This episode takes a deep dive into why so many of our neurodivergent children feel the need to mask their autistic traits in social situations. Mark chats to fabulous guest, Pete Wharmby, who, as well as being a parent of a 10 year old girl (suspected autistic, but if anyone's going to be able to spot one, it's Pete), is also an author, a tutor, a conference speaker and a prolific advocate for the neurodivergent community. As an autistic/ADHD adult, he offers some frank and honest insights into some of the masking behaviours he employed when he was a child.
This fascinating and wide ranging conversation looks at what masking is, why our kids do it and the many strategies they use to hide their autistic traits in many staunchly neurotypical environments. They also discuss some masking strategies used by people with ADHD, before looking at the harmful impact masking can have in the long term if accommodations aren't made.
Pete Wharmby's website - https://petewharmby.com/
"Untypical" by Pete Wharmby - https://amzn.eu/d/35cWwBh
Alexis Quinn - https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/stories/stories-from-the-spectrum-alexis-quinn
University of Edinburgh study in autistic communication with other autistics - https://salvesen-research.ed.ac.uk/our-projects/autistic-autistic-communication
Autistic code switching - https://myautismmind.com/autism-masking/
Autistic Girls Network - https://autisticgirlsnetwork.org/
Lego hidden disabilities sunflower - https://hdsunflower.com/uk/insights/post/the-lego-group-joins-hidden-disabilities-sunflower
"What I Want To Talk About" by Pete Wharmby - https://amzn.eu/d/3HoKSt9
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics, suggestions for neurodiversity champions or any "What the flip?" moments you'd like to share, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@neuroshamblespod
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
This episode deals with the familiar frustration of having to deal with the experts who are gatekeepers to the accommodations our neurodifferent kids need. From teachers, whose evidence you have to seek in order to get a diagnosis, to CAMHS specialists, GPs, occupational therapists and paediatricians - the list of professionals we need to interact with is dizzying.
Mark talks to wonderful guest Charlotte Mountford, parent to three neurodivergent boys: a 17-year old (suspected autistic), a 14-year old (diagnosed autistic) and a 13-year old (diagnosed autistic, suspected ADHD). Mark and Charlotte swap stories of their own experiences with experts - both good and bad, and discuss how to react when you realise that you actually know more than the professional in front of you.
"Outliers: The Story of Success" by Malcolm Gladwell - https://amzn.eu/d/91hZpN4
Dean Beadle Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/deanbeadlespeaker/
Dean Beadle Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dean.beadlespeaker
Dan Beadle YouTube - https://youtube.com/@deanbeadleuk
Eliza Fricker - https://missingthemark.co.uk/
Kieran Rose - https://theautisticadvocate.com/
"Bilal's Bad Day" by Neelum Khan - https://amzn.eu/d/5amH9zO
"Neurotypicals don't juggle chainsaws" podcast - https://neurotypicalsdontjugglechainsaws.co.uk/
Liz Evans: The Untypical OT - https://the-untypical-ot.co.uk/
Badger Education Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/badger.educationBadger Education Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Badger.Education.Inclusive.SupportsBadger Education Free PDF - https://badger-education.co.uk/reasonable-adjustments-opt-in-2893
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics, suggestions for neurodiversity champions or any "What the flip?" moments you'd like to share, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@neuroshamblespod
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
Missing episodes?
Mark talks to the tremendous Rebecca Huseyin, who is a blogger, trainer, neurodiversity advocate and Mum of a neurodifferent son (13, diagnosed autistic with a PDA profile and suspected ADHD). They swap tales of the ludicrous lengths they go to when trying to navigate personal hygiene tasks, such as cleaning hands, wiping faces, brushing teeth, having baths, cutting fingernails and wiping bums.
There are some hilarious anecdotes of the lengths to which Mark and Rebecca go to encourage their kids to engage in hygiene tasks - from fake drowning them in the bath, cleaning their teeth like a Victorian ghost and introducing the concept of "special dry".
