Hearts are all over the place and LOVE is the topic many are talking about this month. While I LOVE RuPaul's quote "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?" it really rings true as a mom. Some of our self-care and self-love that we did before having kids is NOT the same as what we can do after having kids.
So, let's talk about realistic self-care because it's time to show Mom some Love this February.
Listen and get four easy ways you can care for yourself that don't require hours of planning and coordinating and finding a sitter.Remember to subscribe to the podcast and share it with your mom friends.
Looking for more support or help to implement these tips? Join the Momxiety Club Membership
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Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®Leaking a little after you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift your big kid, or jump? You don't need to have accidents along with your toddler! Check out Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor™ Course to regain control and function of our core and pelvic floor!
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This week we are wrapping up the monthly topic of goals that won't trigger momxiety and talking a bit about the impossible demands of parenting during COVID. It's been a hard few weeks for many moms, with more and more in-person activities being canceled, virtual school days, school and daycare closures, and quarantines from potential exposures. This is an excellent article that sums it all up. COVID Parenting Has Passed the Point of Absurdity by Melinda Wenner Moyer
My takeaways from this week:
-Be kind to yourself
-Weave in some gratitude each day
-Take each day one moment at a time
If you'd like to take part in a "scream and vent" outdoor outing let me know here and feel free to share this and invite some mom friends.
Join the email list, if you haven’t already because I’ll be adding the Get Out of the House without Losing Your Cool visual checklist to the Free Resources! There you can also grab your copy of How to Set Goals that Won't Trigger Anxiety and more resources to help you manage momxiety.Subscribe and hit the little bell to get notified of new videos on the Momxiety Club YouTube Channel. There will be one about organizing paper files posting soon!
Remember to subscribe to the podcast and share it with your mom friends.
Looking for more support or help to implement these tips? Join the Momxiety Club Membership
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Momxiety Club YouTube Channel
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Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®Leaking a little after you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift your big kid, or jump? You don't need to have accidents along with your toddler! Check out Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor™ Course to regain control and function of our core and pelvic floor!
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Creating a home command center is an excellent way to tackle momxiety.
This week, I’m diving into the one system I recently implemented that has made a BIG difference and a big step forward to creating and maintaining an organized and peaceful home (which was my main goal for 2022).Can you guess what it is? It’s “Levine Mission Control” aka our Family Command Center. Learn about ours, how I set it up simply, and why you need one.
Join the email list, if you haven’t already, because I’ll be adding the Get Out of the House without Losing Your Cool visual checklist to the Free Resources! There you can also grab your copy of How to Set Goals that Won't Trigger Anxiety and more resources to help you manage momxiety.
Subscribe and hit the little bell to get notified of new videos on the Momxiety Club YouTube Channel. There will be one about organizing paper files posting soon!
Remember to subscribe to the podcast and share it with your mom friends.
Looking for more support or help to implement these tips? Join the Momxiety Club Membership
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Momxiety Club YouTube Channel
Momxiety Club Facebook Page
Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®Leaking a little after you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift your big kid, or jump? You don't need to have accidents along with your toddler! Check out Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor™ Course to regain control and function of our core and pelvic floor!
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Last week I talked about goal setting for the New Year and how to set goals that won’t trigger anxiety. This week we are going to dig a little deeper and talk about getting organized to tackle anxiety since one of my big goals is to create an organized and peaceful home because that helps reduce my anxiety.
Subscribe and hit the little bell to get notified of new videos on the Momxiety Club YouTube Channel. There will be one about organizing paper files posting soon!Let me know if you have any goals or systems you would like me to break down for you by emailing me at hello@momxietyclub.com.
If you haven’t yet, go grab your free copy of How to Set Goals that Won't Trigger Anxiety by joining our email list at momxietyclub.com. You’ll get access to our free resources hub where you will find this and more resources to help you manage momxiety.
Remember to subscribe to the podcast and share it with your mom friends.
Next week the topic will be “Command Centers” to better get everyone in the house on the same page.
Looking for more support or help to implement these tips? Join the Momxiety Club Membership
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Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®
Leaking a little after you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift your big kid, or jump? You don't need to have accidents along with your toddler! Check out Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor™ Course to regain control and function of our core and pelvic floor!Support the show
It's a New Year! Listen as I chat about how all the new toys that arrived during the Holidays and setting BIG New Year's Resolutions can add to the overwhelm of momxiety. Let's set better goals and set up our space to better tackle momxiety.
