
  • Do you know what works for you when life feels overwhelming? Do you know how your spouse can best support you? When the mental load is already heavy, and the to-do list feels endless, it’s time to talk about how to avoid tension and get the support you need most.

    In this episode, I’m getting real about the stress I’m feeling in this season of life. I’ll share how I’m handling it, the strategies that have helped me (and my clients), and how you can use them too.

    Tune in to discover:

    The very first thing to do when it all feels too much

    How to ask for and accept help - from your spouse and others

    Ways to go from feeling lonely and unsupported to genuinely feeling cared for by your partner

    The powerful shift I made in my marriage to feel fully supported

    Why it’s essential to work on this now - and the cost of not addressing it

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/3-secrets

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • No one seems to be talking about this. After years as a marriage expert and staying on top of the latest research, I recently came across something that made my jaw drop. It sheds new light on why so many couples struggle after having kids, and I’m surprised I’ve never seen it framed this way before.

    Tune in to discover:

    A staggering statistic about marriage and parenthood that changes everything

    How having a child shifts both individuals in a relationship - and why it can feel so isolating

    The single most important thing you and your spouse need to do to stop your marriage from feeling like a struggle

    How to align with your spouse and become a team to support each other through the challenges

    The key thing you and your partner are probably missing that’s creating conflict - and how to fix it

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/3-secrets

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

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  • Here’s the thing: this tool works every single time when it comes to defensiveness, yet so many people resist it - including my clients. But if you’re serious about building a stronger marriage where both your needs are met, this is one tool you can’t afford to skip. Ready to try the tool you’ve probably been avoiding but absolutely need?

    Tune in to discover:

    A deep dive into defensiveness in relationships (with relatable personal examples)

    The real reasons behind your defensiveness and how it shows up in your marriage

    What makes this defensiveness tool completely maddening, yet so effective

    How to approach conversations when you suspect your spouse might get defensive

    Practical steps to increase trust, safety, and love in your marriage

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/3-secrets

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • We all know that feeling of being surrounded by people yet feeling completely alone—like no one truly sees or notices you. Parenthood can make it all too easy to lose yourself and your sense of joy. In this episode, we normalize those feelings and explore how to reconnect with who you are and what you need to feel more fulfilled.

    Tune in to discover:

    The hidden shame of not knowing who you are or what you truly enjoy

    The key to unlocking your unique path to feeling less lonely (hint: it’s different for everyone)

    Practical steps to take when loneliness hits

    Thought-provoking questions to help you discover and prioritize YOUR needs—not everyone else’s

    The one crucial thing everyone should know about themselves (that no one else can tell you)

    FREE LIVE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/3-secrets

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • If you're waiting for things to magically improve in your marriage once the kids are older or life calms down - think again. Change doesn’t just happen; it requires active, intentional effort. If you notice any of these red flags in your relationship, start acting on them today.

    Tune in to discover:

    The misconception that everything will return to the way it once was “someday”

    How you might be blocking your spouse from validating you without even realizing it

    Whether your actions are truly justified when your spouse makes you mad - and vice versa

    The one thing you should prioritize above all else to fuel your marriage (and it’s not about scheduling date nights)

    How your assumptions about your spouse can shape your relationship and your happiness

    What to focus on to ensure your marriage works for BOTH of you

    Sign up for my live FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/3-secrets

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • You’ve asked for what you need. You’ve given examples. You’ve worked on your mindset. And yet, nothing in your relationship has changed. It’s heartbreaking to feel like you’ve tried everything, but don’t lose hope - this episode is your light at the end of the tunnel. There are still ways to create the marriage you desire!

    Tune in to discover:

    How learned helplessness can sneak into your marriage and why it happens so often

    What to do when you feel like it’s not even worth bringing up what’s bothering you anymore

    The one major factor researchers found to avoid marriage shutdown

    How to shift from "I’m never going to get what I need from my spouse " to "we just haven’t figured it out YET"

    The key to using realistic thoughts

    What more you can do when your needs still aren’t being met

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • Conflict is a key aspect of maintaining a healthy relationship.

    It doesn’t mean having screaming matches all the time. Instead, conflict can involve respectful disagreements and deep conversations that come from a loving place. If this seems completely foreign or impossible to you, then this episode is for you. Loving well is crucial, but in my opinion, fighting well is even more important.

    Tune in to discover:

    The importance of identifying both your and your spouse's fighting styles

    One essential question to ask yourself about conflict - especially if you find yourself having the same argument repeatedly

    Tips for having effective and productive arguments

    How to argue without getting defensive

    What to do if you fall back into old, unhealthy patterns

    Why establishing rules for conflict in your relationship is vital and what to consider when creating them

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • This has the potential to completely change your marriage, just like it changed mine.