The Lighter Side of PDA Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/LighterPDA/
Rebecca Huseyin blog (A Boy Less Ordinary) - https://aboylessordinary.com/
SENDIASS - (Google for your local county SENDIASS details)
PDA Society - https://www.pdasociety.org.uk/
Proprioception and Interoception: https://www.autismspeaks.org/sensory-issues
Oranurse unflavoured toothpaste - https://oranurse.co.uk/unflavoured-toothpaste/
Little teeth toothpaste - https://www.aquafresh.com/en-gb/our-products/kids-oral-care/little-teeth-toothpaste/
Big teeth toothpaste - https://www.aquafresh.com/en-gb/our-products/kids-oral-care/big-teeth-toothpaste/
The Prism Cat - https://linktr.ee/KyraChambers
Tesco Mobile Sensory Box - https://bettersociety.net/tesco-mobile-sensory-box.php
Insanity Arcade, Poole - https://www.insanityarcade.com/home
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics, suggestions for neurodiversity champions or any "What the flip?" moments you'd like to share, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@neuroshamblespod
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
Mark welcomes back the phenomenal Heidi Mavir, who is an author, a neurodivergent advocate, activist, public speaker and Mum of a neurodifferent son (20, diagnosed autistic with a tic disorder, as well as suspected dyslexia and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome). They pick up on a topic they very briefly touched on in the previous episode they recorded, which is whether there's any truth to the commonly-held belief that autistics don't feel empathy (spoiler alert - that view is abject nonsense).
They dissect the very concept of empathy to try and understand why it's viewed as so important to neurotypicals, what "the double empathy problem" is and why our kids' way of displaying and responding to empathy is so varied.
This is a genuinely insightful episode that gives a lot of food for thought when considering whether our own kids are able to feel empathy.
Heidi Mavir EOTAS Matters website - https://www.heidimavir.com/
"Your Child Is Not Broken" by Heidi Mavir - https://amzn.eu/d/8di4y0X
"Why Can't I Just Enjoy Things?" by Pierre Novellie - https://amzn.eu/d/fd51tDR
"How To Win Friends and Influence People" - https://amzn.eu/d/fd51tDR
The Double Empathy Problem - https://reframingautism.org.au/miltons-double-empathy-problem-a-summary-for-non-academics/
"I Didn't See You There" by Charlotte Gail - https://amzn.to/3PUk4n1
Sesame Street Introduce Autistic Character - https://youtu.be/dKCdV20zLMs
Muppet Christmas Carol - https://youtu.be/JXaVI60BFJM
Heidi Mavir on TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@heidimavir
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics, suggestions for neurodiversity champions or any "What the flip?" moments you'd like to share, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@neuroshamblespod
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
In response to several requests from listeners, this episode is all about the complexities of giving medication to our neurodivergent kids.
Mark speaks to the tremendous Danielle Jata-Hall, who is an author, award-winning blogger and a disability campaigner. She has three children (13, 11 and 8 - all diagnosed Autistic with a PDA profile, as well as a blend of ADHD, Anxiety and potential bipolar disorder).
Mark and Danielle discuss the medication journeys they've been on with their own kids, from overcoming their initial misgivings and dealing with the judgement of others, to the administrative nightmare of trying to get medication prescribed by medical professionals.
They compare different prescription pathways and share their experiences of the difficult process of titration - not to mention the rigamarole of actually getting their kids to take the medication we've fought so hard to get for them.
"The Journey Into S.E.N.D Fatherhood" book - https://amzn.eu/d/0qwN0il
Danielle Jata-Hall blog - https://pdaparenting.com/
Newbold Hope - https://www.newboldhope.com/
FII (Fabricated or Induced Illness) - https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/fabricated-or-induced-illness/overview/
"The Parent's Guide to ADHD Medicines" book - https://amzn.eu/d/i2e73JM
Shared Care - https://www.england.nhs.uk/medicines-2/regional-medicines-optimisation-committees-advice/shared-care-protocols/
"I'm Not Upside Down, I'm Downside Up" book - https://amzn.eu/d/avsMxy2
"Black Rainbow" book - https://amzn.eu/d/he1Nd8K
"Steph's Two Girls" blog with tips on getting your child to take medication - https://www.stephstwogirls.co.uk/2020/01/top-tips-when-your-child-wont-take.html
"A boy less ordinary" blog - https://aboylessordinary.com/
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@neuroshamblespod
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
What was it like to raise an autistic child 30 years ago? Mark has a fascinating chat with Stephanie - his wonderful neighbour from over the road, who has a 31 year old son (diagnosed autistic with moderate learning difficulties, OCD and anxiety).
