
  • Tracy Reynolds and Chris Maxwell invite you to “listen in” to this episode of their conversation with author, teacher, minister, and leader Dr. Michelle Anthony. As she started last week, Michelle continues offering wisdom for reaching and discipling families in this confused, sad, unsure culture. Pay close attention as she brings great insight for practical and doable solutions. Pick up and read copies of her books Spiritual Parenting: An Awakening for Today's Families and 7 Family Ministry Essentials: A Strategy for Culture Change in Children's and Student Ministries. Learn as a leader, as a parent, as a servant, as a follower of Jesus. What has God called you to do? How can you influence the world in a positive way? In what ways can her steps guide your journey of next step leadership?


  • Dr. Michelle Anthony, the Executive Pastor of Families at New Life Church and Dean of Familymin Academy, is this week’s guest in Next Step Leadership. Michelle is an author, speaker, mentor, and humble leader who is making a positive difference in today’s society. Familymin Academy is a community of people who are passionate about ministry to the diverse needs of today’s families. She’s the author of books for families, including Spiritual Parenting: An Awakening for Today's Families and 7 Family Ministry Essentials: A Strategy for Culture Change in Children's and Student Ministries. In this episode, Michelle tells her story about how God met her and guided her to where she is today. Tracy and Chris encourage you to listen to her comments and think about your own story. How is God meeting you where you are and preparing you for the future? Who is helping lead you in that direction? Who are you leading as you follow Jesus?


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  • In this episode of Next Step Leadership Podcast, Tracy Reynolds and Chris Maxwell continue their conversation with Pastor Lee Mason. In 2007, Lee and his wife Lisa began Classic City Church, a non-denominational church serving the city of Athens, GA. Lee talks about his book, Ten Historical Facts About Jesus: What Historians Are Certain of Concerning History’s Most Compelling Figure. His ten points are valuable for today’s leaders to know:

    Jesus was a real historic figure.Jesus was known as a miracle worker in a manner unique to anyone else.Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. Jesus was buried in the tomb of Joseph in Arimathea. Jesus’ tomb was found empty by a group of women.Numerous people claimed to have seen Jesus alive after His death. Jewish monotheists began to worship Jesus as God.A resounding Messianic movement emerged after Jesus’ death.Gentiles renounced their pagan ancestry to worship Jesus.Today Jesus is the most significant figure in history.

    Learn from these lessons. Understand the importance of Christ’s death and resurrection, and why we believe what we claim to believe. The historical figure of Jesus can lead through us as we make the next steps as His followers.


  • Through the history of Next Step Leadership podcast, Tracy and Chris have enjoyed their conversations with a variety of guests. This week’s episode is another exciting chat. Pastor Lee Mason, Senior Pastor of Classic City Church in Athens, GA, tells his story of what brought him to his beliefs and his ministry. The narrative reminds audiences the various ways God guides us through life’s journeys. Lee learned much through each season of life, spiritual development, and church roles. He offers great insight on ministry and the proof of biblical beliefs. Listen to his story. Learn from his wisdom.


  • Chris Maxwell’s 12th book comes out October 1st. Each of the twelve chapters in the book, “Things We’ve Handed Down: Twelve Letters I Leave for You,” is written as a letter to a reader. The chapter titles are all book titles from books which have impacted Chris’ life. He hopes to hand down to the next generation key life principles that he learned from the books. “Disappointment with God” by former Next Step guest Philip Yancey, “Wounds Are Where Light Enters” by Walter Wangerin Jr., “The Wounded Healer” by Henri J.M. Nouwen, “Life is Mostly Edges” by Calvin Miller, “Surprised by Joy” by C. S. Lewis, and “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction” by Eugene Peterson are just some of the chapters in this book.

    As a leader and a learner, what books have impacted your life? What lessons have you learned that you can “hand down” to others? How have disappointments and wounds brought you closer to God instead of farther from Him? How can we lead better by displaying love, acceptance, and forgiveness? Listen to the conversation. Pick up a copy of “Things We’ve Handed Down” and read it. Get copies for those you lead. Be sure you receive what’s handed down to you and that you hand down God’s love to others.






