Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks with Stacey from the UK about overcoming chronic symptoms, transmuting pain into pleasure and awakening sensuality as a way of life.
Learn about how metabolising undigested life experience can be a simple process and body scanning can be a powerful tool that we use in daily life to integrate past trauma.
Join the Sensing Ground Community here: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/sensing-ground-waitlist/
Learn more about ROCK STEADY and Joey here: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/ -
Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks with Gretchen Gavero, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist based in Hawaii.
We talk about the importance of honouring our body and the pull inwards to feel our deep darkness, even when this takes us to very low places. We talk about how to move through, what skills we need to understand our bodily intelligence and how to use our body as a compass: what is the gift and wisdom behind the pain.
We touch up on reciprocity, interconnectedness and the way we shape the world through our thoughts, words and actions. We are always being influenced and taking information in from the world around us; it is equally important to empty ourselves of the information that does not belong to us. To return to our own sense of internal safety, connection and belonging as a way of life.
Learn more about Joey and her work here: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/our-story/
Learn more about Gretchen here: https://www.thementalpath.com/ -
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Joey answers this question:
"Is hypersensitivity a type of neurodivergence? Any specific recommendations for highly sensitive people dealing with Tinnitus and other NQR sensations?"
Yes, high sensitivity can be considered a divergence from what is typically experienced neurologically. It can be thought of as increased neural loading, more physiological activity that the body needs to work through and digest. Learning to understand your brain, your body and your bodymind is key to harnessing the gift of sensitivity without burning out.
👉 Download our FREE Gentle Relief Starter Kit: starterkit.securechkout.com
👉 Try our 7 Days of Support Program: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/7-days-of-support/
👉 Start our full ROCK STEADY program for healing vertigo and tinnitus:
I’m Joey Remenyi, a vestibular audiologist, neuroplasticity therapist, author and the Founder of Seeking Balance International. I support people in their use neuroplasticity to heal chronic vertigo, dizziness or tinnitus.
Learn how you can take your life back by starting your own healing journey with one of our self study programs: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/our-programs/ -
Joey answers this question:
"Often I hear that we are told to listen to what our sensations have to tell us. But I also hear that we shouldn't focus on it and shift our attention. This seems contradictory to me and I'm not sure how to proceed."
There is nuance behind trying to get rid of symptoms and genuinely trusting the sensations of the body and following the wisdom that they offer us as we navigate both our inner world and the outer world that we live in. Our body acts like the filter between our inner life and the outer world, it knows what we need to be nourished.
👉 Download our FREE Gentle Relief Starter Kit: starterkit.securechkout.com
👉 Try our 7 Days of Support Program: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/7-days-of-support/
👉 Start our full ROCK STEADY program for healing vertigo and tinnitus:
I’m Joey Remenyi, a vestibular audiologist, neuroplasticity therapist, author and the Founder of Seeking Balance International. I support people in their use neuroplasticity to heal chronic vertigo, dizziness or tinnitus.
Learn how you can take your life back by starting your own healing journey with one of our self study programs: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/our-programs/ -
Joey answers this question:
"Does listening to the body mean listening to our unwanted sensations as well? Can the focus on it be a positive one?"
Yes, consciously connecting to our inner world without judgement, is an essential part of reorganising neural maps and rebuilding your new normal. We cannot distract or numb ourselves through this process, we need to fully experience all it, just as it is, just as we are.
👉 Download our FREE Gentle Relief Starter Kit: starterkit.securechkout.com
👉 Try our 7 Days of Support Program: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/7-days-of-support/
👉 Start our full ROCK STEADY program for healing vertigo and tinnitus:
I’m Joey Remenyi, a vestibular audiologist, neuroplasticity therapist, author and the Founder of Seeking Balance International. I support people in their use neuroplasticity to heal chronic vertigo, dizziness or tinnitus.
Learn how you can take your life back by starting your own healing journey with one of our self study programs: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/our-programs/ -
Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks about dizziness and vertigo. Our balance is mapped with our visual system, proprioceptive (orientation and touch) system and our vestibular (inner ear balance) system. During dizziness or vertigo we have a sensory mismatch between our ears and other systems. To overcome this and build new balance pathways we need to use our proprioceptive system and strengthen our capacity for felt-sense, touch, self-location and orientation. This is done through body scanning in various way throughout daily life.
👉 Download our FREE Gentle Relief Starter Kit: starterkit.securechkout.com
👉 Try our 7 Days of Support Program: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/7-days-of-support/
👉 Start our full ROCK STEADY program for healing vertigo and tinnitus:
I’m Joey Remenyi, a vestibular audiologist, neuroplasticity therapist, author and the Founder of Seeking Balance International. I support people in their use neuroplasticity to heal chronic vertigo, dizziness or tinnitus.
