
  • Hello to our sparkly friends - thank you for being here. This was a bit of a tough recording today. We know you will understand that things for Leece are pretty rock bottom, and so naturally our conversation is a little tough and generally low. If you find this kind of chat hard to listen to, maybe consider diving in at a later stage. Things are tough, life is beyond hard, and in today's episode we end up talking quite a bit about Leece's inner thoughts, what's going on and how it's all feeling for her. There's a smidge of lightness in here but in all, it's just tough. Jess talks about a shopping incident at the weekend and just wants to make mention that it was a LOL only and it perhaps isn't as judgemental as it sounds (!!). Thank you for all your support and love, as always. We're really grateful to you every day. OH, we do talk about running off to Ibiza to do a three day bender which is a bit more upbeat (hehe). X

  • In our house growing up, if ever the phone rang after 3pm it was, 'hi is Lisa there please?'. It became quite annoying, that much we remember. Eventually, it's as if every afternoon was a battlefield of who got to the house phone or the Mavis Beacon typing disc (or later msn messenger) first. The joys of siblings - and aren't we grateful. Grateful to chew the fat together on a Monday afternoon, to debrief the current state of affairs, how we're tracking and what the current rigmaroles are. Once again so great to have Leece be so open on the podcast about the current, very challenging and quite truthfully gut-wrenchingly hard at times (most of the time), day to day. We hope you enjoy our catch up. There's even a sparkle spreader! xx

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  • First of all a bit of an apology - we are lacklustre today and believe it comes through in this episode. As we do preface at the beginning - this podcast is not at all for financial gain or even marketing or reach. Really the podcast has become simply about bringing you more - more of our conversations, more of our thoughts, more of our lives - a way for us to share more with you than just our workouts. So with that, our conversations are honest and real-time - REAL being the key word. As we know Leece is in the thick of Dan's treatment and life being flipped on its head; forever changed. Naturally this is where our conversation is. We talk briefly about some lighter stuff like actors and authors falling into genres, Ritual42 - and the fact it isn't motivating Leece lol - and unsurprisingly a fair bit of chat around food. Sorry if it puts you to sleep but such is life today and we hope you still enjoy our catch up. Thank you for your continued support.

  • It's been a while since Leece has been with us and wow, we have leapt at the chance. This podcast has evolved in time; it began with Leece at the helm and Char and I alongside her, until Char's day job became a little too hectic for her to sustain the pod, and so naturally Leece and I became the more frequent chatterboxes. We dabble in guests, including the dear extended team, but do end up doing a lot of the waffle ourselves but regardless, just LOVE having so many of you tune in to us every week. It's been nothing short of SH*T not having Leece on the podcast and we know how much you've missed her. Now, and as we discuss today, things are just different. We feel different, with what's going on, and everything has somehow shifted. Despite this, and even though Leece was worrying she was a bore, I know you will really, really enjoy hearing Leece open up again today about what has been the worst rollercoaster ride you just want off of - over the last 3-4 months. Grateful for Leece, deeply so, and so grateful to you, our friends.

  • Hi everyone, I'm back in the 'robe with my friend Kirsty G. It was fun to welcome Kirst back to the pod after a little while and good to have a chuckle to her latest little stories. We take many a tangent today - in no particular order - from the struggle of mum life and overwhelm to buying thrush cream, subway, awkward social chats and more. We had quite a bit to cover and didn't get to all your questions at all but just goes to show, we have plenty of material left up our sleeves lol. Thank you for always being so kind in your feedback to our podcast and for all of your downloads. We are so lucky to have you and this community - never taking it for granted. Thank you Kirst for your time, LY.

  • Hello again - we were feeling somewhat flat ahead of recording this one but we're hopeful that in spite of this, you can enjoy our weekly dose of babble. We go over a few bits in today's episode, but first off the bat Char opens up for some story telling. Such stories include a poo in Tommy's eyelashes and vomit in Char's hands. We eventually move on to some less filthy chat like Char's impending trip to the Olympics in Paris (she leaves tomorrow!) and Nina's first day at school. Some days feel a little more challenging to front up to - we're sure you understand that - but regardless, hope you still enjoy the chatter. Thanks to our bomb community for being the best there is. PS - can you tell we googled 'synonyms for the word 'waffle'?

