What does it mean to grow together as a couple? It’s not always as simple as it sounds. This episode is all about navigating those differences and creating a process that works for both of you.
Here’s the thing: growth will look different for everyone. I break down what growing together as a couple looks like, particularly for couples that experience the anxious - avoidant attachment style dynamic.
In this episode, we dig into:
The real work anxious and avoidant partners need to focus on to grow individually and together.Why setting clear goals and intentions for your growth is non-negotiable—and how to align those goals as a couple.How to recognize when you’re making progress (and when you’re stuck), so you can celebrate wins and seek support when needed.The delicate balance of respecting each other’s pace, without rushing or dragging your feet.Why setbacks are inevitable—and how to handle them with trust, compassion, and resilience.Growing together doesn’t mean you won’t stumble along the way, but it does mean committing to showing up—for yourself and for each other.
I've created a brand new resource to help you and your spouse have an initial conversation about where you are and where you want to be as a couple.
Download my free "Happy Marriage Checklist: 10 Essential Habits for Lasting Love" HERE
Even though it's so easy to avoid them, hard conversations have the potential to move your life forward in the direction you want to go.
Hard conversations can happen with yourself, with your spouse, with your children, and anyone else you have an important relationship with.
In this Episode of the podcast, I'm breaking down all aspects of having hard conversations. From your intentions and goals, to the barriers that get in the way, to how to have effective (yet hard) conversations.
It is my hope that you see having hard conversations as a tool to live a more authentic and fulfilling life, and to experience more out of your marriage and intimate partnerships.
As we end 2024 and begin 2025, these kinds of powerful conversations can literally change your life.
Also mentioned in this episode:
Work with me in one of my coaching programs. To learn more about working together in my couples or individual coaching programs, visit my website: DrChavonne.com
Missing episodes?
There are stages of changing your life. In this episode, I share with you the process of change, and offer the most important things to focus on when you are getting ready to change.
I also share one of the biggest obstacles to your success - managing your emotions. I walk you through a process that helps you to understand, process and manage your emotions in way that fuels you to move forward instead of remaining stuck.
Whatever you want to create for yourself in 2025 is totally possible for you. May this episode guide you and be one that you find incredibly helpful.
Also mentioned in this Episode: The Well Made Woman - my 6 month group coaching program for women. Learn more here: https://drchavonne.com/wmw/
What we all crave in our human existence is a sense of emotional fulfillment. We want to feel content, satisfied and happy.
Often we seek emotional fulfillment inside a marriage or within other intimate relationships. Yet, when for various reasons, when those relationships are not fulfilling or there is constant strain, it can be difficult to know how to create emotional fulfillment in other areas of life.
In this podcast episode, I'm essentially answering the question: "How do I create emotional fulfillment for myself when my marriage isn't happy?"
I offer four specific areas and give you suggestions on how to think about emotional fulfillment in an expanded way.
Also mentioned in this episode:
The Well Made Woman Year- This is a 4-session series where we set you up with a transformational goal that creates CHANGE in your life. We’ll create clear next steps for you and find new solutions to the biggest barriers keeping you stuck. You’ll walk away feeling clear, confident and prepared to make the internal shifts that you need for 2025 be a better year for you.
The Well Made Woman Coaching Program - This INCLUDES Your Well Made Woman Year, plus 6 months of weekly coaching and support as you grow and build the skills to create positive change in your marriage, life, or other relationships. You’ll become a more confident, calm, and empowered woman who has one of the BEST years of your life.
What would it be like to truly choose yourself? To have an lived experience where you WANT you? You are a priority to you. You fully accept and love you?
In this episode of the podcast, I invite you to overcome the specific obstacles that often stand in the way and prevent you from fully choosing yourself.
It is my hope that you walk away completely inspired and more committed to YOU and your wellbeing.
Also mentioned in this episode:
December 16 -19: Your Well Made Woman Year 2025 4 Day Workshop
The Well Made Woman 6-Month Program
I'm so thrilled to introduce you to my client Carolyn, who joined The Well Made Woman Program last year.
In this conversation, you'll hear what helped her go from being a long-time podcast listener (and note-taker) to officially joining one of my coaching programs.
You'll hear how her commitment to make the most out of the experience lead her to do the work and ultimately achieve the progress she was seeking.
Carolyn also shares how she is different now, and how this work has had many ripple effects in not only her life, but the life of her children and other family members.
Her story and relatable experience is so valuable and I am honored to share it with you.
And to learn more and join The Well Made Woman Program, visit my website, here: https://drchavonne.com/wmw/
Anger in relationships. It's a natural human emotion that when misunderstood can create a lot of conflict and disconnection.
In this episode, I break down the most common reasons for some of the anger you have been feeling and offer a pathway forward to help you use your anger to create positive progress in your life.
The work of navigating difficult emotions is so essential. When you have the tools to understand what's truly going on for you, then you have the power to change it.