Learn how you can take your life back by starting your own healing journey with one of our self study programs: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/our-programs/ -
Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks about tinnitus: what is it? Can we overcome it? Tinnitus sounds can be reversed, they are not for life. You can learn how to use neuroplasticity to turn down the sounds inside of your ears, head or body.
👉 Download our FREE Gentle Relief Starter Kit: starterkit.securechkout.com
👉 Try our 7 Days of Support Program: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/7-days-of-support/
👉 Start our full ROCK STEADY program for healing vertigo and tinnitus:
I’m Joey Remenyi, a vestibular audiologist, neuroplasticity therapist, author and the Founder of Seeking Balance International. I support people in their use neuroplasticity to heal chronic vertigo, dizziness or tinnitus.
Learn how you can take your life back by starting your own healing journey with one of our self study programs: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/our-programs/ -
We are all cluttered with overload, overwhelm and over-culture.
Let's return to our bodies and redefine how we live our own lives.
Reclaim your body, your aliveness, and your boundaries.
Sensing Ground deepens your understanding of:
--consciously using neuroplasticity in daily
--crafting your inner world and further shaping your neural maps
--building your capacity for intensity and feeling through all sensations
--who you are, your identity (and who you are not)
--the stories that your body is holding onto
--the stories that nourish you
--how to empty any tension patterns that are stored within your body
--self-expression, creativity, self-advocacy
--community, belonging and connection
Learn more about me, Joey Remenyi, on my website here: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/ -
Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks with Chris Wells from The Dabrowski Center about the Theory of Positive Disintegration.
Learn about our neurological excitabilities, our physiology and why entering periods of deeply intense darkness are healthy parts of our psychological growth and individuation. By navigating the dark parts of life, without pathologizing our experiences, we can learn to embrace all of who we are, and how to best nurture and support the body and brain that we are born with.
Learn more about Chris's work here:
Learn more about Joey here:
https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/our-programs/ -
Joey Remenyi talks about migraine from the perspective of wholeness: what is our body communicating to us and how can we heed its wisdom.
Migraines are reversible and not something that we need to 'live with'.
Join the conversation in our ROCK STEADY community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/249793068882015/
👉 Download our FREE Gentle Relief Starter Kit: starterkit.securechkout.com
👉 Try our 7 Days of Support Program: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/7-days-of-support/
👉 Start our full ROCK STEADY program for healing vertigo and tinnitus:
I’m Joey Remenyi, a vestibular audiologist, neuroplasticity therapist, author and the Founder of Seeking Balance International. I support people in their use neuroplasticity to heal chronic vertigo, dizziness or tinnitus.
Learn how you can take your life back by starting your own healing journey with one of our self study programs: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/our-programs/ -
Joey talks about recovery of persistent brain fog, disorientation and heaviness. How do we return to our vitality and get out life back?
Join the conversation in our affirmative ROCK STEADY community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/249793068882015/
👉 Download our FREE Gentle Relief Starter Kit: starterkit.securechkout.com
👉 Try our 7 Days of Support Program: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/7-days-of-support/
👉 Start our full ROCK STEADY program for healing vertigo and tinnitus:
I’m Joey Remenyi, a vestibular audiologist, neuroplasticity therapist, author and the Founder of Seeking Balance International. I support people in their use neuroplasticity to heal chronic vertigo, dizziness or tinnitus.
Learn how you can take your life back by starting your own healing journey with one of our self study programs: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/our-programs/ -
Joey talks about how the ROCK STEADY skills and way of life translate into parenting for neurodivergent and neurocomplex households. She talks about the importance of bringing the body along as we parent our kids. How do we keep them in their body, aware of their own neural differences and advocating for their own needs from a young age?
Joey talks about emotional expression, moving big energy, validating fears and supporting vivid imagination as well as navigating daily rituals and routine by attuning to each family member's body. Can we let the nervous systems do the talking and enter non-verbal spaces to support each other? Sometimes, exact-knowing and words are not what we need.
This conversation was requested by ROCK STEADY members wondering how to best support their neurodivergent family members.
To learn more about Joey and ROCK STEADY visit: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/rocksteady/
👉 Download our FREE Gentle Relief Starter Kit: starterkit.securechkout.com
👉 Try our 7 Days of Support Program: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/7-days-of-support/
👉 Start our full ROCK STEADY program for healing vertigo and tinnitus: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/rocksteady/ -
Joey Remenyi talks with Lydia from the US about her recovery process from vertigo and visual blur. She read the ROCK STEADY book and began the ROCK STEADY program, learning how to prioritise herself and reset her neural pathways. Lydia, teacher and mother of four kids, is now symptom free.