They discuss how parents of autistic children were able to navigate the process of understanding how best to raise their kids, without access to the internet, social media or the breadth of information we have available now?
This is an enlightening and surprisingly uplifting episode, which shines a light on just how far society has come in a relatively short space of time, when it comes to understanding, supporting and championing our neurodivergent kids.
Disneyland, Paris - https://www.disneylandparis.com/en-gb/
Echolalia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echolalia
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle - https://amzn.eu/d/boDv6wN
Rain Man - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rain_Man
The Essential Different, Simon Baron Cohen - https://amzn.eu/d/3Y5xgWv
Gentle Parenting - https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/on-babies/202405/gentle-parenting-doesnt-mean-permissive-parenting
Leonardo Da Vinci - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/leonardo-da-vinci-adhd-health-mona-lisa-a8927641.html
Social Stories - https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/communication/communication-tools/social-stories-and-comic-strip-coversations
Supported Employment - https://www.base-uk.org/about/members/brighton-hove-city-council
Fare Share - https://fareshare.org.uk/
Oxfam - https://jobs.oxfam.org.uk/jobs/home/
Leonardslee Gardens - www.leonardsleegardens.co.uk/
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@neuroshamblespod
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
Mark welcomes back former guest "Belle", as they discuss the perils of transport. "Belle" has two neurodivergent children - a 9-year old girl (diagnosed autistic with sensory processing disorder and a PDA profile), and a 7-year old boy (diagnosed autistic with Tourette Syndrome and suspected ADHD). Alongside Mark's three neurodivergent kids (with a giddy blend of autism, ADHD, anxiety and PDA), they have a trove of transport-related horror stories to tell.
As well as discussing tales of travelling on buses, planes, trains, boats and cars, there are also more Neurodiversity Champions, Tiny Epic Wins and What The Flip moments, as well a particularly insightful proposal to create a demand-avoidant sat nav.
Gatwick Airport Special Assistance - https://www.gatwickairport.com/passenger-guides/special-assistance.html
Ferry cabins (DFDS) - https://www.dfds.com/en-gb/passenger-ferries/onboard/newhaven-dieppe/sleeping
Jen Marillat, Dramatherapist - https://jenmarillat.com/
Health and Care Professions Council - https://www.hcpc-uk.org/
The British Association of Dramatherapists - https://www.badth.org.uk/
EMDR Therapy - https://www.bacp.co.uk/about-therapy/types-of-therapy/eye-movement-desensitisation-and-reprocessing-emdr
Riding For the Disabled Association (RDA) - https://rda.org.uk/
Aspens, East Sussex - https://www.aspens.org.uk/
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@neuroshamblespod
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
Mark chats to the magnificent Lisa Lloyd about the judgement they regularly receive from outsiders as parents of neurodivergent kids. Lisa has two children - an 11-year old boy (diagnosed autistic) and a 7-year old girl (diagnosed autistic, with a PDA profile) and, as a prominent content creator on social media (@asd_with_a_g_and_t), she is no stranger to being judged by people who don't have a neurodivergent child, much less a clue about how to raise one.
Mark and Lisa swap tales about comments they receive from people judging their children ("He's not autistic, he's just naughty"), judging their parenting ("He wouldn't act like that if he was my son") and judging the entire concept of neurodivergency ("It's just a label"). They discuss the misconceptions that cause people to act this way, as well as the appropriate responses you can give them in return.
This is a great one to listen to if you've ever been told that "He doesn't look autistic" or "Everyone's a bit on the spectrum".
Raising the Sen-Betweeners, Lisa Lloyd - https://amzn.eu/d/4hm6Sb0
SEND Reform England - https://www.sendreformengland.com/
Lisa Lloyd Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/asd_with_a_g_and_t/
Lisa Lloyd TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@asd.with.a.g.and.t
Lisa Lloyd Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ASDwithGandT
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
TikTok:https: www.tiktok.com/@neuroshamblespod
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
Mark discusses the innate human desire to "keep up with the Joneses" with returning guest Samuel Wilson, who is an author and parent of two children: an 8-year old daughter (on the autism pathway, with Cerebral Palsy, Cerebral Visual Impairment and Sensory Processing Disorder) and a 5-year old son (suspected neurotypical).
