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Today’s focus is perennial plants - which ones can you rely on to thrive in the summer heat?
Gardening jobs during the heat of February.
Check watering for maintenance and installing additional sprinklers where required Adding organic wetting agents such as ECO Hydrate. Broadforking for all your garden to get as much air, moisture and goodness deep down into the soil. Keith recommends F.D Ryan's Broadforks for this jobConsider soil improvement with Clyde’s lignite Using Seasol or other seaweed products to help heat-stressed plantsUsing a product such as MycoGold and watering this into holes created with a broadfork will help with moisture retentionFebruary is also a great time for doing some Summer pruning of fruit treesKeeping your eyes out for pest and disease is another very important job for February, particularly powdery mildew and leaf hopper . ECO Neem (best used on its own in Summer, mix with Eco Oil at other times of the year)Make sure your lawns are kept cut on a higher mowing setting over the summer months.If you love eating Brussel Sprouts like Keith does, then this is the month to plant your seedlings into your well-prepared vegetable beds.So there are lots of things you can be doing in the garden in February, and these are just a few.
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Today Keith and Elisabeth talk to Sally Pittman, outback farmer and gardener from rural NSW outside of Dubbo. A fascinating conversation learning about Sally’s experiences growing up in remote location, her farming enterprises and her gardening ambitions.
You can check out Sally’s Instagram page HERE
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Today’s focus is perennial plants - which ones can you rely on to thrive in the summer heat?
What is a Perennial? Generally have a life span of 5-7 years. Once the flowers die off, the plant produces new growth at the base. Perennials are a fantastic choice with long flowering seasons (up to 9 months). Perennials can’t be beaten for colour, texture and variety.
Before selecting perennials, be sure to check your ‘heat and cold zones’ for best performance.
Aim to prune before at the end of March before the Autumn Equinox to extend the flowering season. Dead-heading your perennials and regular feeding with products like Charlie Carp will help them to thrive.
Common pests - bugs like leaf hoppers can be treated with ECO Neem and Eco Oil (avoid spraying in full sun).
Top performing perennials:
Verbena bonariensis
Salvia mystic spires
Agastache orange
Achillea Moonshine
Rudbeckia Goldquelle
Persicaria amplexicaulis Fat Domino
Helenium Moerheim Beauty
Echinacea Magnus Superior
Achillea Summer Berries
Sedum Autumn Joy
Perevoskia atriplicifolia
Euphorbia Arctic Blue
Scaevola ground cover
PigfaceWhere you can find all things Muddy Boots!
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Q&A time again! Who will be this month’s lucky winner of the fabulous prize donated by The Plant Runner?
ECO Neem and Eco Oil - undoubtedly 2 of Keith’s favourite plant products. What can we use them for? Keith recommends them for all insect pests in the garden. Be sure to use out of direct sunlightBlack Spot on roses - need to use specific sprays. Ensure affected leaves are removed and put in the binRecommendation for windbreak in dry shade areaLarge shrubs (up to 2-5 meters) Hakea laurina, Pomaderris, Westringia, Correa lawrenceana, Kunzea ericoides, Acacia boormanii, Acacia cardiophylla, Acacia iteaphylla Trees - Acacia cognata, Acacia fimbriata, Acacia implexa, Acacia pravissima, Allocasuarina littoralis, Callitris oblonga, Callitris rhomboidea Corymbia ficifolia, Eucalyptus cinerea, Eucalyptus crenulata, Eucalyptus spathulata. Melalueca linariifolia and Melaleuca styphelioides. be sure to assist plants by adding MycoGold.Hydrangeas not flowering - ensure when pruning, prune only down to the dominant large bud. If planting in pots use a quality potting mix (replace every 3-5 years) and feed with Neutrog Kahoona regularlyFruit fly in stone fruit? Use fruit fly traps and net your trees with 2ml micron black nets. Bin affected fruit.Withered orchids - could be overwatering? Use the finger test! If it’s moist, don’t water them. TryWhere you can find all things Muddy Boots!
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What's a wicking bed? Today we explore all there is to know about wicking beds. They are becoming more common but do you know enough about them to maximise the benefits of having one?
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Summer Heat. How can you get the best out of your garden with these long, hot and dry days.
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An effective way to water all your plants and lawns. Here we discuss the various types and methods to deliver water into your garden.
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Q&A time again! Who will be this month’s lucky winner of the fabulous prize donated by The Plant Runner?
Keith waters 4mm per day based on his particular conditions. Watering amounts will vary depending on soil and weather conditions. Be guided by what works!Best watering for trees is around the drip line - that is at the breadth of the canopy (not the trunk). MycoGold is an excellent addition and can be forced down by using a broadfork For pot planting Keith recommends mixture of quality potting mix (such as Scotts Premium Potting Mix mixed with compost and mulch with Who Flung Dung. Tomatoes would need a pot of at least 40 litres diameter. Shady, clay soil? Check out Macadamia Pinkalicious, Blueberry Ash, Mountain Pepper, Gymea Lilies, Bangalow Palm, Graptophyllum, EvodiaLooking for quality tools? Check out F.D Ryan'sAdvice on potatoes - check out recent episode HEREAdvice on garlic - check out previous episode HEREGrowing seeds in cooler climates. Keith recommends investing in a heat mat and using a Moon calendarAsparagus - do not harvest for 3-5 years! Listen to Keith’s other tips!Growing deciduous trees under a large native tree? Apply MycoGold to assist with water retention. Comfrey Boking 14 planted at the drip line deep mines the goodness that then becomes a natural mulchKeep sending in your questions via DM to Muddy Boots or where needed in between episodes, reach out to Keith at ke_landscape_consultant
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Today we hear Keith’s top tips on growing potatoes! Keith assures us that potatoes are the easiest of all vegetables to grow!