    I dare you to try this - it will make your marriage easier, happier, more fulfilling - all the good things! This is the go-to tool for making your marriage improve quickly and allowing you to feel better in your relationship. Get ready to dive in - trust me, you won’t want to miss this!

    Tune in to discover:

    How to “do the work” in your marriage, even as a busy parent

    Why waiting for someone else to make you feel better isn't the answer and how it takes away your control, preventing lasting results

    Real-life scenarios that illustrate how changing the way you look at things can improve your relationship

    The importance of taking control of your automatic thoughts and why they are often unhelpful

    Practical tips to help you put this into practice regularly

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • Are these 4 marriage killers lurking in your relationship? Discover the key pitfalls that predict divorce and learn how to address them to safeguard and strengthen your relationship. Don’t wait—tune in now to turn things around before it’s too late!

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    What types of negativity are undermining your marriage

    The difference between complaints and criticisms

    The lethal impact of contempt and how to counteract it

    How we protect ourselves from getting hurt or being wrong

    Why stonewalling is the deadliest pitfall

    Essential tools to help you avoid divorce and how to implement them

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • How do you start a conversation so that your spouse truly listens? And what should you do if their response isn’t what you hoped for? Here’s a hint: the WAY you have these conversations is more crucial than WHAT you actually say (a kind and loving tone makes all the difference!).

    Tune in to discover:

    The significance of waiting to have the conversation if you can't approach it kindly

    What you need clarity on before you start the discussion

    An introduction to the “conflict burger”

    How to work with your spouse's reactions to ensure your needs are met

    What to do if your plan never gets set into motion after you’ve agreed on it

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • If you aren’t doing what I discuss in this episode, you definitely won’t get your needs met by your spouse. This is the second episode in our mini-series on how to get your needs met by your spouse. I’m focusing on what we often do (or don’t do) that unintentionally gets in the way.

    Tune in to discover:

    The two things I focus on when clients feel their needs aren't being met by their spouse

    A wildly effective tool that will significantly impact not just your marriage, but all of your relationships

    My top tip to avoid exploding at your partner or shutting down during an argument

    Practical ways to calm down when emotions run high

    Immediate steps to start implementing these strategies right away!

    Mentioned in the Episode:

    The Antidote to Divorce episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1vVi5KSBz4iSSBvAnCYFy6?si=e4q80edARbamyabQHdk3xg

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • We all have needs. Whether you already know what those needs are but struggle to express them to your spouse, or you're unsure about what needs require fulfillment right now, this episode is for you. This is the first in a mini-series dedicated to helping you get your needs met. Let’s start with the FIRST STEP to take when your needs aren't being fulfilled by your spouse. Ready?

    Tune in to discover:

    Where to start in order to get your needs met

    The mindset shift required to effectively identify your needs

    One crucial component that will make a big impact on the change you desire

    An in-depth exploration of unmet needs to help you understand and articulate your own needs better

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • Energy is a precious commodity for a busy parent like you!

    Raising kids, managing a household, and juggling everything else requires energy! When you’re running on empty, EVERYTHING becomes more challenging. So, how can you show up in your marriage and life when you have no energy left? Let’s get into it!

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    Key questions to ask yourself about your current energy levels

    The pressure of “doing it all” and its impact on your relationship

    One surprising habit that unknowingly drains your energy

    The one non-negotiable that can make the biggest difference in how you feel

    Crucial strategies for managing your energy and the consequence of pushing beyond your limits

    A significant factor affecting your energy and practical solutions to combat it

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • Have you heard of default parent gatekeeping? Likely not.

    It’s a crucial issue that could be affecting your marriage in significant ways, leading to extreme resentment, relationship conflict, and parental alienation. Let’s talk about this topic to prevent - or repair - the impact on your relationship with your spouse.

    Tune in to discover:

    What parental gatekeeping is and why it happens

    How gatekeeping can lead to resentment, lack of confidence, and zero skill building

    Real-life examples of what gatekeeping looks like in action

    How to handle differences in opinion between you and your partner (or other caregivers) about child care

    The serious consequences of engaging in gatekeeping

    Effective remedies to overcome gatekeeping and foster a healthier relationship

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list while trying to maintain a happy marriage?

    In this episode, we explore the challenges of balancing household tasks and childcare responsibilities within a marriage and how imbalances can lead to feelings of exhaustion, resentment, and disconnection.

    Figuring out how to do this together will literally make you happier, strengthen your marriage, and keep your love alive!