They discuss how unhelpful that can be in the early days of your diagnosis journey and how liberating it is when you finally let go of the expectations of being "normal" and embrace your family in all of their neuroshambolic glory.
Simpsons clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=784seqWxsMk&t=469s
Dad La Soul - https://www.dadlasoul.com/
BBC Woman’s Hour - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0022ss7
India Croc replacement saga - https://www.instagram.com/p/C9hLMewpBH6/
"Lend a Hand", Samuel Wilson's book - www.littlestepspublishing.co.uk/books/lend-a-hand
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
A potentially controversial episode, this one, where Mark chats to an old friend, Kate Ebbutt (Mum to 11 year-old neurotypical and 9-year old diagnosed ADHD/suspected autistic humans). They talk candidly about something they've both found themselves worrying about in their darker moments - am I raising an arsehole? They dissect the behaviours that qualify someone as being "an arsehole" and discuss to what extent they can be fairly applied to our neurodivergent kids.
They also discuss to what extent the gentle parenting approach could be contributing to this behaviour, as well as recounting experiences of times where they've had to explain their parenting choices to neurotypicals who struggle to understand their approach.
Please note, if you are offended by the word arsehole, it is sprinkled liberally throughout the episode, so this one might not be for you.
"The Explosive Child" book - https://drrossgreene.com/the-explosive-child.htm
Gentle Parenting - https://www.parents.com/parenting/better-parenting/style/what-is-gentle-parenting/
National Trust - https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/
RAM (Random Access Memory) - https://www.ign.com/articles/what-is-ram
Sheffield Queer Parents - https://sites.google.com/view/sheffield-queer-parents
Angling 4 Education - https://www.angling4education.com/
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
Mark chats to the inspirational Kieran Rose. As well as being autistic/ADHD himself, Kieran has three autistic/ADHD children (11, 14 and 15) as well as an autistic wife.
Kieran is an author, academic, trainer, consultant and all round font of knowledge on autism, so this episode contains some fascinating insights into the different communication styles between neurodivergents and neurotypicals when having a conversation.
As well as topics such as situational mutism, hyperverbalism and monotropism, Mark and Kieran swap tales about the fact they're never able to finish a conversation without being interrupted and discuss the perils of group conversation and their very different takes on the ridiculous neurotypical habit of engaging in small talk.
Neurodive Podcast - https://soundcloud.com/neurodivepod/kieranrose
Kieran's website - https://theautisticadvocate.com/
Maori word for autism - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-40493398
A short (and very inexhaustive) list of Autistic advocates and allies no longer with us, who have made a phenomenally constructive difference to the narratives around Autistic and Neurodivergent people, but who never get the recognition of lauded non-Autistic people: Jim SinclairDon't mourn for us - Jim Sinclair wrote one of the pivotal texts in the reframing of Autistic experience (opens as a PDF):https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://philosophy.ucsc.edu/SinclairDontMournForUs.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwik86zq-smIAxWCWUEAHQ2NH5UQFnoECCQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3WfDEINrbr2olYTgiO6ZKlA book about Jim:https://amzn.eu/d/3qalj4l Donna WilliamsConceptualised a model of advocacy based on an inside-out approach - that observation based on your own or a normative experience can only take you so far.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donna_WilliamsShe produced a massive number of books:https://uk.jkp.com/collections/author-donna-williams-pid-199891 Mel Baggs:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_BaggsAn old (quality is indicative of its age, so please bear with it) video on two parts that off a deep challenge to normative assumptions around communication and experience:https://youtu.be/JnylM1hI2jc?si=IaPhwkiYn1vRmmlp Dinah Murrayhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinah_MurrayCo-creator of the theory of monotropism:https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1362361305051398A basic introduction:https://youtu.be/qUFDAevkd3E?si=SMiSDEoiNcDtV2eg Steve Silbermanhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_SilbermanThe author of Neurotribes, a game changing book that brought a model of different, not less into the mainstream:https://amzn.eu/d/clw0AD8CONTACT US
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
Kicking off season 2 of Neuroshambles, Mark chats to the wonderful Dee McMahon who also has three neurodivergent children: a 16-year old boy, (diagnosed Autistic/ADHD with anxiety disorder) a 13-year old girl (diagnosed ADHD with Dyslexia/Dyscalculia) and a 9-year old boy (diagnosed Autistic with ARFID).
