
  • Max Gomez Montejo is a seasoned digital marketing leader with a strong background in developing strategic marketing solutions for diverse industries such as e-commerce, subscription services, travel, telco, and B2B. Currently serving as the Chief Marketing Officer at Next Net Media, Max leverages his expertise in data-driven decisions and technology to deliver innovative solutions and foster collaboration within teams.

    00:00 - 00:10 "Content is not only text, content is an image, it's a video, it's a piece of maybe metadata, a title. Everything that you can place on a website is your content."— Max Gomez Montejo

    00:11 - 00:30 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:31 - 01:10 Max’s Background

    01:11 - 06:00 Marketing Essentials Moment: Booking Tool — Automating Your Marketing

    06:01 - 08:24 Welcome to the show, Max!

    08:25 - 10:00 Evolution of Digital Marketing

    10:01 - 15:08 Open AI and Search Trends

    15:09 - 18:42 Giving Value in Content

    18:43 - 21:07 Evolution of SEO Practices

    21:08 - 26:28 Tools for Keyword Research

    26:29 - 27:29 Hello Audio is the best format for creating a connection between you and your audience and allows them to access your zone of genius at the click of a button. Visit: peppershock.com/product/hello-audio

    27:29 - 31:00 Future Trends in Marketing

    31:01 - 33:38 Industry Standards and Benchmarks

    33:39 - 40:27 Quality Backlinks and Domain Authority

    40:28 - 42:10 Voice Search Optimization

    42:11 - 46:10 Advice for Aspiring SEO Professionals

    46:11 - 46:55 Reach out to Max: Visit Next Net Media

    46:56 – 48:23 Thank you so much, Max! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey!

    48:24 – 49:10 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #DigitalMarketing #SEO #SearchEngineOptimization # Automating #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Innovation #GrowthStrategies #Keywords #ContentMarketing #Backlinks

  • Brent Keltner, Ph.D., is the founder and president of Winalytics LLC. Brent brings a unique perspective to the marketing and sales landscape, drawing on his extensive background as a revenue leader and his early career as a social scientist. His insights into buyer personalization and creating effective buyer journeys are invaluable for anyone looking to accelerate their revenue growth.

    00:00 - 00:23 "Now, what you need to do is create content. You need to create sequences and campaigns around that. So, the question is, what's your best messaging? But what's your best content? Because we know content tells a story. And so, we talk about content journeys as one of your key plays. Anytime you have a personalization category, you need a content journey that guides the buyer journey." — Brent Keltner

    00:24 - 00:42 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:43 - 02:25 Brent’s Bio

    02:26 - 13:35 Marketing Essentials Moment: Tips on how to get hired at an advertising agency

    13:36 - 16:32 Brent, Welcome to the show!

    16:33 - 20:34 Revenue Leader

    20:35 - 25:55 Measuring Success

    25:56 - 29:39 Building Marketing and Sales Playbooks

    29:40 - 31:41 Accelerating Word of Mouth

    31:42 - 32:42 Hello Audio is the best format for creating a connection between you and your audience and allows them to access your zone of genius at the click of a button.

    32:43 - 35:59 Brent’s Entrepreneurial Journey

    36:00 - 39:11 Future Growth and Industry Trends

    39:12 - 39:48 Reach out to Brent on LinkedIn or visit Winalytics

    39:49 - 42:33 Importance of Personalizing Interactions for Success

    42:34 – 43:06 Thank you so much, Brent! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    43:07 – 43:52 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #WordofMouth Advertising #IndustryTrends # RevenueLeader #SalesLandscape #Authenticity #MarketingCampaign #BusinessStrategy #GrowthStrategies #BrandMessaging #ContentMarketing #AdvertisingAgency

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  • Allyns Melendez serves as CEO at HR Transformed and COO at a national public relations firm. She has 25 years of human resources and business management experience and helps businesses understand the necessary tactics that will help develop, train, educate, and motivate their employees.

    00:00 - 00:10 "Culture is, like I said, signal strength. The signal strength of these people create the culture, whether it's a weak signal or a strong signal. All those signals together is your culture." — Allyns Melendez

    00:11 - 00:29 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:30 - 02:11 Allyns’ Background

    02:12 - 08:15 Marketing Essentials Moment: When to Hire an Agency

    08:16 - 10:02 Welcome to the show, Allyns!

    10:03 - 12:01 Transformative Purpose in HR

    12:02 - 17:08 Identifying Signal Strengths in Organizations

    17:09 - 21:41 Performance Management and Communication Styles

    21:42 - 29:09 Employee Feedback and Retention

    29:10 - 30:00 Nadine West has awesome, affordable outfits that are delivered to your doorstep each month. Get $10 credit and free shipping on your first order. Sign up for Nadine West.  

