In this episode I talk with Celine Charlotte about money, business success & challenges, spirituality, embracing imperfections and the daily practices that keep her grounded as a successful entrepreneur. Money is empowering, and being rich to Celine means freedom and safety. Celine Charlotte is anentrepreneur and online educator - and pretty awesome at making money. She runs C.Academy, which she took from zero to 7-figures in under two years. With her online courses, she's teaching over 18,000 entrepreneurs all about building an online business, creating online courses, productivity, and money & investing. She hosts her own podcast, is a popular speaker and has been featured in Business Insider and other media. In her instagram she shares daily vlogs of her life as an entrepreneur, her spiritual journey, hiking in Sedona and business tips. She's originally from the Netherlands and now lives in Sedona.
Links & Profiles:
Instagram Celine Charlotte: https://www.instagram.com/celinecharlotte/
Website: https://celinecharlotte.com/dutch-or-english/
Instagram Steffy: https://www.instagram.com/steffyroosdumaine/
Website: https://steffyroosdumaine.com
Photo credit: Stancy Photography. -
In this episode, we’re joined by Yasmin Elzomor, a transformational coach who talks about relationships, sex, spirituality, mental health, and everything that makes us human. After experiencing a spontaneous spiritual awakening at the age of 21, she knew that it’s time for her to switch gears and change her mindset. Realizing that her sole purpose was to help others turn their pain into power.
Now, Yasmin hosts the Humanity Feels Podcast, a show where she gives practical advice and invites coaches, leaders, and truth seekers to share their spiritual journey and success. Let’s listen as Yasmin walks us through her mission to empower the human mind with authenticity, love, and integrity.
Yasmin’s journey to finding abundance and inner peaceYasmin’s tips and tricks for gaining more confidence and motivation What is dark feminine energy, and how can one use it in life and business?Yasmin’s life mission is to help others transform by allowing herself to transformHaving a support system and having the right people around us helps us and reminds us that it’s okay to feel things. “Just remember to be authentically you.”
Key Takeaways:Links & Profiles:
Yasmin’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yasminelzomor/Yasmin’s Website: https://www.yasminelzomor.com/ Humanity Feels Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/humanity-feels/id1529988977 Steffy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steffyroosdumaine/Mindful & Millionaire Website: https://mindful-miljonair.nlPhoto credit: Starky Morillo.
Photo credit: Stancy Photography. -
Fleur was born in the Netherlands and raised in the United States. She grew up with a deep connection in the spiritual world, which has opened so many doors for her career. Now, she teaches her students to trust their intuition and stay in tune to their spiritual side. Aside from that, she's a psychic medium, fellow podcaster, and author of her newly published book Moving Beyond. Our chat today revolves around using spiritual awareness to drive your success. So make sure to turn your speakers up.
Key Takeaways:
Feeling rich to her means finding and achieving peace. How does she feel being an entrepreneur in the spiritual world?What does she think are the drivers for her success?Fleur teaches people how to listen to the things that they can’t hear and see physically Intuition doesn’t have to work with a timeline.How does she grow her team?Links & Profiles
Fleur’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mediumfleur/Fleur’s Website: https://www.mediumfleur.comSteffy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steffyroosdumaine/Mindful & Millionaire Website: https://mindful-miljonair.nlPhoto credit: Dolly Ave.
Photo credit: Stance Photography. -
In this episode of the Mindful and Millionaire podcast, we encounter some exciting topics revolving around spirituality and purpose. We are sitting down with Maggie Doyne, the founder of the Blink Now Foundation and best-selling author of the book Between the Mountains and The Sky. Some great insights to look out for in this interview.
Key Takeaways:
Her story of moving to Nepal and working in partnership with the community thereWhat are some things that she learned by herself along the way?Change is slow; it’s organic. It’s not something that happens overnight; it happens over generations If you do all the right things, if you do good, if you try to make a difference, life will reward youEducation is one of the world’s greatest equalizersLinks & Profiles
Maggie’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maggiedoyne/ Maggie’s Website: https://blinknow.org Steffy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steffyroosdumaine/ Mindful & Millionaire Website: https://mindful-miljonair.nlPhoto credit: Stance Photography.
Sometimes, it's hard to be positive and not focus on the negative things with spirituality. But positivity is also something that you need to practice. Just take the risk, do it, and believe in yourself.
