In this final episode of Living the Catholic Faith, we encounter the readings for the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time where Jesus tells the parable of the wicked tenants who do not bear good fruit because of their selfishness and sinfulness. We are called to think about if we are good fruit. In our Topic of the Week we will discuss fruitfulness. What does it mean to be fruitful? Are we fruitful? In our segment, Breaking Open the Word, we look at the readings for this week and the challenge the Lord has for us. Isaiah in the first reading talks about the ground yielding wild grapes. Are we wild in our lives, thinking we can do what we want when we want? Are we selfish and sinful like the tenants who even kill the landlord's son? Join me, Deacon Steve, as we contemplate the Word of God and continue our efforts in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 84 of Living the Catholic Faith, we encounter the readings for the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time that challenge us to look are our priorities. What really matters to us? What is of primary importance? Our Topic of the Week is priorities. How do we set our priorities? What does priorities have to do with living our faith? In Breaking Open the Word, we hear the Gospel from St. Matthew about the parable of the two sons. One son says "Yes" to his father's will and does not do it. The other says "No" but ultimately follows the priority of doing his father's will. We too are called to follow God's will as the ultimate priority in our lives. My Our loving Lord Jesus, who made His priority doing the will of the Father, help us to get our priorities right as we continue our journey in Living the Catholic faith.
Episodes manquant?
In Episode 83 of Living the Catholic Faith, we look at the readings for the 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time. We are challenged to contemplate the concept of fairness. Is life fair? Are we treated fairly and do we treat others fairly? Our Topic of the Week is fairness. What is it? Why is it important? In Breaking Open the Word, we will hear from the Gospel of Matthew the parable of the generous landowner. No matter how long his laborers work, they are paid the daily wage. Is this fair? Is God fair? Join me, Deacon Steve, as we contemplate the Word of God as we continue our journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 82 of Living the Catholic Faith, we hear the readings for the 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time. The readings focus on one theme - forgiveness. Are we willing to forgive? Are we forgiven? Our Topic of the Week is of course, forgiveness. What is forgiveness? What isn't forgiveness? In Breaking Open the Word, we hear Peter ask Jesus how often are we to forgive. Jesus answers 77 times which stands for infinity. We are always called to be open to forgiving - forgiving others who hurt us, going to God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation to receive forgiveness and being willing to forgive ourselves. Join me, Deacon Steve, as we contemplate the words and call of God and continue our journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 81 of Living the Catholic Faith, we encounter the readings for the 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time. Our reading focus us on our responsibility to hold each other accountable as we journey towards God. What does this mean? How do we do it? Our Topic of the Week is Accountability. What does it mean to be accountable? In Breaking Open the Word, we hear from the Gospel of Matthew about the importance of helping someone who has fallen into sin or lost their way. Jesus makes it clear that this task is not voluntary - that as His followers we have a responsiblity to hold each other accountable out of love. Join me, Deacon Steve, as we listen to the Word of God and strive, with His grace, to live lives accountable to Him, as we continue our journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 80 of Living the Catholic Faith, we celebrate the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Last week, our readings focused on the rewards of discipleship. Peter, who professes Jesus as Messiah, is given the keys to the kingdom of heaven. This week, this same Peter is rebuked by Jesus for trying to persuade HIm to abandon His mission. Jesus says we must deny ourselves, pick up our crosses and follow Him. In other words, we must be willing to suffer which is a cost of discipleship. Our Topic of the Week is Discipleship. What does it mean to be a disciple? In Breaking Open the Word, we will hear the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus clearly states that following Him costs us something. We must die to self, be willing to suffer and to follow Him? Are we willing to do so? Are we truly His disciples? Join me, Deacon Steve, as we contemplate the call of Jesus, in our day to day journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 79 of