Mark and Dee take a deep dive into the soul crushing nightmare of trying to feed their neurodifferent kids something remotely resembling a balanced diet. From the trauma of putting together meal plans and shopping lists, to the sense of nervous trepidation when trying to introduce their kids to new foods and the wounded pride they experience when food they've slaved away at is dismissed without even being tried.
They also take an in-depth look at the more serious side of food issues, when they discuss Dee's personal account of her boy's recent diagnosis of ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder).
ARFID - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avoidant/restrictive_food_intake_disorder
ARFID Community Facebook Group - www.facebook.com/groups/arfid/
mASCot website: https://www.asc-mascot.com/
mASCot Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/221337174595596/
To make a donation to mASCot, so they can continue their amazing work: https://www.givey.com/mascot
Evelina Clinic, London - www.evelinalondon.nhs.uk
Sainsbury's pasta stars - https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/sainsburys-stars-500g?
Spruce tips - www.foragerchef.com/spruce-tips/
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
In the final episode of this season, Mark chats with Claire Quigley Ward, who is an ADHD Coach and host of the All Aboard ADHD podcast. As well as being diagnosed ADHD herself, Claire has two neurodivergent children - a 13-year old boy (diagnosed ADHD) and an 8-year old girl (suspected ADHD with PDA traits). They discuss the absolute nightmare of trying to take a "normal" photo of our kids - from the challenges of getting them to stay still and not be distracted, to their inability to pose for the camera and the inevitable dread of seeing how they stand out for all the wrong reasons in the annual school photo.
All Aboard ADHD podcast - https://www.allaboardadhd.com/podcast
All Aboard ADHD coaching - https://www.allaboardadhd.com/coaching
Apple Live Photo feature - https://support.apple.com/en-gb/104966
Google Best Take feature - https://blog.google/products/photos/how-google-photos-best-take-works/
SenLife App - https://mysenlife.com/
Kate Peers - https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/adhd-children-diagnosis-special-needs-school-funding-a9163761.html
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
Mark speaks to the wonderful Jess Cain - a prolific advocate for neurodivergent families and the driving force of Send Family Instincts. She is an autistic/ADHD/PDA lone parent of five children: a 15-year old boy (self-diagnosed autistic/PDA), another 15-year old boy (fostered, with SEMH needs), a 12-year old girl (self-diagnosed autistic) and twin 9-year old boys (one diagnosed autistic/ADHD/PDA and one allegedly neurotypical). In short, there is no-one better to explore this week's topic with, which is how on earth parents of neurodivergent kids juggle the competing needs of siblings.Mark and Jess share anecdotes about the difficulties they face when trying to balance the wildly different needs of all of their children, whilst somehow trying to remain positive and upbeat. From avoiding conflict, the importance of discussing everyone's needs openly, and learning how to prioritise their own needs in the midst of the mayhem.
