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Cape York is an incredible place - around 137,000 square kilometres of diverse landscapes. The people who look after the land and sea are just as diverse and fascinating; amazing people in this amazing place.
In 2016 Cape York Natural Resource Management and South Cape York Catchments met to discuss the best means of sharing the stories of Cape York's land managers. Our conclusion? Let them tell their own stories!
And My Cape York Life was born.
We hope you enjoy these stories as we travel far and wide across dirt roads and volcanic soils, through tropical savannas, lush rainforests, abundant wetlands, and pristine rivers - talking with farmers, conservationists, leaders and rangers - as they share with you their journeys, and their stories of managing land on Cape York.
My Cape York Life is brought to you by Cape York NRM, with support from South Cape York Catchments, and the Australian Government's National Landcare Programme.
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