New year new me
Because the old me wasn’t good enough, or so many of us think.
So what do we do every single year to shame ourselves into doing better?
Christmas is the time for jolly and all that, bringing us closer to people we want to see and some we are happy to see at that time only. We eat we drink we laugh then we feel bad about ourselves, as the nights grow colder we don’t want o go out we want to stay in and reach for more handfuls of nuts or crisps or sweets or cake or biscuits to make ourselves feel better.
Now I am not trying to shame you about your easting, but rather paint a picture as to what is and how. we place ourselves in impossible positions based on how we shame ourselves.
We do such a good job of shaming ourselves we don’t need support but every now and then we get it, from that family member who calls us porky or squeezes our sides.
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Negative beliefs have so much power over what you do and don't do. So many times I have tried to overcome a negative belief only to be held accountable for what I am attaching meaning to.
To break free from this, we gotta understand the link, where is it coming from, what triggers it and what are we avoiding what is the pleasure we gain fro not dealing with his beliefHave a Question? Ask the therapist!
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Episodi mancanti?
Creating habits can be a very difficult task. often we make the new habits way too complicated and it takes too much work to even conceptualize them. S.H.R.E.D. stands for Sleep, Hydration, Relaxation, Exercise, and Diet.
When we shred all the old stuff we can make room for the new stuff.Have a Question? Ask the therapist!
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Ever made that promise to yourself at the start of every year? No sugar no dairy no carbs, I must lose weight this year. I must get my summer body.
But only to fail come the following month of February, by March you don't even bother getting your gym kit out but April who is gym is there guy down the road called Jim.
Why do you do this, because of the stories you ar telling yourself, the ideas about yourself that keep rushing through your mind, and the self-loathing that you embark on yourself on a daily basis?
it's really quite simple, just stop it, stop being so mean to yourself. Evoke a different attitude and a bit more love.
In this podcast, I go into the ins and outs of why we fail so many times.
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Define the types of relationships we find ourselves in by categorizing the terms of what the relationship is actually doing.
I have termed a relationship as a journey of combined partnership
Sitauionship as an interaction based on convenience
Dictatorship is a controlled manner in which an interaction is directed
Rockingship is a volatile experience of interaction.
Which one are you in? ]This does not just apply to intimate relationships but ones that we have with those around us.
Identify how you enter into them and how you interpreted what is going on in terms of conflict.Have a Question? Ask the therapist!
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This podcast is about how to harness the power that you have over yourself. The importance of how the mind powers the processing of the brain which directs the body into an=ction
Your brain is like a computer, your mind is the operating system, and your body functions and actions in the order of the brain which is structured by the mind.
Generating a mindset that supports you or goes against you is all down to you. You are in charge and you can create develop or go towards a demise if that is where your mind is set.
You create your mindset,
For more on how to make changes see the links in this podcastHave a Question? Ask the therapist!
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Emotional connection to food, simply put as comfort eating. When we choose foods based on trying to gain a comforting emotional experience. The unhealthy way to go about eating. On the flip side, dieting, the restriction the punishment the shaming the blaming the constant comparison. How to get past this and treat yourself better. Recognize why you reach for the foods you eat.
In this podcast, I explore my own journey with food. I have been documenting my own weight loss journey, however, I don't focus on the weight loss but the body enhancement, the manner in which to optimize my body and get the best out of the place I love, within me. This is a cognitive behavioural approach to eating bringing in compassion and understanding and making the habits that suit your enhancements to your body.
To see my own journey of change you can follow me on Instagram DisreeShawOfficial. I will be exploring more on this subject and giving out free tips on how to improve and enhance your overall wellbeing and make positive body enhancements,Have a Question? Ask the therapist!
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Trust in yourself supports your belief in yourself and totally enables you to simply be yourself. It is common that many of us simply don’t trust ourselves, we fear our emotions our thoughts and we stuff it down. Often this results in feeling trapped stuck and unable to express ourselves. Now firstly there is no such feeling as being trapped but the feeling of hurt, anger, depression contribute to thoughts of not being able to speak and feel free because of how it may be perceived by others and that what we are feeling is wrong and therefore we must not express it.
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Our inner saboteur seeks to tell us how we are not able to achieve so don’t try.