  • This episode of Next Step Leadership is the second conversation Tracy and Chris have with Pastor Bert Synan. Bert’s honesty is so fitting for the overall message of this podcast’s theme. Our next steps won’t always be the best steps unless we know what our Creator is calling us to do and the true reason we are to do that. How has Bert developed relationships in his community? How is he telling Bible stories to those who not know the stories—even in a small town of the Bible-belt? Why do many church leaders limit their ministry to Sunday services or church events? How has officiating football games helped Bert show God’s love? In a post-Christian culture, how can serving bi-vocationally be a huge advantage? Find something else to do unrelated to a church function. Study your culture. Learn a new appreciation for why you really do what you do.


  • Tracy Reynolds and Chris Maxwell hope to provide you a variety of voices and perspectives on the Next Step Leadership podcast. In this episode, they are honored to let you listen to their conversation with Pastor Bert Synan. Bert has many stories to tell—stories each leader can learn from. His early years of growing up in church, experiencing Jesus himself, learning Scripture, and developing healthy relationships. Decades of pastoring. Offering pastoral care in a community. Adjusting to changes. Serving as a bi-vocational pastor. Building relationships through his other jobs. Moving from superficial performance toward a long obedience. Investing his life in true care for others. How has driving a school bus helped Bert reach people? How has Bert endured his wife’s suicide? What lessons can others learn from Bert and his story?


  • In their second Next Step Leadership conversation with Greg Hearn, Chris and Tracy appreciate his desire to make a positive difference in today’s difficult culture. Greg’s talents in finances, organization, and leadership have served in ministry areas too often forgotten. As president of Emmanuel University, Greg believes in the institution’s true values. Offering a biblical worldview in this season so distant from that agenda, President Hearn believes we can start where someone is and then take them farther along. He wants to emphasize Christianity is not a list of rules, but a relationship that lasts eternity. Like Greg’s story, your story is unique and important. Greg doesn’t like the spotlight. He’s enjoyed serving behind the scenes. But this is where God has now placed him. He serves in leadership as having people around who are better at doing what they do. A leader is no more important than others who serve. Learn from Greg. Let his perspective become yours.


  • Greg Hearn now serves as President at Emmanuel University. Like many of today’s leaders and their present positions, Greg did not expect to be in this role. But God places His servants where they need to be. Tracy and Chris enjoyed hearing Greg’s story about life, family, growing up as a minister’s kid, education, and where God has now assigned him. In the last two episodes, Landon Rowell reminded us the importance of serving while learning where we can serve best. In Greg Hearn’s two episodes, listeners can learn how God moves people to key leadership positions when they’re not seeking it. Greg agreed to say yes to what was best. He helps guide those he leads as how to be faithful in what God has called them to do. Greg has learned that much of his culture’s upbringing missed the biblical beauty of true relationships with Jesus. Greg wants to live that now, and help people understand the wide variety of opportunities for those wanting to make a difference.


  • In this episode of Next Step Leadership Podcast, Chris and Tracy continue their conversation with Landon Rowell. Landon’s story fits many young leaders. Called to ministry in some way, but not totally sure of what that really means. Sensing a deep desire to make a difference in God’s kingdom, Landon took the right classes and began working in new areas. He has continued learning and adjusting. He has kept a kind and serving heart. He works hard, finishes tasks, and maintains a healthy attitude as he serves. Days don’t need to be wasted. Study. Learn. Listen. Laugh. Experiment. Work hard. Stay humble. Ministry has many ways of serving. Use your gifts and areas of interest. God can guide you right where you are needed.

