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  • Do you believe in yourself?  If you don't believe in your dream, who else is?  Most of my life I didn't believe in myself, I was bullied, I didn't fit in, and I wasn't the most popular of persons.  I don't live my life by likes or followers, and neither should you! Do you believe that you can help people?  Do you want to be FREE?  I don't want anything weighing me down when I'm trying to fly!  Most people will keep you exactly where you are at because they don't believe in their dreams! IT takes courage to be different and go for your dreams!  Are you going to go to the grave with all your gifts inside of you?  Knowledge doesn't have to come from a book!  It comes from experience!!!!  Are you going to let your own self stop you from being the best version of you?  Get out of your own way! Get out of your head, or your DEAD!  We all want to be heard and understood! Nobody likes to be rejected!  You got to get around people who have big dreams, and big visions for yourself!  Belief is gonna carry you through!  When someone tells you that they believe in you, your life will forever change!  We cant see the picture when we are in the frame!  Don't take your gifts to the graveyard with you! Lets talk!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





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  • I got a chance to catch up with my sister in Christ, and podcaster extraordinaire Ellen Kimball!

    No one enjoys being off-balance. As a midlife, divorced, and empty nest mom, Ellen has experienced many “hurricanes” of life teetering on the verge of failure and chaos and wanting to regain balance. From battling weight and health issues, a failed marriage, to losing her job and having to sell her home, she has continued to pursue centering her life and sharing her tips and wisdom with others. The daily topics and encouraging strategies regarding faith, personal development, health, and finances will without a doubt, add value and hope to every listener and help YOU withstand the “storms” of YOUR life with the balance you need to achieve YOUR greatness.



  • Who are you, and who were you meant to be?  Are you where you want to be right now in this life?  If not, then you need to start making some changes!  Do you even have a vision for your life?  Maybe you have a big dream?  Take a shot!!!  The beauty is in the process, and their is always room for improvement!  You will need to sacrifice some things in your life moving the needle forward! Most people wish and dream and cross their fingers for a different life, but take no action to even try.  Why? Fear of rejection is at the top of the list, and once you get over that you can then begin to understand how important it is to pursue your passions!  Do you have a mission?  Do you have something that keeps you up in the middle of the night?  Most people are out of alignment with their purpose, and that's why 80% of the population is miserable and trying to escape the place they spend 40 hrs a week doing something that don't love just in order to pay bills.  If we get into our head, we are dead!  We can control our thoughts! Dont let your thoughts control you to where you cant take action! Let me help you! Lets connect!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





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  • Grace!  What do you know about that word?  We cant get through this life without Gods grace!  We cant do it on our own, and trust me, I've tried!  The enemy is real and he is waiting to devour you, and your family.  He comes to us in the sounds of our own voice. His native language is lying, and he has been doing this long before we have been alive.  Temptation will be a part of your life forever!  We cant often control the thoughts that come into our mind, but we can choose how to think about our response. Have you ever thought about giving up?  Of course you have! When you realize who you are, and who you were created to be their is nothing more powerful!  We all want our external world to change, but what needs to happen is all internal! When you recognize who you need to become then you can start the journey of self improvement and growth!   What cost are you willing to pay for your own financial independence, freedom, and the opinions of other people! When you realize that you need to make a decision to live a completely different life you have officially arrived! Ready to have a discovery call with me? Lets have a conversation!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





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  • Dr. Peter Rios is the Founder of Peter Rios Consulting and the author of Untold Stories: The Latinx Leadership Experience in Higher Education. He has served diverse organizations including businesses, religious institutions/churches, government, higher education and non-profits in the areas of organizational diversity, equity and inclusion; leadership development and innovation. 

    His extensive experience and doctoral education in strategic leadership and intercultural studies has made him a sought-out keynote and conference speaker. Rios has been invited to speak and train leaders, nationally and internationally. In the United States Marines Corps he gained global leadership experience while stationed in Okinawa Japan and South Korea, and most recently has lived in Barbados and St. Maarten.

    Peter currently serves as a lecturer of leadership studies at Penn State and has been an adjunct professor at Colorado State University-Global Campus and Indiana Wesleyan University, teaching undergraduate and graduate students in organizational leadership, religious and cultural studies, and business management. Rios has also been a vice president at two universities. Prior to academia, Peter was involved in pastoral ministry for over ten years and has over twenty years of leadership development experience. 

