Considering studying a PhD? Whether at Manchester or elsewhere, this podcast will provide you with the first hand experience's of three PhD students to help inform your decision. Students Charlotte, Mahesh and Lishan talk about their experiences of three very different PhD programmes.
00:17 Details of each guest's research
08:04 Work-life balance
14:04 Managing your time
19:27 Different between work and study
23:49 Life after your PhD
25:18 How to get started with a PhD and the importance of choosing the right supervisor
29:43 What was the biggest surprise?
32:22 Do you love your PhD?
35:31 Teaching alongside your PhD and the difference to degrees in China especially
40:51 Your experience at The University of Manchester, settling in and moving from elsewhere
46:27 Signing off from the team! -
Our students had a catch-up in The Red Lion, in Withington near our Fallowfield student accommodation. Evie, Jacob, Maansi and Andrea discussed their experiences of Halls in first year, and moving out of Halls in their second year. They talk about shared bathrooms, catered food, making friends and all things Halls of Residence.
Episodes manquant?
We welcome all students to our diverse and beautiful student community, including those that identify under the LGBTQ+ spectrum.
Our students, Madi, Esa, Chris and Ray talk about all their experiences of being students who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community.
They discuss how they feel about the city of Manchester as a supporting diverse community; the support on offer to them from the University, including that of from the Students' Union; what spaces and societies they feel most at home in at the University; the perceptions of LGBTQ+ people in the city and the UK more widely; and of course - Gay Village and its many nightclubs, bars and cafes.
For this special episode of Manchester Voices, we brought in three recent graduates of the University to talk about their experiences of finding work after university, top tips on how to make the most of your time at the University, how to make yourself more employable during your studies, and the future for them.
Giorgia Ravera is a Sustainability Coordinator and graduate in Politics and International Relations.
Michael Sullivan is a Software Scientist at Rutherford Appleton Lab and studied both a Master's in Theoretical Physics and a PhD in Particle Physics of Philosophy at the University.
Norbert Magos is a Senior Policy Advisor and a graduate of Politics and International Relations. -
It's very natural to feel lonely at university! In a sea of thousands of people, this is still a very normal experience. There is plenty support and advice for you if you experience this. Our students Maansi, Dorsa and Tom have come together to talk about their experiences and offer you some support.
To celebrate International Women's Day, Dorsa, Ella and Ruby got together to talk about their experiences of university life as women and what women inspire them. The group discuss what International Women's Day means to them; what women inspire them; their experiences of being women at university; and their greatest achievements! Not to mention, a special shout out to Taylor Swift, Beyonce and all mums.
What are the first few weeks of university like? What is Fresher's Week like? Is university how you expected it to be? How have you settled in to university? How often do you speak to family? Do you feel different from the university experience? Student Dorsa asks fellow students Daniella and Jacob all about student life at the start of the university experience at The University of Manchester.
As referenced in the podcast: 'Lessons I’ve Learned From My Course (That Have Nothing To Do With the Course)': https://studentnews.manchester.ac.uk/2023/05/02/lessons-ive-learned-from-my-course-that-have-nothing-to-do-with-the-course/
Professor Brian Cox: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Cox_(physicist)
Our Lockdown Lecture with Professor Brian Cox: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/coronavirus-response/coronavirus-home-learning/lockdown-lectures/brian-cox/
In our opening episode of Manchester Voices, students Madi, Grace and Georgia get together to talk all about revising, exams and wellbeing through the stressful period of exams. They share their experiences from before joining the University and what they've learnt about studying since arriving at Manchester.