There is real magic and possibility in understanding the wisdom of our nervous system, learning how to listen to it, care for it and harness its power. In this episode, I share part of a Nervous System Wisdom Masterclass I ran this month, with new science and new potentials. In terms of our nervous system and our body's reality, we live in two states of being — survival or creative. I know which one I want more of! Let's dive into this together...
Get access to the whole Nervous System Masterclass along with the MLB newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/messyluminousbeing
Sometimes the big picture is much bigger than we can see. In this episode, I have a conversation with Annu Tara, founder of Aurora Earth, about her perspective on the sacred earth, what she calls the 'Restorative Timeline' and the way mental constructs have created a false over-lay to natural reality. This is a conversation full of the cosmic, the sacred feminine and a chance to step into another perspective of life beyond what we can see.
Connect with Annu Tara on IG @annutara or at https://auroraearth.org to find out about Wild Wisdom and upcoming offerings.
For more Messy Luminous Being, join the newsletter here.
Puuttuva jakso?
Your emotions are biochemisty. Your body is an energy conductor. Observing your thoughts is the most powerful technology for change (and here's why). This episode is full of science and three of the most powerful ideas of mind-body connections that can inspire us and guide us when we want to get unstuck, change or uplevel our inner experience of life. This is the mechanicals, the why and the how behind "becoming the change" we all want to see in the world.
Come hang out more with me in the Messy Luminous Being newsletter, weekly messages that will bring you gritty real-ness, meditation science and inspiration about becoming our most true and beautiful selves. https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/messyluminousbeing
How can we place our own life journey in a larger landscape that we might call the Mythic Dimension of our lives? In this episode, I talk with rites of passage guide, founder of the Art of Rewilding and self-proclaimed 'feral Buddhist', Natasha Lythgoe. We discuss the way wildness and mindfulness merge, how to find space for the parts of us we often don't want to claim, what rites of passage such as vision quests can be like, and how to bring the idea of the mythic dimension into our everyday lives.
You can find Natasha on IG @the_art_of_rewilding and join the Art of Rewilding Newsletter here https://www.theartofrewilding.com/newsletter-sign-up-page
For more Messy Luminous Being including the upcoming free Wisdom Apothecary download, join the newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/messyluminousbeing
Reverse the way you see it. This wisdom teaching from Tibetan Buddhist meditation is all about taking mind-training into the wilds of messy real life. But how do we change the way we see things? And what does it mean to say — Life is happening For you? In this episode, I wanted to share my own mental reframe process with specific real life examples. This is the kind of meditiation practice that doesn't take any time, and is happening all the time. This is mental alchemy...transforming life into the path to Awakening.
Want more Messy Luminous Being delivered straight to you each week? Plus an amazing freebie for all subscribers, the Wisdom Apothecary download coming soon. Here's the link to tell me where to send it... https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/messyluminousbeing
What is the relationship between the inner and the outer? Between our Soul-self that exists as part of the great mystery, and our physical body? And are there aspects of ourselves that are lying dormant and looking for places to express themselves? These are some of the many questions I talk about with the wonderful Fiona Sears, reiki practitioner, energy worker and skin-rewilding tallow maker, who insists that the things we put into and around our bodies have energy.
You can follow fiona on IG @fiona.sears and find her tallow shop on etsy @beesncoos
And if you fancy getting some "whispers from your wise self" each week, jump into the Messy Luminous Being newsletter here
In this episode, I wanted to share a moment from my own messy real life that gave me a ton of wisdom about finding a new level of self-acceptance. What is so interesting about parenting is the reality that we don't choose our children like we choose our friends. We get the children we get and life teaches us how to learn and accept and love them for who they are in all their messy beautiful humanness. The truth is, we also don't choose ourselves! We don't get to decide what we're good at or what we find difficult. So whether you're a parent or not, this is a story you need to hear about what might happen if we really accepted ourselves the way we learn to accept our loved ones. It's wisdom in the midst of messy real life. The way our life becomes the path.