    30:01 - 35:41 Predictive Analytics for Turnover

    35:42 - 41:17 Implementing a Four-Day Workweek

    41:18 - 44:13 Employee Motivation and Role Elevation

    44:14 - 48:36 HR Trends and Public Conversations

    48:37 - 51:06 Encouraging Interest in HR

    51:07 - 51:59 Visit HR Transformed - https://www.hrtransformed.com/

    52:00 – 52:55 Thank you so much, Allyns! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    52:56 – 53:42 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #CompanyCulture #CorporateBranding #EmployeeRetention #Communication #HRtrends #EmployeeManagement #BusinessStrategy #GrowthStrategies #PublicRelations #HumanResources #AdvertisingAgency

  • Faruk Heplevent is a creative force in the automotive marketing industry. He founded The Scope—an innovative company that uses cutting-edge CGI technology to create incredible images for vehicle launches and advertisements. With a portfolio including top car brands and prestigious awards, Faruk is a leader in his field.

    00:00 - 00:13 "Therefore, I'm a big fan of all the tech development, up to AI, honestly. Because in the end, it's all technology that is enabling creatives to output their vision, ideally." — Faruk Heplevent

    00:14 - 00:32 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:33 - 01:58 Faruk’s Bio

    01:59 - 17:43 Marketing Essentials Moment: Getting Ready to Hire an Agency

    17:44 - 18:50 Faruk, welcome to the show!

    18:51 - 22:48 Transition to CGI

    22:49 - 24:48 Career Highlights

    24:49 - 31:03 The Impact of Photorealistic CGI

    31:04 - 35:55 The Evolution of Marketing Beyond the Automotive Industry

    35:56 - 40:36 Award-winning Advertising Campaigns

    40:37 - 49:09 The Rise of Virtual Reality and Metaverse in Marketing

    49:10 - 53:10 The Future of Previsualization in Sales and Marketing

    53:11 - 56:24 Principles of Design

    56:25 – 1:00:49 Creating virtual worlds and authenticity

    1:00:50 – 1:01:42 Reach out to Faruk at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/farukheplevent/

    1:01:43 – 1:02:08 Thank you so much, Faruk! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    1:02:09 – 1:02:55 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #CGI #ComputerGeneratedImagery #Innovation #CGphotography #CGIDrivenMarketing #CarPhotography #Branding #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MetaverseMarketing #AdvertisingAgency

  • Carolyn Bao, VP of Marketing at AppsFlyer, is a business executive specializing in revenue-driving go-to-market strategy, data-driven business innovation, and building high-performing marketing teams with 10x measurable business impact.

    00:00 - 00:19 "Creativity in marketing is becoming much more of a science where, because of the massive amount of data that marketers have at our disposal and the tools that allow us to really make sense out of that data in a much faster way when we deliver a story, it is pretty well thought through, backed by data." — Carolyn Bao

    00:20 - 00:39 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:40 - 01:50 Carolyn’s Background

    01:51 - 14:42 Marketing Essentials Moment: Sentiment Scoring

    14:43 - 18:16 Welcome to the show, Carolyn!

    18:17 - 23:17 Embracing Data-Driven Creativity in Mobile Marketing

    23:18 - 28:20 Data Collaboration Unblocks Internal Teams

    28:21 - 31:22 AI Enhances Ad Performance Analysis

    31:23 - 35:49 Empowering Paid Media Managers with Learning Agendas

    35:50 - 36:38 Kitcaster is your secret weapon in podcasting for business. Your audience is waiting to hear from you! Click this link to apply for a special offer for friends of this podcast.

    36:39 - 39:56 AppsFlyer's AI-Powered Solutions for Actionable Insights

    39:57 - 42:28 AI-Powered Anomaly Detection for Business Data

    42:29 - 46:48 Staying Informed in the Business World

    46:49 - 53:01 Unblocking a Complex Product Launch

    53:02 - 57:11 Embracing AI for Marketers

    57:12 - 57:36 Reach out to Carolyn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carolynbao/

    57:37 – 58:10 Thank you so much, Carolyn! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    58:11 – 58:57 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #ArtificialIntelligence #AITools #Marketingtools #ModernMarketing #BusinessData #PaidMediaManagers #MobileMarketing #GrowthStrategies #DataDrivenMarketing #Trending #SentimentScoring

  • Ernie Harker is a creative fireball of branding expertise who has been igniting businesses and convenience stores for nearly 30 years. Ernie founded EarnBurn, a production studio in 1995 that quickly earned a reputation for sparking exciting brand development.