  • HELLO, welcome back. I've got Hobbsy back with me today and after our introductory chat - (this takes time as a result of plants, school holidays and bowels) - we get into some book reviews. We discuss recent 'hits', 'misses' and what we're currently a little 'curious' about. I do believe Hobbsy has skill in this area - that I absolutely lack - however am hopeful it might give you some new reads to seek out (many of you hang around for Hobbsy's stretch sessions purely for the book reviews so here you go). In today's episode we also chat first about Sarah's upcoming speaking gig at the Real Women Raw Stories event to be held in Christchurch August 8th and 9th, where she will share their story of Sophia. There are still tickets available and it's always a great time FYI (we'll link below). Following our book review chatter we briefly turn to the etiquette surrounding leaving a pre-school and throwing a birthday party for your kid. Why do I find this such a rigmarole? Hobbsy didn't give much lol, but I know I'm not the only one. Anyway, happy listening - to chat-shit-city. All our love and thanks.

    Book recommendations -
    Hit for Jess - Prima Facie by Suzie Miller
    Hit for Sarah - How to be remembered by Michael Thompson; The Wife and the Widow by Christian White
    Miss for Jess - The Seven Sisters (book 1) by Lucinda Riley; Lola in the Mirror by Trent Dalton (no offence on both of these!!!)
    Miss for Sarah - Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
    Curious for Jess - Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros, Thursday murder club series by Richard Osman
    Curious for Sarah - The Life of Dai by Dai Henwood, The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes

    You can purchase tickets to Real Women Raw Stories here - https://www.realwomenrawstories.co.nz/

  • Well there's a first for everything and in this episode of the sparkle pod, Char hosts Jess. It definitely feels a bit backward what with Char being the more lucrative 'guest' (lol) but here we are just trying to bring some light hearted waffly, sprinkle cones your way. In Char's first hosting gig she quizzes Jess with 21 questions - surprisingly they are all answered in roundabout ways and as a result some story telling takes place. It's a bit of fun (we think), but also, sorry if you fall asleep (Char nearly did). Thank you guys for everything.

  • (TW: anxiety) - Hello sparkle podders. In today's episode clinical psychologist and Move it Mama pal Esma discusses the massive topic of anxiety. Given how big the topic of anxiety is, what Esma and I discuss today really is just the tip of the iceberg.

    First off, we cover a bit about what Esma does for work, how Esma helps people with severe anxiety disorders, and what kind of therapy and strategies may be used to help people with anxiety. Esma discusses different types of anxiety (generalised, social, PTSD, OCD, etc.), and how people might present, as well as the rigmarole that is social media and phones. We discuss what we could do about our anxiety other than exercise and breathing - what are our steps? Esma has some useful tools in response to this question, including talking about exposure versus avoidance and if you're a massive worrier, useful concepts such as 'worry time' and the worry decision tree (resources below). There are some great takeaways in here, including how we might be able to help care for our loved ones with anxiety. I'm sure many of you will find the conversation useful. Towards the end of the podcast we attempt to answer some of your questions - but admittedly don't get to too many with the time we have.

    Please note: the information discussed contains general information rather than specific or individualised advice. Tips for managing anxiety can be a good starting point for someone looking to add some tools into their anxiety management toolbox. A reminder that if you believe you need help, or are experiencing significant distress, please in the first instance book in with your GP. Some additional resources are linked below.

    Finally, a big thanks to Esma for her time, and a note to our listeners that Esma was being a proper multi-tasking boss with her daughter and so you will hear her a bit throughout the second half of the pod! Thank you! Love to all, thanks for listening.

    Recommendations discussed in the episode -
    Book: The Anxious Generation - by Jonathan Haidt (covering the four foundational harms)
    Worry time and the worry tree - https://www.uh.edu/caps/resources/covid-19/manage-anxiety/

    For an overview on Te Whare Tapa Wha: https://mentalhealth.org.nz/te-whare-tapa-wha
    For free online CBT course for anxiety or depression, as well as other great resources on a number of things that we discussed: https://www.justathought.co.nz
    If you need to talk to someone after listening to this podcast (NZ):
    - Free call or text 1737 for support from a trained counsellor
    - Lifeline 0800 543 354, free text 4357
    - Youthline 0800 376 633, free text 234
    - Samaritans 0800 726 666

