
  • This week we’re diving into the topic of: Why so many of us dislike cooking. When it comes to cooking, we’re often uninspired, unmotivated or tired of always being the person making the decision ‘what shall we have for dinner’. Cooking can be time-consuming, stressful, requires some degree of planning then of course, there’s the clean-up.

    Although a chore to many, cooking your own food is important. Creating homecooked meals is part of daily self-care. It’s a privilege to cook for yourself, friends & family. It’s also cheaper than the alternatives. So please, join us for this episode as we talk about what works for us when it comes to cooking & ways you can learn to enjoy your kitchen time.


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • This week, we’re chatting about What’s your truth – what is holding you back from achieving the goals you set for the life you really want. Is it fear, overwhelm, perhaps procrastination, God forbid - laziness?

    It’s time to come clean, ask yourself the uncomfortable questions & be completely honest with yourself. Is your avoidance surfacing as another symptom. Remember, the truth will set you free.


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

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  • Today we’re talking about How to Eat Well without Over-Spending: Food costs have soared so what can we do to feed ourselves and family wholesome meals without over-spending, especially at this time of year with the holiday season looming.

    With food often being one of the biggest costs in the monthly budget, we’re looking at ways to curb overspending. We’re talking about creating a food budget, meal planning, taking stock of what’s on hand in the pantry & freezer & looking at ways to eat wholesome food on a budget. And we’ll chat recipes & ideas of what to cook during the holidays.


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • Today we’re talking about healing the unhealthy relationship many of us have with food. We often view foods as good or bad. We use food as a crutch turning to it to support our emotions, only to suffer feelings of guilt.

    What about the negative self-talk we bestow on ourselves when it comes to eating. Or the times we think we can reward ourselves with food. How many times have you tried dieting only to be faced with feelings of the deprivation we think will be the answer to weight loss. Can we combat this love hate relationship with food? Stay tuned in as we delved into this interesting, multi-faceted subject &, share our own stories.


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • Today we’re talking about dopamine, what it is & its functions. Dopamine is a hormone & neurotransmitter known as the ‘feel-good ‘chemical. It plays a key role in functions such as movement, behavior focus, learning, mental health, motivation, sleep, mood, arousal & more.

    Dopamine levels can fluctuate throughout your life. Too much or too little dopamine can lead to health issues. Symptoms of low levels include: ADHD, restless leg syndrome, tired, moodiness, lack of motivation & obesity. Too much dopamine is linked to aggressiveness & trouble control your impulses. How do you know if your dopamine level is optimal?


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • This week we’re talking – how a change of season in your life can leave you unsettled & disorientated… as though you’re standing at some sort of, cliched crossroads, perplexed at what direction to take. Maybe it’s a divorce, a move, your baby leaving the nest or suddenly you find yourself out of a job. Perhaps it’s an age milestone birthday making you question your life & the direction it’s taking. How can we embrace these big changes & go confidently & boldly into the new cycle?


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • This week we’re talking – finishing 2024 strong. Now is not the time to throw in the towel & wait until next year to pursue the goals you’d set for this year. Instead, it’s time to dig deep by persevering & committing to yourself. You might have started the year enthusiastically & then faltered but now is not the time to give up. Hello there & welcome to the Lovoni & Sarah health & wellness podcast.

    No matter your goal - whether it be health-related such as regular exercising, losing weight, starting a new business venture, curbing your spending, consistent journaling or whatever it is you’ve been wanting to achieve this year, you can still start and lay some solid foundations for the year to come. So, let’s double down build your confidence and finish the year strong.


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • We’ll be taking a month-long break from podcasting while we do some traveling, attend to family responsibilities & focus on our businesses.

    We’d like to say a heartfelt thank you to those who have listened, watched us & supported us during this season. We appreciate you all so much and we hope you’ll continue to be part of our podcasting community when we return on October 21st.

    Until then, look after yourself. And we look forward to sharing with you thought-provoking & inspiring content in the next season.

  • Before we take a month-long break we’re looking back over season 5 at what were the listeners & our favorite episodes. We felt this season has been quite holistic: getting back to basics, embracing simplicity & practicing mindfulness. Here we recap which episodes had the biggest impact on us. We hope you find something that can resonates with you in one or several of this season's episodes.