    00:00 - 00:23 "If you're not a good writer, ChatGPT can do a much better job at writing than you can, especially much faster. So, what I'm trying to do is encourage people to define their brand and then use that definition to coach generative AI tools so that when generative AI tools go to work for them, they're actually getting unique stuff back." — Ernie Harker

    24:00 - 00:42 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:43 - 02:02 Ernie’s Bio

    02:03 - 12:55 Marketing Essentials Moment: Customer Retention

    12:56 - 15:50 Ernie, welcome to the show!

    15:51 - 18:57 Transition from Illustration to Marketing

    18:58 - 21:28 Starting a Freelance Business

    21:29 - 28:19 Branding Messaging

    28:20 - 33:49 Consistency in Branding

    33:50 - 37:09 Rhea Allen’s Upcoming Talks on AI Tools

    37:10 - 38:10 Hello Audio is the best format for creating a connection between you and your audience and allows them to access your zone of genius at the click of a button.

    38:11 - 39:35 Underrated AI Tech in Marketing

    39:36 - 42:17 Posting Frequency and AI Scheduling

    42:18 - 47:07 The Potential Overuse of AI in Social Media

    47:08 - 52:14 The Process of Developing Your Brand with AI

    52:15 - 54:48 Real Value in Your Brand

    54:49 - 56:28 Visit: https://ernburn.com/

    56:29 – 57:35 Thank you so much, Ernie! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    57:36 – 58:22 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #Marketingtools #ContentMarketing #BusinessGrowth #ArtificialIntelligence #AITools #Branding #BrandDevelopment #GrowthStrategies #BrandingExpert #Trending #CustomerRetention

  • Jen Vasquez is the founder and CPO and chief Pinterest Officer of Jen Vasquez Media. She helps businesses boost their online presence, engage audiences with captivating visuals, and harness the power of Pinterest.

    00:00 - 00:15 "Anyone who really wants to use Pinterest at its fullest should have a blog. Yes, you can pin lead magnets. Yes, you can pin all kinds of things. But really, when it comes down to it, it is really freaking great at driving traffic to those blogs." — Jen Vazquez

    00:16 - 00:34 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:35 - 01:45 Jen’s Background

    01:46 - 15:42 Marketing Essentials Moment: Customer’s Journey

    15:43 - 16:10 Welcome to the show, Jen!

    16:11 - 21:01 Transition to Pinterest Marketing

    21:02 - 24:09 Pinterest as a Search Marketing Tool

    24:10 - 27:17 Brand Inspiration

    27:18 - 32:22 Trending Pins and Client Success Stories

    32:23 - 37:03 The Importance of Video and Graphics

    37:04 - 37:49 Get up to a $20 credit to spend on Billie razors and body care.

    37:50 - 43:26 Delegating and Prioritizing Work

    43:27 - 49:04 Setting and Meeting Business Goals

    49:05 - 51:49 Conducting a Marketing Audit

    51:50 - 56:15 Resources to check out

    56:16 - 57:20 Visit: https://jenvazquezcoach.com/ and https://thepinterestqueen.com/

    57:21 - 59:35 Jen’s Pinterest Challenge

    59:36 – 1:01:04 Thank you so much, Jen! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    1:01:05 – 1:01:51 Join The Marketing Expedition Podcast today!

    #PinterestMarketing #SocialMediaMarketing #BusinessGrowth #AudienceEngagement #Keywords #Branding #CustomerExperience #GrowthStrategies #CustomerJourney #Trending #MarketingAnalytics

  • Juliana Maralanda is the founder of ScaleTime, with over 20 years of experience helping over 500 digital agencies thrive. Juliana is an expert in scaling businesses, freeing up time for clients, and providing valuable tools for entrepreneurs looking to grow their agencies.

    00:00 - 00:19 "Give your sales team a good timeline for onboarding, right? Because if there's no timeline between sales and production, and there's no clarity between what you're selling and what you're producing, it creates so much confusion. You lose clients this way." — Juliana Marulanda

    00:20 - 00:38 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:39 - 02:06 Juliana’s Bio

    02:07 - 16:55 Marketing Essentials Moment: Mentorship for the Next Generation

    16:56 - 20:19 Welcome to the show, Juliana!