    Rios holds a PhD in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Graduate Schools, a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership (DSL) from Regent University School of Business and Leadership, completed doctoral work at the University of Southern California-Rossier School of Education, and an MA from Northeastern Seminary. He is married to Dr. Ruby Gonzalez-Rios, a cancer and infectious disease researcher. 
    "Inclusive leaders are concerned with the diversification of an organization. These leaders attend to the internal and external factors that prohibit an institution to move more towards equality and justice driven outcomes. These leaders strive to create organizations where all humans can flourish, and access, diversity and equity are a priority"
    ~Dr. Peter Rios

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





    [email protected]

  • My oldest daughter is now headed to middle school, and she got off the bus on Friday with nothing but her sad face.  She has been with the same kids for the last 6 years and most of them will be going to different schools next year.,  We have enrolled her at Metrolina Christian Academy which is connected to our Church.  I tried to remind her that people will be in your life for certain seasons, and they do serve a purpose, and then we move on because life happens.  You need to cherish those moments and realize how special that time is.  When you start things over and even from the beginning it can be quite frightening.  You have a chance right now to have a new tomorrow if you choose to do so.   We want to know when we take that first step we want to know its going to be ok.  A faith that cant be tested cant be trusted.  If you are perhaps facing a new beginning, don't let fear and doubt prevent you from stepping into who you were always created to be.  Finding your voice is so powerful, and you must speak life to people when you have an encounter with someone else.  When you are ready for a new beginning in your life, lets have a conversation!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





    [email protected]

  • I talk about my schedule getting shifted since school has ended and how it has kind of thrown me a for a loop. i can have bad days just like anyone else, but I am at least aware enough to not hit record when those days come about.  We had a coaching call on Wednesday and it was a great reminder that was truly necessary as to why we do what we do.  We got asked who inspires us, when do we feel most authentic, and when to we feel out of sorts when life seems to be getting out of control and you are out of routine.  the first person that came to my mind was Preacher Rick Brown who got me in to Celebrate Recovery some 4 years ago.  We are all broken people and we all fall short!  Sam Crowley is another inspiration to me for what he has built and shown me what it takes to be brave and courageous.   He has given me the belief I need to continually show up and believe that If I stay committed to process that I will surely find success.   You must get around the right group of people when you are going for your dreams.  Coach Caryl Mix is also another individual who really truly inspires me.  She is able to give me some great ideas in regards to mindset work, and getting me to get all the things swirling around in my mind.  I tend to get frustrated when I cant tend to my dreams, but know that I have responsibilities that need my attention.  When then got asked when to we feel like our most authentic self?  When do you?  I feel the most authentic I feel is when I show up here on this podcast.  This outlet has allowed me to be who i was created to be without an apologies.  I don't really have time to be around people who just keep things on the surface.  You will need to be around people who lift you up and charge you up instead of drain you on all fronts. Get away from negative know it alls going nowhere because these people will take you with them to the bottom.  When you are ready for transformation, lets have a conversation!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





    [email protected]

  • The FEAR of rejection will stop you in your tracks from doing the thing you need to do.  I dropped my daughter off for volleyball camp and I could see the fear on her face of all the older kids kind of hanging out who have been in the program before.  I used to not have any confidence or self esteem when I was younger just like her.  The fear of rejection by any group of people can be so debilitating especially when you are going for your dreams.  When you realize that you are wasting your life giving your time away to people, places, and organizations that don't align with your purpose, i want to welcome you to the starting gate!  I asked my daughter what she learned, and she told me that they taught her how to serve over handed, and she said she wasn't really good at it.  We have talked about this sort of thing before, and anything that we want to do as human beings we are simply not going to be good at the first time around.  It will be paramount for you on your journey to get around people who are doing the thing you want to do so you can learn from them and get equipped faster than it would take to learn it on your own. That's why i believe so much in coaching and mentorship.  When  you are held accountable you will want to ensure to get the work done because you don't want to let anyone else down including yourself.  Dont let the opinions of other people prevent you from pursuing a dream or lofty goal?  One day will be too late!  Lets have a conversation!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





    [email protected]

