An exciting podcast that explores how retail and consumer industries are evolving. Each episode will focus on another aspect and will help you discover how technological developments affect and shape modern day retail. Dive into the retail universe with our host, Stefan Hilger, executive board member of the software company gicom and learn more about ways for retail businesses to boost their profits.
(LT) „Ant Agile Sofos“ tai pirmasis Lietuviškas Podcast įrašų ciklas nagrinėjantis Agile metodiką. Jo sumanytojai bei laidų vedėjai tai trys Agile Coach‘ais dirbantys ir ilgametę patirtį šioje srityje sukaupę Agile metodikos entuziastai.
Ant Agile Sofos komanda taip pat teikia konsultavimo ir mokymų paslaugas įvairiomis su asmeniniu, komandų ar organizacijų efektyvumu susijusiomis temomis. Padedame tiek pradedantiesiems, tiek ir labiau pažengusiems pagilinti savo žinias, efektyvinti darbo principus ir pasiekti geresnių rezultatų. Mūsų tikslas – jog Agile mąstymas atneštų kuo daugiau naudos kuo didesniam ratui įmonių Lietuvoje.
Kviečiame susisiekti su mumis, klausytis tinklalaidžių, užduoti klausimus ir dalintis savo komentarais Agile temose bei įkvėpti vis daugiau žmonių pabandyti šį veiklos organizavimo būdą.
(EN) "Ant Agile Sofos (On the Agile Couch)" is the first Agile themed lithuanian podcast diving deeper into agility and methodology of agile. Co-founders of this podcast are 3 Agile Coaches practitioners with extensive experience from this workfields.
On the Agile Couch team also provides agile trainings and consulting in various, personal, team or organizational efficiency related topics. We can help everyone - ones that are just starting their journey or more experienced individuals and companies. We strive to make your working environment more efficient and to reach better results by applying Agile principles. Our goal - to help agility adoption bring as much as possible benefits for organisations in Lithuania.
We do invite you to contact us, listen to our podcasts, raise questions and share your own experience or insights about agility adoption and inspire more and more people to try this mindset - AGILE. -
5AM - podkastas, kurio tikslas padėti nors vienam žmogui žengti žingsnį į priekį link geresnio gyvenimo.
Esminė mūsų pokalbių vertybė - atvirumas, nes tik taip galėsime sukurti reikšmingus pokalbius, kurie kam nors padės gyvenime.
Kalbinam žmones, kuriais tikim ir kurie tikrai gali padėti kitiems! -
Industrial Talk is about celebrating the women and men of industry and manufacturing. We celebrate these innovative leaders and companies because they make our lives better and are changing the world for the better! These passionate leaders collaborate, innovate and educate with speed and purpose to positively impact people and communities around the world. Industrial Talk in collaboration with industry and manufacturing leaders address topics that include: Digital Transformation, Big Data, Industry 4.0, IoT, IIoT, AI, ML, Optimization, Edge, Cloud, Asset Reliability, Maintenance, 5G, Sales, Marketing and Branding and strategies for success. This is a podcast that is focused on Getting Stuff Done and learning from individuals and companies that have been there and have a track record of success. We celebrate a bright future in industry and manufacturing from with women and men dedicated to making our communities and world a better place.
In this top-charting podcast series, entrepreneur Grace Beverley breaks away from the conventional business podcast rhetoric - immersing us in the extraordinary journeys of people from all walks of life who have achieved remarkable success in unique fields. From housing campaigners to investors and sex experts, no avenue is off limits. Each conversation brings new lessons and stories that will inspire you to consider what ‘success’ really means to you and how you can achieve it.
Grace and her guests open up about the life lessons they wish they had known earlier, sharing insights from their entrepreneurial endeavours, offering advice on health and wellbeing, shedding light on pressing social issues, and being frank about the things that didn’t go quite right.
Think of it as a school of life. You’ll come away from each episode with actionable advice to help you achieve balance, success, and fulfilment whether you’re working hard, or hardly working.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hear how successful B2B SaaS companies and agencies compete - and win - in highly saturated categories. No fluff. No filler. Just strategies and tactics from founders, executives, and marketers. Learn about building moats, growing audiences, scaling businesses, and differentiating from the competition. New guests every week. Hosted by Peep Laja, founder at Wynter, Speero, CXL.
Как начать инвестировать в США.
Компании, фонды, стратегии, цели и риски.
Мировые новости инвестиций, финансов и экономики
Публикации зарубежных авторов.
Исследования. Анализ. Рекомендации. -
Today, there are more opportunities than ever to create a business and succeed. But with all of those opportunities also come challenges, questions, and confusion. “How do I rise above the competition? How do I manage my growth? How do I attract and retain top talent? How do I drive my business forward?”