    20:20 - 26:28 The scale map diagnostic

    26:29 - 30:34 Scaling businesses rapidly

    30:35 - 31:21 Project management for business growth

    31:22 - 32:11 Kitcaster is your secret weapon in podcasting for business. Your audience is waiting to hear from you! Click this link to apply for a special offer for friends of this podcast.

    32:12 - 34:41 Common company gaps and metrics

    34:42 - 39:19 Growth metrics

    39:20 - 42:12 Scaling a sales team

    42:13 - 43:23 Sales process efficiency tips

    43:24 - 45:12 Resources for scaling. Visit: ScaleTime

    45:13 - 46:45 Let go of perfectionism

    46:47 - 47:15 Thank you so much, Juliana! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    47:16 - 48:02 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #BusinessScaling #BusinessGrowth #Leadership #Mentorship #Branding #HumanResource #GrowthStrategies #ProjectManagement #CompanyCulture #RelationshipBuilding #SalesProcess

  • Chellie Phillips, a sweet tea-sipping Southerner, is dedicated to fostering people-centered cultures in today's workplace. With her expertise as a coach, corporate trainer, and motivational speaker, she empowers both employees and businesses to thrive and succeed. Chellie is also an international best-selling author, sharing her wisdom and insights far and wide.

    00:00 - 00:11 "You know, the leaders inside of an organization, to me, it's even more important that they have a strong personal brand. And that brand really needs to align with the culture inside that workplace that they're trying to create throughout it." — Chellie Phillips

    00:12 - 00:30 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:31 - 02:03 Chellie’s Background

    02:04 - 10:18 Marketing Essentials Moment: Promotional Items Importance

    10:19 - 12:53 Welcome to the show, Chellie!

    12:54 - 16:16 Chellie’s Books

    16:17 - 20:48 Building Personal Brand for Success

    20:49 - 23:31 Branding and Customer Satisfaction

    23:32 - 28:07 Personal Coaching

    28:08 - 29:31 Culture Building

    29:32 - 30:17 Get up to a $20 credit to spend on Billie razors and body care.

    30:18 - 37:25 Workplace Culture and Recognition

    37:26 - 39:00 Flexibility and Culture Shift

    39:01 - 42:15 Hybrid Workforce Models

    42:16 - 48:10 Mentors and Family Influence

    48:11 - 49:49 Visit: chelliephillips.com

    49:50 - 50:39 Thank you so much, Chellie! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    50:40 - 51:27 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #Branding #CorporateBranding #HumanResource #OnlinePresence #PersonalBranding #Culture #RelationshipBuilding #CompanyCulture #BusinessGrowth #Leadership #Mentorship

  • Carolyn Walker is known for her passion, prowess, and creative solutions. As CEO/Managing Partner of Response, she led the team to win over 100 awards for marketing excellence, including Silver at Ad Age’s 2018 Small Agency Awards for Digital Campaign of the Year. With over two decades of experience in senior management, Carolyn has helped diverse brands increase revenue and enhance market competitiveness.

    00:00 - 00:11 “Brand isn't about what I say it is. Brand is about what our customers think and say it is. And what they think and say it is, is based on their experiences with the brand." — Carolyn Walker

    00:12 - 00:30 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:31 - 01:16 Carolyn’s Bio

    01:17 - 07:27 Marketing Essentials Moment: Email Marketing Strategies

    07:28 - 08:10 Welcome to the show, Carolyn!

    08:11 - 12:11 Carolyn’s Career Path

    12:12 - 13:14 Working with Top Brands

    13:15 - 19:00 Brand Building vs. Performance Marketing

    19:01 - 22:16 The Importance of Brand Recognition

    22:17 - 23:02 Successful Brand Campaigns

    23:03 - 28:28 Client’s Case Study

    28:29 - 34:59 A Unique Campaign turns Viral

    35:00 - 40:32 McAfee’s Branded Podcast “Hackable?”

    40:33 - 42:10 The Importance of Educating Customers

    42:11 - 47:15 Memorable Marketing Projects

    47:16 - 50:04 Resources and Learning

    50:05 - 55:42 Involvement with the 4As and Industry Conferences

    55:43 - 56:24 Visit: Response Marketing - https://response.agency

    56:35 - 56:56 Thank you so much, Matt! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    56:57 – 57:40 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #Branding #BrandBuilding #PerformanceMarketing #EmailMarketing #MarketingStrategies #Podcasting #DigitalMarketing #CorporateBranding #BusinessGrowth #CaseStudy #B2BMarketing #Storytelling

  • Matt Banker joins us to share his journey from a background in fine arts to becoming a marketing expert. He talks about his frustration with the traditional content creation process for websites and how discovering the Story Brand Framework revolutionized his approach. Matt emphasizes the importance of clarity in marketing and how his art critique experience in college has influenced his current work.

