writing isn’t just putting words on paper. It’s a life. We delve into all of this.
Taylor Garcia: https://btaylorgarcia.com/
Functional Families on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Functional-Families-Taylor-Garc%C3%ADa/dp/1950730875
"Taylor García is the author of the novel, Slip Soul (Touchpoint Press, 2021), and the short story collection, Functional Families (Unsolicited Press, 2021). In addition to his books, García has published several short stories and essays in numerous journals, and is a weekly columnist at the Good Men Project.
In a past life, García was a features and sports reporter at The Santa Fe New Mexican, and a political news correspondent at the Talk Radio News Service in Washington, D. C.He holds an MFA in Writing from Pacific University Oregon. García is a multi-generational Neomexicano originally from Santa Fé, New Mexico now living in Southern California with his family."
Like what you hear, buy Kase a beer: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/banyanmedia
Kase: http://kasejohnstun.com/
Bookings: [email protected]
LITerally Podcast Ep. 57 - The River Between Hearts from author Heather Mateus Sappenfield
Heather Mateus Sappenfield joins us on LITerally to talk about the challenge behind switching genres, voice changes, and viewing the world through the eyes of a child. It's a good one!
Heather Mateus Sappenfield: https://heathermateussappenfield.com/
Kase: http://kasejohnstun.com/
Marvel Comics author Ben Percy joined us to chat about comic writing versus novels and the pressure of developing story lines for iconic characters like Wolverine, and Ghost Rider. Oh, and he even hits us with a lil' specialty rum choice on this episode of Bourbon, Beer and Books!
Ben Percy: https://benjaminpercy.com/
Bourbon, Beer and Books Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bourbonbeerandbooks
Digging in and tearing apart the Christmas classic, Home Alone. Join us as we discuss Fuller and friends.
Interview with Teresa Dovalpage, Author: Death Under the Perseids - A Havana Myster // LITerally Podcast Ep. 56
Teresa Dovalpage, friend and author, joined us again. If she’d join us, we’d have her every week. Luckily enough, she just keeps publishing, giving us an excuse to have her on!
Teresa Dovalpage: https://teredovalpage.com/
Like what you hear, buy Kase a beer: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/banyanmedia
Follow LITerally: Instagram // https://www.instagram.com/literally_podcast/
Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/LITerallyPodcast
Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/KaseDJohnstun
Website // https://www.thebanyancollective.com/literally
Kase: http://kasejohnstun.com/
Bookings: [email protected]
Essayist and poet Rob Carney on the podcast to talk about his new essay collection and his new poetry collection. We had fun in the Banyan one!
Rob Carney via https://stormbirdpress.com/our-authors/rob-carney/
Rob Carney grew up in the Pacific Northwest but has lived the last 23 years in Salt Lake City, Utah. He’s the author of seven books of poems, most recently Facts and Figures (Hoot ‘n’ Waddle 2020), and The Book of Sharks (Black Lawrence Press 2018), which was a finalist for the 2019 Washington State Book Award.
In 2014 he received the Robinson Jeffers/Tor House Foundation Award for Poetry. His work has appeared in Cave Wall, The American Journal of Poetry, and many others, as well as the Norton anthology Flash Fiction Forward (2006). He’s a Professor of English at Utah Valley University and writes a regular feature called “Old Roads, New Stories” for Terrain.org.
Like what you hear, buy Kase a beer: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/banyanmedia
Bookings: [email protected]
It was really, really awesome to talk to Larry Feign about his new novel that took years to research and to write. It’s an absolutely beautiful book, inside and out. I learned more than I ever expected. That’s amazing historical fiction.
Amanda Kabak, author of the newly released novel titled UPENDED, joined us to talk about the book. It was great to talk about the evolution of this book, the characters, and their motivations. Great for anyone interested in novel building!
LITerally Podcast EP. 52 - David Gessner: Quiet Desperation, Savage Delight: Sheltering with Thoreau in the Age of Crises
David Gessner joined us to talk all things Henry David Thoreau, thoroughly, while talking about the craft of writing nonfiction and writing a book during the pandemic. Such a great conversation! -
This month we discuss NNedi Okorafor's Remote Control, described on her website as, "science fiction of the Africanfuturist strain that knows aliens exist, quietly shows how technology is influenced by culture, features a powerful yet deeply-pained female protagonist, and wonders about the role of corporations in rural Africa."
So grab a bourbon and sip along with us. This selection was loved by the hosts. Tune in to find out why.
"If you like plots & boobies, not the book for you." - Sean Davis
Kase's pick, Rendezvous with Rama, is a science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke. Set in the 2130s, astronauts explore a cylindrical alien starship. How does this 1973 classic hold up?
Full of welcoming metaphors and more depth than anticipated, JAWS, the book, surprised us in a few ways. As Leigh noted, "Even when it's problematic...it's still trying to do stuff."
Other notes, Kase finally imbibed, we endured symphony practice, and a tree fell on Seans internet (true story). Otherwise, smooth livestream and podcast.
Sometimes, it's just best to sit back, listen, and learn. Going into my interview with Paisley Rekdal, that was my plan, and I'm happy I stuck (mostly) to it because there's no reason to mess up a good hour of great, researched insight with my fumbling. So fortunate to have Utah's Poet Laureate and author of APPROPRIATE (and many, many other books of poetry and nonfiction) on LITerally.
- Kase
Bourbon, Beer & Books - The Sun Also Rises, gender fluidity, impotence, bull fighting, and whiskey Where does that type of trophy-hunting/prove-your-masculinity fit in today's literary scene?
We take a candid look at The Sun Also Rises. LITerally Host Kase Johnstun is joined by Sean Davis and Tia Brown to discuss The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway and his place in history.
5 word review What we’re drinking? Masculinity and Gender Fluidity Iceberg Theory -
From across the globe and from 12 hours in the future, Bradford Philan joined us on the LITerally Podcast. Let's just say that I enjoyed the 'heck' out his book When the Color Started. Grab it.
LITerally podcast host Kase Johnstun along with co-hosts Leigh Camacho Rourks, Sean Davis, and Tia Brown discuss the phenomenon that was Twilight.
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