    Tune in to discover:

    The mental exhaustion of maintaining a household and raising children (which typically falls more on one partner), and its impact on marriages

    Societal perceptions of women in homemaking and childrearing, and the influence on men's expectations

    The guilt that arises from not meeting perceived standards

    Effective ways to approach this topic with your spouse so you can collaborate on strategies TOGETHER

    Practical tips for achieving a more equitable workload, ultimately strengthening your marriage

    Don’t forget to check out Fair Play (mentioned in episode): https://www.fairplaylife.com/documentary

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • If you’re not as happy as you want to be in your marriage, this episode is a must-listen. Let’s explore the critical lesson of what we make acceptable and what we don’t in our relationships, and how it shapes our happiness.

    Tune in to discover:

    The essential element that determines the success of marriage counseling or support

    The hidden trap behind thinking “things will change” on their own

    Real-life examples of couples who settled for “fine” and missed out on years of true happiness

    The ripple effect of having a joyful marriage

    Seven signs that indicate your relationship needs marriage support

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • Let’s talk about how intimacy goes deeper than the bedroom. In today’s episode, we’re joined by Dr. Elsbeth Meuth and Freddy Zental Weaver from TantraNova Institute. Discover how true intimacy is about connecting hearts and energy, and not just about sex.

    Tune in to discover:

    How to redefine intimacy in your marriage, even if you only have three minutes to spare

    Which couples are actually having the most sex (the answer may surprise you!)

    A beautiful and intentional practice to connect with your partner daily

    Techniques to shift your energy from the mind into the heart

    The story behind National Intimacy Day and creative ways to celebrate it

    How mastering intimacy can lead to greater happiness in your relationship


    **FREE GIFT Introduction to Sexual Meditation (Video Class): Learn distinctions and practices of Sexual Meditation to access and channel your creative spark


    TantraNova website to find out about TantraNova workshops and programs


    Sexual Enlightenment book in hard copy and audio format


    Care and Feeding podcast episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/mom-guilt-is-real-but-so-is-healing/id774383607?i=1000655079941

    Submit your question about intimacy in your marriage!

    Send me a message on IG www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids or email [email protected]

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Stay connected on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • How were arguments modeled for you growing up? We don’t want perfection, but how do we fight less and make repairs when we do? Let’s talk about the art of constructive marital conflict - fighting well, making genuine changes, and fostering love and respect throughout. It’s never too late to transform your approach to conflict. Which approach will you adopt today to benefit both you and your children?

    Tune in to discover:

    The surprising impact of marital conflict on children's well-being, happiness, and sense of safety

    How we can use healthy conflict to create positive habits in children

    Why the goal isn't to eliminate conflict but to navigate it skillfully

    How to have “happy conflict”

    Six essential skills to elevate your approach to marital conflict

    Quiz: How well do you know your partner? https://gottmanconnect.com/site/quiz?utm_source=tgi-blog&utm_medium=quizes&utm_campaign=tgi-blog-quizes-influence&__hstc=138906604.3fe4b3b64c10176ec9c9c2d68b14e80d.1714634029654.1714706232706.1714708483372.5&__hssc=138906604.1.1714708483372&__hsfp=2830137320

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • Ever feel like your spouse has all the fun, and you’re left wondering if you’ll ever get the same carefree moments too? It’s a common issue that increases exponentially once you have kids. In this episode, we tackle this issue head-on, offering proactive strategies to spark productive conversations with your spouse.

    Tune in to discover:

    The surprising normalcy of feeling envious of your spouse's carefree moments

    Real-life examples shedding light on navigating this challenge

    One helpful strategy to break free from having the same argument over and over again

    How to cultivate a mindset that serves you and your marriage

    The best way to ensure both of you are heard and that your needs are met

    Setting clear boundaries and limits through open, constructive dialogue

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids

  • Feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin can significantly impact your marital happiness. In this episode, we explore the complexities of body image post-baby, offering insights that resonate whether you're a parent or simply navigating life's changes.

    Tune in to discover:

    The hidden insecurities that can affect how you feel about yourself

    Navigating the challenges when negative body image affects your relationship

    Understanding the link between body image and marital satisfaction, especially post-baby

    Strategies to address body image issues and enhance intimacy in your relationship

    Reframing negative thoughts and fostering a positive self-image

    How to include your spouse in the journey towards body positivity

    FREE TRAINING! The Three Secrets to a Happier Marriage: https://marriedafterkids.com/march-2024-webinar

    Get your FREE EBOOK! 3 Ways To Connect More With Your Spouse (In 5 Min or Less): https://marriedafterkids.com/freebie

    Connect with me for a FREE Married After Kids Intervention Call:


    Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss a thing! www.instagram.com/marriedafterkids