    The Empty Chair Video: https://youtu.be/QfSpT-vcQdo?si=1_ymVUsrHdYzyVw7


  • Landon Rowell wasn’t on the original schedule to be interviewed by Chris and Tracy. Landon was serving and helping. He was setting everything up for the podcast. What Landon didn’t know was that his story needed to be heard. So instead of just letting him stay “behind the scenes,” Chris and Tracy wanted his story heard. They believe the younger generation of leaders brings a variety of perspectives and talents. They remember Landon’s days as a college student when he was learning not just academic information, but learning about himself. Listen to his story. Learn about yourself. Think about how you are also still learning where you fit, what you’re good at doing, what you’re grieving, and what you can do to shape the future. Not all routes are straight and simple. Sharp turns and new streets are a part of life. Continue serving and helping. Even when you’re not on the screen’s agenda, do your part. During times of hurt and uncertainty, do your part.

    The Empty Chair Video: https://youtu.be/QfSpT-vcQdo?si=1_ymVUsrHdYzyVw7


  • In this episode of Next Step Leadership, Tracy and Chris continue their conversation with Charles Powell. It’s a deep story about life—about a life of wounds and braces and pain. Today’s leaders can only lead correctly when first applying the importance of self-care and deep healing. Dangerous Skills: A Memoir of the Me You Never Knew is the new book Charles has written. On its pages, he reveals years of questions, of conflict, of near death experiences, of tension, and of the search to know God’s plan. Charles could have given up. But he did not. He has endured. And now he invests his energy in helping other people be rescued and find ways to develop their own skills. How can you apply the hopes Charles mentions about finding ways to help people come, learn, grow, and go? How can you have the right friends beside you who will guide you? Who is beside you? How can they have a crucial vote in your life? Your memoir is still being written.


    Dangerous Skills Podcast - https://jaggedrockmedia.podbean.com

    Not In My Town book - https://www.amazon.com/Not-My-Town-Trafficking-Modern-Day/dp/1596693010

  • Charles Powell of LifeSprings and Jagged Rock Media is today’s guest in Next Step Leadership. Chris Maxwell and Tracy Reynolds have known Charles many years and wanted their podcast’s audience to hear his story. Through his work in security, rescuing people from human trafficking, studio production, and writing, Charles helps leaders become better aware of their personal formation. As you listen to his story, hear what Charles said about his upcoming book which reveals deep hurt from his past. The braces may have been removed from his legs, but not from his heart. How do your past wounds influence you? How do those scars impact your behavior, your thoughts, and your relationships? Write down what you learned from the story Charles tells. Include steps you should take to move toward healing. The braces on our legs from the past can still impact how we take steps in life. Instead of covering up our deep wounds, we can identify our masks, know God deeply, and find true healing.


    Dangerous Skills Podcast - https://jaggedrockmedia.podbean.com

    Not In My Town book - https://www.amazon.com/Not-My-Town-Trafficking-Modern-Day/dp/1596693010

  • Chris Maxwell and Tracy Reynolds usually have guests on their weekly podcast Next Step Leadership. Some weeks, like this one, the conversation includes only Chris and Tracy. These two men have known each other for almost two decades. They’ve worked together, served together, and led together. They continue hoping to learn together. Listen as they offer their latest thoughts on serving and leading in today’s uncertain culture. Where are you now? Where are you going in the future? Who is traveling with you? What can you do to reach the goals God has given you? How can you be sure to take consistent steps, and the correct steps, in this season of your life? What are you best at doing? Why are you doing what you’re doing? What are you regularly doing that you should give up? Are you making a difference? Who are you allowing to help you evaluate your life? How do your jobs bring stress? Sit across the table with the right people who will help lead you as you ask those questions and as you lead others.


  • Dr. Chris Green continues as this week’s guest on Next Step Leadership. He again invites listeners to come to the table. Merging the past of Christ’s life and death, and the future life with Christ, he brings the table to our present stories. Through his writing and teaching and arts, Dr. Green provides new thoughts to his tradition. Let his story invite you to a deeper understanding of God’s artwork. Allow his words of scholarly spirituality be practical, real, and valuable. Communication is something machines do. People commune with each other. Refuse to see God as the mechanic. Let God be your artist; let God be your guide. Undo what has held us back in unhealthy ways. Grasp a greater truth of valuable tradition. Write a list of points from his thoughts. Plan to apply what you have learned.


