
  • In this episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast, Robin Stebbins interview Emery Robichaud, a wealth coach who is the most informed in crypto currency I have had the pleasure of meeting and the best at critically thinking his way to empowering your to grow your wealth. You can not live in your potential if you are financially weak, dependent and living paycheck to paycheck. Did you know...

    You are Programmed to be Poor

    The ruling class wants you sick, weak, and financially dependant. Emery coaches you through your blocks and helps you create a wealth and abundance with clear step by step ways to live your potential wealth. You are not meant to be poor, live in scarcity or survive paycheck to paycheck. The system and the matrix media will keep you in a forever loop of a poverty mindset, chasing the quick money, while slowly losing your overall wealth.

    My experience engaging with Emery has been incredible and my portfolio over the past 5 years has increased beyond my expectations, and I do expect a lot. I highly recommend Emery and his coaching style as he not only sees what is going on in the world, buy has the clarity to see how to work around it while benefiting your wealth health. You won't want to miss a single minute and my viewers can book directly with Emery through the following links, sign up for his valuable newletter, and follow his crypto insights community on Facebook:

    To Find Emery:


    cryptoinsights.pro/ci-report cryptoinsights.pro/ci-consulting Facebook Crypto Insights Community https://bit.ly/4e2aCYu
  • In this very important episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast, Robin Stebbins sits down for a real conversation with the amazing Jamie Andrews. Expect to see a lot from Jamie and his recent projects. In this episode we discuss everything from the planned attack in March 4 years ago, why it still matters more than ever and how we can move forward, arms locked, united. Growing our own food, harnessing our own energy, and access to primary water so we can live in true freedom. This is more possible and accessible now than anyone may realize. Listen to our episode and discover why. Let me know if the comments what you think.

    Jamie has been Project Managing The Control Studies Project for more than a year, working with over 100 contributors behind the scenes and a core group of 20yr+ experienced and accredited MicroBiologists and Genetecists in charge of designing the experiments.

    Jamies has used the work of unbiased and blinded, accredited CROs to carry out all of the experiments.

    The Aim of the work is to make sure that 2020 and the political machinations of those times never happen again by falsifying the underlying methodology behind virology. This is targeted at falsifying the PCR test, which was the main way of fabricating the "pandemic".

    We have designed these experiments to operate as a legal vehicle for both private individuals and organisations to use in litigation against Lockdown, Masking and "Accination" Mandates as well as unfair dismissals in corporate settings and "Saccine" Damages.

    To Find Jamie and explore more of his incredible work please visit:


    To Find Robin



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  • In this episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast, Robin Stebbins interviews Mollie Engelhart, a regenerative farmer and vegan survivor. Mollie is a chef, restaurateur, and farmer with a strong commitment to regenerative agriculture and sustainable food practices. She operates Sage Regenerative Kitchen and Brewery in the Los Angeles area and Sovereignty Ranch in Texas. She actively promotes the restaurant industry to switch to using ingredients from regenerative farms. Mollie believes in supporting local farmers and making conscious choices about food consumption, including responsibly sourced meat products. Mollie’s previous menu options were all plant-based and the inclusion of meat options created a fire storm of backlash. Despite some initial resistance from customers, she emphasized the positive impact she hopes to have on both consumers and the farming industry through her commitment to sustainable practices. In this episode, Mollie and Robin discuss the importance of following the blueprint of Mother Nature, to always put God first and why we are not separate from nature but we are in fact nature itself. We simply need to remember ourselves in our original perfect form, perfectly imperfect always seeking health wellness and harmony. Nature can be brutal, something lives something dies, but not to stay lost in the minutia. In that light, everything has a purpose, everything is necessary. Yes, even the dreaded mosquito. Can you stretch yourself to see mosquitos as medicine? To Find Mollie: https://www.instagram.com/chefmollie/reels/ https://www.sovereigntyranch.com https://brushfire.com/confluence/thehomesteadcourse/573192 To Find Robin: PurifyWithin.com Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute as health advice and does not take the place of consulting with your primary health care practitioner. The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guest speaker and do not necessarily reflect those of Medicine Girl Podcast, the host Robin Stebbins, or the brand purifywithin or any subsidiaries herein, the presenter or any other entities or third parties associated with Medicine Girl, aka Robin Stebbins or the presenter. The right to freedom of opinion is the right to hold opinions without interference, and cannot be subject to any exception or restriction. We encourage the audience to use their critical judgement and use due diligence when interpreting the information and topics discussed in this podcast.