    00:00 - 00:21 “I've become a really big believer in having a really narrow focus for myself as a business owner in the marketing space, but also for my clients, especially my accounting firm clients. When they have a really narrow focus, that's great. But the biggest fear in a lot of these cases is how do we narrow our focus without losing our current business?" — Matt Banker

    00:22 - 00:40 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:41 - 01:53 Matt’s Background

    01:54 - 12:06 Marketing Essentials Moment: What is a stretch goal?

    12:07 - 14:45 Welcome to the show, Matt!

    14:46 - 18:23 Narrowing Focus in Marketing Services

    18:24 - 20:04 Creativity in Art and Marketing

    20:05 - 21:07 Defining a True Niche

    21:08 - 25:50 Marketing and Building Relationships through Podcasting

    25:51 - 27:09 The Impact of Podcasting

    27:10 - 31:37 Story Brand Framework

    31:38 - 34:14 The Importance of Clarity in Marketing

    34:15 - 40:10 The Value of Mentorship

    40:11 - 45:18 The Challenges for Young Marketers

    45:19 - 46:15 Visit: https://bankercreative.com/

    46:16 - 46:44 Thank you so much, Matt! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    46:45 – 47:32 Join The Marketing Expedition Podcast today!

    #Branding #Storytelling #StoryBrandFramework #StretchGoals #CreativeMarketing #Podcasting #Innovate #SEO #SearchEngineOptimization #WordofMouthAdvertising #Mentorship #NicheMarketing

  • Reenita Malhotra Hora is a founder, executive-level content, operations, & marketing leader, and prolific writer. With multiple years of experience in media, entertainment, communications, tech/innovation, and wellness industries in the USA and Asia.

    00:00 - 00:18 “AI is here to stay. So how do we embrace that and use it as a collaborator, editor, tool, service to better my work rather than to be afraid of it?" — Reenita Hora

    00:19 - 00:36 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:37 - 02:07 Reenita’s Bio

    02:08 - 10:26 Marketing Essentials Moment: Video Marketing

    10:27 - 16:24 Reenita, welcome to the show!

    16:25 - 18:46 Writing for audio and screenplays

    18:47 - 22:17 Audio as a storytelling medium

    22:18 - 25:24 Evolving methods of promotion

    25:25 - 29:33 Discovering book awards and reviews

    29:34 - 32:59 Constantly being present

    33:00 - 35:04 Finding the right representation

    35:05 - 36:35 Nadine West is an awesome, affordable outfits that are delivered to your doorstep each month. Get $10 credit and free shipping on your first order. 

    36:36 - 40:19 Embracing artificial intelligence

    40:20 - 45:11 AI voices and voice acting

    45:12 - 51:12 Motivation in the writing industry

    51:13 - 54:03 Fiction storytelling mastery

    54:04 - 58:42 Writing stories for younger audiences

    58:43 - 59:19 Expanding storytelling beyond stereotypes

    59:20 – 1: 00:23 Visit: https://reenita.com/

    1:00:24 – 1:01:32 Thank you so much, Reenita! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    1:01:33 – 1:02:20 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #ContentMarketing #Storytelling #ArtificialIntelligence #Screenwriting #CreativeMarketing #Disrupt #Innovate #Podcasting #AudioProducer #WordofMouthAdvertising #AIvoices #BookWriting

  • Seasoned podcast publicist and educator, ChristinaLenkowski, shares her journey from working in PR to discovering the power ofpodcast guesting for her online business. With over 15 years of experience, shehas helped numerous entrepreneurs, speakers, and authors boost theircredibility and become go-to experts in their industries by appearing onpodcasts.

    00:00 - 00:16 “There are 80 million podcast listeners, weekly podcast listeners in the US alone. There are 69 million Netflix accounts. So that should just go to show you that there are more people that are listening to podcasts than are watching Netflix." — Christina Lenkowski

    00:17 - 00:35 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:36 - 01:56 Christina’s Background

    01:57 - 10:49 Marketing Essentials Moment: Email Subject Lines

    10:50 - 14:24 Christina, welcome to the show!

    14:25 - 16:17 The Impact of Podcasts on Business

    16:18 - 20:05 Tracking ROI from Podcast Guesting

    20:06 - 23:16 The Importance of Sharing Podcast Episodes

    23:17 - 27:55 Building Relationships with Podcast Hosts

    27:56 - 31:04 Leveraging Podcast Appearances for Brand Growth

    31:05 - 33:15 The Evolution of Podcasting

    33:16 - 34:17 Hashtag Strategy in Publicity

    34:17 - 35:07 Kitcaster is your secret weapon in podcasting for business. Your audience is waiting to hear from you! Apply for a special offer for friends of this podcast.

