Talking WoW is a podcast dedicated to everything World of Warcraft. Join hosts Thom, Marty, and sometimes guests as they delve into a particular topic in each episode regarding the world of Azeroth and beyond.
Osobitější rozprava s klukama z Youtube kanálu AlzaTech. Pohled do zákulisí, žhavé témata a nebo třeba taky technologické novinky a zajímavosti... to vše budeme probírat v našem pravidelném podcastu. Rozhoďte sítě a dejte všem vědět, že kluci z AlzaTechu rozšiřují pole působnosti! Díky a přejeme vám hezký poslech.
8 Bits and Joysticks is a podcast dedicated to the music of video games! This show ran from 2014-2015. While new episodes are no longer being produced, you can enjoy this archive. And who knows, perhaps this show will get an extra life someday!
A podcast hosted by TylerMcD65 for gamers, to gamers, about gamers. Support this podcast:
Welcome to The VŌC Podcast! This is a platform to talk about whatever springs to mind from voice acting to game development, gaming and more! We intend for this podcast to be a way for us to broadcast what we want to talk about and we're happy to have you join us!
This podcast is simple. We record, play, edit, and even create episodes of different YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Spotify, and even iHeartRadio broadcasts, just to share with you individuals.📻
Make sure to donate, and keep listening forward!🎧 -
YGames Talk je prvý Slovenský ešportový podcast. Okrem aktuálnych tém zo sveta ešportu a gamingu, zaujimavých hostí a skvelých príbehov, prinášame taktiež pohľad na fungovanie tohto rýchlo rozvíjajúceho biznisu.
A group friends doing their best to share their opinions on pointed video game topics, while trying to entertain in the process. They aren't great at it, they don't think; but they definitely think they might be Super OK at it! Come join our Discord to be part of the conversation:
Podcast o videohrách a videohernom priemysle.
Sme Peťo a Pejo. Dvaja chalani, ktorí sa neboja povedať svoj úprimný názor o rôznych hrách a témach z herného sveta či biznisu.
IG : herna_terapia -
Welcome to my Podcast collection!
Podcasts go Brrr. -
Arkán s Apollem, velitel a zástupce velitele česko-slovenské Arma 3 jednotky si povídají protože můžou. Já tomu chtěl dát formu, za spontánní formát může Apollo. Jedině že by se Vám líbil, to pak byl společný nápad.
The Mass Effect HYPEcast host "baundiesel" covers all things Mass Effect the BioWare franchise.
REGISTRUJ SE A HREJ TURNAJE ZDARMA, ukaž ostatním kdo je tady opravdový mistr!
[email protected] -
Das ist Mein Podcast.
I do NOT plan
Kelly and Sam are your two new gamer/ developer friends who are veterans of the podcast space bringing only quality gaming news to you in a different and unique way.
Tidal Blades is a time travelling homage to games like Chrono Trigger wherein five friends harness the power of time to save the world. Based off the award winning board game of the same name.
SplitScreen is a podcast / video series created by Insert Coin to help celebrate the joy of gaming - and to discover what folk from across the industry and beyond love about videogames.