Welcome to the Invent Like An Owner Podcast, where I’ll talk with the Amazonians who helped build into one of the world’s most valuable companies. This weekly podcast is for entrepreneurs, future business leaders, and all students of history (not to mention, people interested in getting hired at Amazon!). The goal of the podcast is to capture the Amazon Creation Stories and create a historical archive... before we forget all the details -- that’s it. My name is Dave Schappell (and no, I’m not the comedian). I first joined Amazon in 1998 as a Product Manager. Over two stints working at Amazon, I spent more than 11 years building innovative products and services alongside incredible co-workers. Those services include successful products like Amazon Marketplace and Amazon Web Services and less-than-successful products like Amazon Auctions and zShops. But this podcast isn’t about me -- rather, I’ll be interviewing key members of launch teams to get the stories behind Amazon’s product launches over the years. Please subscribe to the ‘Invent Like An Owner’ podcast in your favorite podcast store - the first episode drops in early April 2021. And if you’re a little old school and would like email updates, sign up for my email newsletter at Onward!
„PIN kodas“ – paprasta ir smagi LRT RADIJO laida apie pinigus, ekonomiką ir verslą.
Laidos vedėjai kiekvieną savaitę šalies miestuose ir miesteliuose klaus žmonių – kas jiems labiausiai rūpi ir ko jie visiškai nesupranta. Nuo mokesčių reformos iki brangstančių batų. Nuo valstybės biudžeto iki išlaidų Kalėdoms. Čia neišgirsite sudėtingų terminų ir nesuprantamų atsakymų.
Laidos tikslas – parodyti, jog ekonominiai procesai ar asmeniniai finansai nėra neįkandami. Vedėjai įsitikinę, kad kai žinai kur pasidomėti, viskas tampa ypač elementaru. Todėl laidoje bus pristatytos ir trumpos rubrikos. „Įdomioji ekonomika“ žaismingai ir trumpai vedžios sudėtingiausių įvykių labirintais. O ,,Už kadro" pasiūlys atsukti ausį į reiškinius, apie kuriuos iš viso nesusimąstome. Pavyzdžiui, kur iš tiesų slypi prabangaus ir paprasto laikrodžių kainų skirtumas.
Penktadienio popietę niekam nesinori rimtų temų ir sudėtingų analizių, todėl riedėdami iš darbo, laukdami jo pabaigos ar jau namie gamindami vakarienę, įsijunkite LRT RADIJĄ. Čia lauks pusvalandis lengvų, bet labai naudingų pokalbių apie didelius ir mažus pinigus. Ekonomiką suprasti labai paprasta, jei žinai, ko klausytis. -
Omnisend's Cart Insiders Podcast is hosted by veteran marketer Greg Zakowicz, where he speaks with leading DTC voices, featuring insights and analysis into all aspects of ecommerce, including email, SMS, and social media marketing tactics, changing consumer behavior, and what the future of commerce holds for today’s ecommerce brands.
Do you want to learn about the current and future state of cannabis in Europe? Then look no further! Tom and his guests have you covered. Each episode ex-budtender (with a rock’n’roll past) and Smells Like Business co-founder Tom Pettit talks to different cannabusinesses, ganjapreneurs and cannabis specialists making it easier for you to enter, and better understand, the European cannabis industry.Theme song by Alex Camp, @campstagram1
Listen in on Jane Street’s Ron Minsky as he has conversations with engineers who are working on everything from clock synchronization to reliable multicast, build systems to reconfigurable hardware. Get a peek at how Jane Street approaches problems, and how those ideas relate to tech more broadly. You can find transcripts along with related links on our website at
Šioje tinklalaidėje Tomas Lukaševičius kalbina IT specialistus, IT įmonių vadovus ir psichologus apie tai, ką daryti, kai supranti, kad nori keisti karjerą, o labiausiai viliojanti sritis - IT.
Projektą įgyvendina VšĮ „Integracijos centras“
Projekto informaciniai partneriai: Asociacija „Aktyvus jaunimas“ -
Welcome to ”The Sonya Morton Firth Show,” where thought leaders question the status quo in health, wealth, and mindset. Our engaging interviews offer practical tools, empowering you to take meaningful steps toward a future full of opportunities.
With a unique blend of inspiration and actionable insights, our podcast stands out as a genuine guide for those looking to master their health, wealth, and mindset unrestricted by conventional boundaries.
Join us on this journey as we challenge norms and make the extraordinary achievable. -
If you want to compete in the coaching industry, you need to be GOOD at coaching.
But there are some things you simply couldn’t know when you were training to be a coach - and while it’s tempting to keep studying, take another course, or dive into a certification program, you really need to build the practical skills and confidence to handle whatever your clients throw at you.
Each week life coach Lindsay Dotzlaf shares stories, tips and advice to continually develop your skills as a coach. She knows what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and anxious about coaching in the moment, and will teach you why shifting your mindset around your own abilities as a coach will make all the difference.
If you’ve got clients but want to become the absolute best coach you can be, you’ll find answers, advice and support here. Learn more at! -
The world of work is transforming before our eyes. The global freelance workforce is growing fast and digital platforms and marketplaces are linking people with skills to companies looking for skills no matter where in the world they’re located. Talent is universal but opportunity has previously been limited to big cities - until now.
Join Barry and Eleanor Matthews from Open-Assembly as they meet businesses and individuals involved in how the future works