Living the Catholic Faith podcast, we listen to the readings for the 21st Sunday or Ordinary Time. Jesus tells His Apostles and God tells Shebna in our first reading, that God rewards His disciples. How does God reward us? Do we even notice? Our Topic of the Week is God's Gifts. Our Lord gives us gifts out of love for us and as a reward to help us grow deeper in our faith. What do we do with these rewards? In Breaking Open the Word, we hear the Gospel of Matthew about the Apostles with Jesus as Jesus asks "Who Do You Say That I Am? Peter answers correctly and is given the keys to the kingdom of heaven, the first Pope. This reward and gift led to Peter being crucified upside. Is this a reward or not? Join me, Deacon Steve, as we contemplate the word of God and His call to us as we continue our journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 78 of Living the Catholic Faith, we hear the Gospel and reference the readings for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus sees the faith of the Caananite woman, who is a foreigner, and heals her daughter. Do we help those different from us? Do we provide care and concern for the foreigners we encounter? Our Topic of the Week is Welcoming. Do we welcome the stranger? Do we see the stranger as a potential friend, as a brother or sister? If so, we will welcome them. In Breaking Open the Word, we are challenged to think about are we a people of unity or division. Do we categorize people according to their appearance, race, religion and treat them as less than? Are we willing to follow Jesus and treat everyone with love and mercy, even the foreigner. Join me, Deacon Steve, as we contemplate the Word of God as we continue in our journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 77 of LIving the Catholic Faith, we hear the Gospel for the 19 Sunday of Ordinary Time. Jesus comes to His Apostles in the storm. In our first reading from 1st Kings, the Lord comes to Elijah in a tiny whispering sound. God comes to us as well. Our Topic of the Week is Hearing vs. Listening. Do we hear the Lord? If so, are we listening to Him? In Breaking Open the Word, we think about what impedes our ability to hear and listen to the Lord. We can be a distracted people, distracted by all the noise of this world, others, and by the pleasures/stresses of modern day living. And yet, we are called to listen to the Lord. God is with us in all things, all the time. Will we choose to make listening to Him our priority in life? Join me, Deacon Steve, as we contemplate God's call to us to be His disciples, to listen to Him and to continue our journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 76 of Living the Catholic Faith, we hear the reading for the Feast of the Transfiguration. Peter, James and John go up the mountain with Jesus. Jesus is transfigured before them. He is changed and transformed. As followers of Jesus, we are call to change as well. Change is our Topic of the Week. What and how are we called to change? Do we have to change? In Breaking Open the Word, we will hear from the Gospel of Matthew about the trip up the mountain for Jesus and three of His Apostles. There three tents are built for Jesus, Moses and Elijah. The Apostles learn that Jesus is the beloved Son of God. Jesus is transformed as are the Apostles. Are we willing to transform our lives? Are we willing to die to ourselves and live for Jesus? Join me, Deacon Steve as we contemplate the Word of God and continue our journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 75 of Living the Catholic Faith, we hear the readings for the 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time. We are challenged to think about what is really important in our lives. What do we desire? What rewards do we work for? Our Topic of the Week is Values. What is a value? What do we value? How do values impact our lives as Catholics? In Breaking Open the Word, we hear rom the Gospel Matthew where Jesus tell His disciples that those who serve the Lord will receive their reward. What reward is Jesus referring to? Join me, Deacon Steve, as we contemplate the word of God as we continue our journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 74 of Living the Catholic Faith, we encounter the readings for the 12 Sunday of Ordinary Time. Jeremiah, Paul, Jesus and almost all His disciples suffer because of their faith. They traveled a difficult road, a road most of us would rather avoid. In our Topic of the Week, we discuss Martyrs. Did you know there are three types of martyrs? In Breaking Open the Word, we hear the Gospel of St. Matthew. Jesus tells His apostles to not be afraid, although all but St. John will pay the ultimate price, death, for following the Lord. Are we willing to pay the price? Join me, Deacon Steve, as we contemplate the Word of God, and continue our efforts in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 73 of Living the Catholic Faith, we find ourselves back in Ordinary time. As followers of Jesus, there