  • This episdoe has been retracted. Here is the reason why. Email me robin@purifywithin.com to request the original episode's private link if interested.

    Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute as health advice and does not take the place of consulting with your primary health care practitioner. The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guest speaker and do not necessarily reflect those of Medicine Girl Podcast, the host Robin Stebbins, or the brand purifywithin or any subsidiaries herein, the presenter or any other entities or third parties associated with Medicine Girl, aka Robin Stebbins or the presenter. The right to freedom of opinion is the right to hold opinions without interference, and cannot be subject to any exception or restriction. We encourage the audience to use their critical judgement and use due diligence when interpreting the information and topics discussed in this podcast.

  • In this episode of the medicine girl podcast, Robin Stebbins interviews Crow777 of the Crow 777 Radio Show.

    We talk about everything from the nature of reality, to knowing where we actually come from and where we are standing. Who is this elusive Crow, with more episodes then Joe Rogan?

    Crow is an independent researcher in alchemy and natural sciences.

    He is armed with his telescope, a degree in Internet Technology, experience as a Marine Corps Radio Operator, and 20+ years of direct observation of our skies.

    Crrow777 shot to world fame in 2013 for his breath-taking capture of the Lunar Wave phenomenon, as well as numerous other astronomical objects of interest. In 2019 the film Shoot the Moon was released with his best footage including the Shooting Orb, the Exploding Chem-Bomb, The Thruster, The boomerang and the Vortex to name a few. To Find Crow: His podcast is called Crrow777 Radio and can be found at www.Crrow777radio.com To Find Robin purifywithin.com
  • In this latest episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast Robin Stebbins interviews Dave Weiss, coming back for another round on the show. Dave always brings fascinating insights and puts some new pieces to the puzzle in place. We talk about the question we both get asked the most "Why would they lie?" Dave and I both have similar answers and we get to the questions that matter most "How do we stay out of the line of fire, live in health, wealth and true freedom?" Easy as flying a kite. Join us for this action packed hour, you may not be the same person after the show, or at least we will make you think. What do we really know about the world around us? What is reality vs. programming? Have we been lied to about literally everything?

    In this episode I interview the David Weiss, a visionary entrepreneur and researcher who has dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of our world. His groundbreaking work has revolutionized our understanding of the shape and nature of our world, and his Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app is a testament to his brilliance. This app creates a comprehensive tool for anyone who wants to bypass the google censorship and learn about the truth about our earth and its model. The app includes a clock that displays the positions of the sun, moon, and stars in real-time, as well as information about the earth model and how it relates to various scientific phenomena.

    David Weiss is a trailblazer in the field of flat earth research, and his app is a testament to his brilliance and dedication. With his groundbreaking work, David has changed the way we think about our world and has inspired countless others to join him in the pursuit of truth.

    Dave and all of his work can be found at: sign up for the app, enter code 4174 for the app referral. https://www.theflatearthpodcast.com

    To Find Robin: purifywithin.com

  • In this episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast, Robin Stebbins interviews Rachel Maurice, a Canadian Medical Doctor who worked as an Anesthesiologist for 20 years and left the practice of conventional medicine in pursuit of helping people heal from the root causes of disease rather than only treating symptoms. She has created extensive research and experiential learning of alternative approaches which most recently include: Applied Quantum Biology, Holographic Memory Resolution ( a unique trauma release method ), Self Sabotage Mindset Coaching, Breathwork and Medical Intuition.

    In this episode we go over the ways the Medical Industrial Complex takes over your God given intuition and tricks you into falling for various ways they get you to poison yourself. Join us for a jammed packed episode and help you extricate yourself from the toxic based system.

    To Find Rachel https://www.rachelmauricemd.com/



    To Find Robin



  • In this episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast, Robin Stebbins interview the incredible Daniel Roytas (MHSc Human Nutrition, BHSc Naturopathy). Daniel is gaining popularity and a solid reputation for calling out the vitamin and supplement swindle. Daniel and I talk about everything from the fraudulent vitamin and supplement industry, why only some people heal with homeopathy, what causes illness and disease, and how does the human body heal. We really go deep into the victim trauma archetype, and how we are convinced to sabotage our own healing. This episode is for anyone that wants to step away for any and all of the industrial complexes and live in health vitality and personal power. BONUS: a before the show candid discussion that sheds more light on our conversation. You won't want to miss the 20 or 30 mic drop moments I will include in some jaw dropping audio clips.

