Join the Makers Luke, Winston and George as they geek out over the latest and greatest across 3D printing technology and where they see it being used within their shops and how it can be expanded for even more use in the future!
The Makers talk through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 3D Printing applied to the maker shop environment!
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Have you ever wished you could improve a common cheap jig in your shop to make it the perfect tool? Or maybe you wanted to take a higher end machine and make it even better? Today Winston, Luke and George brainstorm some ideas on how common tools in the shop could be even better! If only they had the manufacturing capability to do so....oh wait...
Join Luke, Winston and George as they discuss what new tools they are planning to buy in the near future to step up their shops and improve their maker game!
The makers George, Luke and Winston talk about big and new things coming in each of their home shops for the year. They also talk about how they've each accomplished a challenging job that may have seemed bigger than their shops could handle in the past.
The MMD crew are finally back after an extended break! Winston, Luke and George talk about their upcoming projects for the year and each have a challenge they will be tackling in the maker world over the next two weeks!
Lots of changes for all of the makers on this latest episode of the Make My Day Podcast! The crew talks about shop changes, with new home plans, and some giant build plans!
The MMD Crew is back again with a BIG surprise at the end of this episode! Today, the makers Winston, George, and Luke talk about how to stay relevant in an ever-changing world with trends that don't necessarily align with their day-to-day making projects. They also go over the focus on digital products and productions, making versus selling, and lots more!
Big announcements from each of the Makes My Day crew in this episode as everyone finishes their last projects of the 2021 year and gets ready to spend some good quality time with family and friends, before ramping up to crush the new and coming year!
The MMD team talks about what their dream shops would look like if they could have anything they would ever want. The makers also talk about upcoming local craft fairs and CNC job processes!
The MMD crew talk about how you plan (and fail to plan) your DIY Halloween and other Holiday costumes and decorations! George and Luke were on dog dad duty during this one, so please excuse us (and possibly even enjoy) the sporadic barking in the background!
The Make My Day Podcast crew has returned from their summer hiatus and a lot has changed! Winston, George and Luke catch up on where they are on their maker adventures. Winston has been hard at work launching a new CNC product, while George and Luke have been making new projects on a weekly basis! Join the team as they reunite and launch another season of the podcast!
Luke's got exciting news about the next steps in his career, Winston's going on vacation, and George starts a new challenge. They all talk about what "makes their day" other than being in the shop and working with tools, and discuss the most important topic of all: who's got the best burgers? After this, we will be on a short break during busy summer schedules, but we promise we will be back soon!
The makers talk about what their plans will be with travelling opening up again, with plans for attending conferences like WorkBenchCon. They also go over balancing different projects for work, for side hustle, and for fun, including fun puppy projects for all the makers!
The MMD Crew talks about what drives and inspires them to make with each and every project, as well as going over some great tips in the shop for the every day maker!
Winston, Luke, and George talk about when good is good enough with the level of detail in their projects and catch up on what gifts they ended up making during the holiday season!
Luke, Winston, and George talk about their holiday breaks and which of their holiday plans were accomplished and which were not.. They also go over plans and goals for making, new shop plans, and new tools during the new year!
The MMD Crew goes over how their holiday projects came along and discuss their New Years Resolutions and what's to come for their maker projects!
The MMD Crew talk about their plans for the holidays, while recapping on their proudest projects and what their "signature" touches may be!
Winston, George, and Luke go over their latest shop projects and talk about what their maker schedules typically look like around the holiday season.
Show Notes:
Pirate Ship: https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/31/us/ship-pirates-of-the-caribbean-halloween-trnd/index.html
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