FDA Drug Safety Podcasts, produced by FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, provide emerging safety information about drugs in conjunction with the release of Drug Safety Communications. For more information, please visit:
If you’re a woman in medicine, by definition you are a badass. But juggling work and life responsibilities can be challenging. Join Psychologist and Success Coach, Dr. Sharon Grossman, each week as she shares practical tips to address the real-life struggles you are facing so that you can be unstoppable.
The Beyond the Pearls podcast, based on the Morning Report series from Elsevier, has been adapted for audio in collaboration with series editor, Dr. Raj Dasgupta, InsideTheBoards, and the volume editors of the Morning Report series’ five volumes covering Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Surgery.
Like the books in the series, the podcast uses an in-depth case dissection format and aims to deliver practical, concise and easy to digest information that is especially relevant for those studying for the USMLE Step 3, but students or others revising other USMLE or COMLEX exams will also find value.
Most episodes present a high-yield topic in a morning report or grand rounds format, and include must-know "pearls," an in-depth discussion of differentials and treatment, and assessment questions that support exam preparation. The Beyond the Pearls podcast also offers bonus episodes based on some of Dr. Raj’s most popular, highly-rated lectures.
Visit to become part of the BTP community and get the Beyond the Pearls books and more ultra high yield, entertaining educational content from Dr. Raj. -
بودكاست عند اللزوم، بودكاست يتناول أبرز الأحداث و الظواهر في المجال الصحي، تقارير مثرية علميًا هدفها التوعية و اثراء المحتوى العربي الصحي.
من إنتاج محتوايز -
Join infection preventionists as they have conversations with authors of the latest research in the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC) about how to advance the science and practice of infection prevention and control. While learning how to put the latest science into practice, maybe you will be inspired to take the next steps to develop your own research projects.
الدكتور رشيد الرشيد والدكتور حاتم أبوزيد طبيبي طب عائلة يناقشان جميع المواضيع الطبية بشكل سهل ومبسط، مع جرعة عالية من المواضيع الغير طبية التي تهمهم في جميع النواحي الحياتية
بودكاست لكل من يتمنى أن يحصل على زبدة المعلومات الصحية من غير كوليسترول
شاركونا آراءكم واقتراحاتكم على ايميل :
[email protected] -
Providing Dentists with information on how to make use of digital technology with efficient and effective workflows.
Welcome to SSS Talks Podcast.
A podcast hosted by medical students to the medical community, to discuss topics like medicine, lifestyle, new experiences and many more with our special guests.
Tune in and join our Blue family.
This podcast is hosted, recorded and produced by the Students Scientific Society- SSS Kasr AlAiny.
Presented to you by your favorite hosts Nada Kholeif, Toka farouk and Qussaye Aal-Hujayr.
Students Scientific Society, an idea that started in Kasr AlAiny in 1968 to take the medical students' scene by storm and contribute to the medical welfare in many ways. our main goal was and always will be future doctors, their progression, development and broadening their horizons through its activities and opportunities supported by its affiliation to International Federation of Medical Students' Association (IFMSA).Don’t forget to follow us on our social media accounts :
· Facebook
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· Youtube
· TikTok
· LinkedIn
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Listen to Medscape InDiscussion: Multiple Sclerosis, a podcast series where thought leaders and clinical experts share their diverse insights and practical ideas for optimizing patient care. Relevant disclosures can be found with the episode show notes on Medscape ( The topics and discussions are planned, produced, and reviewed independently of advertisers. This podcast is intended only for US healthcare professionals.
A podcast made by med students for med students. We discuss our journey within Medical school, talk to inspirational content creators and have fun along the way.
Bienvenidos a este espacio donde hablamos temas complejos de una manera fácil de entender.
Dra Vitt su host ❤️
@odontospaceRD -
شارع الطب، بودكاست يناقش مختلف القضايا الطبية بطريقة تفصيلية ومبسطة. من إعداد وتقديم د. محمد صفيان أخصائي الباطنة العامة والجهاز الهضمي والكبد
Aqoon & Afgarad waa podcast uu Dr Mohamed Mukhtar ku soo gudbiyo mawduucyo dheef u ah ogaalka bulshada ee dhinacyada caafimaadka, sayniska, waxbarashada, iyo isbeddelka togan ee nidaamyada.
ننتج محتوى يناقش كافة المجالات الصحية ومختلف المواضيع الطبية.
The Peds NP provides a practical approach to the application of clinical evidence-based practice in pediatrics using stories from the bedside, cases, and personal experiences to help you apply the most current literature to your practice with children. The host is Becky Carson, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC/AC. She is a dual-certified pediatric nurse practitioner in acute and primary care and assistant professor at The Catholic University of America’s Conway School of Nursing in Washington D.C. Through a conversational review of the literature, you can easily apply knowledge to clinical practice to improve outcomes in pediatric care.
Disclaimers & Show Notes: -
Hear experts talk about what you should know about respiratory viral infections like COVID-19, the flu, and RSV.
Want to hear the latest in cardiology research, reviews, and perspectives? Our content is curated, written and edited by practicing health professionals who have clinical and scientific expertise in their field of reporting. Our editorial management team is comprised of highly-trained MD physicians. Our summaries are available monthly.
Coloring Health Policy is a monthly podcast that delves into the latest and most pressing health policy issues centered on minority communities. Hosted by Faith Crittenden, each episode provides in-depth analysis and discussion on a range of topics, from police brutality and racism in medicine, to palliative care and unionization in health care . Whether you're a healthcare professional, policy maker, or simply someone with cares about health care , "Coloring Health Policy" is the go-to source for all things health policy. With a focus on accuracy, and relevance, this podcast will keep you informed and engaged on the most important health policy topics that impact minority communities. So join us once a month as we explore the world of health policy and help you stay ahead of the curve.
Subscribe to receive notifications for new episodes. -
اسمي محمد صادقلي، طبيب أسنان، أعيش في كندا، في هذه الأيام أصبح الحصول على المعلومات سهلاً، ولكن نسبة السهولة تتناسب عكساً مع الدقة
سأناقش المعلومات المنتشرة على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بعد أن قمت بالبحث عنها بشكل علمي..
محققاً بذلك شغفي بالبحث عن الحقيقة وفي نفس الوقت أضيف بعض المتعة على المعلومات الجافة لتصبح سهلة الاستماع والاستمتاع لكم... شكراً لوجودكم هنا ...