Want more spiritual wisdom in messy real life? Plus a weekly delivery of 'words from your wise self' to brighten your inbox? sign up here https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/messyluminousbeing
Wisdom has most often been passed from one generation to the next through stories. How should we live? What is our relationship with the universe and ourselves? What is the deeper meaning of our life? In all cultures, insights have been held in stories, and these stories have been told as medicine for the soul. In this episode, I talk to storyteller Claire Hewitt. We talk about how story is connected to land and place, how sometimes stories come to us at just the right time and how women's wisdom has been carried and also hidden within story.
You can find Claire on Facebook here
And you can deepen and explore your own story with Messy Luminous Being and weekly letters from your wise self here.
Your body is a sacred interface between your deep self and the 3D world of form that we live in. This is why, taking care of our bodies and learning how to communicate with our bodies in the language it understands is the most powerful way to step into our most true and beautiful version of life. In this episode I talk about what it means that our body is an interface, how to use posture and the breath to change the interface, and what that does to our experience of what we call 'reality'.
Want to see want this means in practice? I'm running a week of short 20min sessions to empower you to direct your body in a new way. This is -- Awaken the Core of You, 5-9 February 2024. For more details tap here https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/awaken-the-core-of-you
How can we rediscover the natural breath? What are the biggest issues we humans living in the crazy modern world have around breathing? What does it mean to 'optimise' the breath? And how far can the breath really take you? In this episode, I talk with Dani Mae, founder of Breath Guidance and avid explorer of the power of the breath, whether that's freediving, breath techniques for athletes, breathing for health and much more. This episode is guaranteed to inspire you!
Find Dani Mae at www.breathguidance.com where you can get access to her free Breath Technique Training program. You can also connect with Dani on Instagram and Youtube @breathguidance
And...the new Messy Luminous Being Online Journal is here! Check out my series of articles on 'The Core of You' coming all this month!
Plus get Messy Luminous freebies & special offers including discounts on the upcoming Awaken the Core movement challenge 5 - 9 Feb 2024 through the MLB Newsletter.
How can we make things easier on ourselves while still creating the life we really want? How can we genuinely stop overworking, pushing ourselves beyond our limits, and running out of steam? Three inter-related ideas come to mind, as we step through the threshold of this next year, and take that moment to pause and reflect on how we're living — consistency, ease & essentialism. In this episode, Sarah shares how these three ideas converge to create a new guidance system for Effortless Effort as we head into the next year.
Get Messy Luminous messages, letters from your wise self, and more every week. Just tell us where to send them... https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/messyluminousbeing
If you dared to visit the Oracle, what would she tell you?
A novella of magical stories and spells of wisdom. The tales of the oracle tells like seeds, like threads that weave their way into your bones and have the power to transform. She waits for you at the threshold of her white stone house above the silver mangroves and against the towering cliffs of her indigo island. And in this final tale, she invites you into a dark passageway deep inside her home.
The Oracle's Tales by Sarah Beth Hunt. Listen here to the final chapter.
This January you can get a copy of The Oracle's Tales as a free gift. Just tap here and tell me where to send the ebook. https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/the-oracles-tales
For those who visit the Oracle, she shares tales in the Old Language, tales that weave their way into your bones and have the power to transform. She stands at the threshold of her white stone house above the silver mangroves and against the towering cliffs of her indigo island.
She is waiting to tell you this next story…the tale of the hungry ghosts...
A new year's gift...Enjoying the Oracle's Tales? Get your own ebook copy here https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/the-oracles-tales
The Oracle's Tales is a novella of magical stories and spells of wisdom. The oracle is a healer, and most come to her for help with their physical ailments. But this is not the oracle's true calling. The oracle is a healing of the suffering of the mind.
In this third chapter, the oracle tells you the Tale of the Wild Horses. "You have come here," she says, "thinking of yourself as an ordinary person. Someone with problems and worries and things to do. But beneath all of this you are a daughter of the grasses and a son of the stones. So listen..."
If you enjoy the story and want to get a copy of your own, head here...https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/the-oracles-tales
The Oracle speaks tales in the Old Language, tales that weave their way into your bones and have the power to transform. And if you dared to visit the her at her home by the cliff, what tale do you think she would tell you?