Potatoes can be grown at any time but they are frost tender so should be planted after the last frost (in Southern States or frost prone areas)Use certified ‘seed potatoes’ - this will ensure they are free from disease. Most non-organic potatoes found in supermarkets etc are sprayed with glyphosate 360 so should be avoidedThere are a number of different methods for growing potatoes:Grown in your garden - Keith warns, you will have these together as they nearly impossible to get rid ofUse a designated garden bed - you will harvest approx 8-10 potatoes per plantGrow in a potato bag using a good quality potting mix- Several on the market including Bunnings Potato BagWire frame can be used by layering compost and strawPotatoes need consistent water but avoid being too wet to ensure potatoes don’t rotTo ensure a good yield, add plenty of compost and other organic matterKeith recommends planting whole seed potato (not cut) covered with 200mm soil/compost as plants shoots cover with additional soil/compost or straw (indeterminate potatoes only)Indeterminate potatoes include - Brownell, Dutch Cream, Nicola, Up To Date, King Edward, Salad Rose, Pink Fir Apple, Potato SapphireDeterminate potatoes include - Spunta, Kennebec, Purple Congo, Pink Eye, Carlingford, Red Pontiaconce potato plant’s flowers have died off, feel through to the stem where you will find ‘new potatoes’ (indeterminate varieties only). Once the plant has completely died off, leave for approx 2 weeks before harvesting.Store in cool dry place in hessian bag or wire basket away from sunlight.Pests include earwigsGood luck with your home grown taties!
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This week we meet Jo Henley from Henley's Rustics and hear about her garden journey, how she came to meet Keith and the story of her family business creating rustic garden beds.
A self described ‘novice gardener’, Jo and her father Lindsay now create rustic garden beds using reclaimed corrugated iron from local farms. Hand crafted using recycled materials, each garden bed is unique and the range includes a variety of designs including self watering wicking beds.
Made in Ungarie, NSW, Henley’s products are delivered across regional NSW and Canberra or can be collected directly from the makers!
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Succulents - a huge number of varieties, succulents are easy to grow and add colour and interest to any garden.
Succulents prefer an open, well drained soil and grow well in pots. Succulents are low maintenance and don’t require a lot of water.
Today we hear what Keith’s Top 10 Succulents are:
1.Tree Aloe, Aloe Barberae, - grows up to 6-9 metres x 3-6 meters. Long straight trunk with a huge succulent head. Pest and disease free.
2. Kalanchoe beharensis, sometimes known as Elephant Ear Kalanchoe or Felt bush. Large felty leaves up to 40cm
3.Cussonia paniculata - growis up to 5 meters with large sculptured and textured leaves.
4.Century Plant, Agave attenuata, has beautiful smooth soft silver foliage in a big rosette.
5. Burbank’s Spineless, Opuntia ficus-indica, . This is a non-invasive form of the prickly pear.
6.Blue Chalk, Senecio serpens, is a beautiful grey groundcover with its cylindrical blue chalks that produces branches of fluffy creamy-white flowers.
7.Australian Pig Face, Carpobrotus rossii is an Australian native that grows in sand along coastlines. The leaves are dark green and it produces a pinky-purple flower with a yellow center that becomes an edible fig.
8. Cotyledon orbiculate ‘Sliver Waves’ is a stunning sculptural plant with large powdery silver leaves and is perfect with pastel coloured plants.
9.Aeonium arboretum ‘Schwarzkopf’ - a stunning plant of black-maroon leaves. It will produce large heads of yellow which contrast beautifully with the dark leaves.
10. Dwarf flowering Aloe - produces masses of single coloured flower stalks. These come in a multitude of colours from yellow, orange, white, red and multi coloured forms.
Happy gardening!
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Q&A time again! Who will be this month’s lucky winner of the fabulous prize donated by The Plant Runner?
What to line our planter boxes with? Any HDPE (High-density polyethylene) is safe for Pinapple guava lining planter boxes. The thicker the better!Where to find Lignite Humate? Keith can’t recommend Clyde's Compost and Clyde’s lignite highly enough, now available at selected Bunnings stores (in Vic). Failing that, Keith suggests BioChar (try Charman) - 2 litres per 2 sq.m and Neutrog Gogo JuiceLow hedging/edible hedge suggestions - when terracing, low levels can have higher hedges and gradually decrease size as you go up. From bottom up: Pineapple guava, Tasmanian Pepperberry, Goji Berry, Salt Bush, Chilean Guava, Tea Plant, Midyim BerryKeith shares some tips on Rondeletia leucophyliaAs with any herbicide, always follow the directions when using Slasher. Can you add compost over ground covers? Yes, lightly won’t be a problem! Also consider Charlie Carp Keith explains how to reduce high pH levelsKeep sending in your questions via DM to Muddy Boots or where needed in between episodes, reach out to Keith @ke_landscape_consultant
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