Head to www.momxietyclub.com to find a new FREE download - How to Set Goals that Won't Trigger Anxiety - to help you figure out how to have less overwhelm in 2022.
Looking for more support? Join the Momxiety Club Membership for less than $1/day!
Leaking a little after you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift your big kid, or jump? You don't need to have accidents along with your toddler! Check out Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor™ Course to regain control and function of our core and pelvic floor!Let's Connect:
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Momxiety Club Instagram
Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®
***Get your free Top Ways to Reduce Momxiety Download and other Momxiety Club freebies at join.momxietyclub.com and click the Free Resources Tab.Support the show
It's the end of 2021, COVID cases are back on the upswing and many are still trying to navigate seeing family while keeping unvaccinated kids safe. As we are preparing to see some family that we haven't seen in two years and while trying to keep our kids as safe as possible (7 yo is half-vaccinated kid with a chronic illness and 2 yo isn't old enough) I began thinking about risk tolerance and risk avoidance.
Listen in and hear my conclusions and recommendations for continuing to navigate this time.
If you find yourself in a similar place and need someone to talk to, the Momxiety Club is that place for so many moms just like you. This is a place to talk about ALL the things including how anxiety can show up in the form of anger.
Some people can deal with it and for some people, it sends us in a downward spiral. If you need support, please reach out @momxietyclub, via email hello@momxietyclub.com, or join the next Momxiety Club Support Call.
FYI - In 2022 the Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor Course price is increasing! So gift yourself a great pelvic floor and core this year!
Leaking a little after you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift your big kid, or jump? You don't need to have accidents along with your toddler! Check out Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor™ Course to regain control and function of our core and pelvic floor!Let's Connect:
Momxiety Club Facebook Page
Momxiety Club Instagram
Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®
***Get your free Top Ways to Reduce Momxiety Download and other Momxiety Club freebies at join.momxietyclub.com and click the Free Resources Tab.
Join the Momxiety Club Membership for less than $1/day!Support the show
Listen in on this episode where I talk about how I’ve been handling life as I am thrown little curveballs over and over again. When mama duty calls in the form of sleeping in a toddler bed with a sick kiddo, keeping kids home from school, losing the only babysitter you trust during a pandemic, researching potential chickenpox, all plans go right out the window.
On top of all the stresses that come with sick kids, comes the added bonus of the house being a complete disaster! Some people can handle living in a messy house, others find that it just adds to their anxiety.
In this episode, I mention an article about burnout in parents with sick kids during the past two years. = The strain of parents taking on sick kids while working from home or taking time off of work to care for their kiddos is so challenging for all of us.
When you know self-care is the answer, but also know it’s impossible, that just adds another layer on top of this already stressful time. Selfcare is seemingly impossible when we can’t do anything for ourselves because we are taking care of sick kids, business, work, the house, etc.
If you find yourself in a similar place and need someone to talk to, the Momxiety Club is that place for so many moms just like you. This is a place to talk about ALL the things including how anxiety can show up in the form of anger.
Some people can deal with it and for some people, it sends us in a downward spiral. If you need support, please reach out @momxietyclub, via email hello@momxietyclub.com, or join the next Momxiety Club Support Call.Let's Connect:
Momxiety Club Facebook Page
Momxiety Club Instagram
Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®
***Get your free Top Ways to Reduce Momxiety Download and other Momxiety Club freebies at join.momxietyclub.com and click the Free Resources Tab.
Join the Momxiety Club Membership for less than $1/day!
Leaking a little after you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift your big kid, or jump? You don't need to have accidents along with your toddler! Check out Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor™ Course to regain control and function of our core and pelvic floor!FYI - In 2022 the Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor Course price is increasing! So gift yourself a great pelvic floor and core this year!
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What do unplanned haircuts, Aquaphor, an at-home COVID test, and throw up on a Paw Patrol Puzzle have to do with each other? These are all topics we talk about in this episode which sounds a lot like what a Momxiety Club support session!
My Virtual Assistant (VA), Michelle Ducie, and I chat about motherhood overwhelm that includes Vaseline on the carpet, children cutting their own hair, and stick around until the end to hear my story of an at-home COVID test turned vomit on my son’s Hanukkah gift.
Now granted these are surface problems, but when you have Momxiety and you are feeling so overwhelmed with daily life, it is helpful to air your troubles to a mom that gets it and that’s exactly what we did with this episode and exactly what we do in the Momxiety Club support sessions.
Don’t forget to check out @momxietyclub on Instagram and comment on our Thursday December 2nd post with an emoji that explains something that has gone awry in your home lately. i.e. ✂️, 🤮, 🧦.
