Cerita sureal tentang kerusakan alam dan bagaimana hal tersebut berhubungan dengan homofobia, karena keduanya sama-sama didorong oleh horor kosmik yang misterius.
Akhirnya, kita mengakhiri season ini dengan karya sureal tentang kerusakan lingkungan seiring imaji monster, kebobrokan ekonomi, borosnya penggunaan hasil alam, guilty pleasures, dan sedikit petanda tentang queerphobia terinternalisasi, semua dimampatkan dalam horor kosmik yang puitis. Walau tidak dengan jelas memotret elemen yang bisa diidentifikasi sebagai elemen queer atau ekologi, karya Yi Feng mampu menangkap nuansa asing seputar ekologi queer dalam atmosfer ini.
Baca artikelnya di https://newnaratif.com/id/pengerukan/
Diproduseri oleh Dania Joedo, dinarasikan oleh Bonnibel Rambatan, diterjemahkan oleh Gisela Swaragita.
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A surreal story on environmental decay and how it parallels internalised homophobia as both seem to be driven by an unknown cosmic horror.
Finally, we end this season with a surreal piece on environmental decay as imageries of monsters, economic collapse, gross ecological excesses, guilty pleasures, and hints of internalised queerphobia all coalesce into a blend of poetic cosmic horror. While not explicitly portraying identifiable elements of queerness and ecology, Yi Feng’s piece manages to capture the ambient strangeness of queer ecology in its atmosphere.
Read the article on https://newnaratif.com/dredge/
Produced by Dania Joedo, narrated by Bonnibel Rambatan
Our movement needs your support. A movement is only as strong as its members. If you believe in a more democratic Southeast Asia, join New Naratif as a member https://newnaratif.com/product/membership
Missing episodes?
A little duck misses its human friend who always shows up during the special occasion of Loy Krathong, but stops showing up as the human had met an untimely, albeit expected, death.
It’s not only humans that can feel loss and longing from an unexpected and untimely death. Jing Ying Yeo’s work explores the emotional impact of human death on nonhuman animals, subverting the tired ecological trope that nature would be better off without humans. In this beautiful work, a little duck is saddened by the death of a human kin, the reasons of which are left to the reader’s interpretation.
Read the article on https://newnaratif.com/a-little-ducks-longing
Produced by Dania Joedo, narrated by Sarah Hana
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Seekor bebek merindukan kawan manusianya yang selalu datang selama perayaan Loy Krathong. Pertemuan mereka harus terhenti setelah sang manusia meninggal.
Tidak hanya manusia yang dapat merasakan kehilangan dan kerinduan akibat kematian mendadak. Karya Jing Ying mengeksplorasi dampak emosional kematian manusia pada binatang, membalik stereotip lawas yang menganggap alam akan lebih baik tanpa manusia. Dalam karya yang indah ini, si bebek kecil merasakan duka akibat kematian sahabat manusianya. Mengapa? Alasannya menjadi pekerjaan rumah pembaca untuk mengartikannya sendiri.
Baca artikelnya di https://newnaratif.com/id/kerinduan-si-bebek-kecil/
Diproduseri oleh Dania Joedo, dinarasikan oleh Sarah Hana, diterjemahkan oleh Gisela Swaragita.
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Dalam kereta, seorang queer mengingat kembali bagaimana kampung halamannya terbakar, seperti halnya orang yang ia sukai dari pesantren dibunuh.
Berbicara tentang pasangan gay yang harus menempuh jalan berat berliku, Himas memotret cerita yang amat indah tentang cinta, kehilangan, dan kerinduan. Sementara karyanya sebelumnya memotret dunia yang penuh potensi kebebasan di tengah berbagai tantangan, ceritanya kali ini mengisahkan tentang kehilangan dan kesepian yang harus ditanggung orang queer yang tidak punya banyak sumber daya. Seperti kejahatan kebencian dan dampak eksploitasi lingkungan dalam keseharian mereka.
Baca artikelnya di https://newnaratif.com/id/laju/
Diproduseri oleh Dania Joedo, dinarasikan oleh Sarah Hana
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On a train, a queer person reminisces how their hometown was burned down just as their gay love interest from a pesantren was murdered.
