The intro to your new favorite podcast.
Whew! What a fun episode. We discuss being exposed and exposing ourselves oop. More specifically we reflect on our one FB friend who is completely with the shits! This one is a true knee slapper, booty clapper. Or should we say puxxy snapper?!?
Another episode of us being all over the place.... but in a good way! Booty holes were repeatedly discussed. Donald Trump having been impeached and ended with conflict in friendships!
We started off talking about how we met but we got a lil feisty with one another towards the end. Have a listen as we try to discuss how we met. We are the Mn Black Girls podcast. Sorry for the weird pause between 2:38-2:58, we are working on the technical difficulties!
In this episode we discuss gassing one another up. No not the gas from ya axx but amping your friends up! Is it fake love?!? Are you really all that?!? We are the MN Black Girls podcast!