Anger can be an incredible teacher and fuel to help you create the kind of dynamic you want.
This episode will help you do just that.
Also mentioned in this episode:
Marriage Coach Mondays: Learn more and get all the details by CLICKING HERE: https://drchavonne.com/mcm/
My recent IG Live Videos: Go here: https://drchavonne.com/iglivewmw/
The Well Made Woman Program: Go here: https://drchavonne.com/wmw/
Diana's story is that of a woman who is committed to finding her place of power rather than always blaming her husband.
Through our work together in The Well Made Woman, she realized how much of her resentment and frustration came from not being able to see her role, and not doing things to create better situations for herself.
In this episode we talk about her Transformational Goal, and how achieving that goal has had immense ripple effects in her life - not only herself, her marriage, but also her parenting, and now her career.
What's even more exciting about this interview is that Diana completed The Well Made Woman Program over a year ago. You'll have the opportunity to hear what an initial investment in herself and her growth 18 months ago has created for her even now. I could not be more proud of her progress.
Also mentioned in this Episode:
To connect with Diana and her parenting coaching business, call or text: 732-630-7818 to set up a free one-hour consultation.
And for more on The Well Made Woman, visit my website HERE
In this episode, we are diving into the idea of Transformational Goals - goals that change YOU, and thereby change your LIFE.
This is a new concept I created that I am SOOO excited to share with you. Because, it really does have the potential to change your life.
Whatever you are wanting to be better - in your life, your relationships, you marriage, it starts with critical shifts inside of YOU.
When you focus on the qualities and characteristics you want to embody and live out in your life, you evolve into the next level version of yourself.
This is the pathway to ultimately creating next level outcomes in your life like
-better communication
-an improved marriage
-a healthy, happy relationship
-a better career
-more supportive friendships
-greater life success
I'd love to hear about the transformational goal you are setting for yourself after listening to this episode.
Also mentioned:
Here are all those IG live videos I've done over the past couple of weeks:
And for more about The Well Made Woman Program, visit my website, HERE
In this episode, I have the absolute pleasure of sharing with you one of my clients' experiences inside my coaching program, The Well Made Woman.
I appreciate so much Cindy's willingness to share her relationship journey, all the transitions, and the power she has been able to reclaim for herself.
You will hear from her as she talks about attempting to get her partner on board with improving their relationship, and then coming to the realization that focusing on herself, her healing, her understanding, her growth was the BEST use of her time.
I know you will love her as much as I do. May her story inspire you to stand for yourself, see your worth, and go after what you deserve.
And for more information on joining the Well Made Woman, CLICK HERE
What comes to mind when you hear that something is well made? In this episode, we are diving into the concept of a well made woman and why becoming more intentional in the way you show up in your life has so many positive ripple effects.
We have goals for everything - work, finances, health - and today we are talking about the internal goals that create you being your BEST.
In this episode you will come to better understand yourself, what it would be like for you to become a well made women, as well as hear all the details of my coaching program, The Well Made Woman.
You can learn more, and enroll in our January 2025 cohort, by visiting my website, HERE
Whose opinion do you value the most? If the answer is anyone other than yourself, this episode will be eye-opening. We are conditioned from an early age to please others. To change the way we operate to accommodate how others feel.
As children this makes sense - it's essential for our survival.
But as adults, and especially in marriage, we want to cultivate the skill of internal validation. When you value, acknowledge and appreciate your own feelings, perspectives and needs, you become less co-dependent on your spouse to always agree with you.
A healthy, happy marriage requires TWO healthy, happy people. Mastering the skill of internal validation is one important way to create that.
Tune in to this episode as I break down the steps to doing so, and help you overcome the obstacles that have already been in your way.
Also mentioned in this episode:
The Well Made Woman - my 6 month group coaching program for women - is opening up for enrollment on November 20th for our January 2025 cohort. For all the details and to book an information call with me, visit: https://drchavonne.com/wmw/
If you've ever wondered "how do I communicate more effectively with my spouse"...then this podcast episode is for you.
I break down the hidden agenda behind this question, and help you determine what you true communication goals are.
You'll also learn the 3 essential components of effective communication, and what needs to happen in each category in order to your to truly be heard and understood.
This unique perspective will truly help you create the transformations necessary to improve the way you and your spouse communicate.
Also mentioned in this episode: The Well Made Woman Program is opening for enrollment on November 20th. This is my 6-month coaching program for women who want to become less reactive, and more effective in communicating and connecting with their spouse. You can learn more and book your initial program information call here: https://drchavonne.com/wmw/
What are your thoughts about your spouse? If I were to ask you to describe them on their worst day as a partner to you, what would you say?
Your answer is the Core Negative Image you have of them. It's the set of negative thoughts and beliefs you have that often you are responding to when you are angry, frustrated, sad or disappointed.