Speaking of gay couples in hardships, Himas portrays yet another beautiful story of love, loss, and longing. While her previous entry presents a world of potential liberation in the midst of impossible challenges, this current story tells of the soul-crushing loss and loneliness that queer people of lesser resources face from hate crime and environmental exploitation on a regular basis.
Read the article on https://newnaratif.com/go-on/
Produced by Dania Joedo, narrated by Sarah Hana, translated by Gisela Swaragita
Our movement needs your support. A movement is only as strong as its members. If you believe in a more democratic Southeast Asia, join New Naratif as a member https://newnaratif.com/product/membership
A retelling of the old Timun Mas tale as a forbidden queer love story in parallel to the in-story writer’s own, as told to a child of a gay couple.
With two stories where one frames the other, Bageur presents yet another exploration of queer ecology within indigenous cultures with his unique retelling of the Indonesian folktale of Timun Mas. This in itself is beautiful, but the frame story of a gay dad telling this story to his son–and especially the context thereof–is a true stroke of genius.
Read the article on https://newnaratif.com/timun-mas-tale/
Produced and narrated by Dania Joedo, translated by Gisela Swaragita
Our movement needs your support. A movement is only as strong as its members. If you believe in a more democratic Southeast Asia, join New Naratif as a member https://newnaratif.com/product/membership
Dongeng Timun Mas dituturkan kembali sebagai cinta terlarang queer, sebuah pararel dengan kisah pribadi pendongengnya, yang dituturkan kepada anak dari pasangan gay.
Dalam cerita berbingkai ini, Bageur mengisahkan eksplorasi ekologi queer yang lain dalam budaya asli dengan caranya yang unik untuk menceritakan dongeng Indonesia, Timun Mas. Cerita ini sendiri begitu indah, namun dengan bingkai cerita ayah gay yang mendongengkan kisah ini ke anaknya—dan terutama konteksnya—membuat cerita ini bagai guratan pena seorang jenius.
Baca artikelnya di https://newnaratif.com/id/kisah-timun-mas/
Diproduseri dan dinarasikan oleh Dania Joedo
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A trans woman dances as a way to connect with her own body and her two queer partners, and to provide energy for their electric bikes in a post-apocalyptic world.
Another exploration of traditional elements, Korionto’s work sets itself under the hints of a post-apocalyptic world where abandoned temples host power cells and dancing can recharge batteries. But it’s not really the dancing that gives energy–it’s the collective care that queer people show one another, the care needed to be able to overcome their internalised transphobia and other prejudices, allowing them to love themselves fully.
Read the article on https://newnaratif.com/battery/
Produced by Dania Joedo, narrated by Bonnibel Rambatan and Sarah Hana.
Our movement needs your support. A movement is only as strong as its members. If you believe in a more democratic Southeast Asia, join New Naratif as a member https://newnaratif.com/product/membership
Seorang transpuan menari sebagai caranya berhubungan dengan tubuhnya dan dengan dua partner queernya, dan untuk membangkitkan listrik untuk sepeda listrik mereka di dunia setelah kiamat.
Satu lagi eksplorasi elemen tradisional, karya Korionto menggambarkan dunia pasca-apokalips. Dalam cerita ini, candi-candi yang tertinggal ternyata mengandung sel-sel pembangkit tenaga listrik, sementara menari bisa mengisi daya baterai. Namun, sebenarnya bukan kegiatan berjogetnya yang memberikan energi, tapi kepedulian kolektif yang diperlihatkan orang queer satu sama lain, kepedulian untuk dapat mengatasi transfobia yang bercokol dalam diri mereka sendiri serta prasangka-prasangka lain, memperbolehkan mereka untuk mencintai diri mereka sendiri secara utuh.
Baca artikelnya di https://newnaratif.com/id/baterai/
Diproduseri oleh Dania Joedo, dinarasikan oleh Bonnibel Rambatan dan Sarah Hana, diterjemahkan oleh Gisela Swaragita
Our movement needs your support. A movement is only as strong as its members. If you believe in a more democratic Southeast Asia, join New Naratif as a member https://newnaratif.com/product/membership
A magical realist piece where a nonbinary indigenous person finds solace in nature and solidarity in its wrath against society and decides to stand by its disasters.