    Daniel spent over 10 years as a lecturer and senior lecturer around Australia teaching natural medicine to undergraduate students. Despite always having a feeling that something was amiss, he could never quite put his finger on, he resigned from his lecturing position as he had become disillusioned with the curriculum he was teaching.

    This move away from teaching led Daniel to dedicate more time towards his platform ‘Humanley’ which is focused towards helping people understand the truth about health and wellness. He was also able to finish writing a book called ‘Can You Catch a Cold?: Untold History & Human Experiments, which was recently published in March of 2024. With over 1,000 citations, no stone has been left unturned in the pursuit of unravelling this age-old mystery.

    Daniel believes that the field of health and wellness has been needlessly overcomplicated. His philosophy is that achieving good health is actually very simple and that mother nature provides everything we need to live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives.

    To Find Daniel's website: Humanley.com

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dan.roy.395891

    To Find Robin


  • In this episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast, Robin Stebbins gets to interview the up and coming self sabotage coach, Beth Blackmore! We go over her story of awakening from a government employee, 60 pounds overweight, health crisis to the vibrant, successful entrepreneur we see today.

    As a coach, Beth helps people reprogram their conditioned mind to overcome their self limiting, self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors, empowering them to live their best lives - healthy, abundant & successful.

    Since 2019, she's been on a path of awakening, self discovery and growth. Focusing on nutrition, physical health, mindset and overall well-being - successfully shedding 60lbs! And more importantly maintaining her ideal weight and dream life!

    To Find Beth:

    Website: www.bethblackmore.com

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/bethblackmore.co/

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/beth.h.blackmore

    To Find Robin


  • My most emotional interview of any Medicine Girl Podcast. I sit down with the amazing Kristen Nagle, a frontline nurse who gave up her comfortable pod in the matrix to stand in her truth. We talk about everything from the medical industrial complex's tactics; getting us hooked from the womb to grave, extracting every last cent possible along the way. Kristen is on a mission to help people remove fear of illness, symptoms and the unknown. To honor, trust and cherish our wonderfully, divinely created bodies. To trust in God's medicine and the miraculous capacity of our bodies to heal themselves. "We have ancient adaptive wisdom within all of us and it’s time to remember how intelligent our bodies are. God doesn’t make mistakes - humans do." Kristen Nagle Her goal is to empower women to embrace this knowledge right from conception as they take back their birth and rite of passage into motherhood to create a strong, convicted foundation to raise children who are wholehearted and connected to the earth.

    To Find Kristin: https://www.kristennagle.ca/


    To Find Robin: purifywithin.com

  • In this Special 75th episode Robin Stebbins has the pleasure of interviewing a true warrior of truth and freedom. Corrie was a long time registered nurse working in the heart of the flu season when she was fired from her position and was left scrambling. Instead of staying in the medical matrix, she took a leap of faith and decided to move to Nicaragua, start her own business and live her dreams. There is not way she could have done this without her heart leading the way. Corrie is a beacon on light and helping others to the the power within then to ignite their true purpose and live their potential just like she is. Corrie is leading a 4 week course will help you will gain confidence and motivation. YOU WILL BECOME UNSTOPPABLE!

    To Find Corrie Bignell The Unregistered Nurse

    IG https://www.instagram.com/corriebignell/
    FB https://www.facebook.com/corrie.bignell.1
    Email corrie.bignell@me.com
    Website https://www.theunregisterednurse.ca/

    To Find Robin


    Get on my private email list to avoid missing any controversial topics.


  • In this episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast, Robin Stebbins interviews the delightful Darlene Greene, a very accomplished women in her own right whose husband began to lose his memory, personality and spirit. This took her on a journey of discovery to find ways to heal him from the grips of the medical indsutrial complex. Having exhausted IV stem cells, hyperbaric chamber, ozone therapies and more to help her husband with his Early Alzheimer’s, she FINALLY discovered an affordable technology that dramatically improved his symptoms within the first week, without drugs, without a prescription, and without any contra-indications to other treatments or therapeutic modalities.https://purifywithin.com

    After experiencing the amazing results for herself, and watching family and friends have their own miracles, Darlene is passionate about sharing this technology with the world. A driving force for her remains, “Why didn’t I know about this two years ago… where would my husband be if we had started using this technology two years ago…and who out there needs to know about this right now?”