    35:08 - 43:56 When to Hire a Publicist?

    43:57 - 47:46 The Growth of Podcast Listening

    47:47 - 49:03 Reach out to Christina. Visit: https://www.publicityxchristina.com

    49:04 - 50:32 Maximizing Podcast Guest Appearances

    50:33 - 57:07 Encouragement to Embrace Podcast Opportunities

    57:08 - 58:49 Thank you so much, Christina! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    58:50 - 59:37 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #PodcastMarketing #PublicRelations #PodcastPublicist #ABtesting #RelationshipBuilding #ROI #ReturnOnInvestment #SEO #SearchEngineOptimization #WordofMouthAdvertising #EmailMarketing #EmailSubjectLine

  • In this special episode, Rhea Allen (Peppershock Media, The Marketing Expedition Community) and Drew Allen take a trip down memory lane, sharing the evolution of Peppershock, marketing strategies, and the lessons they have learned over 20 years working ON the business and not IN the business.

    00:00 - 00:16 “The name Peppershock is a variation, a play on Rhea's maiden name because it's so memorable. She didn't want to lose that part of her identity when she married an Allen, which is boring and common and everybody has that name." — Drew Allen

    00:17 - 00:35 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:36 - 01:12 Welcome to the show, Drew!

    01:13 - 01:49 Celebrating the 200th Episode

    01:50 - 04:30 Drew’s Background and Meeting Rhea

    04:31 - 07:29 Challenges in Seattle and Moving Back to Boise

    07:30 - 10:02 Starting a Business and Marriage

    10:03 - 12:46 Origin of the Name Peppershock

    12:47 - 16:20 Building Brand Recognition

    16:21 - 19:14 First Successful Client Project

    19:15 - 22:57 Hiring Employees and Expanding Offerings

    22:58 - 26:58 Understanding Audience and Marketing Impact

    26:59 - 28:00 Hello Audio is the best format for creating a connection between you and your audience and allows them to access your zone of genius at the click of a button. 

    28:01 - 33:04 Targeted Advertising and Connected TV

    33:05 - 38:50 Marketing Advice and Business Growth

    38:51 - 42:30 Understanding Accounting and Finance

    42:31 - 42:21 Distinguished Alumni Recognition

    42:22 - 46:30 Recognizing Long-Term Clients and Team Members

    46:31 - 47:50 Family Support and Work-Life Balance

    47:51 - 49:03 Peppershock Media and The Marketing Expedition Community

    49:04 - 51:19 Thank you. everybody! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    51:20 - 52:05 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #RelationshipBuilding #ROI #ReturnOnInvestment #WordofMouthAdvertising #BusinessManagement #TargetedMarketing #Entrepreneurship #Branding #Marketing #Advertising #VideoProduction #Advertising

  • Founder and Fire Chief, Lynette Hoy, has a core value of community service,which is reflected in the many heart-based projects that Firetalker PRsupports. She is a strong advocate for the American Cancer Society, serving oncommittees for events, managing event promotion, and public relations

    00:25 - 00:45 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:46 - 01:49 Lynette’s Bio

    01:50 - 07:15 Marketing Essentials Moment: What is a VNR (Video News Release)?

    07:16 - 09:37 Lynette, welcome to the show!

    09:38 - 14:05 Success Stories and Client Impact

    14:06 - 19:35 AI-Generated Content Ethics

    19:36 - 21:20 Accountability in Leveraging Technology

    21:21 - 26:36 Shifting Work Preferences and Connection

    26:37 - 31:41 Building Meaningful Connections in Business

    31:42 - 34:04 Networking Strategies

    34:05 - 34:54 Check out the awesome, affordable outfits that are delivered to your doorstep each month from Nadine West. Get $10 credit and free shipping on your first order.

    34:55 - 40:57 Optimizing your LinkedIn profile

    40:58 - 43:04 Entrepreneurial trends and leadership

    43:05 - 47:00 Publicity Strategist

    47:01 - 49:30 Stand Out to Get Profitable this 2024! Visit: https://firetalkerpr.com/workshop

    49:31 - 50:53 Thank you so much, Lynette! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    50:53 - 51:41 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

  • David Johnston is the Associate Vice President for Alumni and Constituent Engagement at Boise State University. He leads the alumni annual giving marketing and communications teams within the university advancement.