From gentle warmth to burning heat, Audris’s story is one written in palpable anger as they explore the idea of queer ecology within Sundanese indigeneity. As gender is forced into a binary and nature is being relentlessly exploited, it is unbridled cosmic wrath that will come together to bite us back.
Read the article on https://newnaratif.com/hers/
Produced by Dania Joedo, narrated by Sarah Hana.
Our movement needs your support. A movement is only as strong as its members. If you believe in a more democratic Southeast Asia, join New Naratif as a member https://newnaratif.com/product/membership
Karya realisme magis di mana seorang anggota masyarakat adat nonbiner menemukan perlindungan dari alam, dan ikut bersolidaritas dalam amarah alam kepada masyarakat ketika bencana alam terjadi.
Dari kehangatan yang lembut ke panas yang membara, cerita Audris ditulis dalam amarah yang berkobar-kobar sembari menelusuri ide ekologi queer dengan keaslian Sunda. Saat konsep gender dipaksakan dalam kerangka sempit laki-laki dan perempuan, alam dieksploitasi habis-habisan. Semesta pun memuntahkan murka untuk membalaskan dendam.
Baca artikelnya di https://newnaratif.com/id/miliknya/
Diproduseri oleh Dania Joedo, dinarasikan oleh Sarah Hana, diterjemahkan oleh Gisela Swaragita
Our movement needs your support. A movement is only as strong as its members. If you believe in a more democratic Southeast Asia, join New Naratif as a member https://newnaratif.com/product/membership
Catatan buku harian yang ringan dan personal ketika taman publik menjadi ruang bagi penulis untuk merenungkan masa kecilnya dan pengalamannya sebagai queer.
Dari drama sureal dengan kecoa yang bisa berbicara, kita menggali narasi personal bersama buaya yang berenang-renang di selokan. Ditulis dengan gaya seperti buku harian, cerita Vio memancarkan kehangatan nostalgia sekaligus ketabahan. Sebuah karya yang amat indah yang tidak boleh kamu lewatkan.
Baca artikelnya di https://newnaratif.com/id/taman-rainbow-adalah-rumahku/
Diproduseri oleh Dania Joedo, dinarasikan oleh Sarah Hana, diterjemahkan oleh Gisela Swaragita
Our movement needs your support. A movement is only as strong as its members. If you believe in a more democratic Southeast Asia, join New Naratif as a member https://newnaratif.com/product/membership
A lighthearted and personal diary entry where a public park becomes a space for the writer to reminisce and connect with her childhood and her queerness.
From a surreal stage play with a talking cockroach, we go to a deeply personal narrative with an alligator in an irrigation drain. Written with the vibes of a diary entry, Vio’s story emanates warmth in its nostalgia as well as resilience in its outlook. A truly beautiful piece you wouldn’t want to miss.
Read the article on https://newnaratif.com/taman-rainbow-is-my-home/
Produced by Dania Joedo, narrated by Sarah Hana.
Our movement needs your support. A movement is only as strong as its members. If you believe in a more democratic Southeast Asia, join New Naratif as a member https://newnaratif.com/product/membership
Seorang queer sedang bersiap bunuh diri ketika seekor kecoa mengkonfrontasinya tentang apa arti kata “alami” dan siapa yang berhak mendefinisikannya.
Ditulis dalam bentuk skenario drama, karya Ara menggambarkan esensi ekologi queer seperti yang diteorikan oleh Timothy Morton. Seperti yang disuarakan oleh karakter kecoa dia, “Penguin gay, tupai lesbian, lumba-lumba biseksual, ikan yang berganti jenis kelamin… semua itu ada di sana. Alam tidak memberi label pada hal-hal seperti itu.” Siapa yang bisa berkata tidak pada kecoa yang ahli filsafat?Baca artikelnya di https://newnaratif.com/id/yang-kuat-yang-bertahan/
Diproduseri oleh Dania Joedo, dinarasikan oleh Bonnibel Rambatan, diterjemahkan oleh Gisela Swaragita
Our movement needs your support. A movement is only as strong as its members. If you believe in a more democratic Southeast Asia, join New Naratif as a member https://newnaratif.com/product/membership
A queer person was about to end their life when a talking cockroach confronts them on what “natural” really means and who gets to define it.