really is no "ordinary time", for being his disciple leads to a life that, by His grace, is extraordinary. Our Topic of the Week is Missionaries. We are all called to be missionaries for Christ. What does this mean and how do we accomplish this? In Breaking Open the Word, we hear from the Gospel of Matthew, as Jesus sends out the 12 on a mission. What is our mission? Do we accept this mission or decide what we want for ourselves? Join me, Deacon Steve, as we contemplate God's word as we continue our journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 72 of Living the Catholic Faith podcast, we encounter the reading for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, otherwise known as Corpus Christi. What does it mean that we are celebrating a day that honor the gift of Christ's body and blood in the Eucharist? In our Topic of the Week, we will discuss the Real Presence. What does it mean and how do we know it is real? In Breaking Open the Word we will hear from the Gospel of John that whoever eats the bread that Jesus gives has eternal life? Do we eat that bread? Do we receive it in awe and reverence? Join me, Deacon Steve as we contemplate the word of God as we continue our journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 71 of Living the Catholic Faith podcast we contemplate this Sunday's Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. What does it mean that there is one God in three persons? How do we make sense of this mystery? Our Topic this week is unity. The Trinity is united as one. Are we as Catholics united as the one body of Christ? Are we united as individuals or in our communities? In Breaking Open the Word, we hear the famous Gospel, John 3:16. In this Gospel, we learn that God sent His Son into the world to save it, not condemn it. How does this change our lives? Join me Deacon Steve as we contemplate the word of God as we continue our journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 70 of the Living the Catholic Faith podcast, we celebrate Pentecost, the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is God, the love between the Father and the Son. It is the sanctifier, that helps us to live a life of holiness. Our Topic this week is fittingly, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. What are they and how do they help us live our Catholic faith? We will Break Open the Word by hearing from the Gospel of John about Jesus breathing on His Apostles and giving them the Holy Spirit. May we, this Pentecost, be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we may continue our journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 69 of LIving the Catholic Faith, we contemplate this Sunday's readings for the Ascension of the Lord. Jesus has ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Where does that leave us? What are we to do? Our Topic this week is accompaniment. We are called to accompany one another as we journey through life. We are to reach out to the marginalized of this world. Do we do this? How can we do this? In Breaking Open the Word, we hear from the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus gives His Apostles the Great Commission - to go baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. To follow this commission, we must be Christ's witnesses - witnesses to love, mercy, forgiveness, peace, etc. Are we? Join me, Deacon Steve, as we contemplate the word of God as we continue our journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
In Episode 68 of Living the Catholic Faith Podcast, we celebrate the 6th Sunday of Easter. The readings challenge us to look at our lives to see if we are truly following the Lord no matter what the cost. Our Topic this week is Redemptive Suffering. What is it and why is it important to us? In Breaking Open the Word, we hear from the Gospel of John Jesus telling His apostles to follow His commandments. Jesus tells us we show our love for Him by doing what He asks of us. Are we willing to do so? Join me, Deacon Steve, as we contemplate the word of God in our journey to Living the Catholic Faith.
I am at the Deacon Congress for the Diocese of Phoenix. See you next Saturday
In Episode 67 of Living the Catholic Faith, we celebrate the 4th Sunday of Easter. Yes, the Easter season is still with us. We are called to be an Easter people - a people of joy, who lives in the love and mercy of our risen Lord. This week's Topic is surrender. Surrender is not an easy concept for us. We want to be in charge. We want to win. And yet, as Christians, we are called to surrender our lives to Christ, as He surrended His life for us. In Breaking Open the Word, we hear from the Gospel of St. John. Jesus is the gate and the sheep hear only His voice. May we hear the voice of the Lord and go through His gate, not the gate of the world. Join me, Deacon Steve, as we contemplate the word of God and continue our holy journey in Living the Catholic Faith.
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