    When an anesthesiologist says, “This is the most significant medical breakthrough in my lifetime…” and when over 300 Olympic Athletes use the technology in the 2008 Olympics, aren’t you curious as to what it could do for you in addition to making you look and feel younger?

    Darlene Greene has over 26 years of experience in executive leadership and senior management positions across diverse industries, including positions such as: Vice President of Strategic Technology Partner at McAfee (Intel), Dean of Culver Girls Academy, Director of Client Services for HyeTech Networks and Security, and Senior Director LifeWave Foundational Cell Activation Technology. During her 20 years of military experience, she earned her MBA and held three Commanding Officer positions, including serving as base commander and overseeing over 1200 personnel in multiple departments. Darlene created the Returning Warrior Weekend Workshop in 2006 to help military members and their spouses reintegrate successfully – a program still supporting military across the country today.

    Darlene’s passion today is helping people elevate their GHK-CU peptide to activate their stem cells, repair their DNA, reverse age, and get out of pain through the latest photo biomodulation technology.

    Reach out to her on her website: https://iamreverseaging.com/

    To find Robin: purifywithin.com

    Want to join me for the reterat of a lifetime in beautiful South Africa July 2025? https://purifywithin.com/samazuli-retreats

    Join us for a 10 week class to remove every toxin from your life:


  • This is one of my favorite guests so far. Lindsay Carricarte is a unique human, able to look at herself honestly and with a smile on her face. I learned so much about the traps of the so called spiritual community and the futile attempts at self improvement from an external source will never work as true inner work. Instead, it is just a way to endlessley spin your energy wheels as you infinitely peel back more and more layers of the proverbial onion. This is a great way to stay stuck, forever healing yourself with no real forward movement.

    Lindsay is a New Thought Spiritual Practitioner and Spiritual Psychology Coach. A 3/5 Mental Projector, Lindsay passion and mission is guiding other badass spiritual-seeking humans through their awakening journey out of the matrix and into sovereignty. She does thus through human design, subconscious reprogramming, somatic healing, energy work, and intuitive guidance.

    As just of Detoxxxing from the Matrix podcast, Lindsay is bringing thought provoking conversations to the world.

    Lindsay offers various 1:1 sessions for individual guidance as well as different group programs to meet you where you are and guide you on your journey.

    Connect with her on IG

    Check the latest offers, join my FB group, or binge my podcast


    To Find Robin:


    Samazuli Retreats in South Africa


    Live Pure 10 Week Course


  • https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEM8MUWr7PXd6feS5AtNDKgIn this episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast, Robin Stebbins interviews Paul Zolman who was well versed in anger, but Love was a mystery. According to Paul, the author of love is God. In His wisdom, He placed us in a variety of circumstances that require us to find our way back to His pure love. So, what qualifies Paul Zolman to speak about love? His childhood experience of the opposite of love. From that austere beginning, and the distaste it formed inside him, he searched for and eventually created a method that transformed his life from anger to loving everyone. Growing up in a family of abuse, physical touch became his preferred love style, only because of the regularity. He could almost count on it. It was consistent. He came to think that was the way to express love. But deep inside, he knew that was a twisted belief. He wanted a better life for himself, which is why he created a paradigm shift that works. In this book, you’ll find what helped Paul Zolman move from a childhood boot camp of abuse to being a person who loves everyone and can find good about anyone in any circumstance. This is truly the role of love. You won't want to miss this episode and all about Paul's Journey and his unique game. To Find Paul: www.roleoflove.com Role Of Love Dice (@roleoflovedice) • Instagram photos and videos Paul Zolman | Author (@paul_zolman) • Instagram photos and videos https://www.facebook.com/roleoflovedice https://www.facebook.com/paul.zolman.7/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulzolman/ Role of Love Dice (@roleoflovedice) / X (twitter.com) To Find Robin: purifywithin.com

  • In this episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast Robin Stebbins interviews her good and friend, Dr. Julia Lee. Julia practices internal medicine using natural methods. Formerly a scientific researcher in academia and the pharmaceutical industry, she became interested in finding approaches to true healing that holistically involve the mind, body, and spirit. Dr. Lee’s clinical practice today is simultaneously grounded in traditional healing wisdom and also relevant to the needs of our current times.