Solidarity mamas!
Let's Connect:
Momxiety Club Facebook Page
Momxiety Club Instagram
Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®
***Get your free Top Ways to Reduce Momxiety Download and other Momxiety Club freebies at join.momxietyclub.com and click the Free Resources Tab.
Join the Momxiety Club Membership for less than $1/day!
Leaking a little after you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift your big kid, or jump? You don't need to have accidents along with your toddler! Check out Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor™ Course to regain control and function of our core and pelvic floor!FYI - In 2022 the Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor Course price is increasing! So gift yourself a great pelvic floor and core this year!
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“Today I want you to think about all that you are instead of all that you are not.” This was a recent post on the Momxiety Club Instagram and I wanted to talk a little more about it here on the podcast.
This is a tough one at times and I am more often than not (READ - like always) thinking about what I am not…not, what I am.
I would tell my kids, ”You’re so strong…Oh wow you kept trying!” but think to myself, “You’re so weak and out of shape. You just give up and are a failure.”
Shouldn’t we be modeling how to talk to ourselves in a positive manner? Isn’t this what we want to teach our kids? Shouldn’t we continue talking to our kids like this beyond infancy and the early school years? What made us stop talking to ourselves in a positive manner?
I’ve been thinking more and more about how my mind seems to think in “all or nothing” ways and working on more positive self-talk…even if it’s only one little thing a day that breaks through the negativity.
Listen in and let me know what you think about how anxiety affects your self-talk and your “all or nothing” view or attitude.
A few other topics and keywords discussed:
-Family Command Center
-Visual Schedule
-Executive Functioning
If you are looking for support and a community of other moms that will help remind you about all the great things you are then the Momxiety Club Membership is perfect for you.Let's Connect:
Momxiety Club Facebook Page
Momxiety Club Instagram
Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®
***Get your free Top Ways to Reduce Momxiety Download and other Momxiety Club freebies at join.momxietyclub.com and click the Free Resources Tab.
Join the Momxiety Club Membership for less than $1/day!
Leaking a little after you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift your big kid, or jump? You don't need to have accidents along with your toddler! Check out Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor™ Course to regain control and function of our core and pelvic floor!FYI - In 2022 the Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor Course price is increasing! So gift yourself a great pelvic floor and core this year!
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Are you worried that your child's pediatrician office is going to label you an "anxious mom"? Or that they will dismiss your concerns because you're "just an anxious new mom"? In previous episodes, I have shared that I was always concerned about this! I still go back and forth in my head if I have to call the pediatrician to ask a question, thinking "they are gonna think I'm nuts for calling about this...or they are going to think I'm nuts because I should have called immediately after a bump or bruise, etc."
Well, listen in on my interview with the PediPals, Dr. Ana and Dr. Sami because you’ll hear how these pediatricians reassure us that they are here to help and not judge! These wonderful pediatricians have taken to social media and host their own podcast to help give parents trusted information…and take the anxiety out of parenting.
In 2019, Drs. Ana and Sami launched their new company the PediPals after meeting during residency. With PediPals, they aim to educate parents about common pediatric questions, ailments and recommendations, and discuss the issues that require attention but may not be able to be addressed at routine pediatric checkups.To hear a bit of the continuation on this episode here is a link to my interview on the The Well Child Podcast.
Enjoy the Momxiety Club Podcast? Please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. This helps other moms find and benefit from the podcast.
Connect with and Follow the PediPals:
IG: @thePediPals
FB: The PediPals Page
YouTube: The PediPals
The Well Child Podcast
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Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®
***Get your free Top Ways to Reduce Momxiety Download and other Momxiety Club freebies at join.momxietyclub.com and click the Free Resources Tab.
Join the Momxiety Club Membership for less than $1/day!
Leaking a little after you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift your big kid, or jump? You don't need to have accidents along with your toddler! Check out Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor™ Course to regain control and function of our core and pelvic floor!Support the show
This episode was recorded in April 2021 but is being released now in November 2021. There are two reasons I am sharing this...even though it was recorded months ago. This was recorded when I was having an anxiety attack. My chest was tight, I was worried and overwhelmed. It's important to share the reality of what an anxiety attack can "look and feel" like. Not everyone experiences anxiety the same way and one individuals anxiety attacks are not all the same.
This is also relevant because it was recorded at the time that many adults were able to be vaccinated in the US and, for many, the world was opening up again, but I was still feeling trapped and nervous since both my children are under 12.