Send Family Instincts Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sendfamilyinstincts/
Send Family Instincts Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SendFamilyInstincts/
Send Family Instincts website - https://sendfamilymagic.mykajabi.com/
Eliza Fricker - https://www.instagram.com/elizafricker_missingthemark/
Charlie Gray (My Neurodivergent Adventure) - https://myneurodivergentadventure.co.uk/
Laura Kerbey (P-AST) - https://p-ast.co.uk/
Brighton Fringe (Neurodiverse Performer Award) - https://www.brightonfringe.org/brighton-fringe-awards-ceremony/
Sara Jane Harvey (Agony Autie) - https://www.instagram.com/agonyautie/CONTACT US
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
Mark speaks to the magnificent Lisa Galley, who is an autism consultant and mother of three grown-up neurodivergent children - one 29-year old boy (diagnosed Autistic with a PDA profile), a 25-year old girl (suspected autistic) and a 20-year old boy (diagnosed autistic).In this fun, candid and thought-provoking episode, they discuss the challenges of helping our neurodivergent kids acquire the life skills they need to be able to live independently. As they cover the diverse range of topics under the umbrella of life skills, Lisa offers some valuable (and occasionally comforting) insights into how her kids have acquired skills, such as getting a job, navigating self care, managing money, learning to drive and, ultimately living away from home.LINKS TO STUFF WE MENTION IN THIS EPISODE:
Lisa Galley Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/school_run_mum_autism/
Roblox "Find The Markers" - https://www.roblox.com/games/7896264844/Find-The-Markers-237
Metro Bank - https://www.metrobankonline.co.uk/about-us/kids-zone/
Toren Wolf on Learning to Drive - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6PndheP02Z/
Danielle Jata-Hall (PDA Parenting) - https://www.instagram.com/pdaparenting/
Sara Jane Harvey (Agony Autie) - https://www.instagram.com/agonyautie/
Lisa Galley's Website: https://www.lisagalley.com/CONTACT US
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected] US
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshamblesCREDITS
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
Mark chats with the inspirational Dan Clark, of MindJam. Dan is dad to two neurodifferent kids - one 17-year old girl (diagnosed Autistic) and a 14-year old boy (diagnosed autistic/ADHD with a PDA profile). They discuss the minefield that is playing family games with neurodivergent kids, from their desperate search to find a board game that doesn't end in full scale meltdowns and the strategies they employ to keep the peace.
They also discuss the hugely beneficial role that both video games and Dungeons & Dragons can play in teaching our kids some of the skills they need to develop, in order to navigate a world teeming with neurotypicals.
MindJam - https://mindjam.org.uk/
Monopoly - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monopoly_(game)
Fast Show Competitive Dad - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2x_DI7tzNQ
Mario Kart - https://store.nintendo.co.uk/en/mario-kart
Beat the Parents - https://amzn.eu/d/3xTCOg8
Cranium - https://amzn.eu/d/cVedUTu
Scrabble - https://amzn.eu/d/f4ngyJW
Dungeon Mayhem - https://amzn.eu/d/3Z0NFr8
Throw Throw Burrito - https://amzn.eu/d/3Z0NFr8
Ocean Bingo - https://www.laurenceking.com/products/ocean-bingo
Exploding Kittens - https://amzn.eu/d/933z2FH
Unstable Unicorns - https://amzn.eu/d/cDnUP80
Risk - https://amzn.eu/d/dc7h30w
The Dice Saloon, Brighton - https://www.dicesaloon.com/
Chase The Ace - https://www.classicgamesandpuzzles.com/Chase-the-Ace.html
Zelda: Breath of the Wild - https://www.ign.com/games/the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild
Boy beats Tetris - https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/67902380
Fortnite - https://www.ign.com/games/fortnite
Candy Crush - https://www.ign.com/games/candy-crush-saga
Dungeons & Dragons - https://dnd.wizards.com/
MindJam Adventure Guild - https://mindjam.org.uk/services/adventure-guild/
BAFTA Young Game Designers - https://ygd.bafta.org/
It Takes Two - https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/it-takes-two/about
Brighton Festival Children's Parade - https://samesky.co.uk/events/childrens-parade-3/
Jump Inc Trampoline Park - https://www.jump-inc.uk/locations/lincoln/
Kellie Bright EHCP Film (BBC One Show) - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001z8w5
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected]
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshambles
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
Mark speaks to Lauren, neurodivergent mother of three boys (One 11-year old diagnosed Autistic/ADHD with a PDA profile), a 9-year old (suspected autistic/ADHD) and a 5-month old (too soon to tell). They delve into the topic of noise sensitivity - from extreme reactions to loud noises and meltdowns when confronted with contrasting noises, to the fascinating topic of misophonia. They swap tales of hand dryers, bonfire night, cat scarers and an unexpected cavalcade of motorcycling Santas.
This episode is best listened to with in a quiet place, with noise cancelling headphones!