    In this episode we discuss what is took to leave the medical system, what true medicine and healing entail and how to live the healthiest life possible.

    Here are the books mentioned during the show:

    The Presence Process by Michael Brown


    The Body Never Lies by Michio Kushi


    Native Healer by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake


    The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine by Shigehisa Kuriyama


    To Find Julia Lee southbayinternalhealing.com

    To Find Robin purifywithin.com

  • In the latest episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast, Robin Stebbins Interviews Dr. Juliette Engel for Episode 2 in our ongoing series about MK Ultra, the human cyborg agenda, and the horrors of the Russian medical system of the 1990's which has now our medical system here in the United States. Join the amazing Juliette as she tells us what is was like inside the Russian medical system, how she healed from nasal tumors in just under two weeks and where do we go from here. Dr. Juliette Engel spent her childhood in the CIA's "Monarch" mind control program and the destructive influence of programmed individuals in positions of power. She was sold into a Sex Magik cult by her parents, constantly moving and assuming different identities. The trauma of mind control led to disassociation and the formation of alternate personalities for survival. It took years for her to recover and realize the extent of what happened to her. The effects of mind control often span multiple generations, with family members participating in abuse. MK Ultra, particularly early sexual abuse, impacts the lives of the participants into their future lives and can still puppet their behaviors as many MK Ultra survivors tragically end up taking their own lives. The Soviet Union also engaged in mind control, targeting children of dissidents in political prisons, leading to the formation of dangerous gangs and mafia groups. It is crucial for society to acknowledge and understand these programs, as many high-ranking individuals today may be victims without even realizing it, their memories blocked. Awareness is essential, as those who have been programmed and rewarded for their actions pose a significant threat. Removing this low frequency shadow influence is necessary to move forward as a society. It is a complex issue that must be addressed gradually through a psychic process, as we cannot organize the country in a human-oriented way until this harmful influence is eradicated. Dr. Juliette Engel, a Sex Magik operative and MK Ultra Survivor who escaped at the age of 17 without even shoes on her feet, went to medical school, became a successful doctor and then woke up to her best soul filled life. Dr. Engel has written 3 best selling book Angels over Moscow, Sparky and Moscow Traffic. Juliette explains how deep the programming runs, how she rose above, the life she led before she remembered even what had happened to her and how she has save thousands of children from the horrific world of human trafficking. Please click the links below to support Juliette's work and enjoy an incredible story that will make you cry, shutter at the crimes against humanity and inspire you to be the best version of yourself. Warning, once you pick up her books you won't be able to put them down. To Find Juliette and purchase her books: https://julietteengel.com/ To Find Robin: purifywithin.com

  • This week I interview the amazing Paula Conroy, a transformational leader who supports women to transition from one stage of life to the next in a really healthy way. She uses the ancient wisdom inherent in traditional Rites of Passage processes to bring awareness to the elements that are required to ensure that these inevitable transitions in life are done well. Paula's main focus is to support women to become aware of their fragmented parts, recognize how to self-source to heal these aspects of self, and bring them into wholeness, therefore discovering the possibility of moving powerfully into their next stage of maturity

    and into their full potency of Womanhood. Paula spent 15 years in Senior

    Leadership positions within Global Banking, managing large, complex, multi-jurisdictional teams. She recognizes the criticality of Conscious Leadership of Self as an essential capacity to cultivate, prior to taking on the responsibility to lead others. We talk about the importance of connecting with our children, the Trojan horse of screen time and how to regain back the freedom of time and space.

    To Find Paula: https://www.thefrequency.global/


    To Find Robin: purifywithin.com

  • This episode is about peaking behind the curtain and putting the puzzle pieces together that simply have not been fitting together from Maui, to Paradise, and Palestine. Jenna talks about her hypothesis and what is really going on behind the latest narratives. If you have been dissatisfied with Del Bigtree, Stu Peterson, Peggy Hall and looking for a more realistic look about what is happening with smart cities, 15 minute districts, and what you can do about it, this episode if for you. Jenna has an incredible gift of looking past the distractions and red herring to bring her unique perspective and how we the people are stronger and more powerful than we realize and can starve the system, not fight against it.