Once there was, and once there was not and once there will be again, a young girl who dreamed that she stood before a long path that was littered with flecks of gold... Listen now to the story of the treasure in the cave, for sometimes it is told like this, and sometimes it is told another way...
The Oracle's Tales is a novella by Sarah Beth Hunt. You can grab your own ebook copy of The Oracle's Tales. Just tap the link & tell me where to send it... https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/the-oracles-tales
If you dared to visit the Oracle, what would she tell you?
The Oracle's Tales is novella of magical stories and spells of wisdom. The oracle is a healer, and most islanders come to her for help with their physical ailments. But this is not the oracle’s true calling. The oracle is a healer of the suffering of the mind…
For those who visit, she speaks tales in the Old Language, tales that weave their way into your bones and have the power to transform. She stands at the threshold of her white stone house above the silver mangroves and against the towering cliffs of her indigo island.
She is waiting for you…
Get your own copy of The Oracle's Tales ebook. Just tap & tell me where to send it... https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/the-oracles-tales
As we come into the beginning of winter, how can we align our busy outer lives with our inner desire to slow down, curl up and rest? How do the energies of this season invite us to shift our inner practices like yoga or meditation? And what lies waiting for us, if we allow ourselves to really descend with this yin energy? In this episode, I talk to Marit Akintewe about seasonal yoga and the different kind of energy and inner power waiting for us when we are willing to really come into flow with this slow season.
Connect with Marit on IG @seasonalyogaedinburgh
Hey lovely! Come join us for ❄️The Great Slow Down❄️ a FREE month of quiet practices, meditation moments, inner inspiration and invitations to slow down each day in December. All online so you can weave slow moments in when it's right for you. Tap here for details https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/greatslowdown
"You will never believe or surrender to any thought that is not equal to the way your body feels." This is a powerful truth, and the thing that makes mindset work really hard. Sometimes we genuinely can't shift our mindset because our body is stuck in a totally different vibe. In this episode, I talk about how to work with our experience of embodiment and take the body along with us on our inner journey. This includes both the science and the meditation advice on how we can feel the inner body and learn what the body is saying. This is how movement can also be a method of meditation and a doorway to our inner selves and the experience of our own luminous Being.
Want to check out Luminous Movement and try practicing with me. Here's all the details https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/luminousmovement with special offer price through the end of 2023!
xx s
The benefits of mindfulness and meditation are promoted everywhere. So why aren't we all sitting? In this episode, I talk with mindfulness teacher Aiko Smith about the invisible standards we're all trying to live up to and the political and cultural reasons why we can't sit in stillness. We also discuss the forgotten power of community practice and how Aiko's own life experience made her look in the mirror and say "I'm going to save myself".
Join Messy Luminous Being's 'Inward November' month of meditation practice. Live meditation sessions every Monday, all the lovely audio meditations & breathing practices, plus extra meditation tips & practical ways of weaving stillness into busy real life. It's all happening in the Luminous Mind membership, and right now you can jump in at the Founding Members Price of £18.99. Tap here for all the details https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/luminousmind
Connect with Aiko on IG at https://www.instagram.com/aiko.means.love for mindfulness teachings, inspiration and upcoming courses.
Heading out on a walk, I started thinking about the many ways I practice mind-calming and all the ups-and-downs-and sideways realities of having a long term meditation practice when you live in messy real life. So this episode is a chat, along a woodland walk and with a few startled pheasants, about how I'm thinking about meditation now after many years of weaving it in alongside life with kids, work and a constantly changing schedule.
Join me every week through Messy Luminous messages (they're free!) Just tell me where to send them... https://messyluminousbeing.mn.co/share/5KashZscKEu8X75g?utm_source=manual
And this episode of the mLb podcast comes in collaboration with CacaoAmor. If you've wanted to try cacao as a drink, would love a new chocolate-y ritual to create intentions for the day, or want to switch to a brand of cacao that really supports ancient trees in diverse & fair growing conditions for the planet and local farmers...this is where you need to go --> https://cacaoamor.com/
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