  • BONUS off-the-cuff podcast time! Over the past 7-8 weeks Leece has not been on the podcast, for reasons you'll likely know a bit about. No day is the same at the moment for Leece; planning anything is a challenge and with everything that's going on, it mostly just feels a bit too confronting and hard. Today though, she had a moment where she felt she could front up and we seized the opportunity. Soon after we recorded today, Leece hit up #spreadthesparkle and delivered an impromptu workout, so get your mitts on that if you fancy a dose of Leece (we know many of you do!). There is so much more we could chat about than what we go over today, but this is just a quick catch up on what has happened over the last little while and what that has looked and felt like. We come to quite an abrupt finish as both of us had to quickly go, but we're hopeful Leece can get back on and continue the conversation sometime soon. A specific and massive THANK YOU to you all for your love and support, especially to the support on the give a little page which has blown our minds. Our community is next level - we're extremely grateful. What a privilege to have Leece back on the sparkle pod. A gentle note that Leece opens up about the journey to Dan's cancer diagnosis and so for some, this could be triggering.

  • Hello! Back on the waffle train with our sister in law Hobbsy - you should know her pretty well by now. Our Geraldine "shouse" based trainer, wife to our brother Nick, mother to Stanley Chops and angel girl Sophia, and the woman that with all her might will not do a workout finisher. In today's episode we're chatting a mix of tidbits - an intro to Sarah by Sarah, not to forget the part where she's a genius, her experience in body building competitions, her balance of jobs (MIM, real estate, school) and other things like chips, toothpaste, blankets and books. In a bid to bring you some light casual chat here we are with your weekly dose of waffle. Thanks again to our sparkle spreaders i.e., you.

  • Hello everyone and welcome again to our four-part mini-series with our friend Deb Buckley. Today's episode was from our LIVE chat in #spreadthesparkle (again apologies for the compromised audio quality as a result of this being a Facebook LIVE), delivered on Wednesday 19th June. The episode was all about our brain and discipline. What's happening when we let discipline slip by the wayside and what we can do to create or recreate structure. Deb talks a lot to the difference between habits, routines and rituals, and why it is rituals that we really want to create. It is a very interesting chat (in my opinion!) and one that I know will be really useful food for thought for many of our audience. I hope you enjoy this conversation. Thank you once again to Deb for her time and effort put into this - we appreciate you so much.

  • Chewing the fat with my pal Kirsten Gordon today. In this episode we're very much on the waffle train (we do love that train). From playing the very important role of tectonic plates in the stage challenge, to kids pushing food away (YUCK), the Friends sitcom and stand up paddle boarding - mixed between a few chilling tales from the weekend just been i.e., stuck in snow and quiz nights. Also, what is it about Ryan Gosling though? Thanks Kirst for bringing some fun chat and throwing some light to the sparkly pod this week. And a big thanks to you guys for listening. See you soon!

  • Hello everyone, today's episode is another re-share from our mini-series with Deb Buckley, delivered to our private member group #spreadthesparkle on Facebook. This conversation is the third of our four part series, titled 'What's up with my brain when I feel sh*t/low/down - and what can I do?'. In this episode Deb provides some really useful information about what's happening in the brain and body when we have these periods, which in itself feels like some really useful intel and awareness for us to hold onto as we deal with life's ups and downs. On that note, we are not experts in this, we are just two friends chatting, and if you believe you need help, please know there are plenty of resources available (and if you're unsure where to go, please feel free to DM either Deb or I in the first instance). We ask the question, 'what can we do?', in these situations. Whilst some of Deb's suggestions mightn't be rocket science, they are some helpful reminders as to focusing on the things we can control. A huge thanks to Deb for holding these conversations and to you guys, our beautiful listeners, for your downloads.

  • Is it not totally wild that the last time we got Emma on the podcast it was August 2021, weeks after her gold medal win at the Tokyo Olympics!? Today she is just days away from flying (back) to Europe for her final training camps and before the Paris 2024 Olympics. There aren't many Kiwis to have reached such a milestone (five Olympic games), and the privilege isn't lost on Emma. In this episode we discuss at length her current training regime, what that looks like, how it feels today 20+ years into her career compared with in her early 20's and the pressure, ins and outs of life as an athlete. When I speak with Emma I am always so in awe of what it takes to compete at this level - it's always inspiring and I think super motivating for us non-athletes just looking to be consistent with our exercise. We finish the chat with the quick-fire Q&A and naturally land on food. Thank you Emma for your precious time and thanks poddy pals for listening.

