We discuss interpersonal communication and all the human stuff that gets in the way.
To communicate more effectively we cannot rely on communication skills alone. We need to shine a light on our perceptions of other people and ourselves. We delve into topics like emotional intelligence, body language, deception, storytelling, social engineering, culture, personality, negotiation, sales and leadership.
Join us as we learn to get our message across with more courage, clarity and connection. -
Wir sprechen über die lustigsten, peinlichsten und unvergesslichsten Momente unserer Reise als Gründer, Unternehmerinnen und als Paar. Mit unserer Gewürzmanufaktur sind wir seit 7 Jahren auf einer würzigen Mission, die uns oft an den Rand der Verzweiflung gebracht hat. Hier wird nichts schön geredet, denn wir nehmen dich mit zu unseren peinlichsten Story, unglaublichsten Momenten und den unvergesslichen Durchbrüchen unseres Gründerdaseins. Wir sprechen aber auch über unseren Weg zu uns selbst und der war alles andere als Gerade. Wir möchten dich mit unseren Themen und Gedanken zum Nachdenken bringen, dir Mut geben und dich animieren deinen eigenen Weg zu gehen, egal wohin er dich führt.
Whether you call it Inclusive Design or Digital Accessibility, whether you're an individual with a passion or an organisation wanting to know more, this podcast explores a range of topics on accessibility. Hosted by Jonathan Hassell, its aim is to share inspiration, expertise, and hints and tips to help speed you on your digital accessibility journey.
For our most up-to-date insights, join us for our free monthly webinar - -
Peak Experience explores the topics of what experiential learning is to teambuilding and organizational development, what its role is, where it is headed and why it is more important now, than ever. Business owners, teachers, camp counselors, adventure therapists, and anyone who is interested in the outdoors, place-based, or experiential learning cohort will find content useful to their teaching. Listeners can expect ideas for direct implementation, thought provoking dialogue, interviews, as well as an opportunity to communicate with the hosts and share their experiences in the field of outdoor leadership and strategic management.
mungkin kita sama, dan disini titiknya temunya. | kalau kamu punya pesan atau apapun yang mau disampaikan boleh kirim ke [email protected] atau dm instagram @cerita.tadi
Berfokus untuk keabadian. Contact me by email for any business inquiries : [email protected]
sebuah rekaman suara yang berawal diskusi hingga pencerahan masalah hati @paman_be
my email: [email protected] -
Podcast “Ceritanya Ghewrik” will discuss about pasutri-life, romance, and any issues around us.
If you guys want to tell someone about your secret story, or you want to discuss some topics with us, or you have some interesting information you can simply email us at [email protected] and we'lll read it on this podcast!✨ -