Svadhisthana Chakra is in our sacral area. It is our centre of creativity, emotions and sexuality. Visualising work with Svadhisthana Chakra can assist in unblocking creativity, gaining new perspectives and playing in the flow of live
The post Svadhisthana Chakra Meditation first appeared on Michelle Jayne. -
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A Full Moon ? is the lunar phase that occurs when the moon is completely illuminated as seen from earth ? According to ancient philosophers, the moon impacts human behaviours and moods by it’s gravitational pull on our boy systems. The human body is 75% fluids which relates to inner tides reflecting the tides of […]
The post Full Moon Meditation first appeared on Michelle Jayne. -
Have you been trying to hard to make something happen? Are you fighting against what is? Using resistance against resistance hoping something will give? This guided meditation, inspired by author Brandon Bays, will assist the mind towards a senses of effortless ease. Find a comfortable position where you won’t be disturbed for about 13mins, settle […]
The post Effortless Being first appeared on Michelle Jayne. -
The practice of counting with the breath in certain ratios, is a simple, yet very effective way of preparing the mind for meditation. Making the exhalation longer then the inhalation calms the central nervous system. If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open to everything. In the beginner’s mind […]
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A short meditation to expand your awareness beyond any challenges that you are currently facing. This meditation works with the question What is life asking of me at the moment?
The post Expanding Consciousness first appeared on Michelle Jayne.
Developing our intuition to listen deeply and honour the voice of truth within. -
While refreshing and rejuvenating our minds and bodies, this exercise helps us to develop an awareness and appreciation of the work our heart and lungs do for our overall health. This meditation is from the meditation book Stepping Stones to Meditation by Jennifer Hanning.
The post Energizing Breath Meditation first appeared on Michelle Jayne. -
Manipura Chakra, also known as City of Jewels is our centre of power. This meditation is useful for those times we feel that fear is stronger then our intuition, when we aren’t investing our belief 100% in our insights, and our ability to remain centred when external situations are out of your control. Use the […]
The post Manipura Chakra Meditation Centre of Power first appeared on Michelle Jayne. -
This is a great short meditation for those that are struggling with allowing things to be as they are. Whether you find a situation not turning out the way you had planned or you are struggling with the way things are, take 10mins to sit with breath and the magic of affirming Surrender back into […]
The post Surrender Meditation first appeared on Michelle Jayne.