Written in the form of a stage play script, Ara’s work managed to convey the essence of queer ecology as originally theorised by Timothy Morton. In the words of their cockroach character, “Gay penguins, lesbian squirrels, bisexual dolphins, sex-changing fishes… all sorts of things are out there. Nature doesn’t have a label for all these things.” Who could say no to a cockroach philosopher?
Read the article on https://newnaratif.com/survival-of-the-fittest/
Produced by Dania Joedo, narrated by Bonnibel Rambatan
Our movement needs your support. A movement is only as strong as its members. If you believe in a more democratic Southeast Asia, join New Naratif as a member https://newnaratif.com/product/membership
In post-revolution and post-climate crisis Southeast Asia, Samudra routinely makes voice recordings for their father on their birthday. Now, Samudra talks about their longing for their father, giving him updates on their beloved home at Number Three Kolepang Street.
Editor’s Note
When envisioning the theme “Reimagine Southeast Asia”, we deliberately did not set boundaries on what this reimagination could be. We were pleasantly surprised by Julie’s work due to its blend of vast sci-fi world-building and the warmth of daily life. What would a post-revolution, post-climate crisis Southeast Asia look like, where artificial intelligence and food sovereignty outside of capitalism become our daily reality?
Read the article on https://newnaratif.com/302-happy-birthday/
Produced by Dania Joedo, narrated by Gusti Arirang. translated by Gisela Swaragita -
Di Asia Tenggara pasca revolusi dan krisis iklim, Samudra secara rutin membuat rekaman suara untuk ayahnya setiap dia berulang tahun. Kali ini, Samudra bercerita tentang kerinduan dengan ayahnya serta mengisahkan tentang kondisi Jalan Kolepang Nomer Tiga.
Catatan Editor
Dalam tema “Mengimajinasikan Kembali Asia Tenggara”, kami sengaja tak ingin membatasi visi penulis. Karya Julie cukup mengejutkan kami dengan paduan fiksi ilmiah dunia besarnya dengan kehangatan kehidupan sehari-hari. Akan seperti apa Asia Tenggara pasca revolusi dan krisis iklim, saat keseharian kita ditemani kecerdasan buatan dan swasembada pangan di luar sistem kapitalisme?
Baca artikelnya di https://newnaratif.com/id/302-selamat-ulang-tahun/
Diproduseri oleh Dania Joedo. dinarasikan oleh Jihan Fauziah Hamdi & Dania Joedo -
Under a big orange tree, two little girls talk about oranges and how the indigenous people will get their land back. Do you want an orange from their three? I mean, tree?
Editor’s Note
The imagination that one day the indigenous people will really get their land back is so simple yet so radical. Told through a conversation between two children, Ida’s story manages to highlight the striking innocence of this idea.
Read the article on https://newnaratif.com/orange/
Produced by Dania Joedo, narrated by Gusti Arirang & Dania Joedo -
Di bawah pohon jeruk raksasa, dua gadis kecil bercakap-cakap tentang buah jeruk dan bagaimana masyarakat adat mendapatkan tanah mereka kembali. Mau sebuah jeruk dipetik langsung dari pohon? Atau tiga buah?
Catatan Editor
Angan-angan bahwa suatu hari nanti masyarakat adat akan mendapatkan lahan mereka kembali merupakan angan-angan yang sederhana, namun amat radikal. Dituturkan lewat percakapan dua orang anak, kisah Ida berhasil menggarisbawahi kepolosan gagasan ini.
Baca artikelnya di https://newnaratif.com/id/jeruk/
Diproduseri oleh Dania Joedo, dinarasikan oleh Gusti Arirang & Dania Joedo, diterjemahkan oleh Gisela Swaragita - Show more