Ear defenders - https://amzn.eu/d/fIIDess
Misophonia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misophonia
Cat scarer - https://amzn.eu/d/0U0SYMw
Santas on a bike - https://www.facebook.com/groups/santasonabike/
Loop earplugs - https://amzn.eu/d/iNWzyws
Lauren's noise cancelling headphones - https://groceries.asda.com/product/on-ear-headphones/asda-tech-bluetooth-noise-cancelling-headphones-black/1000370064193
Jay's noise cancelling headphones - https://amzn.eu/d/8hs4ToC
White noise - https://open.spotify.com/album/7KbmHEKwEhKyeZT9xuYVco?si=L5-cYE1HSIiYsaqWs83F-A
Brown noise - https://open.spotify.com/album/0onzJRO1vDBXmXqYy60qsR?si=xgwQCc0OSC-QfID0YOlycw
Pink noise - https://open.spotify.com/album/5w3fCjBpzyGA6tW9mSfQmr?si=bqH-u1ySQzSYkHVPNjXG1w
UK Misophonia Support Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/ShutUpWorld/?mibextid=K35XfP
The Assembly - https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/m001xyj5/the-assembly
Bloke Barbers, Allestree, Derbyshire (Sara) - https://www.blokebarber.co.uk/#our-prices
Comfa Clothing Fidget-T - https://www.comfa.co.uk/product/fidget-t/
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected]
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshambles
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
Mark welcomes back guest Liam Mullone, parent of twin 13-year old boys (one diagnosed autistic and one suspected autistic/ADHD), as well as an 8-year old girl (suspected neurotypical).
In this episode, they discuss the topic of mealtimes in their respective households - from the faff of getting them all to the dinner table in the first place, to the unmitigated disaster of their attempts to encourage their kids to sit down, use cutlery and exercise some form of table manners.
Torbay General Hospital paediatric ward - https://www.torbayandsouthdevon.nhs.uk/services/child-health/
McDonalds - https://www.mcdonalds.com/gb/en-gb.html
Wetherspoons - https://www.jdwetherspoon.com/
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected]
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshambles
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
This episode explores how we navigate the maelstrom of emotions in families with a mix of different neurotypes. Mark speaks to Grace Lockrobin, philosopher and fellow parent of neurodivergent boys (one 8-year old, diagnosed autistic, and a 5-year old with suspected ADHD), as they look at how members of their own households handle the contrasting ways that each of them understands, expresses and responds to emotions - both in themselves and in others.
Mark and Grace also discuss how they deal with their own emotions as parents - from having to keep a firm lid on anger, to the often taboo subject of acknowledging the sadness in their own lives.
The Apprentice - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0071b63
Emotion cards - https://amzn.eu/d/1uT2Pru
Alexithymia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexithymia
Aquila Magazine - https://www.aquila.co.uk/
"The Explosive Child" book - https://drrossgreene.com/the-explosive-child.htm
Beavers - https://www.scouts.org.uk/beavers/
Villa Real School - https://www.villarealschool.co.uk/
"All The Ways to Be Smart" book - https://amzn.eu/d/4Ssd6qF
BBC Sport Article on Greg Halford - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/68617366
Nick Ransom, Journalist - https://www.nickransom.co.uk/
Sapere - https://www.sapere.org.uk/
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected]
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshambles
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
This episode is all about the relentless faff involved in trying to get our neurodivergent kids out of the house.
Mark talks to comedian Hatty Ashdown, who is a parent of two children (one diagnosed autistic with suspected ADHD and one suspected neurotypical). They compare war stories from their daily attempts to wrangle their kids out of the house, navigating distractions, dysregulation, refusal and all round chaos along the way.
Gorilla Gym - https://amzn.eu/d/22yMHaK
Purple Parenting - https://www.purpleparenting.co.uk/about/
Natural History Museum "Dawnosaurs" sessions - https://www.nhm.ac.uk/events/dawnosaurs.html
Hatty Ashdown's website - https://hattyashdown.com/
If you have any feedback about the show, ideas for topics or suggestions for neurodiversity champions you'd like us to give a shout out to, you can email: [email protected]
Instagram: www.instagram.com/neuroshambles
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neuroshambles
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/Neuroshambles
Threads: www.threads.net/@neuroshambles
The Neuroshambles theme tune was created by Skilsel on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
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