    00:00 - 00:18 “Those opportunities for student involvement, those pay dividends down the road. Not only are students building great memories and having great experiences, but we know from a marketing perspective, we know that students who are involved on campus are more likely to stay involved as alumni and want to give back down the road." — David Johnston

    00:19 - 00:36 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:37 - 02:24 David’s Background

    02:25 - 14:53 Marketing Essentials Moment: Educational Marketing

    14:54 - 16:25 David, Welcome to the show!

    16:26 - 18:18 Member of Distinguished Alumni

    18:19 - 25:25 Alumni Association

    25:26 - 31:43 Boise State’s "Unbridled" Campaign

    31:44 - 36:50 Boise State's Three Priorities

    36:51 - 44:06 Athletics Engagement

    44:07 - 46:30 Role of Volunteers

    46:31 - 47:20 Kitcaster is your secret weapon in podcasting for business. Your audience is waiting to hear from you! Go to kitcaster.com/expedition to apply for a special offer for friends of this podcast.

    47:21 - 48:59 Be a Part of The Campaign for Boise State – Visit: unbridled.boisestate.edu

    49:00 - 54:34 Alumni Engagement Survey

    54:35 – 1:02:03 Increasing Alumni Engagements

    1:02:04 – 1:04:05 The Five R’s

    1:04:06 – 1:07:57 Boise State’s Strong Brand

    1:07:58 – 1:08:46 Thank you so much, David! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    1:08:47 – 1:09:36 Join themarketingexpedition.com today

    #AlumniAssociation #BoiseStateUniversity #AlumniEngagements #EducationalMarketing #Branding #MarketingCampaign #StudentInvolvement #StudentRecruitment #MarketingPerspective #Leadership #Reviews #Rankings #Ratings #Referrals #Rewards

  • Raul Hernandez Ochoa is a bootstrapped growthstrategist who enjoys espressos, powerlifting, spending time with his family,and serving the local and global community. He is the founder of Do Good Work,a digital marketing agency that helps mission-driven founders scale theirimpact.

    00:00 - 00:10 “If everyone else is using GPT, some sort of AI, somewhat sort of tool to not think, then when you actually take the time to think, you are automatically different." — Raul Hernandez Ochoa

    00:11 - 00:30 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:31 - 01:05 Raul’s Bio

    01:06 - 09:37 Marketing Essentials Moment: Challenges in Digital Marketing

    09:38 - 12:24 Welcome to the show, Raul!

    12:25 - 15:33 About “Productive Profits” Book

    15:34 - 19:35 Personal Growth Habits: Networking and Thinking

    19:36 - 21:18 Utilizing AI Tools

    21:19 - 22:08 Kitcaster is your secret weapon in podcasting for business. Your audience is waiting to hear from you! Click here to apply for a special offer for friends of this podcast.

    22:09 - 26:40 Elevating Brands through Holistic approach

    26:41 - 27:40 Experience with Fortune 500

    27:41 - 32:54 Why do people buy?

    32:55 - 36:44 Working with Mission-Driven Founders

    36:45 - 40:04 Inspirational Figures

    40:05 - 42:00 Advice for Aspiring Marketers

    42:01 - 43:10 Visit: Do Good Work

    43:11 - 43:26 Thank you so much, Raul! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    43:27 - 44:35 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #DigitalBusinesses #OrganicGrowth #SearchEngineOptimization #PaidSearchMarketing #WebsiteTraffic #SEO #SocialMediaMarketing #DigitalMarketing #BusinessDevelopment #AITools #ArtificialIntelligence #MarketingAgency

  • Aaron Burnett is the CEO and founder of Wheelhouse Digital Marketing Group, a digital marketing agency specializing in SEO, digital strategy, digital advertising, conversion rate optimization (CRO), and analytics. Aaron has cultivated and built a thriving company based on an unwavering focus on helpfulness, generosity, and joy.

    00:00 - 00:21 “Google has announced that in 2024 they're going to eliminate third-party cookies as well. And so again, this shift is going to occur for everyone. And so the ability to aggregate and use first-party data is going to be critical. The ability to differently target and differently measure campaign effectiveness is going to be critical as well." — Aaron Burnett

    00:22 - 00:40 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:41 - 01:45 Aaron’s Background

    01:46 - 06:22 Marketing Essentials Moment: Google's Anti-Scam Ad Policy

    06:23 - 08:50 Welcome to the show, Aaron!

    08:51 - 12:28 Values-driven culture

    12:29 - 14:20 Delivering joy in the workplace

    14:21 - 15:21 Hello Audio is the best format for creating a connection between you and your audience and allows them to access your zone of genius at the click of a button.  