    To find Jenna: https://www.youtube.com/ @rustedsol3706 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ouixUq4qGKgG/

    To Find Robin: purifywithin.com

  • Robin Stebbins host of the Medicine Girl Podcast interviews the incredible Jerimiah Haughee a husband, father of two, and is the co-owner of Field to Fork Farms in Bullard, Texas. Field to Fork Farms is a chemical free regenerative farm that focuses on soil health through the implementation of holistic livestock management strategies, and in the future, no-till produce production strategies. Jerimiah is passionate about farming and ranching and encouraging and teaching others to either, begin farming and gardening, or getting to know local farmers and supporting them.

    In this interview, we discuss the difference between organic and regenerative farming practices the benefits of regenerative farming to not only the farmers and customers, but to the climate and whether modification programs. We also discuss simple solutions to become a backyard farmer some profiting as much as $250,000 a year on a small plot of land working in tandem with neighbors.

    You won’t want to miss this episode Jerimiah has a encyclopedia of knowledge about farming practices. Why they matter and what you can do today to help usher in a healthier, more vibrant and cleaner way of living.

    To Find Jerimiah Haughee Field to Fork Farms



    To Find Robin purifywithin.com

    Links to wealthy backyard farmers we discussed on the show:




  • In this 65th episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast, Robin Stebbins interviews for the 3rd time the amazing Amy Attenborough, a safari Guide & Wilderness Coach; and Owner of Wild Again who has guided thousands of guests worldwide through Africa. These guided experiences connect people with nature and a more natural way of being again. Her company, Wild Again, expands the traditional scope of a safari and facilitates wilderness experiences that heal the human-nature divide and restore wellbeing. In 2020 she lived with her brother in a Big 5 wilderness for 19 nights with no tents, no vehicle, minimal food and no other human contact, walking over 400km to raise funds for wildlife and glean wisdom from nature. Through traditional, photographic, walking, yoga and meditative safaris in wilderness areas, her mission is to restore internal wilderness and re-awaken the inherent belonging we feel in nature.

    In this episode we discuss our intentions for our latest endeavor, Samazuli Purification Retreat and Safari where we will guide you through a complete 30 day purification of your body, mind and spirit, removing a lifetime of stored toxins before, during and after your retreat. You will experience deep soul connections with a small intimate group of no more than 12. Sunrise and evening safari games drives and sacred bush walks to experience, up-close, the wild animals and landscapes of Africa. Heart-syncing guidance to experience divine oneness and your original wild. Ancient tracking wisdom and hands on practice with our personal indigenous trackers. This is life changing.

    Gorgeous, restorative outdoor yoga sessions with the amazing Amy Attenborough. Nourishing and delicious cuisine that restores and revitalizes. Daily, Intensive Intuitive Sessions with 2 coaches at the same time that can reveal a lifetime of blindspots and self sabotage, finally releasing you once and for all. This retreat is for: Anyone ready to live the rest of their life in empowered wellness, able to hike max 8 miles and can commit to removing toxins from their environment prior to arrival.

    The Retreat that lasts a lifetime: 11 days, 3 Different Safari Camps Three 1:1 post-retreat integration coaching sessions with master coach Robin Stebbins. Online Samazuli group access and 6 monthly group calls post retreat for ongoing soul tribe connection, support and integration. 30 day supported purification prior to arrival to detox the liver, colon, gallbladder and kidneys to enhance and deepen your connection to this sacred land. Mother Africa will lovingly take your healing journey from there. Lifetime knowledge to heal your body from any disease state and how to stay in energetic wellness. A complete body reset so you are free of heavy metals, parasites, free of habits, addictions, and built up toxins. Renewed vitality and increased energy so you can live your destiny and create a legacy.

    "You are meant for something greater, but you can't get there addicted, toxic or sick. The power and energy of this land will ignite a transformation on such a deep level that you will never be the same again." -Robin Stebbins

    "To visit ancient Africa is to return to something primordial and profound" Amy Attenborough

    Click here to schedule a zoom call with Robin to learn more about how to secure your spot. Spaces are filling up quickly, we have just a few spots left. https://purifywithin.com/samazuli-retreats

    To find Amy: https://wildagain.africa/

    To Find Robin: purifywithin.com