It's important to uncover these thoughts and to take a look at how they drive your energy, interactions and communication with your spouse.
In this episode, I break down WHERE these beliefs come from, and what you can do to reduce the negative impact they are having on your marriage.
Also mentioned in this episode: If you are ready to have objective and professional help for your marriage, so that you and your spouse can get along better and have a happier marriage, I invite you to book a complimentary consultation call with me to discuss my coaching programs and how I can help. Visit: https://drchavonne.com/work-with-me/
How often do you sit and contemplate what's possible from a positive perspective?
Our brains are very good at asking the "what if" question when it comes to worry inducing thoughts.
In this episode of the podcast, I'm turning it upside down and introducing you to a powerful concept that will open your mind and accelerate your progress in creating more of what you want in your life and marriage.
You will learn the power of asking "what if" from the future you desire.
So much is possible for you.
But first, you've got to get your brain on board.
Tune in now for some incredible questions and the inspiration you need to grab on to what's truly possible for you.
And if this resonated with you and you're ready to start taking the steps to create a marriage that feels like a dream come true, I invite you to work with me in one of my coaching programs. Visit DrChavonne.com to learn more.
What you do, over and over again creates BIG gains. In how you feel, how you experience your marriage, and your overall life.
In this episode I share with you the concept of cumulative effect and why it's so important to create the healthy, happy marriage that you want.
It may seem like your day-to-day decisions to do the right and loving thing are slow in crating the BIG changes you want, but that's not necessarily the case.
Tune in to learn more about this power concept and what you can do right now to shift your mindset to appreciate exactly what it offers you and why it's so important in creating positive change for GOOD.
Also mentioned in this episode:
You can work with me directly in one of my coaching programs to create better communication and a closer connection week by week. You'll be amazed at how just shifting a few things in how you think and operate as a couple can produce massive improvements that you can tangibly feel and see. Book your complimentary consultation call with me HERE to talk more about what's possible for you with the right help and support.
What you do, over and over again creates BIG gains. In how you feel, how you experience your marriage, and your overall life.
In this episode I share with you the concept of cumulative effect and why it's so important to create the healthy, happy marriage that you want.
It may seem like your day-to-day decisions to do the right and loving thing are slow in crating the BIG changes you want, but that's not necessarily the case.
Tune in to learn more about this power concept and what you can do right now to shift your mindset to appreciate exactly what it offers you and why it's so important in creating positive change for GOOD.
Also mentioned in this episode:
You can work with me directly in one of my coaching programs to create better communication and a closer connection week by week. You'll be amazed at how just shifting a few things in how you think and operate as a couple can produce massive improvements that you can tangibly feel and see. Book your complimentary consultation call with me HERE to talk more about what's possible for you with the right help and support.
When a marriage experiences challenges, there are a set of predictable positions each person holds that create conflict, disconnection and dysfunction.
In this episode I'm taking you inside a concept I first learned about from world-renown couple's therapist Terry Real and sharing with you 4 common relational positions that perpetuate marital issues.
Knowing where you and your partner fall on each of these is incredibly important data to have in order to shift things in a more position direction.
The positive changes you are wanting to see start with an awareness of exactly where you keep getting stuck, followed by concrete steps to break your cycles, and create new healthier patterns of interacting.
As you listen to this episode, identify where you are, and where your partner falls.
Then I invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation call with me to learn more about the productive changes that can be made to move your marriage into one that is healthier, happier and more fulfilling.
You can book your call with me here: https://drchavonne.com/work-with-me/
Have you ever considered how giving your spouse the benefit of the doubt can actually benefit YOU?
In this episode, I share with you the power concept of Benefit of the Doubt and talk you through why it will help you improve your marriage.
If you find yourself assuming and expecting the worst, this podcast will give point you in a more productive direction to experience more of what you want.
Also mentioned in this episode:
Work with me directly! There are a variety of options available for how you can have my direct help to support you and your spouse in improving your communication, reconnecting, and feeling like a united team.
Book a complimentary call with me here: https://drchavonne.com/work-with-me/
One of the most important distinctions you need to be able to make in your marriage is what is healthy vs. what is unhealthy.
So much unhappiness and conflict arises when one or both of you are operating from a relationally UNhealthy place.
In our episode today I'm breaking down the most common unhealthy dynamics I see - both those that I would considered "marital neglect" and those that I would define as "marital aggress".
When you clearly understand what is healthy and what is not, you are more able to see yourself, your marriage and your partner more clearly.
You understand what's yours to own and work on, vs. the work that belongs to them.
You also open the door to breaking some of the dysfunctional patterns you may have grown up with as a child.
Also mentioned in this episode:
New Masterclass: How to Create a Healthy, Happy Marriage that LASTS. Register for free here: https://drchavonne.com/hhm/
Book a complimentary consultation call with me here: https://drchavonne.com/work-with-me/
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