Now that kids 5-11 are able to be vaccinated, this is still relevant for many, like me, who have kids under 5. My oldest is immunocompromised but was able to get his first shot yesterday, but my youngest is 2...so we are still in this in-between more comfortable but not 100% comfortable stage.
I found this new re-entry and re-opening anxiety in April 2021 and what is sure to come in the next few months again to be very similar to the momxiety of having a newborn at home and leaving the house for the first several months postpartum.
Thanks for listening!
Please subscribe in your favorite podcast app and share the Momxiety Club Podcast with a mom friend.
For links referenced in the show and to find out more about becoming a Momxiety Club Member and working with Tori head to join.momxietyclub.com or the Momxiety Club Website.
Familiarity Bias - Link to Brainy Business episodeSupport the show
I always say little things make a big difference. Today I'm sharing how two little emails on a Saturday night sent my mind down an all too familiar panicky spiral and how I was able to use the old adage, "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best" to bring my mind back from the downward spiral.
Referenced in the episode:
Choiceology with Katy Milkman
The Momxiety Club Membership
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IG: @momxietyclub
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Get the Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor Course for ONLY $27.Support the show
As if finding childcare wasn’t hard enough, finding childcare while having two kids who can’t get vaccinated and one who has a compromised immune system, during a pandemic is insanely hard…AND anxiety-producing! Listen in on my thought process during this challenging time.
Follow Along on Social Media:
IG: @momxietyclub
Work with Tori:
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Get the Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor Course for ONLY $27.Support the show
Marlene Spence and I chat about how you can use routines and structure to reduce tantrums, managing our own overwhelm, and so much more.
Marlene Spence is a Mom, Wife, Child Behaviour Specialist, Parenting Coach, Founder of Cornerstone Family Services and the Creator of Reward’um™, the first re-stickable routine chart for families. She has over 21 years of experience supporting children and their families who have experienced challenges related to autism, ADHD, anxiety, developmental delays and executive functioning. Overwhelmed parents and educators go to Marlene when they want practical, step-by-step strategies to manage challenging child behavior.
Her mission is to shift parents and educators from feeling frustrated and hopeless to feeling relieved and hopeful. She empowers parents to raise what she calls R.I.C.H kids™, which stands for Responsible, Independent, Confident and Happy Kids despite their current challenges.Enjoy the Momxiety Club Podcast? If so, please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Connect with Marlene Spence:
IG: @cornerstonefs
IG: @rewardums
Parenting Scripts Free Download
Time Timer
Sneeze Proof Your Pelvic Floor™
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***Get your free Top Ways to Reduce Momxiety Download and other Momxiety Club freebies at join.momxietyclub.com and click the Free Resources Tab.Support the show
When you receive any news that is not what you expected it can be hard. You never know how long it will take to set in or when it will hit you. When my oldest was diagnosed with a chronic illness the big 'hit me' moment was three years later!
In this episode, I talk about how having a stuffed animal ripped apart by our puppy brought it all together.
***Get your free Top Ways to Reduce Momxiety Download and other Momxiety Club freebies at join.momxietyclub.com and click the Free Resources Tab.What did you relate to most in today’s episode?
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Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®Enjoy the Momxiety Club Podcast? If so, please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Gain access to emotional and physical support for the stress, anxiety, and overwhelm that comes along with motherhood when you become a Momxiety Club Member at join.momxietyclub.com!
Join Momxiety Club Membership AND a portion of your first-month membership fee is donated to the Child Life Fund at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia!
Need a little extra support for the physical and mental demands of motherhood? With the Ultimate Momxiety Relief Package you’ll get weekly 1:1 sessions to tackle your momxiety and work on strengthening yourself from the inside out PLUS you are gifted membership into the Momxiety Club! There are a very limited number of sessions available so reserve your re-occurring session now.P.S. ~ Use code PODCAST and SAVE $50!
**The Momxiety Club podcast is not intended to take the place of medical advice or therapy. If you are in crisis call your local emergency number or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
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Dr. Bridget E. Young is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. She leads a human milk research lab that studies how bioactive components of breast milk impact infant growth and development. Dr. Young is part of a national team that has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic to study the SARS-CoV-2 virus and antibodies against the virus in breastmilk from COVID-19-infected mothers. Her group is also studying how the COVID-19 vaccine impacts breast milk composition.
***Get your free Top Ways to Reduce Momxiety Download and other Momxiety Club freebies at join.momxietyclub.com and click the Free Resources Tab.