Those of us who experienced bullying in one way or another take on the belief that we will be bullied and nothing can stop that unless we follow a set of rules and assumptions that we created in order to keep ourselves safe from the world.
For example, your inner saboteur may state “nobody likes me” this becomes engrained and therefore evidence when placed in social situations we may shut down not respond find it difficult to interact therefore appearing standoffish or distant which may lead to others not engaging and this reality of people not engaging or having no interaction will confirm the belief that nobody likes me and this adds to more evidence. However, this is the fear the false evidence appearing real nonconclusive fact that becomes fact based on how people respond to us when we are in social situations.
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Affirmations intentions and coping statements
Mindset controls, the ability to set your mind in motion to deliver the emotions and thoughts that support you to move forward.
Intentions are so powerful but can sometimes go askew when we started creating unattainable intentions that require us to reach for impossible highs that bring us to our defeat when we cannot achieve the
There is a better way to support your abilities and manage your direction by the use of intentions and affirmations and coping statements
It is common to see on social media affirmations detailing great heights and aspirations that often don’t allow us to achieve according to what is available to us and what we are capable of. It is counterproductive to set an achievable goal that is clearly unattainable and encompasses too much magical thinking.
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The simple straight-up answer, many aren’t raised with the tools and skills to do so. Men are taught to be strong, run lift bring home the bacon, build do more. We don’t account for the natural human emotion that runs through us all as human beings even being a factor for men.
It’s a toxic environment when we send the message that big boys don’t cry and men mustn’t cry. We proportion emotions into roles, women are trained to communicate and affect their emotions be it negatively or positively. But men are told to go play football, run it out take a cold shower.
When we are faced with statistics stating that over 76 percent of suicides are men then we are having to deal with an overwhelming amount of evidence that clearly states that men do have emotions, they do have difficulties and they clearly are not talking about it and need to.
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Anger isn’t bad
Society sends a message that anger is bad, that if you get angry then you will suffer because of it.
Quotes about not being angry and choosing to be happy flood memes and social media, people try so hard not to be angry and believe that striving for ultimate happiness is the answer to life, just be happy, just smile and it will never happen. What utter nonsense, yes nonsense, We are emotional creatures, this is what makes us human, what separates us from the animals, the fact that we have emotions and the ability to communicate them,
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The need for something in order to feel good satisfied on a high or even to feel in control
Addiction takes the form of many different possibilities, it can be substance misuse, drugs alcohol, exercise, food, gambling, sex, or behaviours such as OCD tendencies
Getting over an addiction is not merely to stop taking the substance or stop the act as that merely controls the situation. A time and the addiction can and often do show up in another area of our lives. Understanding why the need for the addiction is there in the first place, the root of the issue where it all started.Have a Question? Ask the therapist!
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The superpower to all emotional and mental challenges, the hook.
Unhooking your thought allows you to get back into now and take charge of your present moment which is right now. Unhooking is the ability to recognise that your thoughts are just thoughts not facts not a reality just thoughts.
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For AL;l the perfectionist put there, here is the podcast that could help you with those debilitating acts of perfection, procrastination and self flagellation. All in one tidy podcast, ok nooo it is not going to be so easy, but this is the first step. The support podcasts to this podcast are , Why So Perfect, What is Compassion and What does your Self talk ay about you .
If you want to contact me you can go via my website,
www.disreeshaw.com or find me on instragram DisreeShawOfficialHave a Question? Ask the therapist!
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Pain is relative however it is absolutely inevitable but the way in which we suffer is totally optional. That sounds like a very strange concept but it is true. owe we suffer is on us how we deal with he pain is on us. the most effective way is to be mindfully compassionate. I describe this in this podcast
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What is a perfectionist? Too many times we hear the words I am such a perfectionist. Well are you really.
What re the struggles of a true perfectionist, the procrastination the struggle the extremely high unrelenting standards. Perfectionist do not have it easy, neither are they sitting pretty believing that they are perfect.
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Progressive muscle relaxation, supporting you to be present and mindful of you and the feelings inside your body. Open your mind to creating your own feelings of calm picture from enviro elements project AMR PODCAST
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The difficulty in the subtlety of exclusion. The unintended or intended differences that can be highlighted in an attempt to separate and disempower https://disreeshaw.com/
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Pushing past the fear and facing the reality. Digging deep and realising your worth. https://disreeshaw.com/
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