  • We just had a lesson for my Every Man  A Warrior Bible study titled making your life count.  I just kept thinking about that statement.  For me, its about making an impact in somebody else's life.  You are not making your life count by going to a job that you cant  stand.  You are probably working just hard enough to stay there, and they are paying you just enough to stay.  When you decide to change your life, you will need to find someone that can  help your navigate this space?  Are you ready to discover who you really are in this life?  I honestly believe that every person wants to make their life count, and want to live a life of purpose and significance. Most people are not aligned with their goals and dreams at present.  Are you even trying to make your life count?  If not, Why Not?  When you are ready to stop playing small?  Lets Talk!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





    [email protected]

  • I have been sick for the last 24hrs and had some sort of fever and body aches.  Took a personal day and just kinda laid around and watched a movie titled Greater.  The movie was about a football player named Brandon Burlsworth.   It was a great story about a kid with a dream and how he did  everything in his life to make that dream come true.   I couldn't help but think of this bible verse which states, He who is greater that is in you, is greater than he who is greater that is in this world.  this young man faced so much ridicule on his journey, and you will also experience this kind of treatment when you start down this journey.   That quote states that this verse is a motivational verse for fearless living.  How awesome is it to know that you can walk through this life knowing that God is with you and will protect you!  Are you frustrated right now with where you're at in your life? You owe it to yourself to use the gifts that God has given you!  What's the worst thing that can happen?  You can make such an impact in somebody else's life if you will just show up, and be courageous to share your story!  You keep arguing for your limitations, they will soon enough be yours!  Make an impact before its too late. Don't let people deter you when you start this journey.  Nothing in life worth having in this life is easy.  Somebody needs to hear this message today!  Is it you?   You will need to discipline yourself in order to get to your goals.   You will need to sacrifice alot of things  in your life!  Don't wait! Lets have a conversation!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





    [email protected]

  • The opinions of other people will always come into play when you put yourself out there.  I posted something other day when I posted somethin about something I saw.  I was immediately attacked by so many people with negative comments.  I took the post down, but it was very comical to me that I had so much engagement from this negative posts..  I find it interesting that I post this podcast everyday  single day which is positive and uplifting and get minimal engagement.  The opinions of other people should not matter when you are going for your dream.  What are you waiting for?  Tired of not being heard?  Podcasting is the perfect medium for you to be who you truly are, and share that message with the world?   Get out of your own way, and start taking action!  You cannot let the fear of rejection and other peoples opinions stop you from completing your mission!  When you realize that the people you are associating with are preventing you from becoming your best self, you gotta get around some different people?  It takes courage to put yourself out there.  When you realize who you actually are, you become a very powerful force to reckoned with.   You owe it to yourself to see just how far you can go in this life.  Ive seen the power of a mastermind group and how much growth awaits you when you get around individuals with big dreams, and a BIG VISION!  Lets talk!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





    [email protected]

  • Rob Howze is Purpose Coach and Mind-Set expert. He is also the founder and Executive Director of a youth centered organization called World Wide Community,  which was established in 2006 for the benefit of students in elementary, middle, and high school to experience various sports, athletic and academic challenges, in a positive and motivational environment. In 2010 Rob expanded the vision with “Camp Fit”, a program/reality show designed to tackle the childhood obesity epidemic by encouraging  and developing kids in the area of mind, body, and spirit. Camp Fit is currently on DirecTV and Roku which reaches over 40 million homes across the globe.

    With over 15 years of coaching, teaching, mentoring and business developing, Rob has a niche for understanding and developing people to produce their best outcomes. Whether it's delivering a keynote speech in front of thousands or an intimate1 on 1 coaching session, Rob is dedicated and passionate about empowering a persons mind-set to live their best life today.

    As a national television personality, Rob gets the opportunity to work with and touch millions of lives across the globe. This will be the first time his lectures have ever been available to the public in such a concentrated manner. This will also be an amazing experience with tremendous value for both students and instructor. Everyday is another day to get better!


    The Future is what you do TODAY!