  • Hey friends, welcome again to our mini-series all about the brain with Deb Buckley. Once again, as Deb states at the start of our live chat, this is just a conversation between two friends. If you believe you need help with frustration or anger, please seek advice from your GP.

    In our second of four live chats, we ask the question 'What's up with my brain when I lose my sh*t'. While we'd love to have the answers, we know that's impossible. What Deb does offer in this conversation are some helpful tools and strategies for when dealing with these situations. She discusses at length the ins and outs of the brain, both our own but also the brains of our children. Deb provides some useful insight into what's going on to help us in breaking down what's happening when we lose our shit and how we perhaps can get better at it - if that's such a thing. This conversation, unlike our first of the mini-series, is more geared towards life as a parent and in understanding our kids.

    Once again, as this podcast is audio taken from a Facebook live delivered in the Move it Mama member group, the sound quality is a little down. Trust you understand and really hope you enjoy this chat.

  • Well hello 'ello, we're back in the game (read, wardrobes). While we're back with our podcast this week, it's a little different without our beautiful sparkly older sister at the podcast helm. While Leece is occupied, we're going to do our utmost to bring you a regular Wednesday pod for the foreseeable future. In today's episode I have Char with me and we're running through a bit of a haphazard, random Q&A. We're chewing the fat on a few things, from an introduction of Char by Char, childhood nicknames, her day to day job in cricket, sport chat, funny mems and the subway sandwich (quite the tangent, sorry). Char 'the punisher' Twigg - great to have you back, sis. Thank you guys for your downloads, love, support and understanding.

  • Hey podcast pals. While we're taking a bit of a break on delivering the podcast we thought we'd share more of Deb Buckley. We're lucky to have Deb feature in the Move it Mama members group #spreadthesparkle in a short mini-series around the brain. The series is titled "What's up with my brain when I" - with each session following a different theme. The first of four sessions was delivered LIVE in #spreadthesparkle on Wednesday night (29th May), and is all about self-sabotage. So - what's happening in our brain when we self-sabotage, ways in which we do, the reasons for why we might self-sabotage and how we can do it less. Like any conversation with Deb this one will get you thinking and should hopefully give you a couple of helpful tools and useful takeaways. Thank you for listening and please note, the sound quality here isn't the greatest as it was recorded via Facebook. We hope to be back to regular programming sometime soon. Thank you for your support and patience.

  • Hello guys! Deb Buckley is back on the pod. We always love to hear whatever it is Deb has to say and today is no exception. A quick word to note is that this episode with Deb was recorded early last week. In today's episode we go over who Deb is and her interest in neuroscience (for those that haven't listened to Deb before). Deb is a passionate forever-learner with a vested passion and interest in human behaviour and the brain. In this episode, we first question Deb on what she believes to be the key qualities and most important to her in being a good mother. We then ask Deb a multitude of questions and as a result she takes us through a bit about the brain and what it's doing at different ages and stages - especially for both young and older kids. Leece throws a spanner with a question about the game Fortnite, which guides our conversation to the massive world of kids and gaming, managing kids and social media and thoughts in general around screens and kids. Leece felt somewhat triggered in this chat which she admits to being (a word of warning), however it is very thought provoking and might give you some food for thought. Please note this is a conversation that comes with no judgement - you are your own parent and your own person doing whatever feels right for you. With love - enjoy.

  • Today we're excited to introduce our friend Mack Dewar to the podcast. We met Mack in around 2021 when he started doing quite a bit of work for Move it Mama. Over the past three years we have watched him go from kind of being into running to this year completing a 3:14 Christchurch marathon, all the while documenting the journey via YouTube, TikTok (@maccadewar) and Instagram (@mackdewar). Mack was a massive inspiration to Jess's trip back into running and particularly to completing the Christchurch marathon herself. What started as a tool to help with some mental health struggles in 2020 is now a huge life passion holding a significant power for Mack and his health. In today's episode we bounce around many topics including but not limited to: learning to run, lessons in his first (4:29) marathon, slowing down and letting go of your ego, tips for beginners or anyone wanting to improve, lessons along the way and where to from here. We know not everyone is into running or aspires to be a 'runner', but Mack's story is reassuring of the power of exercise on ones mental and physical health. We hope you enjoy our conversation.