These are wise words from today's guest, Joann van den Herik. Joann is a plus-size model based in New York. She worked with renowned top models like Gigi and Bella Hadid and is always eager to raise awareness of body positivity and being comfortable in your skin. Her book, Joan's Way To Self-Love, has garnered praise and inspired many. In this episode, let's listen to Joan and her story.
Key Takeaways:
Feeling rich is surrounded by people who make you feel good and happyJourney on how affirmations have helped her welcome her happinessAre there any spiritual rituals she uses for her work and her career?With spiritual things, sometimes it can always be a pressure to make things perfect, which is not always the case. You see the best parts of people on social media, but there are things outside that you don’t know. Focus on yourself, not what other people are doing.Links & Profiles:
Joan’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/joannvdherikJoan’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/joannvdherik/ Steffy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steffyroosdumaine/Mindful & Millionaire Website: https://mindful-miljonair.nlPhoto credit: Kirsten Busman.
Photo credit: Stance Photography. -
Today, we will discuss how spirituality, pursuing your passion and being an entrepreneur can mix. And we invited a very special guest with us.
Fia Forsström, or “Fia”, is a spiritual singer/songwriter known for her catchy melodies and inspirational lyrics. Her music was featured in a meditation app developed by the University of California Santa Barbara Center for Mindfulness and Human Potential. Immediately it was a hit, especially among US high schoolers. She’s a total sweetheart and an inspiration to many.
Key Takeaways:
How does spirituality, being a business owner and singer, go for her?Practice by making scary decisions and changing habits and patterns within yourself. Fia shares her struggles in accepting her sensitive self and her journey toward acceptanceHow does she integrate her spiritual life into her business?Feeling rich to her is to feel satisfied.Links & Profiles:
Fia’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisisfiamusic/ Fia’s Website: https://fiasmusicofficial.com Steffy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steffyroosdumaine/ Mindful & Millionaire Website: https://mindful-miljonair.nlPhoto credit: Stance Photography.
Baptist de Pape is a lawyer turned author and filmmaker. On top of that, he’s also a spiritual explorer whose passion is finding one’s true purpose in life. Baptist had been the guy behind the remarkable book and film called The Power of the Heart. He also penned a new bestseller that will surely strike many.
In this episode, we explore the deeper side of manifestations, gratitude, creating space for your ego, and what it takes to become rich?
Key Takeaways:
When you manifest from the heart, that’s when you can guarantee successDoes finding your soul mission and getting rich go together?Money is a means to create a better life and fulfill your soul’s missionSuccess in business is always coming from a place of resilience and perseveranceHow do you create space for your ego?Links & Profiles:
Baptist’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/baptistdepapeofficial/ The Power Of The Heart Website: https://www.thepoweroftheheart.com Steffy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steffyroosdumaine/ Mindful & Millionaire Website: https://mindful-miljonair.nl
Photo credit: Tom ten Seldam.Photo credit: Stance Photography.
We open a fresh start by welcoming an exceptional guest in today’s episode. Author, speaker, and spiritual guide Swami Purnachaintanya (The Dutch Monk) is in the show to share his keen interest in meditation and mindfulness. He answers questions about his book, how important it is to practice meditation, how it can complete us, and more. Catch him in this interview; some great insights to learn here.
Key Takeaways:
Swami talks about his meditation book and how it became a bestseller What is it about meditation that is so special?“The beauty of meditation is connecting to that part of you that doesn’t change.”Meditation is like an investment in productivity What does feeling rich mean to him?The difference between mindfulness and meditation#TheDutchMonkLinks & Profile:
Swami’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/swamipurnachaitanya/ Swami’s Website: https://www.swamipurnachaitanya.com Looking Inward: Meditating to Survive in a Changing World by Swami Purnachaitanya: https://www.swamipurnachaitanya.com/books/looking-inward/ Steffy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steffyroosdumaine/ Mindful & Millionaire Website: https://mindful-miljonair.nlPhoto credit: Stance Photography.
Grow and learn: interviews with inspiring experts on combining spirituality, business and life. As an ambitious entrepreneur or professional you are continuously working on growth and development, in your company or career and as a person. In the Mindful & Millionaire podcast I, Steffy Roos du Maine, am looking for the best spiritual tools to help you develop yourself in business. From meditation to manifesting and from ayahuasca to Zen Buddhism. I will talk with various experts and share my own experiences to inspire you. So that you and your business can grow at all possible levels.