  • I finally talk about my last pillar which is the most important to me for a multitude of reasons.  FREEDOM! I talk to a friend who got let go from his job and he was completely blindsided.  When you are so dependent on a job to survive you are trapped.  There is no security in having a job and all are expendable. Why would you continue to conform to a belief system that is not in alignment with your own.  If you a listener of this podcast you want to be FREE!  This podcast has been the perfect medium of self discovery for me.  When you want to have a life of purpose and significance you can then begin to start analyzing all the things in your life that really don't matter. You surely have some intellectual property that you are holding onto that would help other people.  You can create a virtual stage for yourself and start using the power of your voice to start impacting people all around the world.  Freedom awaits, and the only person in the way is YOU!  Do not allow the old self to prevent you from moving forward.  We are meant for growth and expansion.  If you feel stagnant right now, then you are in a relentless cycle of waking up, going to work, coming home, watching netflix, and doing the same thing for the next 30 years.  That's INSANITY!  Someone out there is waiting to hear from you and the ripple affect of that could change their life forever.  Stop thinking and take action!  Action will cure all the fears you are having.  Lets have a conversation!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





    [email protected]

  • I talk about taking my youngest daughter for a hike on Crowders Mountain for her 8th birthday. After that we took her to see the movie IF for her birthday and it wasn't really a kids movie in my honest opinion, but there was a great message there within.   The first line of the movie said the most important story we tell is the one we tell ourselves.  I began to start thinking about the word IF.  To me, that is the biggest word in the world!  If i had more time, if I had more money, if I would have took a shot at this dream.  One day you won't have more time and your time will have expired.  The longer you wait to take action on your dream, the more difficult it will be to even get started.  You don't want to spend the rest of your life wondering what if I would have taken action towards my dreams.   Stop sitting around and waiting for something to happen.  Start putting some simple disciplines in your life to hold yourself accountable.  If I just the courage, If I just had the courage, If I just had more time.  There will never will be a perfect time to start moving towards your dream.  The only thing that's going to happen is that time is going to pass anyway and you will have done nothing.  Don't stay stuck, and  please don't go back to default.  Stop giving your time away to people, places, and organizations that don't serve you or your dream. You have an option, and the option if YOU!  Lets connect!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





    [email protected]

  • Discuss my trip with my youngest daughter who is turning 8 tomorrow.  I will be taking her to Crowders Mountain here for the first time!  I will be taking her on the strenuous trail on purpose so I can give her some wisdom about how life is gonna be sometimes.  You will often feel like you are going up hill and you will never know when you are gonna reach the top, but you must keep moving.  As I was sitting thinking about this trip I noticed an inch worm moving on the porch and couldn't help but watch how slowly it was moving and how that relates to this podcast journey.  This journey is met everyday, inch by inch, recording, after recording.  Are you committed to your dreams, are you connected to your purpose for being here on this planet?  When you start this podcast journey you will start to discover things about yourself that have been inside of you all these years!  True change will come from your desire to be the best version of yourself!  Have you done the things you wanted to do?  Have you made an impact in someone's life?  If you knew the last day you would be here you would be living your life completely different! You would protect your time at all cost.  Stop hanging around negative know it all's going nowhere.  They will suck the life out of you!  If your dream doesn't scare you, its not big enough! When you are ready to take action, lets have a conversation!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





    [email protected]


  • My mom was having some mold issues underneath her house, and after receiving multiple estimates finally found an honest appraiser.  Its funny to me that the price range went from 13K down to $1400.00 to correct the same problem.   The company she chose discovered that their was a flower that had grown in complete damp, and darkness.  She removed it and is now taking care of it.  I instantly thought of a podcast episode about how many times in our own lives the biggest growth we inhibit comes from the darkest times in our lives. I know this to be true all too well for my life and my journey and wouldn't have it any other way.   It often takes a painful experience to wake us up and realize the errors of our ways and the course correction is often very  challenging.  I can promise you today that their is purpose through whatever pain you may have gone through, or continue to tolerate to this day.  When you are ready to move into the next phase of your life, and harness the pain you have went through to help someone else, I would love to have a conversation with you!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





    [email protected]

  • Change the period to a comma in your life!  When you feel like you can't achieve any more and seem to be very stagnant you might have put a period to your thinking.  We are only limited by the what we think about.  I looked at a prayer request board at the gym, and people are hurting right now in this world. You have a purpose and calling here! Put a comma with those thoughts and start to rewrite your story to finish strong!  God is not done working on me, and he isn't done working on you either.  Your story doesn't end with the pain you went through.  What would the future version of you do today to become that person, and do that!  Most people settle and don't push themselves for their own greatness.  I was believing the opinions of other people and escaping who I was because I didn't  like who I was.  Have you ever felt unworthy in your life?  If so, why? Past mistakes?  Opinions of others?  Fear?  Rejection?  When you are ready to put that comma into your life, lets have a conversation!

    Connect: linkwithsean.com





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