HARDEN UP…Do you know people who need to? How do we inspire people to be tougher, stronger and wiser so they can handle the tough times?
Missing episodes?
FAT…What is it really, why and how it makes us fatter and how to burn fat fastest…
Don’t Share Your Goals…How awkward if you talk, tell, share “Gunna” and then don’t? How about just DO and tell people what you have DONE not what you are “Gunna” do
What if People Don’t Like Me? Could “maturity” occur when we stop caring if people like us or what they think of us? Do you respect and like yourself? Do you have your own style so you are not a fashion follower? Do you dress, act, speak, and live trying to impress other people or to express who you are?
If we focus on the risk of failure is it possible we will fail? VERSUS… If we are excited by succeeding and achieving and we focus on “HOW CAN I” instead of “CANT” are we more likely to achieve?
Can we be disease-free without drugs? Could being fit and strong help us avoid the Doctor's office and hospital?
Why do we get fatter after we lose weight? What do we actually “LOSE” when we lose weight and how does that loss affect our health, metabolism, energy levels, and long-term quality of life?
Does it seem we have an increasing number of weak people who lack mental toughness and strong character? Do you need to be mentally tough and physically strong? if yes, how do you know you are?
Are you waiting to be motivated to achieve your goals? Why waiting to be motivated is a waste of time and what could work better- faster…
Do you love what you see in the mirror? Do you love seeing photos or videos of yourself? If not why not?
Is there a way to love and be thankful for how YOU look? - Show more