Connect with Dr. Bridget Young:
For further research check out:
Nature Article - COVID-19 Vaccines and Breastfeeding: What the data sayWhat did you relate to most in today’s episode? Let's Connect:
Momxiety Club Website
Momxiety Club Facebook Page
Momxiety Club Instagram
Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®Enjoy the Momxiety Club Podcast? If so, please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Gain access to emotional and physical support for the stress, anxiety, and overwhelm that comes along with motherhood when you become a Momxiety Club Member at join.momxietyclub.com!
Join Momxiety Club Membership AND a portion of your first-month membership fee is donated to the Child Life Fund at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia!
Need a little extra support for the physical and mental demands of motherhood? With the Ultimate Momxiety Relief Package you’ll get weekly 1:1 sessions to tackle your momxiety and work on strengthening yourself from the inside out PLUS you are gifted membership into the Momxiety Club! There are a very limited number of sessions available so reserve your re-occurring session now.P.S. ~ Use code PODCAST and SAVE $50!
**The Momxiety Club podcast is not intended to take the place of medical advice or therapy. If you are in crisis call your local emergency number or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
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Did you know that 67% of kids without Autism have sensory challenges? You'll learn this and a whole lot more about sensory processing and how it relates to mental health, specifically anxiety, in both children and adults, in this episode with Dr. Lauren Pittard.
Dr. Lauren Pittard is a pediatric occupational therapist and is passionate about helping children play, move, and perform better. Lauren is the owner of Kidable Therapy, a private occupational therapy practice, and Kidable Family, an online membership program that provides monthly tips and play activities for families. Her work focuses on using sensory, motor, emotional, and cognitive strategies that help children reach their fullest potential.
We cover A LOT! For even more check out the Playful Movement Hour where Kidable Therapy and Momxiety Club teamed up for a fun event for the whole family! You can purchase the replay here for only $20.***Get your free Top Ways to Reduce Momxiety Download and other Momxiety Club freebies at join.momxietyclub.com and click the Free Resources Tab.
Connect with Dr. Lauren Pittard:
Kidable Family Membership
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kidabletherapy
Instagram: @kidable_therapyWhat did you relate to most in today’s episode? Let's Connect:
Momxiety Club Website
Momxiety Club Facebook Page
Momxiety Club Instagram
Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®Enjoy the Momxiety Club Podcast? If so, please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Gain access to emotional and physical support for the stress, anxiety, and overwhelm that comes along with motherhood when you become a Momxiety Club Member at join.momxietyclub.com!
Momxiety Club Membership for less than $1/day AND your for each new member $10 is donated to the Child Life Fund at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia!
Need more support for the physical and mental demands of motherhood? With the Ultimate Momxiety Relief Package you’ll get weekly 1:1 sessions to tackle your momxiety and work on strengthening yourself from the inside out PLUS you are gifted membership into the Momxiety Club! There are a very limited number of sessions available so reserve your re-occurring session now.P.S. ~ Use code PODCAST and SAVE $50!
**The Momxiety Club podcast is not intended to take the place of medical advice or therapy. If you are in crisis call your local emergency number or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
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Listen to this episode to hear about the COVID-19 Vaccine and whether it's safe for women who are planning to become pregnant, pregnant, or breastfeeding from Dr. Kathryn Gray, OB/Gyn at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Dr. Gray led the OB COVID biorepository at Brigham and Women's Hospital with collection of pregnancy samples from women with SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID vaccination during pregnancy.
Women who receive the COVID-19 vaccine can register with the v safe CDC smartphone app.
Referenced Article:
New York Times Article: Vaccinated Mothers Are Trying to Give Babies Antibodies via Breast MilkIf you would like to be a guest and share about your momxiety, email hello@momxietyclub.com.
Need more support for the physical and mental demands of motherhood?
With the Ultimate Momxiety Relief Package you’ll get weekly 1:1 sessions to tackle your momxiety and work on strengthening your body from the inside out PLUS you are gifted membership into the Momxiety Club! There are a very limited number of sessions available so reserve your re-occurring session at https://join.momxietyclub.com/products/courses/view/1048599/?action=signup ~ use code PODCAST and SAVE $100!As a way of paying it forward, when you join the Momxiety Club, your first month’s fee is donated to a charity that benefits families and children who are handling a chronic illness or disability.
As a new member this month you’ll be supporting the Child Life Fund at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Child Life staff assist children and their families in coping with an illness, injury, or procedure.
