Don’t be scared of rejection.
Episodi mancanti?
There’s nothing you cannot do. It may take time, skill or training to get it done but be willing to give all that you have in you to take your business to that peak.
This episode is about charging what you are worth. We don’t cater to customers with pricing, we cater to them with valuable and good quality products and service.
Don’t always be accessible. Stay strict on your policies. Remember YOU run your business. Good customer service doesn’t mean letting your customers dictate how you run your businsss.
Some times we struggle with understanding why God put people around us just to pull them back away from us. Sometimes it’s simply to remind you that you have the ability to make yourself just as happy and whole as the next person. God sends people to get his points across to us.
In this episode i discuss having a 9-5 and a side hustle.
In the episode i speak on trusting the process. Understand that this is not a race. Life isn’t a race. It’s up to you to do the hard work & believe it will pay off. If you have anything in your personal life keeping you from progressing, remove it. If you are low on money & can’t invest. SAVE! That’s apart of the process. You’re not the only one. You’re just the only one you see because you’re on instagram watching people who ONLY show the good side of their life.