  • Author, clergy, and scholar Chris Green is this week’s guest on Next Step Leadership. Through Dr. Green’s years of ministry in the church, academic, and literature sides of our world, he has learned many lessons of leadership. He thinks deeply and connects with many populations. In this first episode with Tracy and Chris, Dr. Green tells his story of growing up in a church environment. He talks about his calling. He talks about his questions. He talks about lessons learned and wounds being healed. He talks about theology. Listen to his story. Think about his scholarship. What does the Lord’s Supper mean to you? How is Communion a center part of the story? What parts of his narrative relate to you? What can you learn from his preaching, pastoring, and tradition? Receive wisdom from his brilliance and his regular communion with God.


  • Chris and Tracy usually interview guests. Through their episodes, they have enjoyed conversations with a variety of pastors, authors, leaders, professors, and friends. The importance of that last role—friends—is the emphasis Tracy and Chris bring to their audience in this podcast. They have known each other for almost two decades. They have worked together. They have faced storms, uncertainty, vulnerability, and changes. They have chosen to spend time together—in person, through texts, with meals, and in large groups. They have welcomed business meetings and friendship meetings. They have designed a healthy atmosphere. What is their hope? They desire those listening will choose to work hard to develop healthy, long-term relationships. While pains from past relationships can cause initial reluctance to become close friends with others, Tracy and Chris dare today’s leaders to seek help regarding those hurts while intentionally building healthy friendships. How are you doing with that? What should you do about it? Who should be beside you in this journey of life?

  • In this episode of Next Step Leadership Podcast, Tracy Reynolds and Chris Maxwell continue their chat with John R. Miles. Author of the book and host of the podcast, Passion Struck, John knows much about when life faces change. He knows about uncertainty and redirection. He also knows about dreaming big and enduring hopes. His podcast brings many successful guests, each with a unique story and a mix of ideas. As he talks to Tracy and Chris, John tells how he has worked through setbacks and found ways to truly matter in life. John gives his definition for passion, describing the difference between purpose and passion. What is your why? What is the problem you hope to solve in your life and career? He believes the passion is that which motives and inspire you to do the why. He offers advice on overcoming obstacles and knowing true success as winning in your battle with yourself. Listen and ask yourself about your passion and purpose, about how behaviors influence our lives, and about what God wants you to learn from this conversation.


  • Chris and Tracy continue enjoying helpful conversations with their guests in Next Step Leadership. Each podcast brings new thoughts and ideas. In this episode, they talk with John R. Miles. John tells his story—an interesting and diverse career from serving in the military, national security, management consultant, leading cyber security practice, private equity, and to his present career. John hopes to help people transform their lives. Through writing and leading, he is trying to help those who are thinking and feeling the way he previously thought and felt. His book is titled Passion Struck, and his podcast by that name is one of the top podcasts for today’s listeners. John hopes people hear the stories of success while realizing what he has leaned. Success isn’t just determined by wealth and job titles. He had many positions and possessions most people crave, but he knew there was more. Listen to his story and learn what matters most.


  • In their second conversation with author and professor Dr. Jen Bennet, Tracy and Chris believe all listeners will value greatly from her wisdom. Her years of serving in the academic world, her great advice on online ministry and marketing, her willingness to move geographically and accept change, and her battle with their house burning down are all narratives today's leaders need to here. Each change was difficult. But important. Each transition brought challenges. But also lessons.

    Readers often forget the great work God can do through our seasons of pain and questions. Are you in that season now? Are you receiving God’s peace even when so much seems to be going wrong?

    Listen to Jen. Women in ministry need to hear from her. All who face uncertainty need to hear from her. Every leader hoping to lead like Christ needs to learn from her. Her story and her areas of expertise bring the ideal information for us all.