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • Today we’re discussing a topic that has reached epidemic proportions affecting one in two adults - loneliness. Do you struggle with loneliness. We hope you’re not as alone as you might feel but are there things you can do to combat loneliness? And what can society as a whole do to help those who feel so alone?


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • On today’s episode we’re talking about Achieving Happiness – is it a pipe dream or a realistic expectation? What can we do to invite more happiness into our lives? We all want to feel happier but is it really possible? Are there things you can do to make you feel happier? And why does happiness seem to come easily to some but not to others? Are there blockers to prevent you from experiencing true happiness?


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • Today we’re talking how to curate a life of simple living. How do you simplify your life? This topic could have its own podcast, who knows, perhaps it might one day… but for today, we’re going to share with you what we’re working on to simplify our own lives. With simplicity comes less stress, less to worry about and usually less chaos. How do you reduce the overwhelm, be more organised and less frantic. And, what does it really mean to lead a life of simple living? Tune in to find out…


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • On today's episode ,we're talking about the direct connection between how you look and how you feel. When you take the time to dress well, you’re sending a message to yourself that you’re worth the effort. This doesn’t mean you need to spend hours getting ready; it’s about making small, deliberate choices that enhance your appearance and, in turn, your mood. Wearing clothes that fit well and suit your body type can boost your confidence, while sticking to a consistent personal style helps you feel more authentic and at ease. When you look good, you feel good, and this positive energy carries over into all areas of your life—from your work to your relationships & regardless of your size.


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • Today we’re chatting about Stress. We all have it in our lives but what can we do to have less stress? What are some potential ways of minimizing it? How does stress affect us, not just mentally but physically? And can it interfere with weight-loss goals? Are there ways of making stress less impactful? Join us for this week's episode on stress. What can you start doing right now to reduce the stress you have in. your day to day life. What can you change, what can't you change?


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • WHAT'S THE ONE CHANGE TO MAKE RIGHT NOW if you want to feel happier, more fulfilled, confident & successful. It’s simple: obvious, but so often forgotten. Get - back - to - basics. Get the fundamentals right. Focusing on the basics can be hugely impactful in a positive way in your life, especially when it comes to losing weight & getting healthier. Today we’re talking about what the basics are & how mastering these can be a game-changer.


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • Today’s episode is about being Fearless and we have a special guest: Laura Bartlett joining us. After being harshly rejected on Dragon’s Den Laura, founder & CEO of the House of Coco magazine, went on to turn this, her travel & lifestyle magazine, into a global success. Laura is here to talk with us about overcoming adversity, transforming her health & wellness, taking chances &… what it takes to live fearlessly.

    Links to Laura's travel magazine website

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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • On today’s episode we’re talking ‘AGE IS JUST A NUMBER’. You’re never too old to get healthy, to start weight training, learn a new skill, start a business, become rich & successful. Society has led us to believe once you hit 60 & beyond, it’s time to retire & sit back. People have created empires into their fifties & beyond. You’re never too old to fulfill your dreams, create a whole new you, have the body you’ve wanted for years or turn a hobby into a thriving business.


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • In today’s episode we’re talking about what complaining does to you mentally & physically & ways in which we can all try to complain less Do you know complaining constantly is bad for your health? Complaining triggers your body to release cortisol, the stress hormone shifting you into fight-or-flight mode. So, when you’re complaining - whether it be an internal dialogue, to another person, or social media & such, you’re in a constant state of stress. And stress is not good for your mental & physical wellbeing. Have you ever tried going 24 hours without complaining? That takes mindfulness. Could you do it?


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • On today’s episode we’re talking about personalizing your diet. There’s so much conjecture about what, when & how to eat for optimal health & weight loss. It’s overwhelming. We believe one way of eating doesn’t fit all. We’re talking about crafting a diet suited to you that becomes part of a healthy lifestyle change and not about deprivation & unrealistic expectations.


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.

  • Today we’re talking mindfulness. Many of us tend to focus on things we didn’t get done or all the things we have to get done on the never-ending to-do list. How many times a day have you thought: I wish I’d done better, done more or done something differently? We tend to focus on what is wrong. We focus on other tasks we need to do instead of focusing on the task at hand. How do we train our brain to see wins & shift our energy towards the positives? Concentrating on the here & now can have a profound positive impact on business, weight loss & many other aspects of your life.


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    DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and on our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider. Our opinions are those of personal experience and research, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. Before changing your exercise habits or diet, seek professional guidance first.