    15:22 - 17:13 HIPAA regulations – (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

    17:14 - 20:30 New digital tracking guidelines

    20:31 - 24:13 Custom tracking implementation

    24:14 - 27:10 Boosting performance with first-party data

    27:11 - 31:37 Performance marketing in privacy-first world

    31:38 - 35:14 Evolving digital marketing trends

    35:15 - 36:31 Visit: Wheelhouse Digital Marketing Group – https://www.wheelhousedmg.com/

    36:32 - 36:56 Thank you so much, Aaron! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    36:57 - 37:43 Join themarketingexpedition.com today

    #HealthcareMarketing #GoogleAdsPolicy #DigitalMarketingTrends #ValuesdrivenCulture #GoogleAnalytics #DataPrivacy #DigitalAdvertising #DigitalStrategy #WebsiteCookies #DigitalTrackingGuidelines #MarketingAgency

  • Dilyana Mileva is an international speaker and menopause specialist. She is known for her expertise in relaxation and holistic approaches to health and wellness. She is the founder of the Menopause Support Academy and the host of the Menopause Made Easy podcast. Dilyana's mission is to help women in midlife thrive during the transition period of menopause.

    00:00 - 00:11 “Positioning yourself as an expert in the field is really, really important. So, the more credibility you build in different way, the more you establish as expert in the market." — Dilyana

    00:12 - 00:30 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:31 - 01:17 Dilyana’s Bio

    01:18 - 07:15 Marketing Essentials Moment: Building your Online Reputation

    07:16 - 09:49 Welcome to the show, Dilyana!

    09:50 - 13:08 Powerful moment for self-growth and development

    13:09 - 14:45 Incorporating self-care into busy lifestyles

    14:46 - 17:19 Hormonal changes and mood shifts

    17:20 - 18:10 Nadine West offers awesome, affordable outfits that are delivered to your doorstep each month. Get $10 credit and free shipping on your first order.

    18:11 - 22:16 Building brand awareness

    22:17 - 24:09 Dilyana's sources of information and motivation

    24:10 - 26:18 Marketing strategies and challenges

    26:19 - 27:05 Podcasting accomplishments (Menopause Made Easy Podcast)

    27:06 - 27:31 Reach out to Dilyana at https://menopausesupportacademy.com/

    27:32 - 28:38 Thank you so much, Dilyana! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    28:39 - 29:25 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

    #BrandAwareness #OnlineReputation #SEO #SearchEngineOptimization #GoogleBusiness #SocialMediaMarketing #MenopausalStage #SelfCare #BusinessDevelopment #SelfGrowth #BusinessGrowth

  • Jon Clark is renowned for his successful performance marketing campaigns, which have generated significant revenue and site traffic for big and small companies alike. Jon is the founder of Moving Traffic Media, an internet marketing agency that helps local, national, or international companies grow through search engine optimization, display advertising, paid search marketing, and social media using integrated analytics.

    00:00 - 00:18 “If you haven't used code interpreter in Chat GPT, definitely encourage the use of that; even just if it's, you know, just upload a CSV of your latest Google Ads data export and just ask it for insights, you might be very surprised about what you can pull out." — Jon Clark

    00:19 - 00:36 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast

    00:37 - 01:15 Jon’s Background

    01:16 - 07:52 Marketing Essentials Moment: The 5 P’s of Marketing

    07:53 - 10:05 Welcome to the show, Jon!

    10:06 - 15:50 Helping Startups

    15:51 - 16:39 Focus on Regulated Industries

    16:40 - 19:22 Techniques for Staying Current in Marketing

    19:23 - 22:47 Exploring the Integration of AI in Marketing

    22:48 - 27:47 Understanding Effective Hiring and Facilitating Business Growth

    27:48 - 32:30 Highlighting a Client Success Story

    32:31 - 37:00 Formulating Strategy for Successful Product Launches

    37:01 - 40:00 SEO Tools

    40:01 - 41:36 Reach out to Jon @ https://twitter.com/jonleeclark

    41:37 - 42:16 Thank you so much, Jon! Share this podcast, give us a review, and enjoy your marketing journey! ([email protected])

    42:17 - 43:03 Join themarketingexpedition.com today

    #SearchEngineOptimization #SEO #DisplayAdvertising #PaidSearchMarketing #WebsiteTraffic #IntegratedAnalytics #SocialMediaMarketing #DigitalMarketing #BusinessDevelopment #MarketingCampaigns #MarketingAgency