👉 Download our FREE Gentle Relief Starter Kit: starterkit.securechkout.com
👉 Try our 7 Days of Support Program: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/7-days-of-support/
👉 Start our full ROCK STEADY program for healing vertigo and tinnitus:
I’m Joey Remenyi, a vestibular audiologist, neuroplasticity therapist, author and the Founder of Seeking Balance International. I support people in their use neuroplasticity to heal chronic vertigo, dizziness or tinnitus.
Learn how you can take your life back by starting your own healing journey with one of our self study programs: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/our-programs/ -
Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks about understanding the wisdom within our bodies as we move through symptoms and persistent sensations.
How do we make sense of the complexity that we feel?
How do we clear clutter and brain fog?
Am I neurological complex, or neurocomplex?
What can I do to help make sense of what I feel?
Learn more about Joey here:
Learn more about neurocomplexity support here:
https://www.methodcounseling.com/ -
Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks about how we are swimming in unseen data, that our bodies need to physically digest, daily.
How do we digest our lived experience and make sense of the world? How do we firm up our identity and know who we are or who we are not?
Why does it matter? Undigested life experience can accumulate in our bodies leading to tension patterns that feel not-quite-right and feed symptom loops. Learning to empty ourselves of other people's stories, ideas, judgments, and narratives can be a really important part of returning to wholeness, locating our centre and recovering from chronic illness.
Learn more about Joey here: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/our-story/ -
Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks about the concept of Neurocomplexity developed by Lindsey Mackereth at Method Creative.
"Neurocomplexity: the intersection of neurodivergent wiring that includes increased complexity in the areas of cognition, sensory receptivity, attention, creativity, and/or intuition. "(Mackereth, 2023)
Joey talks about how this intersects with chronic symptomatology, persistent sensations and the journey toward wholeness, healing and integration.
Part of recovering from 'symptoms' is making sense of who we are, how we are in relationship with the world, and what we feel in our body, moment to moment. Learning about neurodiversity and neurocomplexity is a really central part of this exploration for people who feel that life hits hard, deep, and intense.
To be neurocomplex can mean to feel different, in thousands of micro ways, all day long. Learning how to best understand the unique brain-body-soul that we are born with is an essential part of learning how to heed the wisdom of our bodies and to support ourselves as way of life. This is an invitation toward sovereignty, integrity, and self-determined identity.
Learn more about Lindsey and Method Creative Here:
www.methodcounseling.com -
Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International speaks with Tinkara from Slovenia about her experience with ROCK STEADY. Tinkara had debilitating tinnitus, believing that there was no cure... she applied for a ROCK STEADY scholarship and began her healing. Tinkara is now happy, smiling and not hearing her tinnitus. She learned about loving her self, supporting her own needs and releasing trauma from her body. TInkara no longer has fear of her body sounds and she knows what to do if they return.
I’m Joey Remenyi, a vestibular audiologist, neuroplasticity therapist, author and the Founder of Seeking Balance International. I support people in their use neuroplasticity to heal chronic vertigo, dizziness or tinnitus.
If you're struggling, learn how you can take your life back by starting your own healing journey with one of our self study programs: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/our-programs/
OR Explore our free starter kit here: https://starterkit.securechkout.com/ -
Joey talks with Bethanie about her experience of multiple diagnoses, lengthy and expensive specialist investigations and the benefits of ROCK STEADY to help her make sense of her own body: to become the expert in herself. Bethanie had diagnoses such as lyme disease, Persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD), Mal de débarquement syndrome MDdS, vestibular migraine (VM) and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).
I’m Joey Remenyi, a vestibular audiologist, neuroplasticity therapist, author and the Founder of Seeking Balance International. I support people in their use neuroplasticity to heal chronic vertigo, dizziness or tinnitus.
If you're struggling, learn how you can take your life back by starting your own healing journey with one of our self study programs:
OR Explore our free starter kit here: https://starterkit.securechkout.com/
#tinnitus #vertigo #dizziness -
Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International takes you on a journey into your body, a meditation for digesting the impact of war, reclaiming a sense of inner power to contribute to peace for all beings.
We are collectively experiencing profound sadness, tragedy, injustice and loss. There is a reality of war in many regions around our planet and this lives in our bodies. How do we metabolise this grief, pain and sorrow? How do we play our part in the whole and contribute toward peace?
Joey provides complexity affirming care for people living with medically complex conditions that are not explained by modern medicine. She helps people make sense of what they feel and to release the tension patterns or stories that do not belong to their body.
Joey is a vestibular audiologist and neuroplasticity therapist with a special interest in sensory differences and persistent sensations.
Learn more about Joey here: https://www.seekingbalance.com.au/ - Show more