Noin Me with guest Dr. Mazzella to discuss the reasons why most victims of narcissistic abuse have such a hard time recovering from it.
Part 2 of this interview will air on his podcast channel soon!
As a leader and expert in the field, Dr. Mazzella holds various clinical positions, including, but not limited to, treating patients in his private practice, training professionals at two post-graduate training institutes, conducting research, and lecturing across the country.
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A holiday message to help you through the bumpy parts as you try to make sense of something that so few people understand.
If you have been affected by a person with narcissistic personality disorder in your life, check out my website where a library of resources is housed and please subscribe to my educational articles here on Medium.
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If you have been affected by a person with narcissistic personality disorder in your life, check out my website where a library of resources is housed and please subscribe to my educational articles here on Medium.
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If you have been affected by a person with narcissistic personality disorder in your life, check out my website where a library of resources is housed and please subscribe to my educational articles here on Medium.
Let’s be troopers and keep going!
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Follow my weekly articles found at https://www.pesqueda.medium.com
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If you have been affected by a person with narcissistic personality disorder in your life, check out my website where a library of resources is housed and please subscribe to my educational articles here on Medium.
Let’s be troopers and keep going!
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Follow my weekly articles found at https://www.pesqueda.medium.com
Listen to the PODCASTS available on all major podcast platforms (most are free): -
If you have been affected by a person with narcissistic personality disorder in your life, check out my website where a library of resources is housed and please subscribe to my educational articles here on Medium.
Let’s be troopers and keep going!
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Website https://www.narctroopers.com
EMAIL [email protected]
Follow my weekly articles found at https://www.pesqueda.medium.com
Listen to the PODCASTS available on all major podcast platforms (most are free): -
If you have been affected by a person with narcissistic personality disorder in your life, check out my website where a library of resources is housed and please subscribe to my educational articles here on Medium.
Let’s be troopers and keep going!
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Website https://www.narctroopers.com
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Follow my weekly articles found at https://www.pesqueda.medium.com
Listen to the PODCASTS available on all major podcast platforms (most are free):
If you have been affected by a person with narcissistic personality disorder in your life, check out my website where a library of resources is housed and please subscribe to my educational articles here on Medium.
Let’s be troopers and keep going!
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Website https://www.narctroopers.com
EMAIL [email protected]
Follow my weekly articles found at https://www.pesqueda.medium.com
Listen to the PODCASTS available on all major podcast platforms (most are free): -
If you have been affected by a person with narcissistic personality disorder in your life, check out my website where a library of resources is housed and please subscribe to my educational articles here on Medium.
Let’s be troopers and keep going!
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Website https://www.narctroopers.com
EMAIL [email protected]
Follow my weekly articles found at https://www.pesqueda.medium.com
Listen to the PODCASTS available on all major podcast platforms (most are free):
Spotify: https://www.podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pesqueda
Apple iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/n-a-r-c-troopers-narcissistic-abuse-recovery-collaborators/id1499888308
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/ae0e73e3-0d2d-487a-9857-f7149d2511eb/n-a-r-c-troopers-narcissistic-abuse-recovery-collaborators
Podbean: https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/c8tn2-d07df/N.A.R.C.-Troopers-%0ANarcissistic-Abuse-Recovery-Collaborators-Podcast
Player.FM: https://player.fm/podcasts/Narc (NARC Troopers is the top recommended podcast on narcissistic abuse)
Listen Notes: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/narc-troopers-narcissistic-abuse-recovery-ba8IU7zYwhi/
Podchaser: https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/narc-troopers-narcissistic-abu-2109921
Vocal: https://vocal.media/authors/narc-troopers-with-prajinta-pesqueda
Podbay: https://podbay.fm/p/narc-narcissistic-abuse-recovery-collaborators Rated 4.8/5
Rephonic: https://rephonic.com/podcasts/narc-narcissistic-abuse-recovery-collaborators
Goodpods: https://goodpods.com/podcasts/narc-troopers-narcissistic-abuse-recovery-collaborators-85760/the-solopsistic-narcissist-37981202
iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-narc-troopers-narcissistic-82231584/
Podtail (Italian platform) https://goodpods.com/podcasts/narc-troopers-narcissistic-abuse-recovery-collaborators-85760/the-solopsistic-narcissist-37981202
Amazon UK: https://music.amazon.co.uk/podcasts/ae0e73e3-0d2d-487a-9857-f7149d2511eb/n-a-r-c-troopers-narcissistic-abuse-recovery-collaborators
The narcissist would need a working soul to actually be your soul mate, but theirs is a frozen traumatized child that has been euthanized by the narcissist to save themselves.
They aren't your twin flame either. Here's why.
What do we do when we come crashing back to reality following narcissistic abuse in relationships with Cluster B disordered folks?
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