You get access to an amazing group and movement to help reduce momxiety and a charity benefits…a win-win! Just head to join.momxietyclub.com.
What did you relate to most in today’s episode? Let's Connect:
Momxiety Club Website
Momxiety Club Facebook Page
Momxiety Club Instagram
Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®Please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Momxiety Club Membership is less than $10/month AND your first month will be donated to the Child Life Fund at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia!
**The Momxiety Club podcast is not intended to take the place of medical advice or therapy. If you are in crisis call your local emergency number or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)Support the show
Last week was Random Acts of Kindness Week. I asked some moms to share about random acts of kindness they have received or done to help new moms. Listen in and hear their great responses.
An update: There are lots of great things and guests on the horizon. Momxiety Club Podcast will be taking a little hiatus in order to prep, plan, and record these future episodes.
If you would like to be a guest and share about your momxiety, email hello@momxietyclub.com.
*Make sure you are subscribed to the podcast wherever you listen so when the next episode airs you be notified.
**Past episodes aren’t going anywhere so keep sharing the podcast with mom friends!
***Get your free Random Acts of Kindness Download and other Momxiety freebies at join.momxietyclub.com and click the Free Resources Tab.Need more support for the physical and mental demands of motherhood?
With the Ultimate Momxiety Relief Package you’ll get weekly 1:1 sessions to tackle your momxiety and work on strengthening your body from the inside out PLUS you are gifted membership into the Momxiety Club! There are a very limited number of sessions available so reserve your re-occurring session at https://join.momxietyclub.com/products/courses/view/1048599/?action=signup ~ use code PODCAST and SAVE $100!As a way of paying it forward, when you join the Momxiety Club, your first month’s fee is donated to a charity that benefits families and children who are handling a chronic illness or disability.
As a new member this month you’ll be supporting the Child Life Fund at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Child Life staff assist children and their families in coping with an illness, injury, or procedure.
You get access to an amazing group and movement to help reduce momxiety and a charity benefits…a win-win! Just head to join.momxietyclub.com.
Past Episodes and Links of Interest:
Gratitude and Realistic Self-Care Gift Ideas on Thanksgiving
Taming anxiety using realistic self-care: Ideas to calm momxiety submitted by moms for moms
When the village is taken away: How to help a new mom from a distanceWhat did you relate to most in today’s episode? Let's Connect:
Momxiety Club Website
Momxiety Club Facebook Page
Momxiety Club Instagram
Access ALL the FREE resources from Momxiety Club™ and Mommy Barre®Please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Momxiety Club Membership is less than $10/month AND your first month will be donated to the Child Life Fund at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia!
**The Momxiety Club podcast is not intended to take the place of medical advice or therapy. If you are in crisis call your local emergency number or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)Support the show
Meet Carly Sachs, a mom of two lovely ladies who is passionate about talking about the reality of motherhood. She blogs about making the transition to motherhood, parenting, awesome products, and staying sane at The Mamma's List. Carly shares about her postpartum and breastfeeding experiences, why she started the Mamma’s List Blog, and how her youngest was diagnosed with FPIES (Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome).
As a way of paying it forward, when you join the Momxiety Club, your first month’s fee is donated to a charity that benefits families and children who are handling a chronic illness or disability.
As a new member this month you’ll be supporting the Child Life Fund at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Child Life staff assist children and their families in coping with an illness, injury, or procedure. The fund also enables staff to have activities and toys on hand for children. And as I mentioned in the last few episodes and Carly mentioned today, CHOP is a leader in the research and treatment of FPIES and VEO-IBD.
You get access to an amazing group and movement to help reduce momxiety and charity benefits…a win-win in my book! Just head to join.momxietyclub.com and the link to join is in the show notes!
Past Episodes and Links of Interest:
Failure to thrive to FPIES Diagnosis: An Interview with Allyson Cutaiar
What is food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES)? from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Coping with Anxiety when Your Child is Diagnosed with a Chronic Illness with Tori LevineConnect with Carly and The Mamma's List:
The Mamma's List
TwitterWhat did you relate to most in today’s episode? Let's Connect:
Momxiety Club Website
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Gain access to emotional and physical support for the stress, anxiety, and overwhelm that comes along with motherhood when you become a Momxiety Club Member at join.momxietyclub.com!
Momxiety Club Membership for less than $10/month AND your first month will be donated to the Child Life Fund at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia!
**The Momxiety Club podcast is not intended to take the place of medical advice or therapy. If you are in crisis call your local emergency number or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)Support the show
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